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The actual installation of concrete footings varies greatly from job to job.

Sometimes footings need to be

formed, many times earth forming works fine (using the Backhoe bucket to neatly excavate the footing size
in the soil). The need for formwork in footings sometimes depends on the building pad elevation, as
discussed above.

The rebar placement in the concrete footing stage generally will be required to be inspected by the local
building official. Its important the proper clearances are available (3 from earth, 1 from forms, etc.) in
order to provide protection for the rebar from future corrosion. Its also important to tie the rebar securely,
due to all the jostling and pushing that happens during footing concrete placement. The rebar needs to be in
the specified locations, not only before the concrete is poured, but after.

The concrete placement of footing again varies greatly depending on the project circumstances. Sometimes
the Ready Mix Concrete truck can run along the footing trench and chute concrete directly into the footings.
Other times concrete buggies or wheel barrows need to carry the concrete from the truck to the footing. Of
course, some projects use concrete pumps for transporting the concrete to the foundations.

Before the concrete placement starts, the construction supervisor should discuss some contingencies with
the concrete foreman. For example, what happens if the there is a plant shut down and the concrete trucks
stop coming? What route through the site may the concrete trucks use? Will this change in foul weather?
Where does any extra concrete from a truck get placed? Where may Ready Mix concrete trucks wash out
their mixers and chutes?

The construction supervisor should be especially vigilant about the concrete footings. The method of layout
should be approved and verified. The concrete foreman should describe how he will get the top of footings at
the correct elevation. When earth forming is used, there are too many cases when concrete footing
elevations are too high or too low.

There are several ways to make sure the footings are installed correctly (temporary rebar grade stakes that
get pounded down into the wet concrete after grade is set, wet benching with a laser level and establishing
acceptable grade benches, or several other options). The construction supervisor doesnt need to specify the
method used, but does need to understand it and agree that the proposed method will achieve acceptable
results. Its also valuable to wander by during the first few concrete footing placements and verify that the
proposed method is actually being appropriately followed.
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