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US 20120033977A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0033977 A1
Yang (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 9, 2012

(54) OPTICAL RELAYING R-TYPE AND GR-TYPE Publication Classi?cation

H04B 10/12 (2006.01)
. G08B 17/00 (2006.01)
(76) Inventor. Jong Suck Yang, Seoul (KR) H04B 10/16 (200601)
(52) US. Cl. ...................................................... .. 398/115
(21) Appl. No.: 13/258,752 (57) ABSTRACT
_ Some embodiments of R/GR type ?re alarm control system
(22) PCT Flled? APr- 8 2010 according to the invention comprises a plurality of detectors/
transmitters for issuing alarm signals, a plurality of ?re safety
equipments for operating under control signals, a plurality of
(86) PCT NO" PCT/KR2010/002172 optical repeaters and an R/GR type ?re alarm control panel.
The optical repeaters are connected to each other in daisy
371 (0X1 ) chain and connected to the plurality of the detectors/transmit
(2), (4) Date? seP- 22: 2011 ters and the ?re safety equipments, optically transmits the
alarm signals upwardly and optically transmits the control
_ _ _ _ _ signals doWnWardly, and are capable of electrically transact
(30) Forelgn Apphcatlon Pnonty Data ing the alarm signals With respect to the detectors/transmitters
and the control signals With respect to the ?re safety equip
Nov. 18, 2009 (KR) ...................... .. 10-2009-0111246 mems_ The R/GR type ?re alarm Control panel receives the
NOV- 18, 2009 (KR) - - - - - - - - -- 10-2009-0111252 alarm signals from one of the optical repeaters and transmits
Jan. 20, 2010 (KR) ...................... .. 10-2010-0005074 the control signals to one of the optical repeaters.

r H 1 [J5 12b
downstream signal path
' Optical
110 port
314 IIl . upstream .
\_ \ Signal Dam detectorltransmltlel
12a Optical ( D 14
Control ,1 Network Opemnliun Repeater
Center N interface Cummer "mm" laaf 15
1 i 1 fire safely equipment
i 2 Optical (D 14
Indicator/v1 l 3 13b/ Repeater T5
H type Fire alarm control panel
t lire safely equipment

0 i

Optical 14
inf Repeater (D 15
lire safety equipment
Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 1 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 1]
Q n
115 12b
r k
1H H downstream signal path
1/0 port
1 4 1i
1\_ I upstream y deteclnrltiansmi?er
,.\\ \__\ signal path
1 2a Optical ( > 14
Control Network Operanliun Repeater t5
Center N lnterface c 0mm I8' 4 "Ml" 1351f
1 i- lire safety equipment

1y detector/transmitter
H3 H2 Optical 14
mb/ Repeater 5
1 fire safety equipment
H type Ftre alarm control panel
\ I v

Optical 14
wnf Repeater CD 15
fire safety equipment

[Figure 2]
1 12a N 12b 3
smnarlwmizzzslgf F136
ups ream
Optlcal Omcal
133\-/\ Output Input J
135 137 538
I +
- tire safety
1 repeating l/O comic animal-B equipment
132 d \1 controller port +
1 dete stun
i { alarm signal 6
lran s mlttor

131 /\
Input 0mm x

1% N 12a N 12b
[Figure 3]
u N 12a N 12!) 13
ups eam

W36 H
Optical Optical J
133~/\ Output Input
135 137 138
r-J ,_J J
+ .
fire safety
on rolsi "at-9
repeating U0 _ g equlpmont
J E controller __ D0" + d l I
I 9 9C or
; 81811 signal trnnsmltter

Optical Optical
131 p lnpul Output \

1% /\/ 123
1% 34
N 12b
Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 2 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 41
T25 /\/ N 1 2D

unstreamT downstream J7
Optical O piical
1 Output Input

+ ?le safely
comm! slgnal_> .
repeating _ eqmpmem
1 32 (:oniwller +
alarm si nal <1 detector!
_ g transmitter

131 Ou'tpm

[Figure 5]
Tx Optical Downsileam
> _9
H/GR type OUtDUi 3 Sigma! Path
?ro alarm
control Dane!
a Unstream
SEgnaI Path


6 Q: U) E - <r E E E
g ._ _. a: ,2 w E g g 3 :2 2
E a


= = E 3 = 3
E g :u 0 2 a:
g >-. 5 2* "S a
2 3'} E g B 2
as u a: w _ Q U _ C
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I. i.

RS485/ RS42

UDSGHI Dslagnml 63a/

asb/ 63n/

m Interfac
Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 3 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 7]
upstr a m 12a N 2b 63

signalTWwni$?$W [-636
e m
Op?cal O N ?
633~? Output :92? J
635 638

s 1 .3 m
63 2'~/ __II i
Rx Hepeate!
: ~ : 1 W _E.
L E __i Tx~

Oplical Optical
631 p input Outpul \

N 32a
i, N 12b
lFlgure 8]
N 123 m 32b 53
T downstream
Optical Optical
633 Output lnpul

Rx- l H
632 TX+ Sneaker


N 123 lN T2!)
lFlgure 9]
s13 61 611

T). I Dcwnstmam
H/GH type Tx- 8 Sigma! Path
?m aiarm H
coniroi panel
Rm. 5 Ups?sam
RX- 8 Signal Path
Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 4 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 101

1 ODICEI Ontlca] Onlcal
*-R"ep ater -R'ep ater
1 q i g g
- 2 '
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1 o g 8
E1 8 N
.5 5
g zE _o

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_ E E
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i .1, m
3 E L:
i u - a
o g c
*2 2
z E

2 _
E 5
<.> u

lFlgure 111
N 12a N 12b
lIDSiIBHITI downstream 1039
signal T signal K1034 \
Isl Opticai ZPdOpfical J ( conh'oi
Ouwul Input
1033 - p port port 3rd signal

1035 ,_ /
1037 l 3215:: port

1032/ : cnnlroller
E alarm
3rd signal
I Input
15! 0pm 2ndOptical W1
Innul Outnut
'IOQIMF part per! \
\ 3
if @X
/\_/ 12a
l1 %X 036
/\_, 12b
Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 5 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 12]
N 12a
upglream N 12b

signal "53234, W K1034 10:19

_/ ( conirol
max/N Dori port 3rd 5 signal
was 1037 0m, 8

1' 1 12b
I t repeating
i032/ \! controller
I I 1

L _________ _.- L ___ "___w_ J a ,


3rd signal
151 Optical 2nd Optica W"
Input Output
m3] N/N port non \ K 12a
\ I
N !2a %\
A, 12b
l Flg ure 1 3]
"D5 ream downsire
Samar swig} i7 W I034 Gig
r zniemica
npu J < t I
con re
1033 - p port 3rd signal
1035 1037 0mm" 8
I H _ _ ' - _ _ _1
[J I
I E d l m; ' i2b
~II Adiustment
Circuit OF {I | repealing
I032-/ I Encoder : : controller
L r I
'- J
a arm
3rd I signal
1 st Oplical 2nd Opiica no"
I i Output
IO31*/\ 35?; port ( 12a
\ 1
r%\ 1,
[Figure 14]
015 30151

TXE E Downstream
H/GH WW 8 Signal Palh
fire alarm
cnnlml panel
QR) S a Upslream
Signal Pa'th

Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 6 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 15]
E260I.S~ign: $20
052 3


lv mm: mm
.1 IV52.5w:
\| \
$6Q52: "20a6:2. 2E9:w.c A5.?3.i1lm
2 iv mw

HE0u2zn0OWll.S5E.\\3905:c awe@Av
18.53:9ma? 2
Emea z Emai

m2. O::on

I m:3:.x8)65 Ec2EE15a:0mEbn

w: / a
5: 0
{Figure 16]

HIGH tyne Tw S B Signai Path
?re alarm
control nanel
S a SEgnal Path
Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 7 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

Oven-1m Marita
HNetworWkFInterfac HmHtpcaolyntpreoml

Contrl Centr
[Figure 18]
signal Tl/dnwmtrmm

% 173
1152 m _ idovxgiean

repeal; Bum-em
cunlmller dmm/
mam $111181 < Imnsnllinr

Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 8 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 20]


17! 1735 17 36
l '
I <3-\_
circull | 19.2mm
- V0
c?mw n|->"""'"
_ m enubmem
: controller nun + deleclor/
_ aarm slmal emansrmter
.. .. ...| '



signd Tldcwmtnram

[Figure 21]

i @
Tx % unsh'eam
R/GR tyne slows!
?re alarm (>
control mane]

[Figure 22]

L29 14

Contmi Dentel
Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 9 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 23]
upstream N domstream
signal signal

2232 it downstream

223?. _l 2234 2235

I 1 | 1 9
l 1 I 1 yo I?
: i : : D0 + repeater
l I g _| RX 5
|_______| |_______| '



[ Flg u re 24]
upstream downstream
signai signal

Ad! stm
clrluh 3: V0 7* ' >
encoder ' Iepeater
not! RX 5

upstream Tl downstream
signal sigwal

(Figure 25]

HIGH type
Ilre alarm (->
comm! Danel
Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 10 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 26]

upstream downstream
signal sigqal
Patent Application Publication Feb. 9, 2012 Sheet 11 0f 11 US 2012/0033977 A1

[Figure 28]
Lpstrearn Ti downstream
signal signal

I dovmstream
ciownstream ' :3
reneallng upstream
commler signal



signal simal

l Flg u re 2 9]
upstream downstream
sig'lal ' signal


263M downstream
1 signal
uZjBG down
263; _ 2334 2335 dovmstream 319$
T:>__. ..____t |.._-..._(:,/ /"/ signal -
rcu r
:l Anillusliltnem ;
: | I dii?m
: : mam '" I -'(-
r | l I mm'm' signal
|.____ _ _ _ _ _._|
| 1I............__iI _| .

I upgtrearn

T N 2631

sig'lai signal
US 2012/0033977 A1 Feb. 9, 2012

OPTICAL RELAYING R-TYPE AND GR-TYPE practically considered as a formal requirement to get a permit
RECEIVER SYSTEM on the completion of a building.

Technical Problem
[0001] The present invention relates to a ?re alarm control
[0007] The present invention may provide a novel R/GR
system. More particularly, the present invention R type and type ?re alarm control system overcoming limitations of
GR type ?re alarm control systems.
communication length and the number of repeaters to be
connected in conventional R/GR type ?re alarm control sys
[0008] Furthermore, the present invention may provide
[0002] National Fire Safety Criterion (NFSC) in Korea is more reliable R/GR type ?re alarm control system issuing
regulations Which prescribe various speci?cations With much less false alarms.
regard to ?re safety facilities. For example, NFSC rule 203
?re safety standard for automated ?re detection facilities Technical Solution
regulates mandatory conditions for an automated ?re detec
tion facility of a building. [0009] Example embodiments of the present invention pro
vide an optical signal converter, connecting betWeen multiple
[0003] According to NFSC rule 203, a detector is de?ned as detectors/transmitters or ?re safety equipments and an R/GR
a device capable of detecting ?re by itself to send alarm to a type ?re alarm control panel such that the optical signal
control panel, and a transmitter is de?ned as a device for a
converters be coupled in daisy-chain, the optical signal con
person Who recogniZes a ?re to report. P type class 1 trans verter comprising:
mitter, among various transmitters, has a push button and a [0010] an upstream signal path for electrically combining
lamp for the person Who activates it to ascertain its operation, an electric signal, electrically converted from an optical sig
With telephone circuitry betWeen the transmitter and the ?re nal optically received from a next optical converter connected
alarm control panel, While P type class 2 transmitter has a in daisy-chain, and an alarm signal, originated from at least
push button Without telephone function. Fire alarm control one of the multiple detectors/transmitters, so as to output a
panels are classi?ed as P type, R type, M type, GP type, GR optical signal optically converted from the electrically com
type. R type and GR type control panels are capable of receiv bined signal;
ing respective alarm signals from a plurality of detectors or [0011] a doWnstream signal path for electrically converting
transmitters (for more than 100 pieces of repeaters), Which an optical signal optically received from a previous optical
are equivalent of more than 100 repeaters, and of notifying the converter connected in daisy-chain, and then for optically
concerned authorities. R type and GR type control panels are reconverting the electrically converted signal so as to output
needed to easily identify installed location of the activated the optical signal; and
detectors or transmitters, therefore each of detectors or trans [0012] an I/O port for providing the alarm signal received
mitters may have its oWn identi?er. For a large scale building from at least one of the multiple detectors/transmitters to the
or complex, it is irrational to directly connect thousands of upstream signal path and for externally outputting the elec
detectors or transmitters to a central ?re alarm control panel, trically converted signal from the doWnstream signal path,
such that the regulation requires a repeater to receive alarm [0013] Wherein the optical signal passing through the
signals (including identi?ers) from each of detectors or trans upstream signal path is eventually destined to the R/GR type
mitters then to relay the alarm signals to the ?re alarm control ?re alarm control panel through the daisy-chain, and Wherein
panel or another repeater. the optical signal passing through the doWnstream signal path
[0004] Repeater is a device Which delivers signals caused is originated from the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel.
by activation of a detector or a transmitter to a ?re alarm [0014] Advantageously, the upstream signal path com
control panel, and control signals for smoke ventilation sys prises:
tem or varying ?re extinguishing facilities. Thus, repeaters [0015] a ?rst optical input port for producing the electric
necessarily have input channel from a ?re alarm control panel signal electrically converted from the optical signal from the
and output channel to the ?re alarm control panel. next optical signal converter connected in daisy-chain;
[0005] Conventional R type and GR type ?re alarm control [0016] an upstream branch for combining the electric sig
system utiliZes RS 485 or RS 422 speci?cation for connecting nal from the ?rst optical input port and the alarm signal
several repeaters to an R/GR type ?re alarm control panel. RS originated from the detectors/transmitters, so as to produce
485/422 speci?cation may provide differential communica the electrically combined signal; and
tion netWork, Within 1 km length more or less, for up to 127 or [0017] a ?rst optical output port for producing the optical
255 repeaters in case of multi-drop connections. Generally, signal optically converted from the electrically combined
one R/GR type ?re alarm control system may cover one signal from the upstream branch.
moderate building. But, conventional R/GR type ?re alarm [0018] Advantageously, the upstream branch comprises a
control system is not suitable to construct an integrated ?re Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the ?rst optical
control system for a residence complex or a college campus, input port and a conductive line carrying the alarm signal
as Well as a skyscraper. from the I/O port.
[0006] Actually, ?re surveillance systems constructed With [0019] Advantageously, the upstream branch comprises an
RS485/422 Wiring suffer frequent false alarms and malfunc adjustment circuit for delaying one of the electric signal from
tions, causing janitors of the buildings to turn off and neglect the ?rst optical input port and the alarm signal from the
the surveillance systems. OWing to habitual constructions of detectors/transmitters When those tWo signals arrive simulta
poorly performing ?re surveillance system, the system is neously, so as to sequentially output those tWo signals.
US 2012/0033977 A1 Feb. 9, 2012

[0020] Advantageously, the upstream branch comprises a the optical signal passing through the doWnstream signal path
packet encoder for encoding a combined packet When the is originated from the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel.
electric signal from the ?rst optical input port and the alarm [0036] In example embodiment, the upstream signal path
signal from the detectors/transmitters arrive simultaneously. comprises:
[0021] Advantageously, the I/O port comprises: [0037] a ?rst optical input port for producing the electric
[0022] an input port for receiving a differential alarm signal signal electrically converted from the optical signal from the
satisfying RS485 or RS422 speci?cation or a DC 24 V alarm next optical signal converter connected in daisy-chain;
signal from the detectors/transmitters, and for converting to a [0038] an upstream branch for combining the electric sig
single-ended alarm signal to be provided to the upstream nal from the ?rst optical input port and the alarm signal
signal path; and originated from the detectors/transmitters, so as to produce
[0023] an output port for converting the electrically con the electrically combined signal; and
verted signal from the doWnstream signal path to a differential [0039] a ?rst optical output port for producing the optical
signal satisfying RS485 or RS422 speci?cation or a DC 24 V signal optically converted from the electrically combined
signal to be output externally. signal from the upstream branch.
[0024] Advantageously, the doWnstream signal path com [0040] In example embodiment, the upstream branch com
prises: prises a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the ?rst
optical input port and a conductive line carrying the alarm
[0025] a second optical input port for producing the elec signal from the I/O port.
trically converted signal from the optical signal optically
received from a previous optical converter connected in [0041] In example embodiment, the upstream branch car
ries the electric signal from the ?rst optical input port to the
daisy-chain; and repeating controller and carries the electric signal, Which is
[0026] a doWnstream branch for forking the electrically combined With the alarm signal from the repeating controller,
converted signal from the second optical input port to the I/O to the ?rst optical output port.
port and a second optical output port,
[0042] In example embodiment, the upstream branch com
[0027] Wherein the second optical output port optically prises an adjustment circuit for delaying one of the electric
converts the electrically converted signal from the doWn signal from the ?rst optical input port and the alarm signal
stream branch to be output externally. from the detectors/transmitters When those tWo signals arrive
[0028] Advantageously, the doWnstream branch comprises simultaneously, so as to sequentially output those tWo signals.
a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the second [0043] In example embodiment, the upstream branch com
optical input port and a conductive line to the I/O port. prises a packet encoder for encoding a combined packet When
[0029] Advantageously, the doWnstream branch comprises the electric signal from the ?rst optical input port and the
a detection circuit for detecting a control signal in the elec alarm signal from the detectors/transmitters arrive simulta
trically converted signal from the second optical input port to neously.
be transmitted to one of the ?re safety equipments, and for [0044] In example embodiment, the doWnstream signal
outputting the control signal to the I/O port. path comprises:
[0030] Further example embodiments of the present inven [0045] a second optical input port for producing the elec
tion provide an optical signal repeater, connecting betWeen trically converted signal from the optical signal optically
multiple detectors/transmitters or ?re safety equipments and received from a previous optical converter connected in
an R/GR type ?re alarm control panel With optical cables in daisy-chain; and
daisy-chain, comprising: [0046] a doWnstream branch for forking the electrically
[0031] an upstream signal path for electrically combining converted signal from the second optical input port to the
an electric signal, electrically converted from an optical sig repeating controller and a second optical output port,
nal optically received from a next optical converter connected [0047] Wherein the second optical output port optically
in daisy-chain, and an alarm signal, originated from at least converts the electrically converted signal from the doWn
one of the multiple detectors/transmitters, so as to output a stream branch to be output externally.
optical signal optically converted from the electrically com [0048] In example embodiment, the doWnstream branch
bined signal; comprises a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the
[0032] a doWnstream signal path for electrically converting second optical input port and a conductive line to the repeat
an optical signal optically received from a previous optical ing controller.
converter connected in daisy-chain, and then for optically [0049] In example embodiment, the doWnstream branch
reconverting the electrically converted signal so as to output comprises a detection circuit for detecting a control signal in
the optical signal; and the electrically converted signal from the second optical input
[0033] a repeating controller for providing the alarm signal port to be transmitted to one of the ?re safety equipments, and
from an I/O port to the upstream signal path and for extracting for outputting the control signal to the repeating controller.
a control signal in the electric signal from the doWnstream [0050] Further example embodiments of the present inven
signal path to be transmitted to the I/O port, tion provide an R/GR type ?re alarm control system compris
[0034] Wherein the I/O port provides the alarm signal mg:
received from at least one of the multiple detectors/transmit [0051] a plurality of detectors/transmitters for issuing
ters to the upstream signal path and for externally outputting alarm signals;
the control signal to corresponding ?re safety equipments, [0052] a plurality of ?re safety equipments for operating
and under control signals;
[0035] Wherein the optical signal passing through the [0053] a plurality of repeaters connected to the plurality of
upstream signal path is eventually destined to the R/GR type detectors/transmitters and the plurality of ?re safety equip
?re alarm control panel through the daisy-chain, and Wherein ments;
US 2012/0033977 A1 Feb. 9, 2012

[0054] a plurality of optical converts, connected to each [0067] In example embodiment, the upstream signal path
other in daisy-chain, for optically transmitting the alarm sig comprises:
nals upwardly and optically transmitting the control signals [0068] a ?rst optical input port for producing a ?rst
doWnWardly, and capable of electrically transacting the alarm upstream electric signal electrically converted from the ?rst
signals and the control signals With respect to the plurality of upstream signal, Which is optically received from a next
the repeaters; and 3-Way optical repeater connected in daisy-chain;
[0055] an R/GR type ?re alarm control panel for receiving [0069] an upstream branch for combining the ?rst upstream
the alarm signals from one of the optical converters and for electric signal from the ?rst optical input port and the alarm
transmitting the control signals to one of the optical convert signal originated from the detectors/transmitters, so as to
ers. produce the second upstream electric signal; and
[0056] In example embodiment, the R/GR type ?re alarm [0070] a ?rst optical output port for producing the second
control panel system further comprises a single port optical upstream signal optically converted from the second
converter optically coupled to the one of the optical convert upstream electric signal outputted from the up stream branch.
ers and electrically coupled to the R/GR type ?re alarm con [0071] In example embodiment, the upstream branch com
trol panel. prises a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the ?rst
[0057] Another example embodiment of the present inven optical input port and a conductive line carrying the alarm
tion provides an R/GR type ?re alarm control system com signal on from the optical I/O port.
prising: [0072] In example embodiment, the upstream branch com
[0058] a plurality of detectors/transmitters for issuing prises an adjustment circuit for delaying one of the ?rst
alarm signals; upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical input port and
[0059] a plurality of ?re safety equipments for operating the alarm signal from the detectors/transmitters When those
under control signals; tWo signals arrive simultaneously, so as to sequentially output
[0060] a plurality of optical repeaters, connected to each those tWo signals.
other in daisy-chain and connected to the plurality of the [0073] In example embodiment, the upstream branch com
detectors/transmitters and the ?re safety equipments, for opti prises a packet encoder for encoding a combined packet When
cally transmitting the alarm signals upWardly and optically the ?rst upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical input
transmitting the control signals doWnWardly, and capable of port and the alarm signal from the detectors/transmitters
electrically transacting the alarm signals With respect to the arrive simultaneously.
detectors/transmitters and the control signals With respect to [0074] In example embodiment, the doWnstream signal
the ?re safety equipments; and path comprises:
[0061] an R/GR type ?re alarm control panel for receiving [0075] a second optical input port for producing a ?rst
the alarm signals from one of the optical repeaters and for doWnstream electrical signal from the ?rst doWnstream signal
transmitting the control signals to one of the optical repeaters. optically received from a previous 3-Way optical repeater
[0062] In example embodiment, the R/GR type ?re alarm connected in daisy-chain; and
control panel system further comprises a single port optical [0076] a doWnstream branch for forking the ?rst doWn
converter optically coupled to the one of the optical repeaters stream electrical signal from the second optical input port to
and electrically coupled to the R/GR type ?re alarm control the optical I/O port and a second optical output port,
panel. [0077] Wherein the second optical output port optically
[0063] Yet another example embodiment of the present converts the ?rst doWnstream electrical signal from the doWn
invention provides a 3-Way optical repeater, connecting stream branch to be output externally.
betWeen multiple detectors/transmitters or ?re safety equip [0078] In example embodiment, the doWnstream branch
ments and an R/GR type ?re alarm control panel With optical comprises a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the
cables in daisy-chain, comprising: second optical input port and a conductive line to the optical
[0064] an upstream signal path for optically receiving a ?rst I/O port.
upstream signal, Which is eventually destined to the R/GR [0079] In example embodiment, the doWnstream branch
type ?re alarm control panel, electrically converting the ?rst comprises a detection circuit for detecting a control signal in
upstream signal, electrically combining the converted ?rst the ?rst doWnstream electrical signal from the second optical
upstream signal With an alarm signal originated from at least input port to be transmitted to one of the ?re safety equip
one of the detectors/transmitters to yield a second upstream ments, and for outputting the control signal to the optical I/O
signal, and optically outputting the second upstream signal; port.
[0065] a doWnstream signal path for optically receiving a [0080] An embodiment of the present invention provides a
?rst doWnstream signal, Which, originating from the R/GR 3-Way optical repeater, connecting betWeen multiple detec
type ?re alarm control panel, is eventually destined to the at tors/transmitters or ?re safety equipments and an R/GR type
least one of the ?re safety equipments, electrically converting ?re alarm control panel With optical cables in daisy-chain,
the ?rst doWnstream signal, extracting a control signal for the comprising:
at least one of the ?re safety equipments, and for optically [0081] a ?rst optical input port for optically receiving a ?rst
outputting the ?rst doWnstream signal after the extraction; signal from a ?rst 3-Way optical repeater connected in daisy
and chain;
[0066] an optical I/O port for electrically converting an [0082] a ?rst optical output port for optically outputting a
alarm signal, Which, originating at the detectors/transmitters, second signal to a second 3-Way optical repeater connected in
is optically provided, to be provided to the upstream signal daisy-chain;
path, and for optically outputting the control signal extracted [0083] a second optical input port for optically receiving a
at the doWnstream signal path. third signal from the second 3-Way optical repeater;
US 2012/0033977 A1 Feb. 9, 2012

[0084] a second optical output port for optically outputting nal, and for outputting the combined upstream optical signal
a fourth signal to the ?rst 3-Way optical repeater; to the previous optical signal converter;
[0085] a third optical input port for optically receiving an [0098] a upstream branch for electrically combining the
alarm signal eventually destined to the R/GR type ?re alarm upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical module and the
control panel; alarm signal originated from the detectors/transmitters, so as
[0086] a third optical output port for optically outputting a to produce the combined upstream electric signal; and
control signal eventually destined to one of the ?re safety [0099] a doWnstream branch for providing the doWnstream
equipments; and electric signal from the second optical module to an I/O port
[0087] a relaying part for electrically receiving the ?rst and the ?rst optical module,
signal and the alarm signal, Which are optically received from [0100] Wherein the I/O port provides the alarm signal
respectively the ?rst optical input port and the third optical received from the detectors/transmitters to the upstream
input port and electrically converted, so as to electrically branch and for externally outputting the doWnstream electric
produce the second signal to be provided to the ?rst optical signal.
output port, for electrically receiving the third signal, Which is [0101] In example embodiment, the upstream branch com
optically received from the second optical input port and is prises a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the ?rst
electrically converted, so as to extract the control signal from optical module and a conductive line carrying the alarm sig
the third signal to provided to the third optical output port, and nal from the I/O port.
for producing the fourth signal, based on the third signal, to [0102] In example embodiment, the upstream branch com
the second optical output port, so as to deliver the fourth prises an adjustment circuit for delaying one of the upstream
signal to the ?rst 3-Way optical repeater. electric signal from the ?rst optical module and the alarm
[0088] Another embodiment of the present invention pro signal from the detectors/transmitters When those tWo signals
vides an R/GR type ?re alarm control system comprising: arrive simultaneously, so as to sequentially output those tWo
[0089] a plurality of detectors/transmitters for issuing signals.
alarm signals; [0103] In example embodiment, the upstream branch com
[0090] a plurality of ?re safety equipments for operating prises a packet encoder for encoding a combined packet to be
under control signals; outputted as the combined upstream electric signal, When the
[0091] a plurality of 3-Way optical repeaters, connected to upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical module and the
each other in daisy chain through optical cables, for optically alarm signal from the detectors/transmitters arrive simulta
transmitting the alarm signals upwardly and for optically neously.
transmitting the control signals doWnWardly; [0104] In example embodiment, the I/O port comprises:
[0092] a plurality of 2-Way optical repeaters, connected to [0105] an input port for receiving a differential alarm signal
the respective 3-Way optical repeater and connected to the satisfying RS485 or RS422 speci?cation or a DC 24 V alarm
each other in daisy-chain through optical cables, among the signal, from the detectors/transmitters, and for converting to
plurality of detectors/transmitters or the plurality of ?re a single-ended alarm signal to be provided to the upstream
safety equipments, for optically transmitting the alarm sig branch; and
nals to a correspondingly connected 3-Way optical repeater, [0106] an output port for converting the doWnstream elec
and for optically transmitting the control signals to a corre trical signal to a differential signal satisfying RS485 or RS422
spondingly connected 3-Way optical repeater; and speci?cation or a DC 24 V signal to be output externally.
[0093] an R/GR type ?re alarm control panel for electri [0107] In example embodiment, the doWnstream branch
cally or optically receiving the alarm signals from one of the comprises a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the
3-Way optical repeaters and for electrically or optically trans second optical module and a conductive line to the I/O port.
mitting the control signals to one of the 3-Way optical repeat [0108] In example embodiment, the doWnstream branch
ers. comprises a detection circuit for detecting a control signal in
[0094] In example embodiment, the R/GR type ?re alarm the doWnstream electric signal from the second optical mod
control panel system further comprises a single port optical ule to be transmitted to one of the ?re safety equipments, and
converter optically coupled to the one of the 3-Way optical for outputting the control signal to the I/O port.
repeaters and electrically coupled to the R/GR type ?re alarm [0109] Further embodiments of the present invention pro
control panel. vide an optical repeater, connecting betWeen multiple detec
[0095] Yet another embodiment of the invention provides tors/transmitters or ?re safety equipments and an R/GR type
an optical signal converter, connecting betWeen multiple ?re alarm control panel in daisy-chain using optical cables,
detectors/transmitters or ?re safety equipments and an R/GR comprising:
type ?re alarm control panel in daisy-chain using optical [0110] a ?rst optical module for receiving an upstream
cables, the optical signal converter comprising: optical signal from a next optical repeater connected in daisy
[0096] a ?rst optical module for receiving an upstream chain to be converted into an upstream electric signal, for
optical signal from a next optical signal converter connected receiving a doWnstream electric signal to be converted into a
in daisy-chain to be converted into an upstream electric sig doWnstream optical signal, and for outputting the doWn
nal, for receiving a doWnstream electric signal to be converted stream optical signal to the next optical repeater;
into a doWnstream optical signal, and for outputting the [0111] a second optical module for receiving the doWn
doWnstream optical signal to the next optical signal converter; stream optical signal from a previous optical repeater con
[0097] a second optical module for receiving the doWn nected in daisy-chain to be converted into the doWnstream
stream optical signal from a previous optical signal converter electric signal, for receiving a combined upstream electric
connected in daisy-chain to be converted into the doWnstream signal to be converted into a combined upstream optical sig
electric signal, for receiving a combined upstream electric nal, and for outputting the combined upstream optical signal
signal to be converted into a combined upstream optical sig to the previous optical repeater;
US 2012/0033977 A1 Feb. 9, 2012

[0112] a upstream branch for electrically combining the nal, and for outputting the combined upstream optical signal
upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical module and the to the previous optical repeater;
alarm signal originated from the detectors/transmitters, so as [0127] a upstream branch for electrically combining the
to produce the combined upstream electric signal; upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical module and the
[0113] a doWnstream branch for providing the doWnstream alarm signal originated from the detectors/transmitters, so as
electric signal from the second optical module to a repeating to produce the combined upstream electric signal;
controller and the ?rst optical module; and [0128] a doWnstream branch for providing the doWnstream
[0114] a repeating controller for providing the received electric signal from the second optical module to a repeating
alarm signal to the upstream branch, and for extracting a controller and the ?rst optical module;
control signal from the doWnstream electric signal; and [0129] a repeating controller for providing the received
[0115] an I/O port for providing the alarm signal received alarm signal to the upstream branch, and for extracting a
from the detectors/transmitters to the repeating controller, control signal from the doWnstream electric signal; and
and for externally outputting the control signal provided from [0130] a third optical module for optically receiving the
the repeating controller. alarm signal originated from the detectors/transmitters, for
[0116] In example embodiments, the upstream branch electrically converting the alarm signal to be provided to the
delivers the upstream electric signal outputted from the ?rst repeating controller, and for externally outputting the control
optical module to the repeating controller and delivers the signal provided from the repeating controller.
combined upstream electric signal received from the repeat [0131] In example embodiments, the upstream branch
ing controller to the second optical module, and comprises a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the
?rst optical module and a conductive line carrying the alarm
[0117] the repeating controller is con?gured to combine the
signal from the repeating controller.
alarm signal and the upstream electric signal to produce the
combined upstream electric signal. [0132] the upstream branch delivers the upstream electric
signal outputted from the ?rst optical module to the repeating
[0118] In example embodiments, the upstream branch controller and delivers the combined upstream electric signal
comprises an adjustment circuit for delaying one of the received from the repeating controller to the second optical
upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical module and the
module, and
alarm signal from the detectors/transmitters When those tWo
[0133] In example embodiments, the repeating controller is
signals arrive simultaneously, so as to sequentially output con?gured to combine the alarm signal and the upstream
those tWo signals. electric signal to produce the combined upstream electric
[0119] In example embodiments, the upstream branch signal.
comprises a packet encoder for encoding a combined packet, [0134] In example embodiments, the upstream branch
When the upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical mod comprises an adjustment circuit for delaying one of the
ule and the alarm signal from the detectors/transmitters arrive upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical module and the
simultaneously. alarm signal from the detectors/transmitters When those tWo
[0120] In example embodiments, the doWnstream branch signals arrive simultaneously, so as to sequentially output
comprises a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the those tWo signals.
second optical module and a conductive line to the repeating [0135] In example embodiments, the upstream branch
controller. comprises a packet encoder for encoding a combined packet,
[0121] In example embodiments, the I/O port comprises: When the upstream electric signal from the ?rst optical mod
[0122] an input port for receiving a differential alarm signal ule and the alarm signal from the detectors/transmitters arrive
satisfying RS485 or RS422 speci?cation or a DC 24 V alarm simultaneously.
signal, from the detectors/transmitters, and for converting to [0136] In example embodiments, the doWnstream branch
a single-ended alarm signal to be provided to the repeating comprises a Wire tap coupling an output conductive line of the
controller; and second optical module and a conductive line to the repeating
[0123] an output port for converting the control signal from controller.
the repeating controller into a differential signal satisfying
RS485 or RS422 speci?cation or a DC 24 V signal to be Advantageous Effects
output extemally. [0137] According to the present invention, a novel R/GR
[0124] Embodiments of the present invention may provide type ?re alarm control system may communicate farther and
an optical repeater, connecting betWeen multiple detectors/ faster, and connect up to 65535 repeaters With integrity, such
transmitters or ?re safety equipments and an R/GR type ?re that a ?re alarm control system can be constructed for an
alarm control panel in daisy-chain using optical cables, com entire building, as Well as for a complex or a skyscraper, With
prising: one R/GR type ?re alarm control panel.
[0125] a ?rst optical module for receiving an upstream [0138] According to the present invention, a novel R/GR
optical signal from a next optical converter connected in type ?re alarm control system may expand affordable capac
daisy-chain to be converted into an upstream electric signal, ity using already installed detectors and transmitters.
for receiving a doWnstream electric signal to be converted [0139] Furthermore, according to embodiments of the
into a doWnstream optical signal, and for outputting the present invention may provide reliable R/GR type ?re alarm
doWnstream optical signal to the next optical repeater; control system With much less error rate.
[0126] a second optical module for receiving the doWn
stream optical signal from a previous optical converter con DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
nected in daisy-chain to be converted into the doWnstream [0140] FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an R/GR type
electric signal, for receiving a combined upstream electric optically repeating ?re alarm control system according to an
signal to be converted into a combined upstream optical sig embodiment of the present invention.
US 2012/0033977 A1 Feb. 9, 2012

[0141] FIGS. 2 to 4 are block diagrams illustrating 2-Way ing ?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of
optical repeaters available for an R/GR type optically repeat the present invention of FIG. 26.
ing ?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of
the present invention of FIG. 1. MODE FOR INVENTION
[0142] FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating an optical
converting port available for an R/GR type optically repeating [0159] The invention is described more fully hereinafter
?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of the With reference to the accompanying draWings, in Which
present invention of FIG. 1. embodiments of the invention are shoWn. This invention may,
[0143] FIG. 6 is a block diagram illustrating an R/GR type hoWever, be embodied in many different forms and shouldnot
optically repeating ?re alarm control system according to a be construed as limited to the embodiments set forth herein.
different embodiment of the present invention. [0160] Rather, these embodiments are provided so that this
[0144] FIGS. 7 and 8 are block diagrams illustrating 2-Way disclosure Will be thorough and complete, and Will fully
optical converters available for an R/GR type optically convey the scope of the invention to those skilled in the art.
repeating ?re alarm control system according to an embodi [0161] FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an R/GR type
ment of the present invention of FIG. 6. optically repeating ?re alarm control system according to an
[0145] FIG. 9 is a block diagram illustrating a single port embodiment of the present invention.
optical converter available for an R/GR type optically repeat [0162] Referring to FIG. 1, an optically repeating R/GR
ing ?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of type ?re alarm control system 10 comprises an R/GR type ?re
the present invention of FIG. 6. alarm control panel 11, optical cables 12a and 12b, optical
[0146] FIG. 10 is a block diagram illustrating an R/GR type repeaters 13a, 13b through 1311, detectors/transmitters 14 and
optically repeating ?re alarm control system according to ?re safety equipments 15. The optical repeaters 13a, 13b
another embodiment of the present invention. through 1311 are connected in daisy-chain topology.
[0147] FIGS. 11 to 13 are block diagrams illustrating 3-Way [0163] Speci?cally, the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel
optical repeaters available for an R/GR type optically repeat 11 includes a controller 111, an operation monitor 112, an
ing ?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of indicator 113, a netWork interface 114 and an optical l/ O port
the present invention of FIG. 10. 115. The controller 111 may control operations such as recep
[0148] FIG. 14 is a block diagram illustrating an optical tion and regulation of alarm signals, identi?cation of detec
converting port available for an R/GR type optically repeating tors or transmitters issuing alarm signals, communications
?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of the With a control center, etc. The operation monitor 112 may
present invention of FIG. 10. monitor Whether the repeaters and signal lines connected to
[0149] FIG. 15 is a block diagram illustrating an R/GR type the control panel are operational right. The indicator 113,
optically repeating ?re alarm control system according to including a display, LED lamps, or speakers, may visually or
another embodiment of the present invention. aurally indicate alarm status or operation status. The netWork
[0150] FIG. 16 is a block diagram illustrating a single port interface 114 may perform communications to and from the
optical converter available for an R/GR type optically repeat control center. According to embodiments, a storage may be
ing ?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of added to accumulate operational information Within the stor
the present invention of FIG. 15. age.
[0151] FIG. 17 is a block diagram illustrating an R/GR type [0164] The optical I/O port 115 of the R/GR type ?re alarm
optically repeating ?re alarm control system according to control panel 11 receives a ?re alarm issued at the detector/
another embodiment of the present invention. transmitter 14 through the optical cable 12a in a fashion of an
[0152] FIGS. 18 to 20 are block diagrams illustrating 2-Way optical signal, then converts the optical signal into an electric
optical repeaters available for an R/GR type optically repeat signal to be transmitted to the controller 111, as Well as
ing ?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of receiving a control signal from the controller 111, Which is
the present invention of FIG. 17. provided from the control center to each ?re safety equip
[0153] FIG. 21 is a block diagram illustrating an optical ment, converting the control signal into an optical signal and
converting port available for an R/GR type optically repeating transmitting the optical signal through the optical cable 12b.
?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of the [0165] A doWnstream signal path denotes a path propagat
present invention of FIG. 17. ing a control signal originated at the R/GR ?re alarm control
[0154] FIG. 22 is a block diagram illustrating an R/GR type panel 11 via the respective optical repeaters 13 to correspond
optically repeating ?re alarm control system according to yet ing ?re safety equipments 15, While an upstream signal path
another embodiment of the present invention. in the repeater 13 may mean a path carrying an alarm signal
[0155] FIGS. 23 and 24 are block diagrams illustrating issued in a detector/transmitter 14 through the respective
2-Way optical converters available for an R/GR type optically optical repeater 13 to the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel
repeating ?re alarm control system according to an embodi 11.
ment of the present invention of FIG. 17. [0166] According to the embodiments, the R/GR type ?re
[0156] FIG. 25 is a block diagram illustrating a single port alarm control panel 11 may have an RS485 or RS422 l/ O port,
optical converter available for an R/GR type optically repeat as a conventional one does. In such a case, the optical I/O port
ing ?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of 115 may be embodied an additional item, such as a single port
the present invention of FIG. 22. optical converter, Which can be installed to the RS485/422
[0157] FIG. 26 is a block diagram illustrating an R/GR type port from exterior of the R/GR control panel 1 1, converting an
optically repeating ?re alarm control system according to still optical signal into an RS485/ 422 signal to be provided to the
another embodiment of the present invention. R/GR control panel 11, or converting an RS485/422 differ
[0158] FIGS. 27 to 29 are block diagrams illustrating 3-Way ential signal from the R/GR control panel 11 into an optical
optical repeaters available for an R/GR type optically repeat signal.
US 2012/0033977 A1 Feb. 9, 2012

[0167] The optical cable 1211 indicates a medium that may port 134, a doWnstream branch 135, a second optical input
carry an alarm signal to the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel port 136, a repeating controller 137, an I/O port 138. In FIGS.
11, While the optical cable 12b indicates a medium that may 2 to 4, the upstream branch 132 and the doWnstream branch
transfer a control signal from the R/GR type ?re alarm control 135 may have different con?gurations, While remaining ele
panel 11. ments in FIGS. 2 to 4 of the optical repeater 13 are substan
[0168] Although in FIG. 1 the optical cables 12a, 12b are tially identical.
illustrated as physically separated cables, the cables 12a, 12b [0176] The ?rst optical input port 131, the upstream branch
may be implemented With respective optical ?bers placed 132 and the ?rst optical output port 133 constitute an
Within one optical cable. upstream signal path, Which delivers alarm signals from other
[0169] The optical repeaters 13a, 13b through 1311 are opti optical repeaters and alarm signals from the detectors/trans
cally connected to each other With the optical cables 12a, 12b, mitters 14, Which are connected to the concerned optical
and are electrically connected to more than one detector/ repeater 13, to the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel 11.
transmitter 14, respectively. The detectors/transmitters 14 LikeWise, the second optical input port 136, the doWnstream
may be grouped by such as of?ce sections or ?oors in a branch 135 and the second optical output port 134 constitute
building, and each group of the detectors/transmitters 14 may a doWnstream signal path, Which delivers control signals from
be then Wired by a simple DC line or an RS485/ 4222 Wire for the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel 11 to other optical
an optical repeater 13. The optical repeaters 13a, 13b through repeaters 13 and the repeating controller 137.
1311 may electrically connected to ?re safety equipments 15 [0177] The repeating controller 137 determines Whether
such as ?re extinguishers, i.e. ?re hydrants, sprinklers, or the alarm signals from the detectors/transmitters 14 are per
halogen extinguishers, or smoke ventilation system, i.e. tinent or not, and then delivers the alarm signals to the
dampers, ?re doors, smoke shutters, smoke WindoWs, evacu upstream branch 132. Furthermore, the repeating controller
ation guide light, etc. 137 determines Whether the control signal from the doWn
[0170] The optical repeaters 13a, 13b through 1311 are con stream branch 135 regards the ?re safety equipment con
nected to each other in daisy-chain, deliver to an antecedent nected to the concerned optical repeater 13, and When the
optical repeater 13 alarm signals, Which are delivered from a control signal is related to the ?re safety equipment connected
folloWing optical repeater 13, or issued at detectors/transmit to the concerned optical repeater 13, then deliver the control
ters 14, selectively according to embodiments, or combining signal to the ?re safety equipment.
the alarm signals received. Furthermore, the optical repeaters [0178] The repeating controller 137 and the detectors/
13a, 13b through 1311 deliver control signals, Which are trans transmitters 14 may be Wired With the I/O port 138 in RS485/
mitted from the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel 11 or from 422 speci?cation or using DC 24 V line. According to the
an antecedent optical repeater 13, to ?re safety equipments embodiments, the I/O port 138 may include an optical I/O
15, to Which the control signals are destined, or to a folloWing port, Which can be coupled to the detectors/transmitters 14
optical repeater 13. With optical cables.
[0171] The optical repeaters 13a, 13b through 1311 of the [0179] Speci?cally, the ?rst optical input port 131 may
invention may be optically connected other optical repeaters receive alarm signals delivered via an optical cable from other
13, and be electrically connected to the detectors/transmitters optical repeater, and then convert the received optical alarm
14 or ?re safety equipments 15. Thus, the optical repeater 13 signals into electric alarm signals. The upstream branch 132
may convert received optical signals ?rst into electrical sig may combine alarm signals transferred through the repeating
nals, process the converted signal, and then convert the pro controller 137 originated at the detectors/transmitters 14, and
cessed electric signals into optical signals to be output. alarm signals electrically converted at the ?rst optical input
[0172] The detectors/transmitters 14 may be conventional port 131, and then deliver the combined electric signals to the
detectors for ?re, smoke, heat, or gas, or push-button call ?rst optical output port 133. The ?rst optical output port 133
points (also knoWn as transmitters) Which are activated by a converts the delivered electric signals into optical signals to
direct action of a man to issue an alarm. The detectors/trans be output via another optical cable.
mitters may issue electric alarm signals and transmit the [0180] The upstream branch 132 may be implemented in
alarm signals to the optical repeaters 13. Commercially avail varying fashions. Referring to FIG. 2, in some embodiments,
able detectors or transmitters may generally produce differ the upstream branch 132 may just be a Wired tap, Which
ential signal satisfying RS485/422 speci?cations. In these connects tWo conductive lines. In this case, although the
cases, the optical repeaters 13 may also equip With RS485/ con?guration of the upstream branch 132 may be simple,
422 I/O ports and transact the alarm signals via the I/O ports. collision may be occurred When alarm signals simultaneously
Other commercially available detectors or transmitters may arrive from detectors/transmitter 14 and the other optical
produce alarm signals in DC 24 V single-ended signals. In repeater 13.
this case, the optical repeaters 13 can equip With the DC I/O [0181] Referring to FIG. 3, in another embodiment, the
ports, through Which the alarm signals may proceed. upstream branch 132 may be con?gured to electrically con
[0173] According to the embodiments, the detectors/trans nect the ?rst optical input port 131 and the repeating control
mitters 14 may issue alarm signals optically, and be con ler 137, and to electrically connect the repeating controller
nected to the optical repeaters 13 With optical cables. 137 and the ?rst optical output port 133. In this case, alarm
[0174] FIGS. 2 to 4 are block diagrams illustrating 2-Way signals from other optical repeater 13 are delivered via Wiring
optical repeaters available for an R/GR type optically repeat of the upstream branch 132 to the repeating controller 137
ing ?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of Which combines the alarms signals from different sources, so
the present invention of FIG. 1. as to deliver the combined alarm signals to the ?rst optical
[0175] Referring to FIGS. 2 to 4, the optical repeater 13 input port 133 via Wiring of the upstream branch 132.
includes a ?rst optical input port 131, an upstream branch [0182] Referring to FIG. 4, the upstream branch 132 may
132, a ?rst optical output port 133, a second optical output be implemented as an adjustment circuit, Which, for example
US 2012/0033977 A1 Feb. 9, 2012

When tWo alarm signals arrives at the same time, is capable of transmitters 14 and ?re safety equipments 15. The 2-Way port
selectively outputting one signal before the other and delay optical converters 43a, 43b through 4311 are connected in
ing the other signal for avoiding collision. The upstream daisy-chain topology.
branch 132, further, may be implemented as a packet encoder, [0191] The R/GR type ?re alarm control panel 11, includ
Which, for example, can encode a combined packet loading ing a controller 111, an operation monitor 112, an indicator
tWo alarm signals into one payload to be output. The doWn 113, a netWork interface 114 and an optical I/O port 115, may
stream branch 135 may a detection circuit to extract a control substantially be identical to the R/GR type ?re alarm control
signal to be sent to the ?re safety equipment that is connected panel 11 of FIG. 1, so that description related to those may be
to the concerned optical repeater 13. safely omitted, except that the I/O port 116 of FIG. 6, corre
[0183] Besides, the second optical input port 136 receives sponding to the optical I/O port 115 transacting optical sig
control signals, delivered through an optical cable, originated nals in FIG. 1, may transact electric signals satisfying RS485/
at the R/GR ?re alarm control panel 11, and then converts the 422 technical speci?cation in FIG. 6.
received optical control signals into electrical control signals. [0192] The single port optical converter 41 couples
The doWnstream branch 135 transfers the control signals, betWeen the I/O port 116 of the R/GR control panel 11 and the
originated at the R/GR ?re alarm control panel 11, to the optical cables 12a, 12b, and converts optical alarm signals
repeating controller 137 and the second optical output port received via the optical cable 1211 into electric alarm signals to
134, respectively. The second optical output port 134 converts be provided to the I/O port 116 of the R/GR control panel 11,
the control signals received into optical control signals to be While converting control signals from the I/O port 116 of the
output through another optical cable. R/GR control panel 11 into optical control signals to be output
[0184] The doWnstream branch 135 may be implemented via the optical cable 12b.
in varying fashions. Referring to FIG. 2, in some embodi [0193] The 2-Way port optical converter 43 may perform
ments, the doWnstream branch 135 may just be a Wired tap. In signal transfer via the optical cables 12a, 12b betWeen tWo
this case, the control signals are directed to both of the second neighboring repeaters 43 or betWeen the repeater 43 and the
optical output port 134 and the repeating controller 137. control panel 11, and speci?cally may be connected to the
[0185] Referring to FIG. 3, according to additional embodi repeaters 44 via RS485/422 communication speci?cation to
ments, the doWnstream branch 135 may be implemented to perform transfer of alarm signals.
electrically connect the second optical input port 136 and the [0194] The repeater 44 may be implemented as a conven
repeating controller 137, and to electrically connect the tional repeater using RS485/422 communication speci?ca
repeating controller 137 and the second optical output port tion, While the detector/transmitter 14 may be conventional
134. In this case, control signals from antecedent optical ones.
repeater 13 are delivered via Wiring of the doWnstream branch [0195] FIGS. 7 and 8 are block diagrams illustrating 2-Way
135 to the repeating controller 137. When the repeating con port optical converters available for an R/GR type optically
troller 137 outputs accordingly processed control signals, the repeating ?re alarm control system according to an embodi
processed control signals are delivered to the second optical ment of the present invention of FIG. 6.
output port 134 via Wiring of the doWnstream branch 135. The [0196] Referring to FIGS. 7 and 8, the 2-Way optical con
repeating controller 137 may output the received control sig verter 43 includes a ?rst optical input port 431, an upstream
nals intact, or may output regenerated control signals by branch 432, a ?rst optical output port 433, a second optical
removing part related to the concerned optical repeater 13. output port 434, a doWnstream branch 435, a second optical
[0186] Referring to FIG. 4, the doWnstream branch 135 input port 436, an I/O port 438. In FIGS. 7 and 8, the upstream
may be implemented as a detection circuit, Which, for branch 432 and the doWnstream branch 435 may have differ
example, may direct control signals to the repeating control ent con?gurations, While remaining elements in FIGS. 7 and
ler 137 only When there exists any control signal correspond 8 of the 2-Way optical converter 43 are substantially identical.
ing to the concerned optical repeater 13 among the received The ?rst optical input port 431, the upstream branch 432 and
control signals, otherWise directing the control signals to the the ?rst optical output port 433 constitute an upstream signal
second optical output port 136. path, Which delivers alarm signals from other 2-Way optical
[0187] FIG. 5 is a block diagram illustrating an optical converter 43 and alarm signals from the detectors/transmit
converting port available for an R/GR type optically repeating ters 14, Which are connected to the concerned 2-Way optical
?re alarm control system according to an embodiment of the converter 43, to the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel 11.
present invention of FIG. 1. Likewise, the second optical input port 436, the doWnstream
[0188] Referring to FIG. 5, the optical I/O port 115 includes branch 435 and the second optical output port 434 constitute
an optical output port 1151 and an optical input port 1152. a doWnstream signal path, Which delivers control signals from
The optical output port 1151 converts electrical control sig the R/GR type ?re alarm control panel 11 to other 2-Way
nals of the R/GR control panel 11 into optical signals to be optical converters 43 and the I/O port 438.
output. The optical input port 1152 receives alarm signals in [0197] The I/O port 438 may convert alarm signals in
optical fashion, converts the alarm signals to electric signals, RS485/422 con?guration received from the detector/trans
and then provides them to the R/GR control panel 11. mitter 14 via the repeater 44, or DC 24 V signal into a single
[0189] FIG. 6 is a block diagram illustrating an R/GR type ended electric signal Which is suitable to be converted to an
optically repeating ?re alarm control system according to a optical signal, and then deliver the single ended signal to the
different embodiment of the present invention. upstream branch 432. Further, the I/O port 438 receives
[0190] Referring to FIG. 6, an optically repeating R/GR single-ended control signal from the doWnstream branch 435,
type ?re alarm control system 40 comprises an R/GR type ?re and converts that into RS485/422 regulated control signal or
alarm control panel 11, a single port optical converter 41, DC 24 V control signal to be output.
optical cables 12a and 12b, 2-Way port optical converters 43a, [0198] Speci?cally, the ?rst optical input port 431 may
43b through 4311, repeaters 44a, 44b through 4411, detectors/ receive alarm signals delivered via an optical cable from other

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