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ee ~ LEthics, Professional Responsibilities and Federal Tax Procedures. 223 assignment TH 2 Diagnostic Assessment ~ ethics and Responsibtty in Tax Practice Assignment Tt $3 Regulations Governing Practice Before te in 4. IRC Code and Regulations Relaced 10 Tax Ret. 5. Licensing ana Dee plinay Syeteme y Legat outesand responsibumies Assignment Te 6. Common Law Duties and Labilties to Cliets, 7. rivleged Communications, Confidentiality = y reaerat tax Pracice and Proceaures Assignment Te 8. Substantiation and Disclosure of faxPostions 0-Toxpayer Panaitier 10. Sources of Tax authoty ana Research LL Tax Practice and Procedure 12 Compliance Rezponsibiiber 13 Post Asoesurent Ld 14. TBS Assessment 1 ~ tBusinessLaw eas Assignment Tile san 1022017 Sat 1072/2017 1022017 opin ‘Sat 1022017 opin Sat 102/017 tojzs7 toj2e0u7 toao17 oan 1olaon7 1014007 ove. spo. sopepeaxt sopp20sT soppost sopp20t7 soppost sopp2017 sopjeost sospott soo. sojappost sg/spott s0ap087 est Time 4040 Est Tine 3285 304 2602 Est Time 30845 338 Est Time 213 30.18 aes 3450 58.08 2400 5928 Est Tine Your Time oss ous oat YourTme ous 006 YourTme cos oon oat cos p24 Your Tame om aie Gate - © - e@ - © aie - @ - © aie - @ - © - © - e@ - © 45. Diagnostic Assessment ¥ Agency ‘Assignment Tile 16. Typesof agency Relatensnps and creation 117. Authority of Agente are Principals 116. Dutes of Agents and Principals {16 Contract Liabity of Agents and Principals 20. Tort Labity of Agents and Principal 21 Post Assessment I. 2. Diagnostic Assessment > contracts ~ Introcicton and clazefieaton ‘Assignment Tie 23. Contracts: Applicable Laws 2D Typeeot Contacte Formation ‘Assignment Tile 25. Contracts Offer snd Acceotance 2. Contracts: Consieeraton 27 Wing and Recoucs: The Stare of Fra 26. Contracts: Defenses to Formation + Pertormance: ‘Assignment Tilo 29. Contracts Defining Performance and Er. 30. Contracts Discharge of Performance 21, Pastage of Title and Fick ofLoae + Remedies ‘Assignment Tile 22. Contracts Types ofRemesies sos0sT aos20ut s0apos7 so0sT so/apox7 somrpost so77p017 sores start so7rp0xt so7rpost Start sorpost arpa so77poxt somrpost soepout 1082017 sojepour soepo.7 so/sost Due: aout so/apoxt aojsost sorpoxt sorpost so77poxT sorpost sores sorpost sojrpost area sorpost apport sopeost 1082017 sojeposr soeost 2020 Ex. Time 4551 a sr25 028 200 200 4048 Es, Time ass ast Es, Time OTST 08 aL sae Ex. Time 4036 sae 4620 Ee. Time 4248 Your Tine ou oi oo on ooas You Tine as oat You Time coat nas oa onus Your Tine 033 oe coat Your Tine ooaz 33 Contracts: Formulasfor Damages 10/e/2017 ‘Assignment Tele Sat 34. Contracts Third Parry Righes 1gs/2017 35 Fost Assessment 2 1gaj2017 36 Diagnostic Assessment t0/e017 ~ Debtor creditor Relationznipg 10/8/2017 Dus 10/8/2017 0/9/2017 10/8/2017 ~ rights, utes ane Uasitties of Debtors, creiters ane Gusrentors sre 7 Sat or sureysn Era. so2087 28. Suresip: ges of Parties e017 ~ Arties ee secured Tarsctons ‘sna Te Sat [9 nwocutvon sys reson ofSecurtyn.. 1092087 0 Pevecion of ecu neees 12017 ‘1 Pores msecury nee 12011 42 Rights of Secured Parties anc Debtors 10/9/2017 > Bankruptcy and insotvency Assignment THe Set 43.Prebenkruptey Options andintredutio... 10/9/2017 4 Barkrupury Process 19/s/20u7 45, Distibutionof Debtors Estate 10/972007 {46 Discharge and Reaffmation Agreements. 10/9/2017 47 Bost Assesemert 13 soja/20n7 48 Diagnostic Assessment s0j41/2017 Government Regulation of Business Y Federal Secures Regulation Assignment THe Set 29. Dafning aSecurty 30)11/20:7 50. he Registration Process 30/11/2007 51. ExemptTransactions and Securites 10/11/2017 Due. 0/9/2007 10972017 Due aosnox a0jsj20xt aojppzont 09017 Due a0/9/20x 40/9/2007 agpor7 anjsjnoxt 30/33/2017 s0/uj2017 Due soj2017 soysay20ir sg/11;2017 25a Ext Time 4730 40a Ex Time 4808 Est Time 282 sua suse 2800 3 Your Time 0033 Your Time on32 (3 Your Time 8 0033 oor one Your Time 0036 8 (05 ons Grade Gooe co oGoe coe 52. The JOB: ups Rea 58. Liabity eT 54. Purposes, Requirements and Provisions, 58.Criminal Labilty ~ otherFaderaiLaweand Resuston ‘Assignment Tie 38.Employment Tax 57 Affordable Care et 58. Worker Classification Lawsane Regula 58 Post Assessmert 4 60. Dingnoztic Assessment ¥ Business structure ses on 287 7 0/13/2017 0/2037 Start apr 10/13/2017 s0/a(z0s7 0142017 042017 ao/tazo% 0/14/2017 o/taz0%7 sofy20i7 Due aof.y(z017 10/1/2017 0/4/2007 10/14/2017 0/4/2007 3500 cos S42 O43 soa 15 ou Ex. Time YourTine 3958 oa so na 4533 ose 0936 - 2028 - ~ Selection and Formation of business Entty and Related Operation and Termination ‘Assignment Tile 61, selectonof atusinessEntty 62. Formation 68. Operations Nonfinancialractors 64. Financial Structure 65.Temninstion Start sonar 0/007 sojaiz0sT s0/t4iz0xT 042017 Due 0/4017 0/2007 so/.42017 10/14/2017 0/4/2007 Rights, Dutes, Legal oblizetions and authority of owners and Management ‘Assignment Tile G5, Rights and Duties 6 Authority of Owners ana Managers 66. Pest Aesezemere IS 68, TES AssessmentiLt Stat s04yzos7 sonar 10/15/2057 05/2017 ~ Ill Federal Taxation of Property Transactions 222 ‘Assgnment THe To. Diagnostic Assessment sit 10/15/20:7 Due 0.42007 o/is/201T 10/35/2007 0/35/2017 Due. 10/5/2017 Ex. Time YourTine 4300 woZe es: coa0 2654 oa 43202 201s oat Ee Time YourTime 5250 oaT 4501 oar 2136 - 15648 - Ex. Tme YouTme 28:28 - - e - e@ - e - e code - e - e@ - e code or) - e@ - e€ - e@ - e conde - @ - e 71 ineroduetion to Tax Review > Property Transactions ‘Aesignment Tt 72 Salesane Dispostionsof Asers 73 Capital Gain and Losses 74, Section 1231 AseesangEichanges an nv 5 Section 1231 SE Sir Recovery 76.Like-Kine Exchanges and Involuntary Conve, T7.Other Nonrecogrition Transactions 73.FostAssessrentil 79.TBS Assessment 1 ~ IN. Federal Taxation of Individuals 2202 ‘Assignment Tile 00. Diagnostic Acsezement Income ‘Assignment Tt £1. Gross ncome—General ConceDts and incerest {2 Gross ncomeCeher Inclusions 183. Gross ncome—Excusions {4 Taxation of nears from Business Enttien 15. Accounting Methods ana etlods—inclvduals 185, Taxation of Employes Benefits 67. Taxation of RetiernentPlens ~ pecuctions ‘ssgnment Tt 88, Decuctons~Basic Principles ©9.DacuctoneforAGl so52017 Stert solsseea7 30/35/2017 ors5/2047 116.2017 so/36/2037 10/16/2017 so/s62037 10/16/2017 Stet sojs620.7 ‘tert sojs6j20.T sojsa/2017 sojsgj20ur sojsa/2017 sojsgj20ur sojsa/2017 sojsgj20u7 ‘tert 10182017 30/24/2017 10135/2017 Dus ro/s5j20a7 10/15/2017 0/36/2037 10/16/2017 0/36/2017 10/16/2017 0/36/2037 10/16/2017 Due ro/s6j2017 Due: 10/39/2017 0/39/2017 s0(s9j20.7 0/39/2017 s0(s9j20.7 0/39/2017 so(s9j2017 Due. 107212017, 10/23/2017 2540 Est Tine 52.00 128 s210 10523 46.08 4345 36.00 13900 Ext Tine 55.56 Ext Tine 5730 aus 3607 4855 19843 se S232 Est Tine SLs 27 oot oe on on oat oo 20 onus ou az You Tine costo nae eoocooce eoococooe 90, temizes Deductions Nesica, Tere, tere 91. itemized DetuctionsCther 92. Employee Business Expenses 98. Deductions—Lossesand Bad Debrs 94, Limitations on Business Deductions 95. Pest Assessment M1 96. TES Assessment 97. Diagnestic ezezsment > individuarTaxissues ‘Assignment Tae 96, Personal end Dependency Exemptions 98. Fling Status 100 Aiterstive Minimum Tar and Other Taxes {LOL Tax Planning Serateges for Incwauats ~ raxcreane ‘Assignment Tale 1102 Personal TaxCrears ~ cetate and cifeTacaton ‘Assgnment THe 103 Fecera Gift Tax ‘10a Facer atone Tax |S Post Assessment .2 108 TRS Assessment V2 ~ V.Foderal Taxation of Entities: sean ‘Assgnment Tele 107. Diagnostic Accesement > Corporate Tavation ‘Assgnment Tee ro/z4eear roaci7 10/24/2017 tozecit 10/24/2037 so/2420ar 10712017 rozpeea7 Stor rojzzy20.T tomer so2p20.7 tozpecit ‘tert sor2s/20uT start 1023/2017 so/2ap20.7 so(2aj2ouT 10/23/2017 Stet ro2s2e7 0/24/2017 soj242ci7 30/24/2017 soj2120i s0)24/2017 soj24/2017 sozacit 30/22/0087 10/25/2013 sea 52:32 408 3049 5640 3600 31800 202 Est Tmo $005 4035 L008 ses Ext Tre 08s Est Time 10856 aga 1200 ase Est Te 4648 Est Te Your Tine Your Tine eocece © ecoce ec ‘Assignment Tie 1108 Formation a corporation 108. Corporatelnceme 140 Accounting Nethous and Periods -Corpora {Lit Special Corporate Deductions 112 Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax 4153 Penalty Tates 413 Taxation of Rested Corporations 1 Distrbutons froma Corporation 1116 Corporate Redemptions and Liquidations LIT corporate Reorganization Y Mutyursdtctionat Tax esues ‘Assignment Tie _u8 state ana Locat Taxation 4139 Taxation of Foreign Income 1120. Post Assessment. 101 TRS Assesement\/ 1122 Diagnostic Assesarnent + Taxexempt entities ‘Assignment Tile 423 Tax-Exempr Ovganizavions ¥ Partnership Taxation ‘Assignment Tile 4124 Formation ane Basis, 1135 Flow-Through afincome and Lareat 1126 Transactions with Pertners 127 Partnership Distributions 4126 Sales ang Terminations Star 952017 0/25/2017 0/25/2017 10/25/2017 oj2s(20%7 107282017 0/29/2017 97282017 oj2a/20%7 o/2s(20%T ‘tar 10/28/2017 10/28/2017 10/28)2017 10/29/2017 10/23/2017 Start 10/23/2017 Stee 10/23/2017 10/30)2017 10/30)2017 10302017 10/30/2017 Due aons2017 10/25/2017 0/25/2017 10/35/2017 o/2e(2o%7 107282017 o/29(20%7 782017 0/29/2017 o/2s(20%T ve 10/28/2017 10/28/2017 10/29/2017 10/392017 10/29/2017 Due. 10/9/2017 Due: 10/30/2017 10/302017 10/30)2017 1073072017 10/30)2017 Es. Time YourTime 416 5038 02 00 57 eat 4535 sia 806 sas Es. Time YourTime 4031 aus 35:00 ata 3636 Ex. Time YourTims seat Ex. Time YourTime 95st 28 4503 4158 45.03 nas oat oo mao coat a3 ooa2 as a3 naz oat ae oat naz m2 oat oe ooas code code cease code ©666666660 ©oooe > Scorporation Taxation ‘Assignment Tile 129, igi, Eectons, Terminations 130. Income and Basis {BL Distbtiens and Special Toes 192. Post Assessment V2 133, TBS Assessment V2 41. Diagnostie Azsesement 4135, Income Taxation of Fauciaies ~ tax create ‘Assignment Tile 196, Bustnes Tox Cress ¥ other Tax isues, Assignment Tile 4137. Tax Planning Strategie: for Businace Enter 4196, Busbness Entity Choice 139, Pest Assessment V3 10 TES Accecement V3 444, Fina Though + Practice Exams 102 Assignment Tile 142. Practice Exam 149, Practice ExomB 144, Unlim ted Practice Exam Star 410/30)2017 19/30/2017 10/30/2017 jaar Fr nnjapox7 ser 3ya20x7 See aysj20x7 Ser u4j1.2017 jaar Fr nnjapox7 uajaoa7 Ser ayapor7 3yjsj20x7 uus0u7 Due 1o/s0j2017 10302017 ayjn0x ayjsjnox ay2ou7 aypou7 ayo. aysy20.T aysj20x ayjsjnox ator 44/1/2087 ayspot7 yao. ay5/20.7 sys/2017 Ext Tme 50.08 30s 5848 166 es Tme sent Ee Tm “400-00 400.00 40:00 Your Tine coo a3 was Your Tne coas Your Tine cose Your Tine oe 56 Grade ece ee

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