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Non-legal combinations (NGOs) are dynamic and varying aggregations of collections working at
community, nationwide and around the world levels.

Non-Government Organizations are challenging to arrange and outline, and the expression NGO is
not used dependably. Subsequently, there are numerous unique orders being utilized. The most
widely recognized Non-revenue conglomerations utilize a skeletal system that incorporates
introduction and level of operation. A NGOs intro mentions the sort of workouts it tackles. These
workouts might include human rights, natural, or development work.

There are many kinds of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) engaged in working towards the
improvement of the social, economic, environmental, and political conditions of the country. They
include citizens associations, professional societies, foundations, some universities and research
centers, and networks of experts or institutions.

With the passage of time, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have equipped themselves
adequately and come up enthusiastically in providing services like relief to the blind, the disabled
and disadvantaged and helping the government in mother and child health care, including family
planning programmes.

Problems faced by NGOs

NGOs work for certain social objectives and spread awareness regarding various concerns of the
society. They organize various camps and campaigns for such purposes. The challenge which they
face in doing so is raising their funds. A lot of investment must be done in such activities. All Non-
Governmental Organizations enlistment requires sufficient financial properties for appropriately
finishing their exercises. Then once again, the huge bulk of them impart a routine concern and, that
is, lack of undertaking subsidizes.

With the emerging awareness of the hitches of the society and the need to immaculate the can of
worms, a lot of organizations have come forward to take the responsibility. Many small groups of
people have taken the initiative of spreading the awareness, schooling the ignoramus, preserving
the environment, developing a sense of social responsibility. These congregations face yet another
issue of competition in fundraising. Not only fundraising is a difficult task but with a plethora of
such associations, the trustees get confused about their investments. As the NGOs are consistently
broadening, there is a rivalry for securing supports.

Not every NGO is engaged in serious social welfare work. Many are fraudulent and many are there
without much serious intent. Amidst this, NGOs doing real work face several challenges. They face
situations where they have to repeatedly vouch for their credibility, struggle to reach out to donors
and have a trouble in collaborating with government agencies.

It is a common experience that there have been serious charges of misuse and misappropriation of
funds received as grant-in-aid form the government, foreign donors and raised through their own
resources by most of the NGOs. These NGOs may reflect its image to other NGOs who are working
with dedication and commitment.

The basic characteristic of NGO is volunteerism. In early days, youth are making their career in
volunteerism but that enthusiasm seems to have faded these days. The extent of volunteerism is
declining day by day and turning it into professionalization. Even the young graduates from social
work are interested in making their career in professionalism. This leads to lack of efficient
volunteers in NGOs.

Our objectives and services

Ngo consultancy provides management services to non-revenue organizations located in different
parts of India. Our objective is to allow Indian Non-Government Organizations by structuring and
documenting their NGO project in achieving their objectives of producing a sustainable voluntary
sector. An enhancing quantity of resources could be raised on the strength of relationship and trust
between Non-revenue companies, government agencies and the civil society.

Primary Objective

Its a daunting task for the NGOs to come up with the right communication to connect with their
potential donors. Our consultancy firm is a legal arrangement in which an individual (the author)
gives fiduciary control of property to a person or institution i.e, the trustee(s) for the benefit of
beneficiaries. Our team of specialists can get ready persuading and innovative undertaking ideas
and arrange relevant supporting archives. Our team can provide a direction to the trustees and
secure them about their investments.

Financing firms provide support and funding to non-profits, grass-root level NGOs, companies; but
the companies provide funds and support according to their own standards, criteria and terms. We
are not associated with any company, we do not recommend or suggest any company or
organization for any function.

Our team also ensures that transparency is maintained during the transactions. We make sure that
only registered NGOs avail our services so that there is no fraud in the whole procedure. We make
sure that right services are provided to the NGOs in right time by maintaining a database and
linking it to AADHAR CARD.

Secondary Objective

Our work is not limited to only transfer the funds from the trustees to the NGOs but also to make
sure that the funds are not being misused. Apart from raising the funds and providing the services
to the NGOs, we also have collaboration with educational organizations in order to encourage the
youth to participate and volunteer in order to help the NGOs achieve their goals.

Collection of resources through crowd funding: We can create a platform, application or website,
where people can provide donations. All they must do is to register themselves on our
Resources to be collected: Clothes and shoes, money, stationery items, toys for children, school
supplies, blankets, etc. can be donated. The items should not be as worn out that they cannot be
used further.
Door step service: People do not have to go anywhere. They just have to sit and relax at their
homes while our team will be responsible for the logistics. The delivery person will collect the
items and make sure that the items are well and good for use.
Tracking of resources: The NGOs and other clients using our service will have to maintain a
proper database of the people to whom they are providing the donations given through us
which will be monitored through our app/website only. A specialized team will monitor the
donations and can go on an on-site check to review the donation of the resources.
Identification Proof: The database which is maintained by the clients to provide donations will
also be linked to Aadhar card of the done to authenticate the persons identity. In case of non-
availability of Aadhar card the client has to register that person in our app/websites database
People donating will be notified: As the items donated by the person reach the right person, a
notification will be sent on the donors phone number. The notification will include thank you
note with some basic details of the done.
Work Audits: We keep a close check on the working of the NGOs through auditing procedures to
ensure that there is no misuse of the resources.
Awareness Campaigns: In collaboration with the various universities and educational
associations, we let the youth know their importance in leading towards a bright future of the
country hence encouraging them to volunteer for a noble cause.

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