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algebra precalculus - Pre-College Maths Textbo...

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Pre-College Maths Textbooks [closed]

I am a high school student searching for some mathematics books covering material all the way up to, but not including, college level mathematics. I have already
read Gelfand's books and Lang's Basic Mathematics, and enjoyed them thoroughly. Yet I do not feel I have thoroughly mastered all facets of high school maths, and
would like to do so before moving on. Are there any other books that it could be beneficial for me to study at this stage?

(algebra-precalculus) (geometry) (reference-request) (trigonometry)

asked Dec 26 '13 at 3:42

11 1

closed as off-topic by Zachary Selk, Jack's wasted life, user91500, John Ma, R_D Oct 3 '16 at 10:30
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

"Seeking personal advice. Questions about choosing a course, academic program, career path, etc. are off-topic. Such questions should be directed to those employed by the
institution in question, or other qualified individuals who know your specific circumstances." Zachary Selk, Jack's wasted life, user91500, John Ma, R_D

If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

5 , , , , Amzoti Dec 26 '13 at 3:49

5 , , , Amzoti
Dec 26 '13 at 3:50

Amzoti's references are quite good. Moreover, you need to be specific to what you want. You are the only
one that knows your strength/weaknesses or where you want your mathematical journey to take you. You
would get better answers if you asked for example, 'what are books to get better at plane geometry' then
asking for 'books that will get me better at Math'. mathematics2x2life Dec 26 '13 at 4:49

There is no inherent difference between high school and college mathematics. As @mathematics2x2life
says, you should focus on the sort of math you want to learn, rather than worrying about what sort of
building it tends to be taught in. dfeuer Dec 26 '13 at 5:38

My only substantive suggestion: if you don't understand "algebra 2" or "intermediate algebra" or
"precalculus" (whatever it may be called in your school), I suggest you try not to worry about it: a lot of
that stuff is often taught in entirely the wrong order and won't make sense until you've learned some other
things. dfeuer Dec 26 '13 at 5:41

1 Answer

Spivak,Engel,Polya,Andrews,Courant. All amazing, and help you get a grasp of what math is (not that I
know myself).

These books are not necessarily part of the high school curriculum, but I believe they really hel develop
your mathematical maturity, which really smoothens the learning process.

answered Dec 26 '13 at 5:23

Tac Nayn
67.8k 7 78 167

1 of 1 1/1/70, 12:26 AM

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