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Analysis and Planning Coastel Area

1. Zoning Waterways
1.1. Creation of Map parameters of Waters
Waters parameter is the physic and chemical waters are used for criteria in determining of
waters zoning as seaweed cultivation, port, and water tourism. Waters parameter conditions in
coastel area of Bantaeng Regency about land suitabilitys for seaweed cultivation, port, and
water tourism were analyzed using interpolation analysis.
According to Burrough and McDonnell (1998), interpolation is a process to predict the
value at a point that is not the point of the sample, based on values from the points in the
vicinity as a sample. The determination of new value is based from the data at sample points.
In the absence of this interpolation step, the spatial analysis can not be done accurately. There
are several methods that can be used to make a spatial interpolation. One method of
interpolation is IDW (Inverse Distance Weighted).
IDW method is a conventional interpolation method that takes into account of the
distance as weights. Distance it means the distance (flat) of the data points (samples)
concerning the block to be estimated. So the closer of distance between sample points and a
block to be estimated then the greater the weight, and the otherwise. The interpolation
depends on how strong a data point to influence the vicinity area. In addition, amount of points
in the vicinity are used to calculate the average value, and the size of the pixel / raster desired.
Data parameters of the waters as described above are converted into the vector data in
the form of dots station according to the coordinates. Furthermore, by using the functions in
GIS, points of these stations are interpolated using Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation
method (IDW).

1.1.1 The condition parameters of Waters Bantaeng regency

Zoning waters using 12 parameters: water transparency, dissolved oxygen, water depth,
temperature, substrate bottom waters, salinity, pH, flow velocity, sediment, wave height, beach
types, and harmful biota. Data of each parameter is divided into 8 stations in the territorial
waters of Bantaeng. (Picture 5.1. Station Map).

Picture 5.1. Station Map

A. Waters Clarity
Clarity is a portion light transmitted into the water from several wavelengths in the visible
spectrum of light through a layer about one meter, fell rather straight on the surface of the
water (Kerdi and Tancung, 2007). Estimation brightness condition of coastal waters and sea
Bantaeng Regency is also using the interpretation of satellite approach and then
checking/observation (ground check) on the field at 8 (eight) observation station. Based the
measurement results of field indicate that the condition of water clarity on the ST - 01 to ST -
08 ranged between 2.5 meters - 25 meters. (Picture 5.2 Water Clarity Map)
Table 5.1 Water Clarity Condition in Bantaeng Regency
Station Positiontion water clarity (m)
S 053422.7
ST-01 3.50
E 1195502.2
S 053434.9
ST-02 25.00
E 1195524.5
S 053324.5
ST-03 2.50
E 1195527.7
S 053326.8
ST-04 10.00
E 1195632.8
S 053356.1
ST-05 20.00
E 1195657.6
S 053322.9
ST-06 2.50
E 1195700.4
S 053350.5
ST-07 6.00
E 1195933.1
S 053457.2
ST-08 17.00
E 1200125.6
Source: RZWP3K Bantaeng (2009)

B. Dissolved Oxygen
Oxygen is a chemical element that very important as the main support of life the various
organisms. Oxygen is used by aquatic organisms for respiration and disentangle organic matter
into inorganic substances by microorganisms. Dissolved oxygen in water comes from the
diffusion of air and chlorophyll of photosynthesis organisms that live in water and needed by
the organism to oxidize the nutrients that go into the body (Nybakken, 1988). Measurement of
parameters Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in coastal waters and marine of Bantaeng Regency
performed in 8 (eight) point of observation stations. Based the results of the field
measurements, show that the content of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) at each observation stations

ranged from 4.40 mg / L - 5.31 mg / L. The measurement details results on the content of
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) at each point of observation can be described as follows:

Table 5.2 Dissolved Oxygen Degree in Bantaeng Regency Waters

Station Position Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)

S 053422.7
ST-01 4.40
E 1195502.2
S 053434.9
ST-02 5.01
E 1195524.5
S 053324.5
ST-03 5.23
E 1195527.7
S 053326.8
ST-04 5.31
E 1195632.8
S 053356.1
ST-05 4.50
E 1195657.6
S 053322.9
ST-06 4.70
E 1195700.4
S 053350.5
ST-07 4.70
E 1195933.1
S 053457.2
ST-08 5.10
E 1200125.6
Source: RZWP3K Bantaeng (2009)
Based on the description above, shows that at the observation point ST - 01, ST - 05, ST
- 06 and ST - 07 content value Dissolved Oxygen (DO) has been under the value of 5 mg / L.
This means it has passed the quality standard limits for marine life based on the Ministry of
Environment of the Republic of Indonesia Number 51 of 2004 on Sea Water Quality Standard
which sets the value of the content of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) of < 5 mg / L. While the value of
the content of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the other observation points on the ST - 02, ST - 03,
ST - 04 and ST - 08 remained > 5 mg / L. (Picture 5.3 Dissolved Oxygen Map)

C. Waters Depth
Depth is an important parameter in solving various technical problems of coastal
erosion. Added stability of coastlines, ports and contraction, port, evaluation, storage tides,
movement, maintenance, route navigation (Roonawale et al, 2010). Bathymetry provides a
description of the topography of the seabed are determined by changes in the depth of the sea.
Bathymetry calculated from topography with elevation / altitude of 0 meters in coastal areas
inland (the coastline).

In the coastal marine area, which includes District Bantaeng Bissappu, District and Sub-
District Bantaeng Pa'jukukang, conditions bathimetrinya shows depths between 0-45 meters to
the limit of 4 nautical mile territorial waters under the authority Bantaeng. At a depth of 45
meters have been in the territorial waters of 12 nautical miles under the authority of South
Sulawesi province. Knowledge of bathymetry is necessary to manage coastal waters and marine
ecosystems due to the physical, chemical and biological that occurs in it is influenced by the
depth of water. (Picture 5.4 Waters Depth Map)

D. Temperature
According Handjojo and Djoko Setianto in Irawan (2009), a normal water temperature is
the temperature of the water that allows the creatures unable to metabolize and reproduce.
Temperature is very important physical factors in the water. Temperature is a very important
factor in regulating the process of life and spread of the organism. The temperature of sea
water in the waters affected by atmospheric conditions, and the intensity of solar radiation
entering the sea (Officer, 1976). In addition, the temperature of the sea water is also
influenced by geographical factors and flow dynamics (Sijabat, 1974). The rise in temperature
can decrease the solubility of oxygen and increase the toxicity of pollutants (Mulyanto, 1992).
Sea surface temperature conditions can be determined by the approach through the
interpretation of satellite images which are then to be checked (ground check) in the field. Sea
surface temperature measurements performed performed simultaneously with other sampling
at 8 (eight) point of observation stations. Based on the results of field measurements show that
sea surface temperature conditions in the ST - 01 to ST - 08 ranged 28,6C - 31,7C. (Picture
5.5 Temperature Map) The details of the results of measurements of sea surface temperature
at each point of observation can be described as follows:

Table 5.3 Kondisi Suhu Perairan di Kabupaten Bantaeng

Station Position Temperature (C)

S 053422.7
ST-01 30.6
E 1195502.2
S 053434.9
ST-02 29.7
E 1195524.5
S 053324.5
ST-03 28.6
E 1195527.7
S 053326.8
ST-04 28.8
E 1195632.8
S 053356.1
ST-05 31.7
E 1195657.6
S 053322.9
ST-06 31.5
E 1195700.4
S 053350.5
ST-07 30.1
E 1195933.1
S 053457.2
ST-08 30.1
E 1200125.6
Source: RZWP3K Bantaeng (2009)

E. Benthic Substrate Waters

According Flamid (2010), non-living material that is physical and chemical components
consisting of soil, water, air, sunlight, other live material is medium or substrate where the
continuity of life or environment in which to live. According Djum in Sahri et. al (2000), the
base substrate in the form of rock an important habitat compared with a substrate of sand and
gravel. The substrate of sand and gravel is easy to get carried away by the water current. While
the rock substrate is not easily carried away by the water current. (Picture 5.6 Benthic
Substrate Map)
Table 5.4 Benthic Substrate Waters in Bantaeng Regency

Observation Located
Bonto Jai (Jenepontos border) Fine sand, coarse sand, rubble coral and coral (dead coral)

Bonto Jai Fine sand, Muddy sand, Mud and Rubble coral
Bonto Manai, Bonto Lebang, Bonto Fine sand, Rubble coral, Coral, Gravel
Tappanjeng, Pallantikang Fine sand, Rubble coral, Muddy sand.
Lembang, Letta Rubble coral, Fine sand, Coral, Gravel.
Lamalaka Rubble coral, Fine sand, Coral, Gravel
Pa'jukukang Fine sand
Borong Loe - Papan Loe Fine sand dan Coral
Baruga (Bulukumba border) Fine sand dan Coral

Observation Located
Nipa-Nipa, Biang keke, Lumpangang Rubble coral dan Fine sand.
and Rappoa
Source: RZWP3K Bantaeng (2009)

F. Salinity
Salinity is the concentration of dissolved salts in the water. Salinity unit is per mile (),
which is the amount of total weight (g) of solid material such as NaCl contained in sea water
1000 grams (Frankl, 2004). Salinity is affected by tides, precipitation, evaporation, precipitation
and the topography of a body of water. As a result, the salinity of the waters can be the same
or different from other waters, such as inland waters, marine and brackish. The range of sea
water salinity is 30-35 , estuarine and freshwater 5-35 0.5-5 (Nybakken, 1992).
Estimation of the condition of salinity waters of coastal and marine areas Bantaeng can
also be done through satellite imagery, hereinafter to be checked (ground check) in the field. As
well as observations of turbidity, salinity measurements were also carried out in 8 (eight) point
of observation stations. Based on the results of field measurements showed that the salinity in
the ST - 01 to ST - 08 ranged between 16 - 36 . (Picture 5.7 Salinity Maps) The details of
the results of turbidity measurements at each point of observation can be described as follows
Table 5.5 Salinitas Perairan di Kabupaten Bantaeng

Station Position Salinity ()

S 053422.7
ST-01 36
E 1195502.2
S 053434.9
ST-02 34
E 1195524.5
S 053324.5
ST-03 16
E 1195527.7
S 053326.8
ST-04 31
E 1195632.8
S 053356.1
ST-05 34
E 1195657.6
S 053322.9
ST-06 35
E 1195700.4
S 053350.5
ST-07 29
E 1195933.1
S 053457.2
ST-08 34
E 1200125.6
Source: RZWP3K Bantaeng (2009)

G. pH

In general, sea water has a pH value greater than 7, which tends to be alkaline, but in
certain circumstances the value may be lower than 7 so that it becomes acidic. The degree of
acidity of the water is one of the chemical parameters important in monitoring the stability of
water. Changes in pH value of a body of water on aquatic organisms have certain limitations
with a pH value which varies, depending on sea water temperature, dissolved oxygen
concentration and the presence of anions and cations (Pescod, 1978)
Measurement of pH waters of the coastal and marine Bantaeng is done simultaneously
with other parameters, namely the 8 (eight) point of observation stations. Based on the results
of the field measurements, showed that the pH value of water at each observation station of 6.
(Picture 5.8 pH Map) The details of the results of measurements of the pH value of water at
each observation point can be described as follows:

Table 5.6 Waters PH in Bantaeng Regency

Station Position pH
S 053422.7
ST-01 6.85
E 1195502.2
S 053434.9
ST-02 6.86
E 1195524.5
S 053324.5
ST-03 6.86
E 1195527.7
S 053326.8
ST-04 6.87
E 1195632.8
S 053356.1
ST-05 6.85
E 1195657.6
S 053322.9
ST-06 6.79
E 1195700.4
S 053350.5
ST-07 6.80
E 1195933.1
S 053457.2
ST-08 6.75
E 1200125.6
Source: RZWP3K Bantaeng (2009)

When referring to the threshold set out in the Decree of the Minister of Environment of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 51 of 2004 on Sea Water Quality Standard is equal to 7 to
8.5, then the pH value of coastal and marine waters in Bantaeng generally still within the
threshold the raw seawater intended for biota.
If referring to a threshold specified in the decision of the Minister of State for the
environment of the Republic of Indonesia Number 51 in 2004 about the Raw quality of the sea

water is of 7 8.5, then the value of coastal waters and ocean pH in Bantaeng Regency in
General were still in the raw threshold for sea-water biota.

H. Wave Height
According Barus (2001), the flow of water is a factor that has a very important role both
on periran letik or in waters flicks. It is associated with the spread of the organism, dissolved
gases and minerals contained in the water. Water flow rate will vary vertically. Water currents
in waters generally tusbulen lotik ie water flow to move in all directions so that the water will be
distributed to all parts of the waters. According Husabarat and Stewart (2008), the flow is the
movement of water that occur in all the oceans of the world. These flows have particular
significance in determining the direction for the cruise ships.
The results of measurements in 2009, for the movement and speed of ocean currents,
water Bantaeng has a pattern of movement in the starting beach and coastal fringe with an
average speed range between 0.0434 m / sec to 0.1852 m / sec. The results of current
measurement in October 2010 showed that ocean currents moving at speeds between 0.013
-0.077 m / sec. (Picture 5.9 wave height Map)
Table 5.7 Flow Fastness in Waters Area of Bantaeng Regency
Observation Located Flow Fastness
(Desa/Kelurahan) (m/detik)
Bonto Jai (Jenepontos border) 0.1786
Bonto Jai 0.1471
Bonto Manai, Bonto Lebang, Bonto
Tappanjeng, Pallantikang 0.0434
Lembang, Letta 0.0502
Lamalaka 0.0658
Pa'jukukang 0.0909
Borong Loe - Papan Loe 0.1395
Baruga (Bulukumba border) 0.1852
Nipa-Nipa, Biang keke, Lumpangang and
Source: RZWP3K Bantaeng (2009)

I. Sediment

Coastal sediments can be derived from the erosion of the coastline itself, from the land
that was taken by the river, and from sea washed downstream to the coast (Triatmodjo, 1999).
Sediment is the organic and inorganic particles that accumulate freely (Duxbury et al, in the
Faithful, 2009.Typically a water area no bottom sediment that consists of only one type of
substrate, but rather consists of a combination of three fractions, namely sand, silt and clay.
According Rifardi (2008) sediment grain size can explain the following things: 1) describe the
area of origin of sediments, 2) different types of sediment particles, 3) resistance of the
particles of the various compositions of the weathering processes (weathering), erosion,
abrasion and transport and 4) the type of processes that play a role in the transport and
deposition of sediment.
Mainland coastal areas of Bantaeng (Subdistrict Bissappu, Bantaeng and Pa'jukukang)
crossed by several rivers, among others ; Sungai Balang Sikuyu (10.80 km), the river Panaikang
(11.75 km), and the river Lemoa (14.45 km) passing through the District Bissappu, river Cilendu
(20.70 km) across the District and River Bantaeng Pamosa (1.75 km), River Turung Asu (7,40
km), River Kalamassang (14.20 km), River Kaloling (17.10 km), River Biangkeke (20.45 km),
Sungai Nipa- nipa (25.15 km) Pa'jukukang across the District. Overall these rivers empty into
the coastal and marine areas Bantaeng that potentially lead to sedimentation of coastal waters
and the sea on three districts in coastal areas and the sea Bantaeng. (Picture 5.10 Sediment
Transport Map)

Table 5.8 Kondisi Sebaran Sedimentasi di Wilayah Pesisir dan Laut Kabupaten Bantaeng
Analysis Result
No Station Position Clay Dust Sand
Texture class
(%) (%) (%)
S 053422.7
1 ST-01 60 38 2 Clay
E 1195502.2
S 053324.5
2 ST-03 78 22 0 Dusty Clay
E 1195527.7
S 053326.8
3 ST-04 70 25 5 Clay
E 1195632.8
S 053322.9
4 ST-06 76 23 1 Clay
E 1195700.4
S 053350.5
5 ST-07 30 55 15 Dusty clay loam
E 1195933.1
Source: Analysis Result of Chemistry Oceanografi Laboratorium, FIKP-Unhas (2010).

J. Wave Height

The size of the wave is represented by three components, namely the height, period
and wavelength. Wave height is the distance measured from the valley to the top of the wave.
Wavelength is the distance between two peaks (or valleys) of successive waves. Wave
conditions in the waters Bantaeng strongly influenced by seasonal conditions. In East season
where the speed of the wind is blowing in the range of 173.4 m / min to 117.6 m / min can
evoke ocean waves to reach 0.5 to 1.2 meters high. Whereas in the West the season which has
wind speeds range between 133.2 to 45 m / sec capable of generating waves that reach a
height of 0.4 to 1.4 meters. (Picture 5.11 Wave Height Map)

K. Dangerous Coastal Biota

Marine life is divided into two groups: animals and plants. Romimohtarto and Juwana
(1999) suggest that the marine life is generally divided into three based on the way or the
nature of his include: 1. planktonic, ie biota floating, float and move with the current. This
species is commonly found in the surface of the water column. Divided into 2 of phytoplankton
(plant plankton) and doniflegellata such as blue algae, and zooplankton (animal plankton) for
example lucifer, rebon, ostracods and cladocera. 2. Nektonik, namely biota which generally can
swim against the current (consisting of animals only). Examples are fish, jellyfish, squid and
others. 3. benthic, ie biota that live on the bottom or in the substrate, both plants and animals.
Divided into 3 types: 1) stick (sponges, barnacles, oysters and others); 2) creep (crab, crayfish,
etc.) and 3) meliang (worms, corals and others). (Picture 5.12 Dangerous Coatal Biota Map)

Picture 5.2. Water Clarity Map
Picture 5.3. Dissolved Oxygen Map

Picture 5.4. Waters Depth Map

Picture 5.5 Temperature Map

Picture 5.6 Benthic Substrate Map

Picture 5.7 Salinity Map

Picture 5.8 PH Map

Picture 5.9 Wave Height Map

Picture 5.10 Sediment Transport Map

Picture 5.11 Wave Height Map

Picture 5.12 Dangerous Coatal Biota Map

1.2. Criteria for Determining the waters zoning
1.2.1. Seaweed cultivation area
The conditions of water very determine the success of seaweed cultivation. The
selection of the appropriate waters will have an impact on the growth of seaweed are good,
and vice versa. Here are some of the waters physical-chemistry factors that must be considered
in seaweed farming.
A. Brightness
Many at least the sun's rays that penetrate into the waters very dependent on the
brightness of water. Increasingly bright of the waters, it will be increasingly in the light that
went into the waters. Brightness is a parameter which is closely related to the penetration of
light into the water. The energy of sun's rays required by the seaweed thallus in the mechanism
of photosynthesis.
Table 5.9 Criteria for The Seeweed Cultivation Based on The Brightness
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 >5 (>75%) Very appropriate 3
2 3,0-5 (50-75%) Appropriate 2
3 <3,0 (<50%) Not appropriate 1

B. Dissolved oxygen
Dissolved oxygen is dissolved oxygen content in waters that constitute a major
component for the organism's metabolic waters used for growth, reproduction, and fertility of
algae (Lobban and Harrison, 1997). Seaweed only requires oxygen at conditions without light
(Brotowidjoyo et al, in Alamsyah, 2013).
Table 5.10 Criteria for The Seeweed Cultivation Based on The Dissolved Oxygen
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 >4 Very appropriate 3
2 2,0-4,0 Appropriate 2
3 <2,0 Not Appropriate 1

C. Depth
Depth is an aspect that is important enough to be taken into account in the
determination of the location of Eucheuma cottonii seaweed cultivation, it is closely related to
productivity, vertical light penetration, temperature, oxygen content, density, and nutrient
elements. The condition of bathimetri in the coastal County of 1900 shows the depths between
0 45 metres to the boundary of the territorial waters of 4 nautical miles which became the

County Authority 1900. Suitability of cultivation of seaweed have criteria i.e. waters depth 2.5
10 metres
Table 5.11 Criteria for The Seeweed Cultivation Based on The Depth
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 >2,5-5,0 Very appropriate 3
2 5,0-10 Appropriate 2
3 <2,5; >10 Not Appropriate 1

D. Temperature
Temperature is a one of the factors for determining the appropriateness of the location
to the cultivation of seaweed. The temperature was very influential for the growth of seaweed
in photosynthesis and indirectly affect solvency of oxygen used for respiration of organisms of
the sea even though the temperature is not deadly but can inhibit the growth of seaweed.
Temperature rise can cause thallus seaweed into pale yellowish.
Table 5.12 Criteria for The Seeweed Cultivation Based on The Temperature
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 >27-30 Very appropriate 3
2 25-27 Appropriate 2
3 <25; >30 Not Appropriate 1

E. The Basic Substrate of the Waters

The basic form of rock substrate is an important habitat good compared with the
substrate of sand and gravel. The substrate of sand and gravel easy to get carried away by
water currents.

Table 5.13 Criteria for The Seeweed Cultivation Based on The Basic Substrate of the Waters
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 Sand Very appropriate 3
2 Coral Appropriate 2
3 Muddy, Muddy-sand Not Appropriate 1

F. Salinity
Salinity may have an effect on the process of osmoregulasi on plants, seaweed. The
high salinity can inhibit the growth of seaweed. Based on the results of field measurements
showed that the conditions of salinity waters Bantaeng on ST-01 to ST-08 range between
16 36. Salinity differences occur due to differences in evaporation and precipitation. The

salinity of the oceans in tropical regions is higher because of the higher evaporation, while on
the ocean in temperate climates are low salinity because evaporation is lower.
Table 5.14 Criteria for The Seeweed Cultivation Based on The Basic Substrate of the Salinity
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 >30-33 Very appropriate 3
2 28-30 Appropriate 2
3 <28; >33 Not Appropriate 1

G. The Degree of Acidity (PH)

The degree of acidity is one of the parameters of the greatly affect organisms in
environmental waters. According to Aslan (1991), pH range that is suitable for the cultivation of
seaweed is the likely base. PH concentration affects the rate of fertility waters as it affects life
remains miniscule (Nybakken, 1992).
Table 5.15 Criteria for The Seeweed Cultivation Based on The Degree of Acidity (PH)
No Kriteria Kategori Skoring
1 >7,0-8,5 Very appropriate 3
2 6-7; >8,5-9,5 Appropriate 2
3 <6,0; >9,5 Not Appropriate 1

H. Current Speed
The speed of the current was instrumental in the waters, such as mixing water mass,
nutrient elements, provided the transportation of oxygen. Flow is a factor that should take
precedence in the selection of the location of the cultivation of seaweed because current will
affect sedimentation in waters, which in turn affect light. In addition the current plays a role in
the availability of oxygen, the oxygen when deep enough waters then seaweed can perform
optimally with either respiration at night.
Table 5.16 Criteria for The Seeweed Cultivation Based on The Current Speed
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 >0,2-0,3 Very appropriate 3
2 0,1-0,2; >0,3-0,4 Appropriate 2
3 <0,1; >0,4 Not Appropriate 1

1.2.2. Port Area

Port area zoning depends not only on the criteria of the Mainland, but also the physical
condition of the chemistry of the water. As for the criteria used to determine land suitable for
the development of the port area that is depth, sediments, and wave height.
A. The Depth

The depth of the Waters is a very oseanografis influential factors in the planning of the
harbour. For cruise, the ships require specific draft so that the depth that used to cruise is the
depth of the draft of the ship plus a certain depth.
Table 5.17 of Criteria Based on The Depth of the Port Area
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 <100 m from the shoreline Very appropriate 4
2 100-500 m from the shoreline appropriate 3
3 500-1000 m from the shoreline Corresponding Conditional 2
4 >1000 m from the shoreline Not appropriate 1

B. Sediment
Sediment transport patterns can be seen from the sediment, sand, spit and the degree
of turbidity of sea water. There are two kinds of beach when viewed teraduknya constituent
materials, namely sandy beaches and the Rocky Beach. Rocky Beach consists of a sturdy
material and changes are fixed, while sandy beaches consist of loose material such as sand,
gravel, clay or a mixture of all three was able to change back to its original form as erosion-
accretion, after exposed to external styles.
Table 5.18 of Criteria Based on The sediment of the Port Area
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 Natural-coloured and there is no erosion Very appropriate 4
2 Natural-coloured and there is erosion appropriate 3
3 Lightly browned and no erosion 2
4 Lightly browned and erosion occur Not appropriate 1

C. Wave Height
The influence of the waves in the area of oceanographic factors as the designation of
the port have an effect that is quite important. The magnitude of the wave energy affect the
construction costs of the building as well as breakwaters and unloading in the process ponds
Table 5.19 Criteria port area based on wave height
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 0 - <2m Very appropriate 4
2 2m - <4m appropriate 3
3 Corresponding 2
4m - <6m
4 6m - >6m Not appropriate 1

1.2.3. Water recreation area

Development of coastal tourism is an activity that is related to the marine activity, both
above sea level as well as of the activities carried out under the sea level (sub marine). The
important factors in the development of coastal tourism, among others, are the natural
conditions that are still natural, flora fauna, biodiversity and the ecosystem. Natural ecosystems
found in the coastal areas include coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass meadow, sandy beach,
rocky beach, each of which has the uniqueness and beauty of the panorama is typical among
the regions with each other (Dahuri r. 2003). In addition to these factors, there are several
criteria for aquatic conditions that need to be considered for the suitability of the development
of the tourist area of water.
A. The Depth
The depth of the waters that are not too deep/steep it is reasonably safe to do
excursions to swim. Swimming activities cannot be done or have a high risk if the form steep
sea with a depth more than 5 metres though according to Halim (1998), at a depth of the
shallow sea belongs to the stil.
Table 5.20 of criteria based on the depth of the port area
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 0-3 Very appropriate 4
2 >3-6 appropriate 3
3 Corresponding 2
> 6 - 10 Conditional
4 > 10 Not appropriate 1

B. Current Speed
The rapid flow of harmful to tourism activities such as swimming. The speed of the
current is strongly influenced by the difference of the season, in the West of the current
relatively higher speed compared to the East (Riyadi et al., 2005). A decent flow velocity based
on standards conformance acreage for Beach Tourism i.e. 0.1 0.5 m/sec (Yulianda, 2006).

Table 5.21 of criteria based on the Current speed of the port area
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 0 - 0,17 Very appropriate 4
2 >0,17 - 0,34 appropriate 3
3 Corresponding 2
>0,34 - 0,51 Conditional
4 >0,51 Not appropriate 1

C. A Dangerous Life

Sea life not only as a tourist attraction but several marine biota species become
dangerous for tourists, one of them is the sea urchins. Sea urchins are made as major
indicators because it has thorns and poisonous if trampled by tourists who are conducting
activities such as swimming, snorkling and diving, the spines will be broken because it has a
fragile nature, so it will be embedded in the skin which can lead to infection. Based on the
results of monitoring, not found the presence of harmful aquatic biota Bantaeng Regency.
Table 5.22 of criteria based on the Biota Dangerous port area
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 There is no Very appropriate 4
2 jellyfish and sea urchins appropriate 3
3 Corresponding 2
jellyfish and stingrays Conditional
4 Sea urchins, stingrays, lepu, shark Not appropriate 1

D. The Brightness Of The Waters

The brightness of the waters is the most important parameter in nautical tourism
activities and this parameter is crucial both as bad for tourism activities. According to Sidabutar
and Edward (1995), that the very brightness is determined by the intensity of the Sun's light
and particles organic and inorganic hovering in the water column. Based on the raw quality of
the waters for tourism set out by the Ministry of environment in 2004 was a good brightness is
more than 6 m, so the brightness value between 0.3-0.5 is included in the murky waters of the
Table 5.23 of criteria based on the brightness of the waters of the port area
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 > 10 Very appropriate 4
2 5-10 appropriate 3
3 Corresponding 2
3-5 Conditional
4 <3 Not appropriate 1

E. The Basic Substrate of The Waters

The basic substrate of the waters is one of the factors that affect the aquatic ecosystem
and very influential towards the turbidity of the waters as well as one of the factors supporting
the feasibility of tourist activities for marine. The basic substrate waters can be sand, coral, and
mud. Sand is the most suitable criteria for water tourism activities. According to Yulianda
(2007), the size of the sand on the beach can be estimated based on texture. Associated with
its utilization, large sand determines the comfort of visitors in starting or playing sand. Visitors

prefer the soft sand. Sandy beaches and having a grain size 0.25-0.50 mm for either fringing
the beach tourism activity because at the time of the Foundation of the footrest can give
comfort to travelers.
Table 5.24 Criteria port area based on Basic Aquatic Substrates
No Criteria Category Scoring
1 sand Very appropriate 4
2 Reef sandy appropriate 3
3 Corresponding 2
Muddy sand Conditional
4 mud Not appropriate 1

1.3. The Ranking Criteria for Zoning The Area Waters

1.3.1. Seaweed
After knowing the physical-chemical parameters of criteria of Oceanography for the
suitability of seaweed aquaculture waters then carried out an assessment of the feasibility level
against quantitatively waters with the skoring method and AHP weighting. There is seaweed
cultivation zoning criteria, namely the basic substrate water flow velocity, temperature,
brightness, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and waters depth. Each of these criteria into
consideration he has chosen an alternative location of cultivation of seaweed that Kecamatan
Bisappu, Bantaeng or Pa'jukukang.
Each of the criteria dibobotkan seaweed cultivation zoning on AHP analysis results. The
weights used to analysis the following overlay results weighting AHP for the suitability of
cultivated seaweed.

Picture5.13 Criteria of Seeweed

Figure 5.1 Graph Analysis of AHP Seaweed Area

Based on the results of the analysis of AHP, it is known that the most influential criteria
in the zoning area of seaweed is the brightness with weights 16.7% and the lowest weighting is
the velocity of the flow with a weight of 7.3%.

1.3.2. Port
The suitability of the land for the port using 3 criteria i.e., the depth of the waters,
sediments, and wave height. Each of these criteria into consideration he has chosen an
alternative location of the port that is in district Bisappu, Bantaeng or Pa'jukukang.

Picture 5.14 : Criteria of Port

Each dibobotkan port zoning criteria on AHP analysis results. The weights used for the
analysis of overlay as shown in the following figure. Based on the results of the analysis of AHP,
it is known that the most influential criteria in the area of port zoning is the depth and sediment
with equal weight that is 40%. As for the lowest weight i.e. high waves with weighting of 20%.

Model Name: kawasan pelabuhan


kedalaman .400
ketinggian pantai .400
tinggi gelombang .200
Inconsistency = 0.00
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 5.2 Graphic Analysis Of The Port Area

1.3.3. Water Recreation

The suitability of the land for recreational water use 5 criteria i.e., the depth of the
waters, the speed of the flow, aquatic biota, the brightness, the basic substrate and aquatic
sediments. Each of these criteria into consideration he has chosen an alternative location of the
port that is in district Bisappu, Bantaeng or Pa'jukukang.

Picture 5.15 Criteria of water Recreation

Each recreational zoning criteria of water dibobotkan on the results of the analysis of
AHP. The weights used for the analysis of overlay as shown in the following figure.

rahayu pratiwi
Biota Berbahaya

Substrat Dasar Perairan

Figure 5.3 Graphic Analysis of Tourism Region

Based on the results of the analysis of AHP, it is known that the most influential criteria
in water recreation area zoning is the depth with a weight of 38%. As for criteria that have the
most influence is the basic substrate of low waters with 8.7%.

1.4. Zoning of territorial waters
Bantaeng Regency waters area zoning divided the area of cultivation of seaweed, ports, and
recreational water. Determination of zoning for the third peruntukkan the analysis done using
the overlay. Overlay analysis produces a new spatial data from at least two spatial data into two
spatial data that is being input.

1.4.1. Seaweed Cultivation Area Zoning

Seaweed cultivation area zoning is done by doing a merger between skoring and
weighting (AHP) which is then carried out using waters matching classification approach to
Table 5.25 Skoring of Land Cultivating Seaweed

No. Parameters Criteria Scoring Bobot Value Score

>2,5-5,0 Very appropriate 3 0.435
1 Depth 5,0-10 Appropriate 2 0.145 0.290
<2,5; >10 Not Appropriate 1 0.145
>27-30 Very appropriate 3 0.411
2 Temperature 25-27 Appropriate 2 0.137 0.274
<25; >30 Not Appropriate 1 0.137
>30-33 Very appropriate 3 0.336
3 Salinity 28-30 Appropriate 2 0.112 0.224
<28; >33 Not Appropriate 1 0.112
sand Very appropriate 3 0.369
The Basic Substrate
4 coral Appropriate 2 0.123 0.246
of the Waters
Muddy, muddy-san Not Appropriate 1 0.123
>5 (>75%) Very appropriate 3 0.501
5 Brightness 3,0-5 (50-75%) Appropriate 2 0.167 0.334
<3,0 (<50%) Not Appropriate 1 0.167
>0,2-0,3 Very appropriate 3 0.219
6 Current Speed 0,1-0,2; >0,3-0,4 Appropriate 2 0.073 0.146
<0,1; >0,4 Not Appropriate 1 0.073
>7,0-8,5 Very appropriate 3 0.261
7 pH 6-7; >8,5-9,5 Appropriate 2 0.087 0.174
<6,0; >9,5 Not Appropriate 1 0.087
>4 Very appropriate 3 0.474
8 Dissolved Oxygen 2,0-4,0 Appropriate 2 0.158 0.316
<2,0 Not Appropriate 1 0.158

Determination of interval class is calculated by using the formula:

i = class interva,
R = the highest value the lowest value,
N = The number of classes.
The maximum value obtained is 3, i.e. the result of addition of the eighth highest and
lowest value criterion is 1, that is the summation of the results of the eighth lowest criteria.
Based on the above formula, obtained:
i = (3 1) / 2
Interval class suitability of cultivation of seaweed is 1. The results of this classification is done
interval classes into two classes namely the area suitable for cultivation of seaweed and the
region is not suitable for cultivation of seaweed. For more details can be seen in the table
below. (Picture 5.16 seaweed cultivation area zoning map)
Table 5.26 interval class suitability of cultivation of seeweed
No. Interval Assessment
1 12 Does not match
2 23 Fit

1.4.2. Zoning Port Area

Zoning Port Area is done by doing a merger between skoring and weighting (AHP). The
result of the merger and then carried out using waters matching classification approach to
Table 5.27 Skoring of Zoning Port Area

No. Parameters Criteria Scoring Weights Value Score

Natural-coloured and there is Very appropriate
4 1.6
no erosion
Natural-coloured and there is appropriate
3 1.2
1 Sediment Corresponding 0.400
Natural-coloured and there is
Conditional 2 0.8
Lightly browned and erosion Not appropriate
1 0.4
2 Depth Very appropriate 0.400
<100 m from the shoreline 4 1.6
100-500 m from the shoreline appropriate 3 1.2

500-1000 m from the shoreline Conditional 2 0.8

Not appropriate
>1000 m dari garis pantai 1 0.4
Very appropriate
0 - <2m 4 0.8
2m - <4m 3 0.6
3 Wave Height Corresponding 0.200
4m - <6m Conditional 2 0.4

Not appropriate
6m - >6m 1 0.2

Determination of interval class is calculated by using the formula:

i = class interva,
R = the highest value the lowest value,
N = the number of classes.
The maximum value obtained was, that the results of the calculations of the three
highest and lowest value criterion is 1, that is the summation of the results of the eighth lowest
criteria. Based on the above formula, obtained:
i = (4 1) / 2
= 1,5
Interval class suitability of cultivation of seaweed is 1.5. The results of this classification is done
interval classes into two classes namely the area suitable for the port and the area which is not
suitable for port. For more details can be seen in the table below. (Picture 5.17 zoning port area
Table 5.28 interval class suitability of cultivation of sea weed
No. Interval Assessment
1 1 2,5 Does not match
2 2,5 4 Fit

1.4.3. Zoning of Water Tourism Area

Water tourist area of zoning is done by doing a merger between skoring and weighting
(AHP). The result of the merger and then carried out using waters matching classification
approach to arithmetic.
Table 5.29 Skoring of Zoning of Water Tourism Area

No. Parameters Criteria Scoring Weights
Very appropriate
0-3 4 1.520
>3-6 3 1.140
1 Depth Corresponding 0.38
> 6 - 10 2 0.760
Not appropriate
> 10 1 0.380
Very appropriate
Sand 4 0.348
The Basic Reef sandy 3 0.261
2 Substrate of Corresponding 0.087
The Waters Conditional
Muddy sand 2 0.174
Not appropriate
Mud 1 0.087
Very appropriate
0 - 0,17 4 0.844
>0,17 - 0,34 3 0.633
3 Current speed Corresponding 0.211
>0,34 - 0,51 2 0.422
Not appropriate
>0,51 1 0.211
Very appropriate
> 10 4 0.456
5-10 3 0.342
4 The brightness Corresponding 0.114
3-5 2 0.228
Not appropriate
<3 1 0.114
Very appropriate
There is no
4 0.828
jellyfish and sea urchins 3 0.621
A dangerous
5 Corresponding 0.207
jellyfish and stingrays 2 0.414
Sea urchins, stingrays, lepu, Not appropriate
shark 1 0.207

Determination of interval class is calculated by using the formula:

i = class interva,
R = the highest value the lowest value,
N = The number of classes.

The maximum value obtained was, that the results of the calculations of the three
highest and lowest value criterion is 1, that is the summation of the results of the eighth lowest
criteria. Based on the above formula, obtained:
i = (4 1) / 2
= 1,5
Interval class suitability of water tourism area is 1.5. The results of this classification is done
interval classes into two classes namely the area suitable for the port and the area which is not
suitable for port. For more details can be seen in the table below. (Picture 5.18 zoning of water
tourism area)
Table 5.30 interval class suitability of water tourism area
No. Interval Assessment
1 1 2,5 Does not match
2 2,5 4 Fit

(Picture 5.16 seaweed cultivation area zoning map)

(Picture 5.17 zoning port area map)

(Picture 5.18 zoning of water tourism area)

1.5. Rating Criteria Zoning Waterway
As has been outlined earlier that territorial waters has the physical characteristics
chemical be the criteria in determining the zoning waters good for seaweed aquaculture,
ports and leisure water. Seaweed cultivation zoning uses 8 criteria, criteria 3 port area, and
water area of the 5 criteria. In total there are 12 criteria for zoning waterways (see image
below), namely the basic substrate of waters, wave height, speed of flow, temperature,
brightness, biota, sediments, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity and waters depth. Several
criteria are used for more than one alternative zoning. For example, the criteria of the depth
of the waters used for seaweed cultivation zoning, ports, and recreational water. In contrast
to the pH criterion only used for seaweed cultivation zoning.

Picture 19: Zoning criteria waters

Analysis of AHP on this section is used to generate the overall criteria weights zoning
of the water. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that the most influential
criteria in planning zoning waterways is basic aquatic substrates with weights 25.8% and
who have the most influence of low salinity is weighing 2.8%. As shown in the graphic

3/25/2016 2:58:23 PM Page 1 of 1
Figure 5.4. Graphic Analysis of Criteria Zoning Waterway
1.6. The importance of zoning (AHP)
Model Name: zonasi perairan 2
The importance of zoning for territorial waters resulting from the analysis of AHP. The
alternative zoning territorial waters is divided into three regions, namely the cultivation of
seaweed, port and recreation. As for the results of the analysis of AHP as consideration area
where more priority can be seen in the following image.

Budidaya Rumput Laut .594

Rekreasi .249
Pelabuhan .157
Inconsistency = 0.05
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 5.5 Graphic Analysis of the Alternative zoning territorial waters

Based on the above graph, it can be noted that the importance of zoning the most
preferred waters i.e. cultivation of seaweed with weights 59.4% 24.9% leisure and then port
of 15.7%.

1.7. Results Processing Mapping Overlay

1.7.1. Vector and Raster data
According to Eddy Prahasta (2001, p158) in Hardi et al., (2010), vector format is a
format that is showing, placing and storing spatial data using points, lines, polygons, along
with its attributes.
Raster data (or also known as grid cells) are the resulting data from remote sensing
systems. Raster data, geographic object represented as a grid cell structure which is called
pixel (picture element). Raster data, resolution (visual definition) depending on the size of
his pixel.




Picture 5.19 Struktrur vector and Raster Data

1.7.2. Rasterisasi
Rasterisasi is the process of modifying the data vectors into raster data. In other words,
change is a series of data points to the data in a form which is a series of separate cells with
the value of each.
Rasterisasi or conversion of raster-to-vector is the process of eliminating the ' data-
based pixels ' of representation of point/line/polygon. The computer puts all the grid map
and calculate the values of pixels based on the feature type (line or no line).

rasterization or vector-to-

vectorization or raster-to-
Picture 5.20. Illustration of Rasterisasi and Vektorisasi

1.7.3. Boolean Logic

A function of logic or the logic of the operation in question on Boolean Algebra. Boolean
algebra is a combination of Binary Variables such as the input and output of a digital circuit
that can be shown that in Boolean logic of relations between variables are all binary.
Analysis of the suitability of using Boolean logic approach. Boolean logic using only the
digits 0 and 1. The number 0 is not appropriate and is rated the number 1 rated accordingly.
Analysis with Boolean operations produce data layer (data layers) that shows the
corresponding areas and dispose of the areas is not appropriate. The applied nature of
a. Called binary operations (binary)
b. in the context of conformity 0 = No 1 = appropriate and in accordance
c. If using raster data (grid cell) there is the possibility of a multiplication of cells with a
value of 0 x 0 0 x 1 and 1 x 1
d. is said to match if a site they all meet (number 1)

Based on the classification of which has been mentioned above, then the done sorting
arithmetic for classification has been done previously on the overlay mapping of the area
waters. The classification in the form of a suitable area and the waters that do not fit
untuksebelumnya be matched by a score of 1 and does not match with the score of 0.

1.7.4. Merge with Boolean Ranking Classification criteria (AHP)

The merger of the ranking criteria is carried out using the help of ilwis software. The
merger was done using data results rasterisasi which was later done weighting (ahp results)
in the ilwis software with maximum standardization.

Picture 5.21of maximum Standardization of zoning the area water

AHP results data entry using multicriteria high performance direct pairwise
comparison. This is useful for the weighting on each raster zoning.

Picture 5.22 of the income rankings zoning area waters

A merger between raster and results showed that the zoning zoning area based on
the percentage of the area.

Picture 5.23

Multicriteria analysis results image area waters Bantaeng regency

Categorization of Percentage for the purposes of zoning the area waters as a whole is
done by doing a percentage based on the area division ranked each Zoning. As for the
categories found in the results of the SMCA is:
0 25%
26 50%
51 75%
76 100%
Based on classification of spatial multicriteria analysis of percentage above, so do the
determination of area in accordance with the ranking of zoning that is:
Seaweed 59.4%, so that the area of zoning that has a percentage of 51 100%
suitable for cultivation of seaweed.
Recreation 24.9%, so a zoning district has 26 percentage of 50% is suitable for
recreational water
Port of 15.7%, so a zoning district has a percentage 0 25% match to port area.

2. On-Shore Area Zoning Of Bantaeng Coastal Area

2.1. Identification of Criteria
2.1.1. Konservation Area
Protected areas or conservation area covering turf areas, the coast border areas,
mangroves, wooded coastal areas and disaster areas (Picture 5.40). Protected areas in the
coastal area includes the coast border areas and the mangrove forests area. Determination
conservation areas that become the priority to determination of a suitable zone for land
conservation and land woke oriented towards Minister of agriculture Regulations Decision
837/Kpts/Um/1/1980 and 683/Kpts/Um/8/1981.
The function divisions area against the location study performed the area divisions into
three regions, namely the protected area, a buffer area and cultivation areas. This Division
is taking into account the 3 indicator i.e. slope (Picture 5.33), soil type (Picture 5.34) and
daily rainfall average (Picture 5.35). For more details can be seen in table 3 below.

Table 5.31 Slope Indicator
Slope Clasificationn Scor
Class 1 : 0% - 8% Flat 20
Class 2 : 8% - 15% Sloping 40
Class 3 : 15% - 25% Rather Steep 60
Class 4 : 25% - 45% Steep 80
Class 5 : 45% atau lebih Very Steep 100
Sumber: Keputusan Menteri Pertanian 837/Kpts/Um/11/1980 dan 683/Kpts/Um/8/1981

Table 5.32 Soil Type Indicator

Soil by its Sensitivity Clasification Scor
Aluvial, tanah Glei, Planosol, Hidromorf Kelabu, Laterik air Not sensitive 15
Latosol Rather sensitive 30
Brown forest soil, non calcic brown, mediteran Rather sensitive 45
Andosol, Lateric, Grumusol, Podsol, Podsolic Sensitive 60
regosol, Litosol, Organosol, Renzina Very Sensitive 75
Sumber: Keputusan Menteri Pertanian 837/Kpts/Um/11/1980 dan 683/Kpts/Um/8/1981

Table 5.33Daily Rainfall Indicator

Daily Rainfall Average Clasification Scor
Class 1 : s/d 13,6 mm/hr Lowest 10
Class 2 : 13,6 20,7 mm/hr Low 20
Class 3 : 20,7 27,7 mm/hr moderate 30
Class 4 : 27,7 34,8 mm/hr High 40
Class 5 : 34,8 mm/hr atau lebih Highest 50
Sumber: Keputusan Menteri Pertanian 837/Kpts/Um/11/1980 dan 683/Kpts/Um/8/1981

The result of 3 score value added and then make overlay to get zone area division by
function area by using the following criteria:

A. Protected Area
Protected areas have a total value of score for the land ability is equal to or more than 175
with the following criteria:
Sloped land more than 40%
The soils type are very sensitive to erosion (regosol, litosol, organosol, and
renzina) with a slope of 15% more field.
safety line of water/river Is the flow that is at least 100 meters on the left-the
great river and 50 metres left-right tributary.
Is the protection of water, i.e. at least 200 metre radius around the springs.
Is the protection of Lakes/reservoirs, i.e. 50-100 metres around the Lake/reservoir.
Have a height of 2,000 meters or more above sea level

B. Buffer Area
The Buffers Area has the value score for the ability of land 125-174, with the
following criteria:
The physical condition of the land units allows for cultivation by economically.
Economically location is easy to developed as a buffer area.

Do not detrimental in terms of ecology / environment when it is developed as a
buffer zone

C. Cultivation Area
The cultivation area has the value score for the ability of its 124 down and the
suitable or should be developed area for forest production area, people's forest area,
agricultural area, fisheries area, mining area, industrial area, Recreation area, Residential
area, and the other provisions.
Based on Minister Regulation of PU No. 40 year 2007 is the distance Beach free
boundary or boundaries of the coast is not to be utilized for the cultivation of land or for a
established buildings. The coastal set-back line is measured from the highest point of the
tidal and coastal elements, one element that can be developed is a mangrove. The coastal
set-back line criteria and mangrove forests. The coastal set-back line is measuring
proSeaportsionate to the shape and the physical condition of the beach, a minimum of 100
(one hundred) meters from the highest tidal point towards the ground.
Coastal set-back line has a structure and pattern space area that passes through the
northernmost edge of the lip around the coast to the Mainland should be preserved into the
public area that can be enjoyed by the general public easily where the Coastal set-back line
areas can be used as necessary to open space.

2.1.2. CBD Areas

Central Business District (CBD) is the city centre that is located right in the middle of
the city and a rounded is the Centre of social life, economics, culture and politics, as well as
is a high degree of accessibility with the zone in a city (Burges, 1925).
The CBD is divided into two parts, namely the Retail Business District (RBD) and
Wholesale Business District (WBD). RBD is part of the CBD with the dominant activity of
shops, offices and services. WBD is a part of the building occupied by the CBD with the
allocation of economic activity on a large scale, such as markets, warehouses, and the
storage of the goods in order the durable (storage buildings). In the specify the location of
the or the CBD, there are a number of criteria including:

A. Cultivation Area
Cultivation area is a region defined by the primary function for cultivated basis of the
conditions and the potential of natural resources, human resources, and artificial resources
(Minister Regulations of PU No 14 in 2007). Based on the table below, the cultivation which

is very appropriate for the CBD based on highest i.e. Scoring commercial area and offices,
namely the area cultivated on the basis of human resource potential and artificial resources.
(Picture 5.36)
Table 5.34 Criteria of CBD Area by Cultivation Area
Cultivation Area Scor
Commercial and Offices area 5
Residential area 4
Education area 3
Industrial and werehousing area 2
Agriculture area, reservoirs, open space and Coastal set-back line 1

B. Coastal set-back line

Coastal set-back line is land along the banks of proSeaportsional width with the
shape and the physical condition of the beach, a minimum of 100 (one hundred) meters
from the highest tidal point towards the ground (UU RI No. 1 2014 About management of
Coastal Regions and small islands). The location of CBD areas towards coastal set-back line
is suitable to approximately >100 m from point pairs. The condition of coastal set-back line
wich 30-<40 m from the highest tide is not intended for CBD area. (Picture 5.37)
Table 5.35 Criteria of CBD Area by Coastal set-back Line
Wide of Coastal Set-Back Line Scor
>100m 5
80 - 100 m 4
60 - <80 3
40 - <60 2
30 - <40 1

C. Infrastructur Availability
The availability of the infrastructure to be one of the parameters for the
determination of the Centre of the city or the CBD. This is due to the area that became the
center of the city have to have completeness in meeting the needs of the community
especially in terms of infrastructure. The availability of the network infrastructure includes
the availability of road infrastructure, affordable public transSeaportsation, availability of
garbage processing, available means and flood free and has a score of 5 (five). (Picture
Table 5.36 Criteria Kawasan Permukiman berdasarkan Ketersediaan Infrastruktur
Infrastructur Availability Scor
Road infrastructure available, affordable public 5
transSeaportsation, waste treatment systems are available, the
available means, excluding flood area
Road infrastructure available, affordable public 4
transSeaportsation, available means, excluding flood area

The road infrastructure is available, as a means, excluding flood 3
The road infrastructure is available, the available means of 2
The availability of road infrastructures 1

2.1.3. Residential Area

According to Minister Regulation of Pu No. 41 area intended for residence or a
residential environment that supSeaportss activities and places for fairies lives and
livelihood. General provisions for the Residential with the main functions are: as the
environment of the place of residence and place of activities that supSeaports the
community's livelihood and life of fairies while creating social interaction, as a collection of
dwellings and shelter families as well as a means for the construction of the family. As for
the criteria of the area of the Residential covering the slope of the slopes, Coastal set-back
line, and the availability of infrastructure.
A. Slope
Development of residential areas must meet the standards that have been
established, one slope. The slope is divided into several classes, namely flat (0 - < 8 %),
ramps (8-15 %), rather steep (15-25 %), steep (25- < 45 %) and very steep > 45 %.
Criteria slope of the land that is in accordance with the residential area has a flat topography
which has a score of five with slope 0 - < 8 %.
Table 5.37 Criteria of The Residential Area Based on the Slope
Slope Keterangan Scor
0 - <8% Flat 5
8 - 15% Sloping 4
15 - <25% Rather Steep 3
25 - <45% Steep 2
>45% Very Steep 1

B. Coastal set-back lines Distance

On the allocation of coastal Residential area development distance which is very
appropriate and safe is 100 m from point > pairs the highest with a score of five. The
distance of the development which is quite appropriate and quite safe is 80 100 m from
the point of highest tide by a score of four. The distance to the construction area of the
Residential is not appropriate and did not secure a 30 40 m from point < pairs the highest
with a score of one.
Table 5.38 Criteria of Residential Area Based on the Coastal set-back lines Distance
Coastal set-back lines Scor
>100 m 5
80 - 100 m 4

60 - <80 m 3
40 - <60 m 2
30 - <40 m 1

C. Infrastruktur Avaibility
In addition to the view of the topography and distance from the highest tide sea
water availability of the network infrastructure plays an imSeaportsant role in the
construction of Residential. The availability of the network infrastructure includes the
availability of road infrastructure, affordable public transSeaportsation, availability of
garbage processing, available means and flood free and has a score of five.

Table 5.39 Criteria of Settelment Area Based on Infrastructur Availibility

Infrastruktur Avaibility Scor
Road infrastructure available, affordable public
transSeaportsation, waste treatment systems are available, the
available means, excluding flood area

Road infrastructure available, affordable public

transSeaportsation, available means, excluding flood area 4

The road infrastructure is available, as a means, excluding flood

area 3

The road infrastructure is available, the available means of

The availability of road infrastructures

2.1.4. Seaports Area

According to Law No. 5 of 2008 about the cruise Seaports is a definition consists of
the Mainland and its surrounding waters with the limits as the place of the activity of
Government and an economy that is used as the place of her ship, the ups and downs of
passengers or loading and unloading goods equipped with safety facilities and ancillary
activities of the Seaports as well as the place of displacement of intra and inter mode of
transSeaportsation. In determining the location of the Seaports area, there are several
criteria i.e. distance, slopes with roads, soil type and the distance to the river.

A. Slope
Appropriate Seaports development is built on a slope of 0 - < 8 % flat topography
and has a score of 5. The construction of the Seaports most suitable built on a slope> 45 %
with a very steep topography and has a score of 1.
Table 5.40 Criteria of Seaportss Area Based of Slope

Slope Keterangan Scor
0 - <8% 5
8 - 15% 4
Rather Steep
15 - <25% 3
25 - <45% 2
Very Steep
>45% 1

B. Distance Towards the Main Street

Distance towards the main road is one of the factors to be considered in the
determination of the Seaports area. The existence of a network of roads that open access to
the Seaports can streamline the process of transSeaportsing goods or passengers to and
from the Seaports. Seaports area criteria based on the distance towards the main street has
the highest score for a distance less than 500 m. Distance ideal distance is the
determination of the Seaports area. A location that has a distance of more than 2,000 m is a
category that is not appropriate for the location of the construction of the Seaports.( Picture
Table 5.41 Seaports Area Criteria Based on the Distance Towards the Main Street
Criteria Categori Scor
0 500 m Very appropriate 5
501 1000 m Appropriate 4
1001 1500 m Fairly appropriate 3
1501 2000 m Less appropriate 2
>2000 m Not appropriate 1

C. The Distance From the River

The proximity of the river is a very imSeaportsant factor in the determination of the
harbor area. It aims to meet the needs of water supply for the boat. The closer the site
selection with a river Seaports area, the better. Categories are very suitable location which
is located at < 500 m from the river. The location is not appropriate for the Seaports area
which is located > 2000 m from the river.

Table 5.42 Seaports area criteria based on the distance towards the river
Criteria Categori Scor
0 500 m Very appropriate 5
501 1000 m Appropriate 4
1001 1500 m Fairly appropriate 3

1501 2000 m Less appropriate 2
>2000 m Not appropriate 1

D. Soil Type
The Seaports requires a stable and strong ground so that is able to supSeaports the
construction of the building as well as freight and passenger traffic. The table below shows
that the soil texture which is very suitable for Seaports area that is dusty and sand dunes.
While the texture of the soil that is not suitable for Seaports area be dusty and clays.
Table 5.43 Seaports area criteria based on soil texture
Criteria Categori Scor
Dusty sand, sand Very appropriate 5
Sand Particle appropriate 4
Dust, dust particle, particle Fairly appropriate 3
Sand clay, galuh, dusty clay Less appropriate 2
Dusty clay, clay Not appropriate 1

2.1.5. Industrial Area

The industrial area is an area intended for industrial activities based on Spatial Plan
areas designated by the Government of the concerned district/city. Some or all parts of the
region's industry designation can be managed by one particular Manager. In this case, the
area that is managed by a specific Manager is called industrial area. The type of industry in
the industrial area that is developed must be able to create jobs and can improve the quality
of local community resources. For that kind of industry that is developed should have a
relationship of strong linkages with local site characteristics, such as ease of access to raw
materials and the ease of access to the market or (Minister Regulation PU No 14 in 2007).
As for the criteria in the determination of the industrial area covering the slope the slope,
distance terhdap main road

A. Slope
It is known that the following can be based on the criteria of the slope incline
between 0-8% is a very appropriate condition category for the allocation of industrial areas.
In addition, the criteria of the slope the slope 9-15% and 16 25% is still pretty appropriate
conditions for the development of industrial zones based on the grant of Scoring.
Table 5.44 The Criteria of Industrial Zones based on the Slopes
Criteria Categori Scor
0 - 8% Very appropriate 5
9 - 15% appropriate 4
16 - 25% Fairly appropriate 3

26 - 45% Less appropriate 2
>45% Not appropriate 1
Sumber: Permen PU No 14 Tahun 2007

B. Distance Towards the main street

The following table shows that the location of the industrial area on the basis of the
distance towards the main road is a great fit with a distance of 0 500 m. the larger the
interval distance, then the level of suitability of the location of the industrial area on the
basis of the distance towards the main street is getting low.
Table 5.45 The Criteria of Industrial Zones Based on the Distance Towards the Main Street
Criteria Categori Scor
0 500 m Very appropriate 5
501 1000 m Appropriate 4
1001 1500 m Fairly appropriate 3
1501 2000 m Less appropriate 2
>2000 m Not appropriate 1
Sumber: Permen PU No 14 Tahun 2007

C. Distance Towards the Seaports

In addition to seeing the condition of the slopes and slope distance industrial area
towards the main road, the distance from the industrial area of the Seaports is the
determining criteria against the location of the industrial area on the condition that a
distance of 0-500 m is the distance that is most suitable for the provision of the industrial
area. The greater the distance, followed by the smaller Scoring is given then the level of
suitability of the location's industrial area is getting low. (Picture 5.41)
Table 5.46 The Criteria of Industrial Zones Based on the Distance Towards the Seaports
Criteria Categori Scor
0 500 m Very good 5
501 1000 m Good 4
1001 1500 m Moderate 3
1501 2000 m bad 2
>2000 m Very bad 1
Sumber: Permen PU No 14 Tahun 2007

2.1.6. Recreation Area

The area of Recreation is an area intended for Recreation activities or anything that
is related to Recreation including the concession object and tourist attraction as well as
related efforts in the field. In tourist areas, the type of Recreation that is cultivated and
developed in the area of Recreation designation can be either natural or historical and
cultural conservation, aiming to introduce, harness, and preserving the values of

history/local culture and natural beauty, as well as supSeaports the provision of employment
which in turn can increase the income of people in the area concerned (Minister Regulation
of PU No 14 in 2007). As for the criteria in the determination of the area of Recreation
include slope slopes, and soil type.

A. Slopes
The following table is based on industrial land designation is in accordance with the
conditions that are in the area with a large flat slope angle of 0 - < 8 % (flat). In addition,
with a large slope angle of 8-15 % (ramps) and 15 - < 25 % (oblique) is a land that is still
quite appropriate in the development of industrial zones.
Table 5.47 The Criteria of the Area of Recreation Based on the Slope of the Slopes
Criteria Besar Sudut Categori Scor
Flat 0 - <8% Very good 5
Sloping 8 - 15% Good 4
Rather Steep 15 - <25% moderate 3
Steep 25 - <45% bad 2
Very Steep >45% Very bad 1
Sumber: Permen PU No 14 Tahun 2007

B. Soil Texture
Soil texture that is appropriate for the provision of tourist area is a dusty sand soil
texture and grit which is a land that is not too fertile and productive agricultural land is not.
The higher the level of Scoring is given, then the criteria of soil texture is increasingly
appropriate for designation of area Recreation. (Picture 5.42)
Table 5.48 Criteria Kawasan Pariwisata berdasarkan Tekstur Tanah
Criteria Categori Scor
Dusty sand, sand Very appropriate 5
Sand Particle appropriate 4
Dust, dust particle, particle Fairly appropriate 3
Sand clay, galuh, dusty clay Less appropriate 2
Dusty clay, clay Not appropriate 1
Sumber: Permen PU No 14 Tahun 2007

2.2. Criteria determination of Zoning Land

After knowing the criteria for alternative zoning District 6 (land conservation area,
CBD, Residential, Seaports, industry, and Recreation, then carried out an assessment of the
eligibility levels quantitatively against the Mainland with skoring and weighting method of
AHP. The following are descriptions of the criteria determining the land zoning based on
AHP analysis results.

2.2.1. Downtown or Central Business District
CBD location determination using 3 criteria, namely infrastructure, land use, and the
border of the beach. Each of these criteria into consideration he has chosen an alternative
location of the CBD, namely in Bisappu sub district, Bantaeng or Pa'jukukang.

Pictures 5.24 of the CBD Area Zoning Scheme based on AHP

The respective criteria of the CBD zoning dibobotkan on the results of the analysis of
AHP. 1:33:00 AM
The weights Page
used for the analysis of overlay as shown in the following figure. Based on 1 of 1
The results of the analysis of AHP, it is known that the most influential criteria in the zoning
area of CBD is infrastructure with weights 71.7%
Model as for
Name: CBDthe criteria with the lowest weights
namely borders the beach with weight 8.8%.

Infrastruktur .717
Tata Guna Laha .195
Sempadan Pantai .088
Inconsistency = 0.09
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 5.6 Diagram Of The CBD Area Of AHP Analysis Results

2.2.2. Residential
The suitability of land for Residential in the area of zoning using 3 criteria, namely
infrastructure, topography, and the border of the beach. Each of these criteria into
consideration alternative location chosen neighborhoods that Kecamatan Bisappu, Bantaeng
or Pa'jukukang.

3/19/2016 1:13:34 AM Page 1 of 1

Picture 5.25 Zoning Scheme of the image area of the Residential based on the AHP

Model Name: AHP

Next the third criteria for zoning the area of Residential of dibobotkan on the results
of the analysis of AHP. These weights will be used for analysis of overlay as shown in theP2
following figure.

Infrastruktur .528
Topografi Wilayah .333
Sempadan Pantai .140
Inconsistency = 0.05
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 5.7 Analysis Results Diagrams AHP Residential Area

Based on the results of the analysis of AHP by using three criteria, it is known that
the most influential criteria in the zoning area of Residential is infrastructure with weights
52,8%, furthermore the topography of the area with weights 33.3% and the border of the
beach with 14.0%.

2.2.3. Seaports
The determination of the location of the Seaports using the 4 criteria i.e. distance to
the River, a distance of towards the main road, topography, and soil texture. Each of these
criteria into consideration he has chosen an alternative location of the Seaports that is in
district Bisappu, Bantaeng or Pa'jukukang.

Pictures 5.26 of zoning Scheme Seaports area based on AHP

3/19/2016 2:08:58 AM Page 1 of 1

Each dibobotkan Seaports zoning criteria on AHP analysis results. The weights used
for the analysis of overlay as shown
the following
Pelabuhan figure. Based on the picture, the

construction of the Seaports considers the criteria of distance towards the main road as the
highest weighting i.e. 36%. Adapaun criteria with the lowest weight i.e. soil texture with
weights 11,57%.
Jarak terhadap
Jaringan Jalan
dengan Utama
Jalan .360
Jarak dengan Sungai .285
Topografi Wilayah .198
Tekstur Tanah
Jenis Tanah .157
Inconsistency = 0.08
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 5.8 Analysis Results Diagrams AHP Seaports Area

2.2.4. Industrial
The suitability of the land for the Seaports district zoning using 3 criteria i.e. distance
to the Harbor, the distance towards the main road, and topography. Each of these criteria
into consideration he has chosen an alternative location of the Seaports that is in district
Bisappu, Bantaeng or Pa'jukukang

3/19/2016 2:11:05 AMPicture 5.27 Zoning scheme of The image based on the AHP Page 1 of 1

Each industrial zoning dibobotkan criteria based on AHP analysis results as shown in
the following figure. Based on the Model
picture,Name: kawasan industri
the determination of the location of the industrial
region consider the criteria range with the Seaports as the highest weighting i.e. 47,2%,
further criteria of distance towards the main street has a weight of 44,4%, and the lowest
weight with topographic criteria i.e. 8.4%.

Jarak dengan Pelabuhan .472

Jarak dengan Jalan Utama .444
Topografi .084
Inconsistency = 0.00
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 5.9 Analysis Results Diagrams AHP Industrial Area

2.2.5. Recreation
As one of the alternative zoning areas of the Mainland, Recreation area zoning
determination using 2 criteria i.e. land topography and soil texture. Based on these criteria,
alternative Recreation district zoning would dioverlay by using AHP analysis results

Picture 5.28 Zoning Scheme of the image area of Recreation based on the AHP

3/19/2016 2:13:37 AM Page 1 of 1

The results of the analysis of AHP for zoning the area of Recreation shows that the
criteria of the topography of the region
Modelis Name:
the main criteria to consider. The criteria of the
topography of the region have bobo 83.3% and soil type criteria i.e. 11,67%. In other
words, the criteria of the type of land lower than the topography of the area in the P2

determination of zoning the area Recreation.

Topografi Wilayah .833

Jenis Tanah .167
Inconsistency = 0.00
with 0 missing judgments.

Figure 5.10 Analysis Results Diagrams AHP Area Recreation

2.3. Zoning Area

Bantaeng Regency area of land zoning divided over conservation area, CBD,
Residential, Seaports, industry, and Recreation. Determination of zoning for the sixth such
allocation is done using analysis of overlay. Overlay analysis produces a new spatial data
from at least two spatial data into two spatial data that is being input.

2.3.1. Conservation Area

Zoning district on the beroorientasi conservation area to the total number of score
based on regulations the decision of Minister of agriculture 837/Kpts/Um/1/1980 and
683/Kpts/Um/8/1981. (Picture 5.43)

2.3.2. Downtown or Central Business District

Zoning district of the city or the CBD is performed by doing a merger between
skoring and weighting (AHP) which is then carried out using waters matching classification
approach to arithmetic.
Table 5.49 The Overlay of CBD Area
No. Parameters Criteria Scor Weights Value Score
Trade and Office area 5
Area Neighborhoods 4
The Area of 0.585
1 The Area of Education 3 0.195
The industrial and Warehousing 2
Agricultural areas, reservoirs, TELEGINEN 0.195
and coastal set-back line 1
2 coastal set-back 0.088 0.44
line >100m 5
80 - 100 m 4
60 - <80 3 0.264

rahayu pratiwi
No. Parameters Criteria Scor Weights Value Score
40 - <60 2
30 - <40 1
Road infrastructure available, affordable 5
public transSeaportsation, waste treatment
systems are available, the available means,
excluding flood area 3.585

Road infrastructure available, affordable 4

public transSeaportsation, available means,
excluding flood area 2.868
3 Infrastruktur 0.717
The road infrastructure is available, as a 3
means, excluding flood area 2.151

The road infrastructure is available, the 2

available means of 1.434

The availability of road infrastructures 1 0.717

Determiation of interval class is calculated by using the formula:

i = class interval,
R = the highest value the lowest value
N = The number of classes.
The maximum value obtained was, that the results of the calculations of the three
highest and lowest value criterion is 1, that is the summation of the results of the eighth
lowest criteria. Based on the above formula, obtained:
i = (5 1) / 2
Interval class suitability of the central city or the CBD is 2. The results of this
classification is done interval classes into two classes namely the area suitable for the CBD
and areas that are not suitable for the CBD. For more details can be seen in the table below.
(Picture 5.44)
Table 5.50 Interval class suitability of CBD
No. Interval Assessment
1 13 Doesnt match
2 35 Fit

2.3.3. Residential

Residential in the Area of zoning is done by doing a merger between skoring and
weighting (AHP) which is then carried out using waters matching classification approach to
Table 5.51 The Overlay of Residential Area
No. Parameters Criteria Scoring Weight Value Score
0 - <8% 5 2.64

8 - 15% 4 2.112

The Slope of The 15 - <25% 3 1.584

1 0.528
25 - <45% 2 1.056

>45% 1 0.528

>100 m 5
80 - 100 m 4
coastal set-back 0.999
2 0.333
line 60 - <80 m 3
40 - <60 m 2
30 - <40 m 1
Road infrastructure available, affordable
public transSeaportsation, waste
treatment systems are available, the 0.7
available means, excluding flood area
Road infrastructure available, affordable
public transSeaportsation, available 4 0.56
3 Infrastructure means, excluding flood area 0.140
The road infrastructure is available, as a 0.42
means, excluding flood area
The road infrastructure is available, the 0.28
available means of
The availability of road infrastructures

Determination of interval class is calculated by using the formula:

i = class interval
R = the highest value the lowest value
N = The number of classes.
The maximum value obtained was, that the results of the calculations of the three
highest and lowest value criterion is 1, that is the summation of the results of the eighth
lowest criteria. Based on the above formula, obtained:
i = (5 1) / 2

Interval class suitability area of Residential is 2. The results of this classification is
done interval classes into two classes namely the area suitable for Residential and areas that
are not suitable for Residential. For more details can be seen in the table below. (Picture
Table 5.52 Interval class suitability of Residential
No. Interval Assessment
1 13 Doesnt match
2 35 Fit

2.3.4. Seaports

Seaports area zoning is done by doing a merger between skoring and weighting
(AHP) which is then carried out using waters matching classification approach to arithmetic.

Table 5.53 The Overlay of Seaportss Area

Scoring Value
No. Parameters Criteria Weight Score
0 - <8% Flat 5
8 - 15% Ramps 4
The Slope of The 0.594
1 0.198
Slopes 15 - <25% A Bit Steep 3
25 - <45% Steep 2
>45% Very Steep 1
0 500 m Great Fit 5 1.80

501 1000 m According 4 1.440

Distance towards 1001 1500 m Simply Fit 3 1.080

2 0.360
the main street
1501 2000 m Less Appropriate 2 0.720

>2000 m Not Appropriate 1 0.360

0 500 m Great Fit 5 1.425

501 1000 m According 4 1.14

Distance Towards 1001 1500 m Simply Fit 3 0.855

3 0.285
The River
1501 2000 m Less Appropriate 2 0.57

>2000 m Not Appropriate 1 0.285

Dusty sand, sand Great Fit 5 0.785

Galuh sand According 4 0.628

Dust, dusty, Sasi Sasi Simply Fit 3 0.471

4 Soil Type 0.157
Sandy loam, galuh dusty clay Less Appropriate 2 0.314

Sandy loam, galuh dusty clay Not Appropriate 1 0.157

Determination of interval class is calculated by using the formula:

i = class interval,
R = the highest value the lowest value,
N = The number of classes.
The maximum value obtained was, that the results of the calculations of the three
highest and lowest value criterion is 1, that is the summation of the results of the eighth
lowest criteria. Based on the above formula, obtained:
i = (5 1) / 2
Interval class suitability Seaports area is 2. The results of this classification is done interval
classes into two classes namely the area suitable for the Seaports and the area which is not
suitable for Seaports. For more details can be seen in the table below. (Picture 5.46)
Table 5.54 Interval class suitability of Seaports Area
No. Interval Assessmen
1 13 Doesnt match
2 35 Fit

2.3.5. Industry
Industrial zoning is done by doing a merger between skoring and weighting (AHP)
which is then carried out using waters matching classification approach to arithmetic.
Table 5.55 The Overlay of Industrial Area
No. Parameters Criteria Scoring Weight Value Skor
0 - <8% Flat 5
8 - 15% Ramps 4
The Slope Of The 0.252
1 0.084
Slopes 15 - <25% A Bit Steep 3
25 - <45% Steep 2
>45% Very Steep 1
0 500 m Great Fit 5 2.220

501 1000 m According 4 1.776

Jarak terhadap 1001 1500 m Simply Fit 3 1.332

2 0.444
Jalan Utama
1501 2000 m Less Appropriate 2 0.888

>2000 m Not Appropriate 1 0.444

3 Jarak Terhadap 0 500 m Great Fit 5 0.472 2.360

501 1000 m According 4 1.888

No. Parameters Criteria Scoring Weight Value Skor
1001 1500 m Simply Fit 3 1.416

1501 2000 m Less Appropriate 2 0.944

>2000 m Not Appropriate 1 0.472

Determination of interval class is calculated by using the formula:

i = class interval,
R = The highest value the lowest value,
N = The number of classes
The maximum value obtained was, that the results of the calculations of the three
highest and lowest value criterion is 1, that is the summation of the results of the eighth
lowest criteria. Based on the above formula, obtained:
i = (5 1) / 2
Interval class suitability industrial area is 2. The results of this classification is done interval
classes into two classes namely the area suitable for industry and the regions not suitable
for industry. For more details can be seen in the table below. (Picture 5.47)
Table 5.56 Interval class suitability of Industrial
No. Interval Assasement
1 13 Doesnt match
2 35 Fit

2.3.6. Recreation

Recreation Area zoning is done by doing a merger between skoring and weighting
(AHP) which is then carried out using waters matching classification approach to arithmetic.

Table 5.57 The Overlay of Recreation Area

No. Parameters Criteria Scoring Weight Value scor
1 The Slope Of The 0.833 4.165
0 - <8% Flat 5
8 - 15% Ramps 4
15 - <25% A Bit Steep 3 2.499

No. Parameters Criteria Scoring Weight Value scor
25 - <45% Steep 2
>45% Very Steep 1
Dusty sand, sand 5 0.835
Galuh sand 4 0.668
Dust, dusty, Sasi Sas 3 0.501
2 Soil texture 0.167
A Bit Steep
Sandy loam, galuh dusty clay 2 0.334
Dusty clays, clays 1 0.167
Very Steep

Determination of interval class is calculated by using the formula:

i = class interva
R = the highest value the lowest value
N = The number of classes.
The maximum value obtained was, that the results of the calculations of the three
highest and lowest value criterion is 1, that is the summation of the results of the eighth
lowest criteria. Based on the above formula, obtained:
i = (5 1) / 2
Interval class suitability of Recreation area is 2. The results of this classification is done
interval classes into two classes namely the area suitable for Recreation and areas that are
not suitable for Recreation. For more details can be seen in the table below. (Picture 5.48)
Table 5.58 Interval class suitability of Recreation
No. Interval Assessment
1 13 Doesnt match
2 35 Fit

2.4. Ranking Criteria of the Zoning District

Area of land has various characteristics which become the criteria in determining the
alternative zoning covers land conservation area, CBD, Residential, Seaports, industry, and
Recreation. Bantaeng Regency area of land zoning using 4 criteria i.e. infrastructure areas,
the aksesbilitas, the border of the beach, and physical areas. As in the description of the
identification criteria, several criteria were used in some of the alternative zoning. Like the
physical criteria used in all areas of alternative zoning. Things are different with the

aksesbilitas criteria are only used for industrial and Seaports zoning as shown in the image

Picture 5.29 Zoning scheme of the Mainland area of the image based on the AHP
4/6/2016 6:06:12 PM Page 1 of 1

This section outlined the results of the analysis of AHP in determining which criteria
Model Name: Zonasi Bantaeng fix - Copy
are most affecting the Mainland area zoning District in 1900. The results of the analysis
show the ranking criteria of the Mainland which will then be used as a reference Combined
for zoning
and consider the area where more priority.

Infrastruktur Wilayah .290

Aksesbilitas .276
Sempadan Pantai .221
Fisik Wilayah .213
Inconsistency = 0.01
with 0 missing judgments.

A picture Diagram of the AHP analysis results to rank the criteria of Land Zoning

Based on the above diagram, the main ranking criteria for zoning criteria i.e.
mainland infrastructure the region with 29% weight difference between 1.4% aksesbilitas
criteria. As for the criteria which have the lowest weight i.e. physical region with 21.3%

2.5. The importance of zoning (AHP)

The imSeaportsance of zoning for territorial waters resulting from the analysis of
AHP. As already described in the previous description, zoning criteria ratings give
consideration in determining the zoning area what is more priority. The region's
infrastructure criteria into the main ranks with weights 29% provide referrals zoning with

Model Name: Zonasi Bantaeng fix - Copy

the primary imSeaportsance of zoning is the Seaports area with weights 23.2%. The
imSeaportsance of zoning can be seen in the image below.

Pelabuhan .232
CBD Atau Pusat Kota .220
Industri Bantaeng .186
Permukiman .150
Kawasan Konservasi .107
Rekreasi dan Pariwisata .105
Inconsistency = 0.03
with 0 missing judgments.

Image analysis results Diagrams AHP for the imSeaportsance of Zoning Land

2.5.1. Integration of Land-based Coastal Zoning Overlay Zoning by ranking the

results of AHP
Integrase coastal zoning by doing merger between results mapping overlay zoning
and zoning are ranking analysis has been done before.

2.5.2. Results Processing Mapping Overlay

A. Vector and Raster data
Raster data (or also known as grid cells) are the resulting data from remote sensing
systems. Raster data, geographic object represented as a grid cell structure which is called
pixel (picture element). Raster data, resolution (visual definition) depending on the size of
his pixel.
B. Rasterization
Rasterisasi or conversion of raster-to-vector is the process of eliminating the ' data-
based pixels ' of representation of point/line/polygon. The computer puts all the grid map
and calculate the values of pixels based on the feature type (line or no line).
C. Boolean Logic
Analysis of the suitability of using Boolean logic approach. Boolean logic using only
the digits 0 and 1. The number 0 is not appropriate and is rated the number 1 rated
accordingly. Analysis with Boolean operations produce data layer (data layers) that shows
the corresponding areas and dispose of the areas is not appropriate. The applied nature of
e. Called binary operations (binary
f. in the context of conformity 0 = No 1 = riaappropriate and in accordance
g. If using raster data (grid cell) there is the possibility of a multiplication of cells with a
value of 0 x 0 0 x 1 and 1 x 1
h. is said to match if a site they all meet (number 1)
Based on the classification of which has been mentioned above, then the done
sorting arithmetic for classification has been done previously on the overlay mapping the

coastal area. The classification in the form of a suitable area and the area that does not
match the form of match with a score of 1 and does not match with the score of 0.

2.5.3. Merge with Boolean Ranking Classification criteria (AHP)

The merger of the ranking criteria is carried out using the help of ilwis software. The
merger was done using data results rasterisasi which was later done weighting (ahp results)
in the ilwis software with maximum standardization.

Picture 5.30 standardization of the maximum Mainland coastal zoning Bantaeng Regency

AHP results data entry using multicriteria high performance direct pairwise
comparison. This is useful for the weighting on each raster zoning.

Picture 5.31 of income ranking Mainland Coastal Area zoning Bantaeng Regency

A merger between raster and results showed that the zoning zoning area based on
the percentage of the area.

Picture 5.32 Spatial Multicriteria analysis results of the coastal areas of the Mainland Bantaeng regency

Categorization of Percentage for the purposes of coastal Land zoning District 1900
overall done by doing division ranked based on the percentage of the area of each of the
zoning. As for the categories found in the results of the SMCA is:
0 25%
26 50%
51 75%
76 100%
Based on classification of spatial multicriteria analysis of percentage above, so do the
determination of area in accordance with the ranking of zoning that is:
Recreation 16.67%, so a zoning district has a percentage 0 25% match for
Conservation 33,34%, so a zoning district has 26 percentage of 50% is suitable for
Residential of 50%, so that the zoning district has 26 percentage of 50% is
suitable for Settlemen.
industrial 66,68%, so the area of zoning that has a percentage of 51 75% match
for the industry
The CBD 83,3%, thus the zoning district has a percentage of 75 100% suitable for
Seaports of 100%, so that the area of zoning that has a percentage of 75 100%
suitable for Seaports

Picture 5.33 The Slope Map
Picture 5.34 The Soil Type Maps
Picture 5.35 The Rainfall Intensity Maps
Picture 5.36 The Cultivation Area Maps
Picture 5.37 The Coastal set-back line Maps
Picture 5.38 The Infrastructure Maps
Picture 5.39 The Distance to main street Maps
Picture 5.40 The Disester area Maps
Picture 5.41 The Distance from Seaport Maps
Picture 5.42
5.43 TheThe Soil Texture
Cultivatio Maps
Area Map
Picture 5.44 The CBD Area Maps

Picture 5.45 The Residential Land Use Area Map

Picture 5.46 The Seaport Area Map

Picture 5.47 The Industrial Area Map
plan can be help to development and usage the coastal area with high accessibility and
good infrastructure. The coastal area Bantaeng that have integration of planning between
the existing zones so that the zoning plan considering the current interests and long-term
integrated way in order to achieve sustainable development of coastal areas.

Picture 5.49 Zoning Area Map
3. Zoning region area
3.1. Zoning of territorial waters
In these waters area there are three criteria used in planning zoning , among other
seaweed area, water recreation , and the port area . the following is data on the areas
zoning waters.
Tabel 5.59 Luas Area Zonasi Perairan
No. Laut Luas (Ha)
1 Seaweed 580.32
2 Water Recreation 746.96
3 Sea Port 683.68
Total 2010.97

According to the table above, water recreation area has the greatest area , with an
area of 746.96 hectares . There is also the port area , in this case oriented to the waters ,
with an area of 683.68 hectares . As for the area of seaweed has an area of 580.31 hectares
. The total area of the zoning area is 2010.97 Ha waters .

3.2. Zoning of On-Shore

Area zoning in the planning area according to some predetermined criteria, namely
the industrial area, CBD (Central Bussiness District), seaport, conservation, recreation, and
the residential area have varied widely.

Tabel 5.60 Luas Area Zonasi Daratan

No. Darat Luas (Ha)

1 Industry 2843.22
2 CBD (Central Business District) 476.87
3 Sea Port 115.18
4 Conservation 481.49
5 Recreation 709.17
6 Residential 3383.74
Total 8009.67

In the six criteria, residential areas have the most extensive area compared to
other areas, namely 3383.74 Ha. Industrial area also has a fairly wide area, referring to
the planning Bantaeng Industrial Zone, located in District Pa'jukkukang an area of
2843.22 ha. In the zoning area there is also a recreational area with an area of 709.17

hectares located in several locations within the planning area. There is a vast area of
the CBD with 476.87 ha located at one point as a regional activity center located in
most Sub-District and District Bantaeng Bissappu. Besides the planned conservation
area has an area of 481.49 hectares, spread in three districts of planning. The region
with the smallest area is the seaport with an area of 115.18 hectares located in the
district Bissappu and district Pa'jukkukang as a support for the regional industry. Total
area for all the criteria on lan zoning is 8009.67 ha.


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