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1t____ eatin Language ety on nL Sat Vga, 3 i ty Te eet of He Pat ypu Ganon ke deveoprent of higher forme tenon nod. ESR cnc Cnc ey Sones Py (pp. 19-20 ‘yes Uo) Ie pes ot hger mental anton nV. Wea) "Sony ty Se as 18 A Ark NY A ‘Wood D, Brune. and Ron, G (196) The oe of tutoring in problem-solving el) bars Drago ae Te nts of eiverty sane + Emirates om he educa stem and stents. Compre 28528. In Z Dernyer ana E Usheda Eds Hiefuotin,Lanquogg Went ar he La wel. 196 22> Ce Doe i S 2284, Chapter 15 The Internalisation of Language Learning into the Self and Social Identity IVEERLY A. NOES Introduetion ln recent years scholarly interest in he role of ientityan the sl in Janguage let as grown, such tha, 36 is evident inthe current volume (se also Nous & Cle, in press, for overview), theres 2 smulttude of perspectives and hence potential for new aigh In dis ‘hupter I would ke to talk bi about my own interes nts heme by Seeing two quesons to which many people besides me Nave long endeavoured to provide ances. The fst question has ben poss nh ‘ne form or ater for slmast 50 year ‘How can we beter support fades motieston fo lenm a new langage?” A good answer 4 this {question would! presumably hlp ws to faitate students engagement it the leaning proves and thereby improve not ony thelr capable in 3 new language but alo opportunites in their social word. A second ‘qustion concen the nipations of such valiznal engagement in the lcaming process, priory for fv of ideation With [nguitic groupe I hink that thee ea good argument tobe made forthe importance of leer autonomy in motivation, and that a sense af ‘tonomy in elation fo ones svi world i ental for developing the Sense that 3 now language is one's own language and tat ope could ‘become an active particpantin another langage communi. Bu while 2ppeeite ite importance, 1am aso concerned that we not ore other Eencems that pople hve that aye important as autonomy i ‘Supporting self elated leing ‘SoltDetermination Theory as a Humanistic/Existontiah Phenomenological Theory The soit My understanding of the sot psychological process involv i langage lesming as boon nfomed in pat, Uy Seif Detrminaton Try (SOT, Deel & Ryan, 1985, 2002) whch isa tory rooted SS ___ Momoten anavoge lent ane 2 Sot ‘vse and humanitcphilnopien. Asan organise tory, SDT Sesumes that human beings (ded, ll animate begs) have an innate tendency 10 explore and master new stations thee env Honment aed to asinine the newly acquired knowledge ino thei exiting Cogativesuctures, ican the sense of sl. This integration ofthe ‘ld withthe new contin throughout the iespan (Ryan & Poweson, 1991), such that development of the sel © characterised by the simultanenus process of on the one hand, becoming increasingly ‘ierentited and refined se 4 re of neve experiences, and, on te ther hand, becoming mote and mote coordinated and cohesive a8 & result ofthe symtetie proces. "This process of asiulation and accommodation i assumed to be irctonal SDT maintain that all perions have an inate predispose tion to repute thelr own behaviour in line with their ue oF ‘utheni wall Ryan and Dea’ (20K) use of the frm ‘authentic’ desved from Kierkegaard, who maintained that the self is continually "Telating elt Back to sei sueh that weit each new experience, the self considers possible actions in light of it present interests and ei, and then acts in a way that fects the best comespondence ‘eth these interest This assumption suggests tha the sel mindy tppraises and evaletes choices of action, ain he process organises tn regulates behavior in away tat benefit the person a6 3 hale (Gi Dworkin, 1988). An authentie action is characterised by 4 sene of Ssuthorhip, in the sense that oe endorses and takes responsi for foe's actone. When endorsed by the whole self actors are expen feed as congruent with ober values and commitments tat he Peron holds The emotional tone of such reactive syathess feuaimoni involving 2 feling of flfiment of potential and «sense of flourishing by acing In a meaningful manner (Ryan & Dec, 206 yan et al, 200), * though the authentic els assumed to bea natural endowment, th salt sae in a continuous, lets! relationship with the socal an Physical orld these enoironments prove the appropiate ‘nat rent” (which Twill eserbe in greter deta! at then growth and sis the cf can rely ake place However, everyday it fl (fsa fat confound the exsy seat 0 the sel and we a8 ‘ten compelled to pursue cores of ach tha doit to support indo that run counter fo, our innermost bits and aluee, At soe tins we experience a see of inauthentity and expe Thus, th presets of sllspnthest valves 2 dynamic in which a person struggles fo resliae her potential whe atnding 19 the social and. pRYSKA! ‘Svtrains inherent to everyday Intematsaton of targuage Leaning is the Set Sock sonny 297 ‘The motivational orentations ‘This perspective onthe sell at engaged in an ongoing proces of ination soggestesmatains Spoigy ha on dsr ta ‘varying dares of syrthen fan sty ino the sell Dee ad es {iss yan Dec 202) itereninte two brad catego of moter ton, which they tern ‘ints and exis most, long ws 0 of antithess to maivaton termed amotvaon’ tine mtiveso cones from the enoyment ft while performing in an nketer lotereing activity as im the cave of 2 knmer who experiences spontaneous sense of satiation in mastering linguist ned conan "ative challenges an elaborating her capacities ithe new langue tps tn refs oy rt of pation ut the ejoyment af the sci Ice Alouph many goals maybe described as exis they vary inthe extent which ey ae tae the contol ofthe person or under the contol of ober peopl oF ‘sustona drcemtancs tht be outside the person, Far cmwenlene ths gpd repre pes, bt npr remember these yes represent pts lag etn ot neg ‘ally diferent mattvational rentaons. The implication hats ato ‘Pay endorse multiple eases for language arin ening usally 12 ‘ate sors that are sin in dares of selbreulaon “The orm of vegultion tat sae under personal con extemal ‘egulton Esteralregulation refers to the case which one perform am activity becuse of an inkerpesonal demand ef skaatonal contingency (eg. working for a monetary ince, of stadt achive a couse cred The sun ofthe Scone reaved fen he Berson’ own wishes andi expriened at afm cone As Tog that contingency 6 present 9 student would engage ia engage lesming, ence Teme, tt engagement would det A son, somenhat more personaly conto, fom of extrinsic notation Intact regulation tn heen here tl ev unig aah the linguage, but these pressures cone fn te peso hl eather {han diet from elker poplar the ener coment Wik this ‘ntapachic form of replant atonal fer peirmng the ecty ‘based lesson the person's own sense of petorte than odes ni ssn by ng pts sda a ae en erie on witha, Nth suc srt aden general fl tat $e shu or ‘pit er the nguge at sooner lemons tht she can ve upto Ber own sed thes peta “wo other forma of exis ovation re more self sgestod WH identified regulation, ne corcousy engages ina acti beast Sense th 2 geo ut © penal mp A student might ‘ey wits glint honey a fet wm. _____Metwaton. Language laenty an the £2 Sot ‘Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness: Fundamental Human Needs and the Role of Significant Others ‘The development of an integrate, autonomous self 6 not an unproblematic Journey” Tas human propensity interacts with aspects ‘of the socal and physical worlds that ether nurture on thea Unfolding To achieve intaton and se-deterninaton, SBT pons hat ‘ertain paycholoial neat’ smu be rot. People within the learner's network play an inportant cole in supposting [or undermining) hase Deeds in‘efetproviing he ‘uteiment for ifemalisation and sl ‘etuaisation SDT posits thre fundamental neds, Including autonomy Competence, and relatedness (Ryan & Del, 200). ‘Autonomy’ language lasing is a topic tat has bean extensively addressed (Sc Benson, 206,200 for rece eve) Indeed he wee hosted by Hayo Reinders concerning autonomy and language laring entains over 70D aries (Reinders, 2007) Berson (1997) and Oxford (2005) have forwarded similar models wo syuess he valousperspec- tives on autonomy in language learning. Autonomy as conceptualised in SDT doesnot focus on the technical sh that siden nus develop pursue learning activity outside the classroom, nor dows address ow eeologicl postuons and social structured relationships pivlege ot ‘onsen sfauthorstip. Rather, i fits nto Beneon's psychological “atgory and lie Bobween Oxford's peyshologieal and social 1 ‘iygotkin) categories. Autonomy refer othe experience of tiation fap roglation of behaviour bythe el Autonomy. concen the iference betwen behavioral engage ‘ment tht i congruent and iting with one's vals, nests and ‘needs, with ane’ sl) versus lente, passively compat ot ‘actively delat (jan & Des, 2008 450) Autonomy does not imply atone at independently of environ mental Influences, and/or ols counter to the infuonce of generalised horms or the demands of specie individuals I, upon reetion, we onc a such mandates ate consistent with our vals and interes ‘we would be acting autonomowsy. People i the social word can ‘ppor this phenomensgy of utonomy in variety of ways such a proving appropriate does, encouraging sentation, minimising the use of contol, and so on Within SDT, competence eer to he fling hat one asthe capacity | to eflectvely cary out an action. Becaute ofthe need for competency prope seck out opportunites to challenge themselves and they [stl tse skills ah capaction Flings of competence ate po by conmunietng expetatione tat are calengng, without ben ‘tert, proving atonal for how bears ae elated Invention ctLenguape Leong ho the Sat ond 20 Kony 903 consequences, and giving guidelines and feedback tht explain how bchavtours can be change f Became more skilful andere Relates refers fon sense af blongingress wih the peuple in one's community Ie notes Both seme of cing aut snd ay ‘hed for by oters it other words e sense af aeton and «fel of Secu. Golick ta (997; Ryan & Salk, 1987) main tha an mosphere of warmth, security and seceptance i mcs) fo st int “spontaneous and authense way (Homey, 1950 155) The explortory sis in all humans is ost robust when persans are operating fromm & Secure bas” (Grolick el, 187-158). The feling Wat ene matters to ‘others is enhanced when others demonstrate sensilla responsive. ess to one's cance, devote Sime and resources ttt person an Perform eter kinds of personally validating atone 1h growing body of fesazch supports dhe cm tht an internals viet for language luring is associated with thee thee exper nee. For instance, Now (2010) found at those sides of Spans who’ perceived their teacher as less cooling anda providing Informative edback felts ronger sense of autonomy and ompetene in Tanguoge leering, which in turn was sscatd with sconger tndorsement of intemalsed and intrinsic reasons foe naring the Language, Several other correltional studies of students of Frenchy, English and German have likewise demonctrated the poattive ink between strong perceptions of autonomy, competence, and relates aed more ntralisd reasons for language lating Noel, 205; Nose ‘al, 199,200,290), To look more closely at how people in the leery social word are explicate in their motivation, we asked students, including heiage and nonbectge learners, teitered in undergradunelevel German Courses aczom Canada to complete a survey conceming their mos ‘onal esettions and fstings of astonomy, competence and relatedness (Neale Saumur, submited) We as asked them fol ws about how orling thee teachers, family members and members ofthe German ommarity were of ther ellrts to een German, how eemative thee Tecdback was fo developing a sense of competence, and ow concerned sd rspenaive they were toward he stent ‘We found ta, for nonhertage lamers competence, relatedness, and ost stongly autonomy, predicted 2 more inemalsed orientation for Teaming German The ache played the mat agent ole supporting the fundamen! needs, altnough Informative feedback Si sterpersonalinvlvemont fom member of he stents” foie Sind the German comimurity als fostered sense of slatedness. A ‘ferent pctre emerged forthe heritage angunge ene i hese feelings of competence were relatvely unimpertant tnd lteresting relatedness was a eas aston predict of anata oven co waren (contty ana ne 12 Sa “Table 151 Examples of maponses to the opened question “What ae our ssn fo learning our sscnd language your Rerage Inga? Engi Ee [emdatsbectgod [Reppose ed ing i Thane ayaa annem Aan cour I peep ne rr he syed pgs ing jer Japenese! _ _—___ pcan args ate wring Conas ond wrteng rca, ch swt Tape erage Deve ‘ie ad remo ean nda erg |g demic hy soe an they areas an nna Language te bctbone cre I would ke ay or my Dene beta therefore am iin oer ate ange ey en my anasters rte aso wa fo am speck pose dow omy Hae sca wld tach ay 18 yar also ow (Goman sows ad ls wo rly) am want abet Eagik awl pue Tins att [sane wan Egil om ny alles Sirgen oh ‘Sh sto pt the iersty deo Ch {hen sted wrk ae lng es Ua [omar wit Amsean elegance. Te Far! me nm Epi farther by oping ring rer pt cc |evamunatone ike TOERL So, neat several eae eta ee the main emo improve Egham ee | |cneathe jie cose Frm te no kL ematuoton of Language Learang Fable 18:1 (Covet er [Geman satis [Ta highschool ado dace went Egloh etch nl tet et enough of he ses core Fron oe ‘ald eben cure ore! ayion | ‘in reson ought hip shal wat Mado Sk Enh pune ga here was her ‘oie in Grade 12 an 13 or sl host hav one eg langage desided tke Enh sane teas much ber stan Ltn ny te oe | angung) and the our English aces When ec os in Canada, Thad ober choke | ano improve ny En a) bale est he peu TORR 50 Jo cormanite with pple [singe et weigh | gu hey ara uly pore pebeea ] i il Lhd on Mel, igure 181 Percentage of respondents who endorse neh eriettion 283 fein ofthe guage taming enn ‘csv as portant and meaning to here’ (yan & Dec, 200-25), Integrate regulon isthe most ntenaised and determin frm of elation in tha testy fits in with ter gst bes and felts that person acady ender, sch tha performing he Sty elton an expan fhe sel "Arnot ater, these ovata eats cin be conasted vith the experience of smotvaton. When smotvaed, people cher do fot engage tall the activity, or tey act passively, gang Hough the ‘sin cry tansy at ake no sree WU sl Uy ‘anescape i Amosvaon aries under various rested conditions when 2 pero does at value the acti or he utes could ll when one feels & sense of incompetence in performing the act, and/or iter one fs that thet scons ae relevant for bringing abou the ‘esr cnsequenes. Although amotvaon generally connotes passive Sliseret ts not far removed fom the eive rerstance that some Students demonstrate when hy fel hat others ae imposing an sci ‘oe ideny om them (Noon 2007 96 so Ushi 203). Motivational Orientations and Language Learning Contexts iar tha enti ape al Aheexprtnee of suny language lene ac svt oft ‘esa 1a ls, hoeves tebe ta rope lnm diferent {btemale langinge ming Spending pen the gee of ‘Sci envicntent lone Crennelances ring nm angina inves ain urgency inthe ere at he langunge near ‘atin a ences Fornarina sew cn iced wit he very ined necesty of developing Engi competes orc to gota Sint apropite scconmouston, Sun Ths uihtaan fas postly conbined nity criminal ‘Seourdes wih the ge! nnguge commmniy con poral tre th leumers dese to gage ins me pesca way with ‘Sonia. Novtn 200, nder such ceamstances, he ‘hay oly slowly and pecape reactant take on the ngenge a pat erat in ter Sten, ming Ingsge sy es Sithough desoping kil nthe lnguage may peer certain prot OGRE he put i primasly enol aan engnging hy. And Se othe contents, ong he lngunge may he ether peril {tal pars noble butay serv ar a touchstone oo UWcn an sea Bongngece an eee com “Sine penny Anne fm shady of 0S ES erage ang (uly and modem ange ML) sadent pout tosystenae Si {Sesto ropa ianrs (Noel a a pepanbon). Unive Infematiaton Language ering io ta Saf ae Soc Keoy 29 students rogistred a 9 language course answered the operended ‘question ‘What are your reason for lesning (our hestage language Second language Englsh™ Students ener, provided cxeaive aad wel arcuate responses f0 ths question, often nclading multiple ‘easons for language ling. Ina preliminary analyst pari ‘sponses were ccd by codes Bsn to the purpne fhe study) wih fegard to the mao heme evident inthe anaes 9 coding seme that reflected the types of eretatons oained by SUT, ss well a (Gardne’s (1985) inte osentation ada general ote etsy. The resuls of ths content analysis rase two important Points Fit he findings underscored that SDT usefully conte fo our theorecal framework epreseting the experience of lnpusge latter soe diferent conten Alnost 95% of the responses had a major theme that could be classified within the 'ypology uted by SalDetermination Theory (ee Table 151 for examples of sponses) for the integrative cnntation eatgory. Acton the full sample, ‘he theme of external regulation was. paresliy evident in 20% of the cases, intojected rpulation in oly 1%, dented regulation in 136, intgrated regulation in 204% nts ovation in 146%, and Integrative oemation it 126% ofthe cases Only 5.8% ofthe espenses reflected themes tat di not ft well within the scheme Second, the results indicates that etures of the cone o acquisition can Rave gute profound impiaton for the experince of lingua leaming. AS seen in Figure 5, ther vere se ferences between Re groups in terms of the endorsed reasons y= S691, df = 12 p< 0.00) Inspection of the adjusted standardised residuals (Haberman, 1979) shoved that asthe main theme, negated epulon was reported more Frequently by HL lamers and less treguenly by ESL and MI learners than would be expected by chance lane External regulation wos a ald, Theme for more ESL. lamers and fewer HL leomers than would be expected by chance. Fly sine regulation was mal theme for ML stents marily ore equ ton woul be pet 8 stems, the, tha shudents in dinar circumstances can ave quite Aiierent fc in leaeng- The importance of the contest of leaching fot ‘motivation has ben note by many oer, who have suggested tat We feed to be more atntve 1 the student's network a ilerpersonal ‘ntact, the relative satus of ehnolinguisic groupe under consider Hon. the opportanies for diet contact withthe language comma, the heritage background of the Teter, meng ‘ther dimensions (ch Clement & Kruder, 198; Clement ty 2007) Is my opinion thats comparative perspective can mont contuively revel how these ‘spect of context shape the arner's experience, andy ecproaly, how the learner shapes the conto meet hey needs and apetons tet Lange try ee ne 2S ‘enon: Repring ee ear te serpin te fetings the teacher paged only asmal pat fetes he aay members fd tenes of to Conaan comity played he clog rales ‘rometingheriage eae autonomy competency, an eaten "eo pt ae ny fan ig Ff sll tis comparative stays again emphases tha he soc context “raat acts ovata dam, even fr sadents egstered inthe some couse. Diferent people played mot or les significa roles in students eal ‘of language fsnng. Indeed in some Circumstance the aches pact may be iconsgsental ve the weigh that family and community members bang to ese The Second paint pera fo the ingertance of autonomy in supporting se ‘etemind elton. These el enphase at though storey isimportant iis not he sale bss fo inemalsaton. Rae competence tnd partly teats ate Ap foundational for s-Stemined, What are the implications of interalisation for Social Identity? Research cared out in our lab and by researchers elsewhere has demonstrated at more seli-etermined extrinsic motivation. and Inne mavaion have several implications Including more poniive lective response to Teaming the language (eg. arte, mare Ponlive atid), increased motivational intensity and engagement 8 the language, beter nguisti hil (eg. grades and slfacessmer), and ined of tt Iangag Ge Nev, 201 for evi. “Anise that we have ben exploring in several eet studs is whether ‘nor inernliaed reasons for larnga language aeiked to ncresed idenfiation with he large lnguage group It woud seem resonable to augest at at in contexts where a target Inguage communi readily Wentiiable, ht es language leming and use become incre Ingly integrated within a peso’ sense of et one might ceasing fase of gg a ong cm “Some studies suppor ths contention For inance,scvece coma oat den thee 2 Hak fntweenseledeemined ext ad iin "on and ts ty or gee neon is 2018 2003 Nove 291). T ook ee ely at hs sue, fon Gabry and I sti aust French ines and ot Intensive language pogroms in which stent rece 2 substan foto ot cadens curiculum French (Goldberg Nol, 238) ‘fe unvery sidens who prtpated were egtre ener ate FnginvspesKing campus of wesern Canadian unierty or atthe ‘lve s renlanguage campus, None of tem had a ancophene -temelaten of Language oag ns ho Se ane Sec Kory 506 ‘of campus was telat to their motivational orientations for esr Foca a wae a pas aE itaciaguis sean en Seehecpenc sete See noth de agen ma ane Ter tng tone eeae see roe ech us Oy nna ese and oop Fanos ery eters ices pote rts. Ag suns cao Si rane te, Nh Settee Sa es Bae pom ag? as ene ee eae spi alee & Walon Gand peng Spr be nonday ede pea ‘penn aconel st 2 cutie ‘ieee pan ap gts ce tordispacrotns asec Se cst eines le Twat tn gp te Sl aa ip Se et Sa pe ya pgs lg eh wn ier ey Se NEO ees nc ak tppsinea esd nese hows ‘Srl fecha ence oe mca na tol te ge ea oe spel i resulta oan ar ntl ehcp Sei or re eae ey a Ar Reap ely oo wot pee Sesto ey fad ‘Spire ty woe hea ca ec Sa Shard ele Safest a ahh ws inhi felipe raat sega in cca t aen hea apne Cec ae Pee sana . BON ‘ep Bi pangs ei rte nega any ee ec Si ta Lampusge Acquisition. Leeds: Emerald. ER en ERE, co) nen Noel KA, Palit Clement Rand Vllerand, RJ. (2080) oe AE Cos lent cea hasan fog hr sideman een Noes, KA. Swumute, KD, Adria Taslo Sy Jos, K_ and ais ceaeteoren ater veel ped acre daa ono 8 (a Festal conmacisbon, Api Sie ea et eee ie caro aa ‘ey F (1968) The ethoography of autonamy In A Brookes ad FG ae ar te ac silts Aga alae Rear ci aeryefennme a eee aa a ere et een iret oer canna nS Es nam sooo sulin orice ena vp ee cage iene aie vB Te egestas

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