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Mickael Haller, es un abogado litigante especialista en derecho penal.

Un da, es contratado por

Louis Roulet, quien proviene de una familia dedicada al negocio de bienes races. ste es acusado
de intento de violacin a una prostituta. Para el abogado que siempre ganaba sus casos todo era
sencillo, hasta que se da cuenta que el caso era similar con uno que trabaj aos atrs y que un
inocente se encontraba purgando una condena injusta.

El defensor le encarga las investigaciones a su amigo Franck Levin. El investigador se da cuenta que
Louis Roulet si estuvo en la escena del crimen de aos atrs, ya que un oficial de polica le haba
impuesto una multa. Con las evidencias del crimen actual tienen la certeza de que fue Roulet. Ante
ese descubrimiento, el investigador fue asesinado en su hogar con la pistola del abogado defensor.
Haller, piensa que el asesino era su defendido.

A partir de ese momento, Haller hace todo lo posible para librar a su cliente del crimen actual, a
pesar que su cliente le haba confesado el crimen pero el abogado no poda revelarlo por la
confidencialidad cliente abogado.

La cuartada del defensor era incriminar a Roulet del caso de homicidio por el cual si era culpable y
un inocente estaba en la crcel.

Felizmente, la cuartada dio resultado positivo, sin embargo, el chico al poco tiempo sali en
libertad e intent tomar venganza contra la familia del defensor. Ello no fue posible por la rpida
reaccin del abogado ya que llam a sus amigos de un club de motocicletas quienes lo impidieron.

El defensor pens que todo haba acabado y se dirigi a casa, sin embargo la madre de Roulet lo
estaba esperando en casa con una pistola. Ella le dispar y l le respondi de igual forma.
Finalmente la seora muri y el abogado vivi para contarlo.


Mickael Haller, is a criminal litigation specialist. One day, he is hired by

Louis Roulet, who comes from a family dedicated to the real estate
business. He is accused of attempting to rape a prostitute. For the
lawyer who always won his cases everything was simple, until he
realizes that the case was similar to one that worked years ago and that
an innocent was purging an unjust sentence.

The defense attorney directs investigations to his friend Franck Levin.

The investigator realizes that Louis Roulet was at the scene of the crime
years ago, since a police officer had imposed a fine. With the evidence of
the current crime they are certain that it was Roulet. Faced with this
discovery, the investigator was murdered in his home with the pistol of
the defense lawyer. Haller, thinks the killer was his defendant.

From that moment, Haller does everything possible to rid his client of the
current crime, even though his client had confessed to the crime but the
lawyer could not disclose it because of client - lawyer confidentiality.

The plan that had the defender was to incriminate Roulet of the
homicide case for which if he was guilty and an innocent was in jail.

Fortunately, the plan proved positive, however, the young man was soon
released and tried to take revenge against the family of the defender.
This was not possible because of the lawyer's quick reaction as he called
his friends from a motorcycle club who prevented him.

The defender thought it was all over and headed home, but Roulet's
mother was waiting for him at home with a gun. She shot him and he
responded in the same way. Finally the lady died and the lawyer lived to

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