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TRADUCCION PBLICA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CERTIFICATE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(At the left upper corner, there is an emblem of the National University of Cordoba FCEFyN). -------

National University of Cordoba College of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. ------------------------

(At the right left upper corner, it says: SA Academic Department Biology Division)-------------------

Cordoba, May 29th, 2015. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To whom it may concern: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I hereby certify that Mr. Fabrizio DAMICELLI, Identity Card Nr. 35257947, has completed his studies

corresponding to the degree of Biologist on May 21st, 2014. After this date, the corresponding diploma

was granted to him. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It is worth-mentioning that, in compliance with the Regulation Nr. 3317/1994 of the National

Department of Education, the degree of Biologist is recognized by this Department. Furthermore, in

accordance with Regulation Nr. 139/2011, the degrees of Biologist, Master of Sciences in Biological

Sciences and Master of Sciences in Biology are considered equivalent by the above mentioned

Department. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yours sincerely. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(There follow an illegible signature and a seal of Arnaldo Mangeaud, Professor and Doctor Academic

Secretary Biology Division College of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences).-------------

(There is a seal that says National University of Cordoba College of Exact, Physical and Natural

Sciences). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

299, Velez Sarsfield Avenue, Zip Code: X5000JJC. -------------------------------------------------------------

Phone: 54-351-4332102 Ext. 3/ 5353800 Ext. 29038. ------------------------------------------------------

Cordoba - Argentina. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Web: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------///

/// (Comes from F2a).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Translators note: The word Licenciado, which appears in the original document written in Spanish,

makes reference to a five-year university graduate degree in Argentina. ---------------------------------------

I, Mara Victoria Noem Ferrer, Public Translator of English, Register Number 883, hereby certify

that the foregoing is a true and faithful translation into English of the original document written in

Spanish, which I have had before me. I sign and seal this translation in the city of Crdoba, on the

31st. day of the month of May of the year 2015. ------------------------------------------

Yo, Mara Victoria Noem Ferrer, Traductora Pblica de Ingls, Matrcula Nro. 883, certifico por

la presente que la que antecede es traduccin fiel al ingls del documento original escrito en

castellano, que he tenido a la vista y al cual me remito. Y, para que as conste, firmo y sello esta

traduccin en la ciudad de Crdoba, Repblica Argentina, a los treinta y un das del mes de mayo

del 2015.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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