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English IV

Unit 1.2 Ive always been good at

Grammar Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple

Name:________________________________________________ Date:________________ Course #:____________

A) Fill in the blanks with suitable words in the box.

1. I ___________________the dishes two hours ago.
a) Was
2. We ___________________for the bus for two hours.
b) Have waited
3. I ___________________to school today. c) Havent finished
d) Didnt water
4. My brother ___________________English since he ___________________five.
e) moved
5. My mother ___________________the house four hours. f) Has cleaned
g) Have lived
6. I ___________________cooking yet.
h) Has spoken
7. She ___________________the flowers last week. But she _____________________ i) Washed
j) Didnt go
them this morning. Everywhere is wet.
k) Has watered
8. I ___________________in this city since we ___________________here.

B) Read the dialogue and circle the correct verb form.

Harry: Where did you go/have you gone last summer holidays? I think you already told/ have already told
me, but I cant remember. Was it/ Has it been Glasgow?
Carol: Yeah, did you go/ have you been there?
Harry: Me? No. I was never/ have never been to Scotland. They say its a beautiful country.
Carol: Indeed Say, Harry, how long were you/ have you been at college? Hows it going?
Harry: Hmm let me think I was/ have been here since August and I love it! Im studying computer
programming. I always loved/ have always loved computers. As a matter of fact, I received/ have received
my first computer when I was 5 years old.

C) Correct the mistakes.

1. I havent tidy my room yet.
2. She didnt came to my party.
3. They hasnt watched TV.
4. I have feed the cats.
5. He did comb her hair.

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