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International Law 2010

Federal Public Service Commission

International Law

2. Give such a definition of Int Law which could cover all the modern trends in it?

3. Discuss the concept of Neutralization. How is it done? Explain the Rights, Duties and
Guarantees given to a Neutralized state.

4. Define Recognition. Differentiate between Defacto and Dejure Recognition.

5. What is meant by 'Subjects of Int Law'? Justify Individuals as the subject of Int Law
by giving appropriate examples.

6. Discuss various modes of Acquisition of Territorial Sovereignty by the states

acknowledged in Int Law.

7. Give an account of the efforts of international community to protect the civilian

population from the effects of war.

8. Discuss in detail amicable means for settlement of international disputes.

The Federal Government,2009

International Law

Note: Attempt only four questions from part-2.All questions carry equal marks.

Q.1 Define International personality and discuss various entities as International Legal

Q.2 How far do you think that International Law is based on common consent of States?
Evaluate importance of customary law and treaty law as binding in this regard

Q.3 Territory is undoubtedly the basic character of a state as well as widely accepted
elaborate with reference to exclusive rights of states on Land and Air territory.

Q.4 How far has the United Nation succeeded in developing a comprehensive system of
Human Rights protection? Can emphasis on social justice and Human rights lead to a
stable International Order?

Q.5 Define State jurisdiction and explain how domestic jurisdiction can be limited by and
reduced by principles of International Law?

Q.6 keeping in view the objectives of the charter seeking to establish a mechanism of
peace and security how far has United Nations succeeded in confronting changes in
Global society?
Q.7 Describe Importance of diplomacy in interstate relations and discuss the concept of
diplomacy and immunity?


Note: Attempt only four questions from part-2.All questions carry equal marks. Extra
attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.

Q.2. John Austin says International Law is not a real Law, but a positive International
Morality. Do you agree with him? Give arguments in support of your answer.

Q.3. Briefly and precisely define SUBJECTS International Law. Do you agree that
INDIVIDUALS can be considered as subjects of International Law? Give appropriate
examples in this regard.

Q.4. Discuss Amicable Means for the settlement of International Disputes.?

Q.5. Give precise definition of Extradition. Write a comprehensive essay on extradition

by covering all its aspects.

Q.6. Define High Seas. Explain the concept of Freedom of High Seas along-with
restrictions over it.

Q.7. Discuss Recognition. Differentiate between de-jure and de-facto recognition. What
are the disabilities of an unrecognized state?

Q.8. Differentiate between Territorial and Extra-Territorial Asylum. Under which

circumstances an Embassy or Consulate can offer asylum to a fugitive/offender of the
territorial State?


International Law Paper

Q.1 "What is meant by RECOGNITION of STATES as a mamber of FAMILY of NATIONS?
State the different modes of such recognition.

Q.2 "In the absence of any form of international legislature of democratic states,
international law was said to be based upon the consent of the states upon their
individual acceptance of its principles and rules." Discuss.

Q.3 Write short notes on:

(a) universal declaration of human rights
(b) international court of justice
(c) international boundaries
(d) extradition
(e) neutrality

Q.4 What is "VETO?" How , when and by whom it is used?

Q.5 State and discuss in brief the various steps mentioned by STARKE in the creation of
legal obligation by a treaty.

Q.6 Coercion against a state renders a Treaty invalid.Discuss main features of the
principles. Also elaborate TWO other methods of rendering invalid the consent of a State
to be bound by a treaty.

Q.7 Explain the various modes of acquiring and losing NATIONALITY. What is DOUBLE


Q.1. International Law is a Law regulating the rights and duties of states and creating
no rights and imposing no duties on individuals. Do u agree with this statement? Why or
why not? Argue.

Q.2. Discuss the liability of the following:

a) The ambassador of the Republic of Brondasia in Islamabad murders a Pakistani out of
sudden provocation.
b) The wife of the Brondasian ambassador bought cosmetics worth Rs.1000,000 from a
local departmental store, refused to pay and went away to her embassy.
c) A Pakistani friend of the Brondasian ambassador has murdered a Brondasian
employee of the embassy.

Q.3. Describe the functions of a Prize Court. What law does it administer?

Q.4. What is the duty of other states in case of internal revolt in an independent state?
Can they help the rebels? Under what circumstances recognition may be accorded to the

Q.5. Discuss the extent to which a state can claim jurisdiction over the high seas in war
and peace. Is an appropriation by a state of the underwater soil allowed in International

Q.6. A Pakistani citizen working in the embassy of a foreign country in Islamabad, has
committed an offence against another Pakistani citizen. The Pakistani police want to
arrest such person. However, the ambassador is refusing to handover the accused to the
police with the plea that the accused has a diplomatic immunity. Do you agree with the
pleas of the ambassador? Why or why not?

Q.7. Whatever the morality of intervention, states have no right under International
Law to intervene on the territory of other states in order to prevent alleged crimes
against humanity or to uphold human rights norms. Discuss.

NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is

compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1.Define International Law. Do you agree with John Austins concept International Law
is not a true law, but a positive international morality? Elaborate your answer with
appropriate arguments.

Q2.What are the sources of International Law? Discuss any two of them in detail.
Q3. Discuss the concept of extradition. Explain main principles of extradition. Discuss
also the crimes exempted from extradition.

Q4. What does Subjects of international law mean? Discuss individuals as subjects of
International Law. Elaborate your answer with the appropriate examples.

Q5. Discuss amicable means for the settlement of international disputes.

Q6. Differentiate between Neutralized and Neutral States. Discuss the rights and duties
of a neutral state.

Q7. Write short notes on any two of the followings:

a) Continental Shelf
b) Rights of Prisoners of War
c) Scotia Case



NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is

compulsory. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1. Fully explain the duties of a Sovereign State with special reference to:

(a) Not to interfere in the domestic affairs of another state

(b) To refrain from use of threat of use force against another state

Q2. Explain how the problem of Hijacking has been dealt with under the International

Q3. Define Blockade. What are the essentials of real and binding Blockade? What does it
terminate? Refer to leading cases

Q4. Describe various methods of peaceful and amicable settlement of international


Q5.How are Prisoners of war to be treated under International Law? Explain with
reference to various conventions.

Q6. The frequent Interventions have challenged the validity of some of fundamental
principles of International Law. What are those principles? Discuss in the light of
interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq by the super-powers.

Q7.Enamurate the principles of International Law involved in the decision of Corfu

Channel Case. Assess the impact that decision on the growth and development of
International Law.



NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All
questions carry equal marks.
Q1. State the various kinds and classes of diplomatic agents and mention their privileges
and immunities.

Q2. Discuss the term State jurisdiction with reference to

(a) Maritime belt

(b) Port
(c) Foreigners
(d) Floating island

Q3. Write short notes

(a) Double nationality

(b) De facto recognition
(c) International boundaries
(d) Extradition
(e) Neutrality

Q4. Describe the legal nature of recognition of states, with particular reference to
difference between defacto and Dejure recognition.

Q5. Describe international rivers. State the principles of law, regulating the use of water
and navigation in international rivers.

Q6. What is veto? How, when and by whom is used?

Q7. State and discuss in brief the various steps mentioned by starke in the creation of
legal obligation by a treaty.



NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All
questions carry equal marks.

Q1. Explain the various modes of acquiring and losing nationality. What is double
Nationality and Statelessness?

Q2. Write short notes on any four of the following.

(a) Kellogg Briand Pact 1928
(b) The Geneva Convention 1929
(c) Pacta Sunt Servanda
(d) Protectorate
(e) State servitude

Q3. Coercion against a state renders a treaty invalid. Discuss main features of the
principle. Also elaborate two other methods of rendering invalid the consent of a state to
be bound by a treaty.

Q4. State immunity has become a mere fiction which the law can do with out. The
principle is gradually withering away, a process already under way and constantly
gaining momentum. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Q5. Write short note on any four.
(a) Territorial waters
(b) Monroes doctrine
(c) Equality of states
(d) Doctrine of Postliminium
(e) Prize courts
(f) Continuous voyage

Q6. What do you understand by international institutions? Discuss their status and
functions as subject of international law.

Q7. What are amicable means of settlement of international disputes?

NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. All
questions carry equal marks.

Q1. Explain in detail the object, purpose and basis of international law.

Q2. Enumerates with short explanation the main principles discussed in any two of the
following cases.

1. Lotus case
2. Clarence Thomas and Anita hill case
3. American diplomat case

Q3. The jurisdiction of international court of justice depends on the consent of the
parties concerned. Discuss.

Q4. Write a comprehensive note on international rivers and international canal.

Q5. Write short notes on any three of the following in the light of convention on the law
of sea 1982 and our maritime zone act of 1976. You must discuss the nature of
jurisdiction, right and duties.
(a) Internal Waters
(b) Continental Shelf
(c) Territorial Waters
(d) Land-locked State
(e) EEZ

Q6. Discuss Kashmir dispute in the light of

Right of self determination

UN Security Council resolution
Non interference in internal affairs
legal status of election in Kashmir
Simla agreement

Q7. Define nationality. What are neutral and neutralized states?

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