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A concept of omni-optimization for ship

structural design

Article January 2007


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2 authors:

Alan Klanac Jasmin Jelovica

Jadrolinija Rijeka University of British Columbia - Vancouver


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A concept of omni-optimization for ship structural design
A. Klanac & J. Jelovica
Helsinki University of Technology, Ship Laboratory, Espoo, Finland

ABSTRACT: Omni-optimization assumes a capability to perform any type of optimization, e.g. single- and
multi-objective, using single optimization algorithm, or the omni-optimizer. This paper addresses a novel
concept for omni-optimization, by coupling vectorization with genetic algorithms (GAs). Vectorization as-
sumes converting constraints into objectives, and their optimization alongside the original set of objectives.
The GAs show excellent potential to serve as omni-optimizers, as they are a successful tool to solve both sin-
gle- and multi-objective problems. This new concept is applied to structural design of the midship section of
an 88m long aluminium fast ferry for the minimal hull weight and vertical centre of gravity (VCG), under
multiple constraints involving structural and technological aspects and classification rules and regulations.
The obtained results range up to 10 per cent for weight minimization and 6.5 per cent for VCG with the fully
defined Pareto front.

1 INTRODUCTION ing of the decks, such as brackets, is not defined, the

accurate knowledge on the fatigue life might be hard
With the added complexity of new ships, their struc- to obtain. Therefore, the considered design model of
tural design demands practical and flexible support weight as an objective and buckling as a constraint
systems. Design optimization as an integral part of should be changed.
these systems aids in determination of the best com- For these situations involving significant lack of
bination of parameter values in an automated proce- information, it is convenient to consider treating
dure. Using optimization designer should have then some constraints as objectives. Hence, in this case
the capability to both quantitatively and qualitatively the stresses should be minimized alongside weight.
explore the possibilities of technology by simultane- Obviously then, a proper design process should al-
ously addressing a large number of criteria. Litera- low for such considerations, and the considered op-
ture usually addresses this is as Multicriterion De- timization method needs to be capable of treating
sign Optimization. design problems with both single and multiple ob-
Furthermore, design as a mental activity does not jectives.
recognize a formal separation amongst criteria. What But up to now, little attention has been given to
is the design objective, or constraint for instance, formalize such a method where a single search algo-
depends on the problems mathematical model, and rithm could deal with a single- and multi-objective
it is solely a designer choice whether to address optimization concurrently. Some commercial design
some criteria as constraints or objectives. For exam- systems treat this problem with a set of algorithms,
ple, if the ships weight is to be minimized, a lightest but an elegant solution is still missing. Recently, af-
design alternative (DA) will be chosen such that the ter noticing these gaps in the state of the art, Deb &
stresses in the upper decks do not exceed the critical Tiwari (2005) proposed a multi-objective genetic al-
buckling level. The weight minimization is chosen gorithm (MOGA), which degenerates accordingly
for an objective, while the critical stress level for for the application to single-objective problems. See
buckling is a constraint. However, weight minimiza- Deb (2001) for more general in-depth information
tion usually leads to thinner decks causing a rise in on MOGA. This omni-optimizer (the name we adopt
stresses and eventual increase in possibility to attain here as generic for a search algorithm capable of
premature fatigue cracks. Obviously then, the weight performing both single- and multi-objective optimi-
minimization should be coupled with proper assess- zation, or omni-optimization) uses a series of ad-
ment of all the probable failure modes. Yet, in the vanced features, such as elitism, modified domina-
early design stage, when usually the detailed stiffen- tion principle or -domination, and a measure of
crowding to assure efficient performance over any 2 VECTORIZATION AS A CONCEPT FOR
type of problem. However, the mathematical formu- OMNI-OPTIMIZATION
lation of the optimization problem tackled in this
work remains unchanged with strict separation be- 2.1 Problem setting
tween the objectives and constraints, so easy trans-
Let us consider the following relaxed multicriterion
formation of constraints into objectives within one
optimization problem (VO) over a vector of design
design problem still remains unanswered.
variables x
The authors in their previous work (Klanac &
Jelovica 2006) tackle a single-objective constrained min { f 0 ( x ) ,..., f j ( x ) ,..., f m+l ( x ) | j 1...m + l } (1)
optimization problem applying vectorization. Vec- xX

torization addresses conversion of constraints into where any x describes a design alternative belonging
objectives and relaxation of an original problem. A to a set X, that contains all possible design alterna-
single-objective problem then becomes a special tives between lower xmin and upper bounds xmax of
class of a multi-objective problem, or more gener- variables. f(x) is a criterion to be minimized. Obvi-
ally of a multicriterion problem, and it can be then ously, X contains then both feasible, or acceptable,
solved as such applying the proper search algorithm. and infeasible design alternatives. Contrary to stan-
Through this it was eventually possible to improve dard optimization, which operates strictly on a feasi-
the performance of an applied simple genetic algo- ble domain of design alternatives
rithm (GA). See also Knowles et al. (1993), Osyczka
et al. (2000), Deb (2001) and Klamroth & Tind (in = {x X | g (x) 0} (2)
prep.) about further insights, concepts and applica-
tions of vectorization. VO in addition operates over infeasible domain.
Numerous studies, e.g. Okada & Neki (1992), Let some of the criteria f(x) in VO be understood
Nobukawa & Zhou (1996), Sekulski & Jastrzebski as constraints g(x). Structural optimization regularly
(1998), Sekulski & Jastrzebski (1999), Klanac & yields optimal design alternatives on the boundaries
Kujala (2004) and Klanac (2004), to name a few, of a feasible domain, thus minimizing the constraints
show that GAs are a successful tool for practical through VO towards their boundaries, will for struc-
problems in ship structural design and optimization. tural optimization in general ensure attainment of
These problems are regularly non-convex with non- improved values for objectives. Klanac & Jelovica
comprehensive feasible domains, becoming often a (2006) suggest the following absolute constraint
computational nightmare (ISSC 2006 p.588). Prema- transformation function for their association with
ture convergence to local optimalities is then a fre- criteria:
quent event if one applies conventional gradient f j (x) = g j (x) , j (m + 1, l ) (3)
based methods. GAs on the other hand work solely
with the values of objective functions, spanning Lets address this transformation of constraints, and
these troubled waters with ease. Hence, applying a ultimately of the original optimization problem for-
GA for omni-optimization indicates a rational mulation, as vectorization. Evidently then, VO as a
choice. vectorized multicriterion problem does not recog-
A vectorized single-objective optimization prob- nize between the constraints and objectives. Thus,
lem as specified in Klanac & Jelovica (2006) is a re- the constraints can be readily changed to objectives
laxed problem consisting of l + 1 criteria, where l and vice-versa, allowing for the added flexibility in
marks the number of considered constraints. Hence, design and optimization. As a result, an algorithm
its extension to solve multi-objective problems is ef- capable of dealing with a VO is fully flexible in han-
fortless, thus allowing us the use of simple GAs as dling any of these optimization problems:
omni-optimizers. This particularly sets the main single-objective and unconstrained: m = l = 0 ,
purpose of this text, to outline, test, analyse and pre- single-objective and constrained: m = 0, l > 0 ,
sent a concept of omni-optimization for ship struc- multi-objective and unconstrained: m > 0, l = 0 ,
tural design. Its characteristics will be shown multi-objective and constrained: m > 0, l > 0 .
through the exercise on a structural design of an 88
m long fast passenger/car ferry, both concurrently According to the principle of omni-optimization
minimizing the weight and vertical centre of gravity such an algorithm is then an omni-optimizer.
(VCG), as well as separately.
In the following chapter we will revisit vectoriza-
tion and address the concepts required for omni- 2.2 Characteristic of vectorization
optimization. In chapter 3, we will describe the A proper solution of a multi-criteria problem is a
omni-optimizer and through chapter 4 apply it onto non-dominated design alternative, or a Pareto opti-
the problem of fast ferry. Chapters 5 and 6 will close mum. An alternative x is said to be Pareto optimal
the paper with some reflections, discussion and con- if:
/ x k , f (x k ) f (x ) , x k X \ x
(4) main part of the algorithm running the search
process and filtering the infeasible alternatives
A weaker condition can be also imposed, which is a for the final presentation of results
superset of all Pareto optimums. Any alternative x
contained in this set X is named a weak Pareto op- 3.1 Fitness evaluation
timum. X is defined then
The concept of vectorization can be applied directly
= {x X |
X / x k , f (x k ) < f (x) , x k X \ x} (5) through fitness calculator, thus permitting easy
change in the applied GA, and accommodating pos-
Here f stands for a vector of criteria defined in Equa- sible advanced features for increased performance,
tion 1, and applied inequalities < and are or for tackling some specific problems. If solving the
vector inequalities. vectorized optimization problem the formulation of
There will be only one Pareto optimum if it is the fitness function should account for the perform-
possible to attain a simultaneous minimum for all ance of the designs over multiple criteria, which in
the objectives. If not, a set X /0 will exist, and this case are the objective functions and the con-
form a Pareto front. The Pareto front, as it contains straints. The convenient measure of merit is then
non-dominated solutions, is the prime interest in Pareto optimality, but it self is insufficient, as we are
multicriterion optimization. also interested only in a part of a Pareto front where
According to definition, the Pareto front contains the feasible minima of the objectives are most prob-
all the global minima of the criteria in VO. Yet, with able to occur. Accounting for this the following
respect to feasibility X might then exclude the fea- compounded fitness function is applied (Klanac
sible global minima of the objectives x**, as there & Jelovica 2006):
might exist infeasible designs which posses lower
values of objectives fj(x), j (0, m) , hence these 1
max d ( x ) + , if xi X

might dominate over it. But in that sense, any design i

(x ) = d (x )
alternative sitting on a constraint, and thus having
max d x d xi , otherwise
( ) ( )
f j (x) = 0 for any j (m + 1, l ) (6)
which ranks designs both on the basis of attained
will be at least weakly Pareto optimal and a member Pareto optimality within one generation, and the dis-
of X . Therefore, if the global minimum x** of the tance d(x) to the reference point I in an criteria space
objective is contained on the boundary of a feasible Y={f(x)| xX}. I can be arbitrary, but in this case
domain, as they usually are in structural optimiza- it is chosen as the set containing the minimum val-
tion, it is guaranteed weak Pareto optimality, and ues of every objective within a population.
will be found as a proper solution of VO.
Obviously then, and as seen from Figure 1 by
solving VO for a Pareto front the search algorithm
I = min f j ( x ) , j ( 0, m + l )
} (8)
will prefer those alternatives which are on the con- As the problem deals with objectives of different
straint boundaries as they are members of X . But it physical meaning, such as weight, thickness, stress,
will prefer as well those which are in the neighbour- etc. the criteria space needs to be normalized to
hood of a Pareto front, as the constraint representa- avoid pitfalls caused by large differences in the
tion of Equation 3 will maintain the information on magnitudes of criteria in Equation 1. The normaliza-
the relative position of designs within X. tion is linear, performed by bounding the criteria
space within a unit interval, where 0 presents the
minimum of the criteria for current population, and 1
3 THE OMNI-OPTIMIZER its maximum. Hence, I = 0 , and if similarly to
Osyzcka et al. (2000) we apply the weighted Euclid-
The presented vectorization concepts are imple- ean metrics as measure, the distance to I is found as
mented into a simple binary GA to create an omni-

{ }
1/ 2
optimizer. The algorithm basically consists of:
d ( x ) = w j f j ( x )
generator for the creation of a random initial ,
population of design alternatives
fitness calculator for a population of design alter- s.t. 0 < w j < 1, (9)
natives, w j = 1.
selector for mating pool, operating on the basis of j

the computed fitness values, where f stands for a normalized value of a criteria.
cross-over and mutation sub-routine The choice of the weighting coefficient w enables
now a biased search for the part of the Pareto front
of interest, and it is actual key of the omni- spondence between the objective f and criterion f0, and the
optimization algorithm. constrains g1 and g2 and criteria f1 and f2. Pareto front is indi-
cated by a dotted surface.
particular area of the Pareto front, where the values
3.2 Weighting for efficient omni-optimization of the objectives are small. GA would then through
generations notice active boundaries and map the
The functional representation of constraints is criti-
points there as Pareto optimal. The higher fitness
cal for understanding the proper weighting of
will be then given to design alternatives with lower
Euclidean metrics of Equation (9). Applying Equa-
values of objectives. Therefore, a simple strategy
tion (3) the position of feasible objective minima is
can be applied, in which the importance of minimiz-
not guaranteed, but as mentioned in the closure of
ing objectives is much greater than minimizing con-
chapter 2, there exist indications of their relative po-
straints. This can be formalized as
sition, such as constraint boundaries. However, not
all of the constraint boundaries contain the sought wi >> w j , i ( 0, m ) and j ( m + 1, m + l ) (10)
minima, and since for practical problems the number
of constraints might become large, there is a good This weighting strategy could be easily extended
chance that focusing the search strictly on constraint to a general case. Any objective which is of interest
boundaries might become inefficient. should be given strictly higher values of weighting
In Figure 1 we can see some characteristic points factor. In case there are more equally important ob-
(A to F) illustrated to portray this problem. Point A jectives the same weighting factor could be shared.
is a feasible objective minimum, and as it sits on By significantly reducing the objective weighting
the boundary of a constraint g2 (see window in Fig. factor, the objective inevitably become inactive and
1), it is also Pareto optimal. Point D, which is infea- it is not anymore minimized.
sible and has the lowest value of the objective for As the area in focus consists of lower values of
the considered points, is again Pareto optimal due to objectives, the amount of obtained feasible designs
its position on a boundary of the constraint g1. Point can become low. Therefore, the initial value of wi
B is Pareto optimal as well, and has the highest ob- can be gradually reduced to allow for finding more
jective value of the Pareto front. feasible designs. As this will inevitably slow down
Obviously, it is inefficient then to focus the algo- the search, additionally we can modify the fitness
rithm to search strictly for one active constraint function in Equation 7 by partially penalizing the in-
boundary, as there might be many to investigate. feasible designs, see Equation 11, thus force genera-
However, the focus could be shifted more towards a tions consisting of mostly Pareto optimal points.

max d ( x ) +
, if xi X
(x ) = x i
i d (11)
max d x d xi , otherwise
f'0 ( ) ( )
C These particular cases are specifically investi-
B E gated for the practical example presented in the fol-
lowing chapter.
D g1 f

The workings of the presented omni-optimization

A algorithm are shown on a practical design of a fast
ferrys midship structure (Fig. 2), for the minimum
of weight and minimum of VCG. Using this algo-
F rithm the ship structure is optimized concurrently for
I f'1 the objectives, as well as separate for each.
These three specific problems are tackled using
both single- and multi-objective optimization. Sin-
gle-objective optimization is used for the separate
D minimization of weight and of VCG, hence for the
problems 1 and 2, while multi-objective optimiza-
f'2 tion is used twofold. First to obtain a Pareto front for
Problem 3, and secondly to obtain its objective min-
ima, thus testing the algorithms flexibility to tackle
Figure 1. A criteria and a design (in window) space for a vec- the interchange between objectives and constraints.
torized single-objective constrained problem. Notice the corre-
Multi-objective optimization was performed for
2000 generations, while for single-objective 500
8550 and Poisson coefficient of 0.28 are the same for both
x1 x2 x3 x4 alloys.
Design variables include the scantlings of all the
x 17 x5 longitudinal elements except girders, as well as the
x18 x19 spacing of the longitudinal stiffeners. Table 5 lists
x 20 all the design variables with lower and upper
bounds. Generally, the minimal plate thickness of 5
x6 mm was chosen due to a possible significant in-

crease in deformations because of welding of very
x21 thin plates. Same wise, the minimal longitudinal
x 22 spacing is selected at 200 mm.
x7 The weight minimization f0 is defined through the
x 13 x14 x 15 x 16 total area of all the longitudinal elements, while the
minimization of VCG considers additionally the
transversal structures, such as frames. Applied
x27 x 23
x 28 x8 minimal scantlings requirements are given through
x 24 Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.5 of DNV (2005), namely paragraphs
x 25 B100 and C100 and Tables B1 and C1. Additionally,
x9 all the structural elements are checked for the buck-
ling due to the longitudinal global hull girder loads,

x 10
see Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.10 DNV (2005 p.27). Distribution
x 26
x 11 of global hull shear loads is not specifically studied,
but it is accounted for through the requirement for
x12 minimal thickness of plates.
Figure 2. A half of the ferrys midship section with marked de-
sign variables x 4.2 The GA model
Variables are binary coded with 4 bit long strings,
based on their integer representation, with the step
generations were deemed sufficient. Table 1 illus- of 0.5 mm for the plate thickness, 0.7 cm2 for the
trates the considered computational matrix. size of longitudinals and 10 mm for their spacing. A
4.1 The structural design model population of 50 design alternatives, or individuals,
is created within each generation following the ran-
Ship is designed under the rule requirements of domly generated initial population. Based on the
DNV Rules for high speed, light craft and naval sur- computed fitness of an individual, the GA uses
face craft (DNV 2005). She is considered in fully weighted roulette wheel to select designs for the
laden condition for both crest and hollow landing, mating pool. Individuals chromosomes, or a binary
with the amplitudes of MCREST = 143778 kNm and string of variable values, are mated with a probabil-
MHOLLOW = 157572 kNm . The axle load of 1.0 t/axle ity of 0.8 using the randomly selected single point
for the car deck, at 4600 mm from the keel, is ap- cross-over between two consecutive individuals in
plied on the tyre print areas of 115 x 88 mm. The the mating pool. Subsequently, the individuals
load on the passenger deck is taken as for the chromosomes are mutated bit-wise with a probabil-
weather deck following the assumption that the su- ity of 0.03.
perstructure does not contribute to the global Following the conclusions of chapter 3, a high
strength of the ship. Other local loads, such as the value of weighting coefficient wj is applied for an
water pressure are applied according to the Rules. objective to be minimized, the constraints sharing
Applied aluminium alloys 5083 and 6082, are used equally the difference to 1. Namely, the following
respectively for plating and stiffeners, with the yield weight values are used with respect to Table 2.
strength of 106 MPa and 84 MPa and the material
factor f1 of 0.44 and 0.35. Young modulus of 70 GPa

Table 2. Objective minima obtained through single-objective

Table 1. Computational matrix with indicated Problem (P-) optimization for maximum of 500 generations.
number __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Optimization min W min VCG min (W, VCG)
Optimization min W min VCG min (W, VCG) __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ Single-obj. wW=0.5 wVCG=0.5 -
Single-obj. P-1 P-2 - Multi-obj. wW =0.5 wW =0.01 wW =0.45
Multi-obj. P-3 P-4 P-5
__________________________________________________ wVCG =0.01 wVCG =0.5 wVCG =0.45
4.3 Results In addition, following Figures 3-6 further explain
Presented results were obtained for the single run al- the obtained minima by portraying the optimization
gorithm run for each of the problems 1 to 5. GAs time histories, showing minimum objective values
consider random processes, therefore it is reasonable for every generation, obtained global minima x**,
to expect somewhat better results if the algorithm and the top 1 per cent of best design alternatives,
had been ran for several more times, applying the x*_1%. Figure 7 depicts the Pareto front obtained for
same set of parameters, i.e. populations size, string problems P-3 to P-5.
length, probabilities of cross-over and mutation. Yet
the intention of this work was to present the general
applicability of the algorithm for omni-optimization,
and not necessarily obtain the true global minima of
The results in the previous chapter show that the
the observed ship structure. If accounting for the ob-
omni-optimizer improves on the referenced design
tained results, as seen in the tables below, the algo-
through both single- and multi-objective optimiza-
rithm performed as desired.
tion, but they also discover some of the typical de-
Tables 3 and 4 represent the lowest obtained val-
signers worries.
ues for the weight and the VCG using omni-
optimizer for single- and multi-objective optimiza-
tion respectively. Generations at witch these mini-
mums were reached are also given.
0,51 x*
A [m ]
Table 3. Objective minima obtained through single-objective x*_1%
optimization (Problems 1 and 2) for the maximum of 500 gen-
_______________________________________________ 0,47
Max. gen. Min. values Gen.
A [m ]2
500 0.4032 179 0,45
VCG [m] 500 4.7533 315

Table 4. Objective minima (extrema of the Pareto front, Prob- 0,41

lems 3 and 4) obtained through multi-objective optimization
for the first 500 and the maximum 2000 generations.
_______________________________________________ 0,39
Max. gen. Min. values Gen. 0 100 200 300 Generation
400 500
A [m ]2
500 0.4018 188 Figure 4. Time history of feasible generations minima x* for
2000 0.3968 1786 multi-objective minimum weight optimization (Problem P-3),
VCG [m] 500 4.7663 55 with indicated global feasible minimum x** and the top 1 per
2000 4.7356
_______________________________________________ 904 cent best performing alternatives x*_1%.

VCG [m]

0,51 x*
5,30 x**
A [m ]

0,49 x*_1%
x*_1% 5,20

0,47 5,10

0,45 5,00

0,43 4,90

0,41 4,80

0 100 200 300 Generation
400 500
0 100 200 300 Generation
400 500
Figure 3. Time history of feasible generations minima x* for Figure 5. Time history of feasible generations minima x for

single-objective minimum weight optimization (Problem P-1), single-objective minimum VCG optimization (Problem P-2),
with indicated global feasible minimum x** and the top 1 per with indicated global feasible minimum x** and the top 1 per
cent best performing alternatives x*_1%. cent best performing alternatives x*_1%.
5,40 0,53
w(W)=0,01; w(VCG)=0,5 g=2000
VCG [m]

A [m ]
w(W)=0,45;w(VCG)=0,45 g=2000

5,30 x**
0,51 w(W)=0,5;w(VCG)=0,01 g=2000
x*_1% w(W)=0,01; w(VCG)=0,5 g=500
w(W)=0,45;w(VCG)=0,45 g=500
0,49 w(W)=0,5;w(VCG)=0,01 g=500
Reference design
5,00 Concurrent optimum


0 100 200 300 Generation
400 500
Figure 6. Time history of feasible generations minima x* for
multi-objective minimum VCG optimization (Problem P-4),
with indicated global feasible minimum x** and the top 1 per 0,39
cent best performing alternatives x*_1%. 4,7 4,8 4,9 5,0 5,1 5,2 VCG
5,3[m] 5,4

Figure 7. Obtained Pareto fronts from Problems P-3 to P-5 for

the first 500 and the final 2000 generations, with marked refer-
enced design and the concurrent optimum.

Table 5. Design variables with lover (min) and upper (max) bounds, values for the referenced ship, minimum weight, minimum
VCG, selected concurrent optimum, and its standardized alternative.
Design variable Min Max x ref xW
xVCG x
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ xst
Passenger deck thick. strake 1, x1 [mm] 5.0 12 .5 8.0 7.0 8.5 7.0 6.5
Passenger deck thick. strake 2, x2 [mm] 5.0 12 .5 8.0 12 .0 6.0 6.0 6.5
Passenger deck thick. strake 3, x3 [mm] 5.0 12 .5 8.0 5.5 6.5 8.0 7.0
Passenger deck thick. strake 4, x4 [mm] 5.0 12 .5 8.0 5.0 5.5 6.5 7.0
Shear strake thickness x5 [mm] 5.0 12.5 9.0 5.5 5.5 7.5 8.0
Side shell thick. strake 1, x6 [mm] 5.0 12.5 8.0 5.0 5.0 8.0 7.5
Side shell thick. strake 2, x7 [mm] 5.0 12.5 8.0 6.0 12.5 7.0 7.0
Bilge strake thickness x8 [mm] 6.0 13.5 9.0 6.5 9.5 7.5 7.5
Bottom shell thick. strake 1, x9 [mm] 7.0 14.5 10.0 7.5 14.0 8.5 8.5
Bottom shell thick. strake 2, x10 [mm] 7.0 14.5 11.0 12.0 14.5 12.5 12.0
Bottom shell thick. strake 3, x11 [mm] 7.0 14.5 12.0 11.0 14.5 13.0 12.5
Keel plate thickness x12 [mm] 8.0 15.5 12 .0 15.5 15.5 12.5 13.0
Car deck thickness strake 1, x13 [mm] 5.0 12.5 8.0 6.0 8.0 5.5 5.5
Car deck thickness strake 2, x14 [mm] 5.0 12.5 8.0 6.0 10.5 5.5 5.5
Car deck thickness strake 3, x15 [mm] 5.0 12.5 8.0 6.0 11.5 6.0 5.5
Car deck thickness strake 4, x16 [mm] 5.0 12.5 8.0 6.5 10.5 5.5 5.5
Passenger deck longs size, x17 [cm2] 5.40 15.90 9.31 7.50 6.10 6.80 6.75
Passenger deck longs spacing, x18 [mm] 200 350 300 200 230 220 220
Upper side shell longs size, x19 [cm2] 5.40 15.90 6.20 6.80 5.40 6.10 6.20
Upper side shell longs spacing, x20 [mm] 200 350 400 220 210 290 290
Lower side shell longs size, x21 [cm2] 5.40 15.90 6.20 8.20 12.40 8.90 8.74
Lower side shell longs spacing, x22 [mm] 200 350 350 260 340 330 330
Bilge longitudinals size, x23 [cm2] 5.40 15.90 6.20 8.20 13.80 11.00 10.52
Bilge longitudinals spacing, x24 [mm] 200 350 350 230 220 280 280
Bottom shell longs size, x25 [cm2] 5.40 15.90 12.40 10.30 15.90 15.20 16.20
Bottom shell longs spacing, x26 [mm] 200 350 300 260 200 210 210
Car deck longs size, x27 [cm2] 5.40 15.90 12.40 5.40 13.10 5.40 5.40
Car deck longs spacing, x [mm] 200 350 300 220 250
28 200 200
Tot. area of a half of the midship section [m ] 0.4402 0.3969 0.5237 0.4274 0.4258
Improvements to referenced ship in per cent of area - 9.8 -19.0 2.9 3.3
VCG [m] 5.0628 5.2572 4.7356 4.9806 4.9625
Improvements to referenced ship in per cent of VCG - -3.8 6.5 1.6
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.0
Let us first focus on the obtained objective min- see Table 5, indicating that the referenced design,
ima. For the first 500 generations, as presented in seemingly significantly sub-optimal is an acceptable
Tables 3 and 4 and seen in Figure 7, the obtained solution overall. However, due to the application of
lowest value of weight gave reduction of 8.7 per different classification rules in this study, the refer-
cent while VCG was reduced by 6.1 per cent in enced ship slightly breaks the constraints of longitu-
comparison with x ref . The minimum weight design dinal strength as well as the minimal requirements
was actually obtained through multi-objective opti- for the side shell and bilge plate thickness, and their
mization, while the minimum VCG design through stiffener size. Hence, some further benefits could be
single-objective. Their counterparts, defined in the achieved by adjusting this structure with the rules.
single- and multi-objective optimization respec- In comparison with x ref the concurrent optimum
tively, are only differing by miniscule margins. If x was achieved by reducing the spacing of the lon-
observing the optimization time histories for both gitudinals, which then generally caused reduction of
types of optimization (Figs 3-6) we can as well no- the plate thicknesses and the size of the longitudi-
tice the similarities in the distribution of minima nals, except for the bottom part of the ship, where
through generations, and conclude that the omni- both were slightly increased. This increase in the
optimizer does not depend on the type of optimiza- bottom elements generally brought down the VCG,
tion to obtain consistent results. but also allowed for the further light-weighting of
Further 1500 generations did not bring significant the decks, as the ship is actively constrained by the
improvements on top of initial objective minima, see longitudinal strength.
Table 4 and 5. The algorithm obviously converged Furthermore, as we did not fully consider during
rather quickly. In terms of multi-objective optimiza- optimization some technological standards, e.g. the
tion, the obtained Pareto front also improved only evenness of the adjoined plates in decks and sides or
slightly, as seen in Figure 7. The final minimum the standard sizes of the bulb flats, we perform now
weight design after 2000 generations xW is now 9.8 standardization of x . The changes in the specific
per cent lighter in comparison to x ref , but at the variables are indicated by the bolded numerals in the
same time has an increased value of VCG of 3.8 per outmost right column of Table 5 for standardized
cent. Similarly, the final minimum VCG design concurrent optimum xst . With these changes we fur-

xVCG improved on x ref for 6.5 per cent, but with an ther attained some improvements in weight and in
increase in weight at an extreme level of 19 per cent. VCG for the additional 0.4 per cent. Obviously then
The omni-optimizer evidently performed well, re- the concurrent optimum, even though obtained as
turning consistent results and realistic improve- Pareto optimal is not truly such, and some discrep-
ments, but the minimum designs are dubious. Their ancy between the obtained Pareto front and the true
benefits are almost in both cases matched with unac- Pareto front is evident. Nevertheless, this is some-
ceptable sacrifices. Thus, the lightweight design what expected for GAs if accounting for relatively
becomes unstable, while the more stable one suf- small number of generations and the actual size of
fers from lower service performance. Yet such re- the considered problem. Their general convergence
sults are not surprising, and the conflicting nature cannot be guaranteed if the number of generations is
between the weight minimization and minimization final.
of VCG is fairly common for ships. But maybe then
there exists another alternative for which benefits
and sacrifices could be better balanced. 6 CONCLUSION
As was mentioned in the introduction, this text
aims to raise the level of flexibility in ship structural Within this paper we presented a novel genetic algo-
design. Therefore, the obtained Pareto front is now rithm capable of performing both single- and multi-
of practical use in finding an acceptable trade-off be- objective optimization, or the omni-optimizer. The
tween benefits and sacrifices, between the gains and focus however was not on development of specific
losses in weight and VCG. For this particular reason advanced features, but on reformulating a standard
we ran the problem P-5, a concurrent optimization constrained single- and multi-objective optimization
for minimum of weight and VCG. The omni- problem applying the concept of vectorization.
optimizer returned a set of 17 design alternatives This omni-optimizer now operates on a specific
mostly placed in the middle between the extreme unconstrained multi-criteria problem which consid-
points mentioned above. As seen in Figure 7, a few ers all the objectives and constraints as the optimiza-
of these designs fall into the specific shaded area in- tion criteria. The algorithm operates also on infeasi-
dicating a zone with no sacrifices in comparison to ble design alternatives fully accounting for their
x ref , bringing only benefits. We choose one of these information.
designs, based on the maximal Euclidean distance to Using the large-scale problem as an example, we
x ref in the criteria space. For this concurrent opti- have shown that this approach can be successfully
mum x the omni-optimizer reduced the weight for applied to obtain realistic and useful results. Finally,
2.9 per cent and the VCG for another 1.6 per cent, the gained insight builds on the questions raised in
the introduction. If we would do not know the initial ISSC - Committee IV.1. Design principles and criteria, 16th In-
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sands. Thus, it should be further studied with larger wich Panel Applications in Ships. 9th International Sympo-
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gle- and multi-objective algorithms would be useful, Structures - PRADS, Travemuende Luebeck, Sept 2004:
907-914. Hamburg: Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft e.V.
as well as with the other omni-optimizer indicated in Knowles, J.D., Watson, R.A., Corne, D.W. 2001. Reducing
the introduction. Important lessons might be learned. Local Optima in Single-Objective Problems by Multi-
But, accounting for the results obtained, the omni- objectivization. in E. Zitzler et al. (ed.): EMO 2001, Lec-
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Nobukawa, H., Zhou, G. 1996. Discrete optimization of ship
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Okada, T., Neki, I. 1992. Utilization of Genetic Algorithm for
Optimizing the Design of Ship Hull Structure, J.S.N.A. Ja-
This study was supported by the MARSTRUCT pan 171: 71-83.
network of excellence on ship structures, funded by Osyczka, A., Krenich, S., Tamura, H., Goldberg, D.E. 2000. A
Bicriterion Approach to Constrained Optimization Prob-
the European Union Commission, and the Technol- lems Using Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Optimization
ogy Development Centre of Finland TEKES and An International Journal on the Internet 2(1): 43-54.
the Finnish shipbuilding and shipping industries Rigo, Ph. & Fleury, C. 2001. Scantlings optimization based on
through the projects TRMKE and CONSTRUCT. convex linearization and a dual approach-Part II. Marine
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