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Exemplary Strong Good Developing Needs Improvement

Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

More information than
More information than Adequate information for Some information, but less
Content required for task. Includes Very little information
required for task task than adequate for task
elaboration and detail
No contrastive signs error Few error(s) contrastive signs Average error(s) contrastive Major error(s) contrastive Lack of contrastive signs
with setting up points in with setting up points in space signs with setting up points signs with setting up points with setting up points in
Spatial Referent
space to refer to people, refers to people, place, and in space refers to people, in space refers to people, space refers to people, place
place, and object. object. place, and object. place, and object. and object.
Understands everything. No Understands most things. Understands about half. Understands only a little. Understands nothing at first.
Comprehension repetition/rephrasing Occasional repetition/ Repetition/rephrasing often Repetition/rephrasing very Repetition/rephrasing
necessary rephrasing necessary necessary frequently necessary always necessary
Very wide range of Fairly wide range of Adequate range of limited range of appropriate Very little command of
appropriate vocabulary appropriate vocabulary appropriate vocabulary vocabulary appropriate vocabulary
Some grammatical errors, many grammatical errors, Many grammatical errors,
Some grammatical errors, but
No or very few grammatical occasionally impede frequently impede comprehension almost
Grammar do not impede comprehension.
errors. Very natural comprehension. Sometimes comprehension. Very totally impeded.
Mostly natural
unnatural frequently unnatural Consistently unnatural
Mostly smooth. Occasional Generally hesitant and often Extremely hesitant and Isolated words or short
Fluency very smooth and flowing
hesitancy choppy choppy. Frequent pauses phrases only
Audience interest
consistently maintained
Audience interest is mostly Audience interest is Audience interest is Audience interest is not
Discourse Quality through originality, visuals,
maintained somewhat maintained minimally maintaned maintained
technology, content, humor
or emotions
Exceeds target level of
sentence complexity (word, Sentence complexity Sentence complexity
Sentence complexity is Sentence complexity did not
Organization phrases, sentence, connected partially meets targeted minimally meets targeted
appropriate to level. meet targeted level
sentences, transition and level level
Presentation was within 4-5 Presentation was within 3-4 Presentation was within 2-3 Presentation was within 1-2 Presentation was under 1
Delivery minutes and followed the 5 minutes and followed 3 or 4 minutes and followed 2 or 3 minutes and followed 1 or 2 minute and did not follow
criteria out of 5 criteria out of 5 criteria out of 5 criteria any of criteria
Sometimes unclear, Very frequently unclear, Consistently unclear,
very clear and easy to Sometimes unclear, but rarely
Production occasionally impedes often impedes comprehension very
understand impedes comprehension
comprehension comprehension difficult
Grades A = 50 - 45 B= 44- 40 C= 39 - 35 D= 34 - 30 F= Below 29
Grades will be based on
Credit: College Credit Plus 2017-18. (n.d.). Retrieved April 02, 2017, from _______/50
Adapted: Basinski, B., Burcham, P., & Khorsandi, S. (Spring 2017)

Basinski, Burcham & Khorsandi ASL 750 - Midterm Rubric Spring 2017 Final

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