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GUIDELINES FOR 3. Authors must be professionals, professors and resear-

chers having at least postgraduate training and be ex-
of the group of authors. Likewise, allusions to research pro-
jects related to the articles or such like acknowledgements
CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS perts on the topic;
4. The content of an article is an authors responsibility,
may only be included in the text if the article is approved
(nevertheless, the editors must be informed of such data to
publisher policy being open and democratic; avoid eventual conflicts of interest when readers come into
5. An articles title must be concise and correspond to its contact with the work).
GENERAL POINTS ABOUT ARTICLES content whilst specifically indicating the topic or mate- Evaluation time. An average of eight (8) months elapses
The journals publisher policy contemplates publishing spe- rial being studied; between the time when reviewers have been asked to give
cific articles on administrative and social topics: 6. All clarifications regarding the work (character, ack- their peer evaluation of any work, its acceptance and the
Research articles: this type of article presents detailed orig- nowledgments, collaborators, etc.) shall be indicated delivery of their opinion. However, such period may be shor-
inal results from research projects. Its structure has four im- on a presentation page which includes the abstract, ke- ter or longer depending on reviewers availability and other
portant parts: introduction, methodology, results and con- ywords and data on the authors of the article; factors which could postpone or accelerate the process. The
clusions. 7. Each article must give the Journal of Economic Lite- journal will only send prospective authors an official com-
Reflection articles: this type of article presents the results rature classification (JEL classification) to which it co- munication about their articles once a decision has been
of research from an authors original source-based analyti- rresponds, according to the codes established for in- made on whether to offer complete acceptance, conditio-
ternational searches of bibliographic production (the nal acceptance (slight changes must be made) or reject the
cal, interpretative or critical perspective on a specific topic.
codes must be specific, no more than 3 being given). article (modifications must be made which imply substan-
Review articles: this type of article must be the result of re- Such classification can be consulted at: http://www. tial rethinking of the proposal, or similarly when an arti-
search analysing, systematising and integrating published cle submitted for consideration has nothing to do with the
or unpublished research results in a field of science and 8. It is suggested that the articles have between 5000 journals field of interest).
technology giving an account of advances and trends in and 8000 words. However, no article submitted shall
R&D. It must give a careful bibliographic review having at Making corrections and sending in the corrected ma-
have more than 10,000 words, including references;
least 50 references. nuscript. If the peers opinions suggest that slight modi-
9. Original articles must be sent to our e-mail (revinno- fications should be made, then authors must adhere to a All files must contain the text in time-line which will not exceed eight (8) weeks. If the peers
Word, an analytical summary and the articles key words opinions demand that an article be submitted to substan-
SPECIFIC GUIDELINES FOR ABSTRACTS (a minimum of four). At the same time, the graphics, ta- tial modification and the editorial committee considers
A maximum of 1.500 to 2.000 characters is preferred. The bles, images and other elements must be included within that it could be accepted for a new cycle of evaluations,
length may be proportionate to the article. That is, shorter the body of the text in an editable format or annexed in then the authors will have to remit their adjustments within
articles warrant shorter abstracts, whereas an abstract for the original programs in which they were created; a period no greater than 16 weeks. In all cases, a report
a longer article may be at the maximum. 10. The reviews, which are texts in the nature of publicity, must be attached in which all changes made to the propo-
must not total more than 1500 words and must also be sal have been related.
Construction submitted in Word files, accompanied by an image of
the cover of the book or other publication that is being Rejecting an article. The purpose of the evaluation pro-
Abstracts should be clear and easy to read with enough cess in Innovar (as well as validating advances being made
detail to help the reader understand what the article is summarized (jpg, of a minimum of 300 dpi);
11. When delivering material, each author must complete, in knowledge (know-how) in our thematic areas) is to offer
about. authors an opportunity to improve their proposals, refine
Sentences should flow logically. sign and send a form by e-mail which will provide a re-
cord of her/his complete data, as well as declaring that their thinking, so that they construct more solid articles. We
The abstract should be written with correct English-lan- the article being put forward for consideration is unedi- would thus expect that authors know how to take advanta-
guage grammar and spelling. ted and is not being evaluated by any another journal. ge of evaluators comments when their document has been
rejected for publication. Even though the journal is willing
12. Bibliographic citations within the text of an article to receive rethought/reworked articles, authors are asked
Elements must use the parenthetical system (surname, year, not to resubmit a corrected version of a rejected article be-
Key elements for an abstract vary according to the type of page), as follows: (Nieto, 1992, p. 4). A list of bibliogra- fore three (3) to six (6) months have elapsed. The editor will
article. Note: the order in which key elements are placed phic references must be included at the end of the com- inform the authors of the time they must wait if they have
may vary from article to article for any type. plete text of an article, in alphabetic order of authors expressed an interest in resubmitting their article. An arti-
surnames (including commas, brackets, full-stops, capi- cle may receive a definitive rejection when it does not co-
Key Elements for Experimental/Research Articles tal and italic letters), following the American Psycho- rrespond to the journals editorial or thematic line, or when
logical Association (APA), sixth edition, referencing the editorial committee expresses its considered decision
Study purpose and style system for presenting publishable articles. to reject it.
Brief description of the subjects Authors must verify that listed references correspond
Methodology to the cites within the body of the paper (neither more Reviews. As these are informative by nature, reviews will
Study location (if important or unusual) nor less). Additionally, when references count on a DOI be evaluated internally by the journals editorial team who
number this must be included in the list (for further in- will decide on whether to publish them.
Results, conclusions or implications.
formation, you may enter the journals web page or get
in touch with staff in the editorial office).
Key Elements for Discussion Articles NOTES OF INTEREST
An article having been sent to the journal and its even-
Major theme EVALUATION PROCESS tual submission to an evaluation process does not obli-
Logical development of the theme ge Innovars Editorial Committee or its editors to publish
The journal has the right to reject publication of an article
Authors point of view if, by internal decision, it determines that the article does such work.
Implications, inferences, or conclusions. not fulfill certain academic or editorial standards. Additio- Articles and reports will be received without interruption
nally, if it is found that a submitted article has already been throughout the whole year.
totally or partially published, or if similar works exist that If the journals coordination office has not acknowled-
Key Elements for Literature/Research Reviews ged receiving work submitted for consideration with a
have already been published by the same authors and it is
Scope of the review determined that the articles contribution is residual, it will lapse of eight (8) days, please redirect your massage to
Publication time span definitively be rejected. the following optional e-mail:
Publication origin All authors cede their publication rights to the Univer-
Evaluators role. Articles being put forward for considera- sidad Nacional de Colombias School of Business Admi-
Types of documents reviewed tion will be scrutinised by experts on the topic so that they nistration and Public Accountancy (Economics Faculty)
Authors opinion of the reviewed literature, particularly may independently give their concept of the work (blind when an article has been approved for publication.
unique or important research findings evaluation), taking the following criteria into consideration: The articles published in Innovar must not appear in any
Conclusions about the research trends. quality or academic level, originality, contribution towards other means of mass communication without citing prior
knowledge and teaching, clarity in presentation, clarity in publication in Innovar. In the case of publications which
Abstracts should present key elements precisely and conci- how the work has been written and the literature used and are compilations of other work, then the authors must
sely, with no extraneous information. Abstracts should not cited, interest and topicality of the subject matter. ask the journal and/or the School of Business Adminis-
contain data tables, figures, or references. Most of all, they
The evaluator may deliver his/her anonymous concept in tration and Public Accountancys express authorisation
must accurately reflect the content of the article.
the suggested format or in the way which suits him/her to submit such work.
best. The journal has previously reviewed the evaluators
SPECIFIC GUIDELINES FOR ARTICLES AND REVIEWS academic profiles and considers that they have sufficient
INNOVARs publisher committee will consider the following as- academic experience and knowledge for working indepen-
pects for accepting or rejecting eligible articles and reviews dently. Revista INNOVAR, Facultad de Ciencias Econmicas,
for publication in the first instance. Our contributors are thus Universidad Nacional de Colombia, edificio 310,
asked to take the following recommendations into account: Confidentiality. The journals evaluation will involve dou- primer piso, Oficina Centro Editorial,
ble-blind review conditions. The journal reserves all data Ciudad Universitaria.
1. Only unpublished works whose contributions are origi- pertaining to the authors and reviewers; the details and re-
nal will be accepted for publication. Submission of arti- sults of the process will only be revealed to those directly Tel. (57) (1) 3165000, ext. 12308/12367
cles published in other languages or whose results have involved (authors, evaluators and editors). All authors are E-mail:
been published is unacceptable; asked to avoid excessively citing themselves when writing
2. Articles submitted to the journal cannot be under eva- their articles and avoid putting any type of data within the
Web page:
luation by another medium; body of the text offering clues as to their identity or that

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