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Ilham Cahya|4313100062|TPB-32 2013

The iPhone 5C Is Already Involved

in a Labor Violations Scandal
A little less than a week before it's
supposed to be unveiled to the public, the
iPhone 5C is attracting attention from
human rights groups for possible labor
violations. While it feels like deja vu
after the many Foxconn scandals, there's
an important difference this time. The
factory is American-owned.

On Thursday, China Labor Watch spoke up about a number of ethical and labor
violations by U.S. electronics manufacturer Jabil Circuit who is reportedly building the
iPhone 5C. Among other things, the human rights group accused the company of owing
workers millions in unpaid overtime wages, forcing workers to stand for 11 hours a day
with only a 30 minute lunch break and failing to provide adequate training. The list goes
on: discriminating against applicants for being too old or having tattoos, forcing up eight
workers to live together in a cramped dorm room and making overtime mandatory. The
situation at Jabil Circuit's factories hasn't quite escalated to the level of Foxconn and its
suicide pact scandal, but it's certainly not a good way to kick off a new Apple product.

It's also pretty sad that we've come to expect labor violations from the manufacturing
partners that supply Apple as well as its competitors with cheap labor. You would think
that the situation would improve after The New York Times summed up Apple's labor
woes in frightening detail with its Pulitzer Prize-winning "iEconomy" series, but building
iPhones and iPads in China sounds as miserable as ever. Apple's made an effort to
address the problems through regular audits and the decision to move Mac
manufacturing to the U.S. They even cut ties with a manufacturing partner after there
were allegations about underage labor. But the complaints keep rolling in. This is the
second situation at factories producing goods for Apple and its competitors that's been
flagged in as many months.

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