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Learning Contract

o General Information
Lexie Cabral
40 Hours a week
South County Hospital; CardioPulmonary Rehab
Delaine Wright
Student Exercise Physiologist

o Background
The opportunity to serve as an intern for the South County CardioPulomonary Rehab
came about while talking to an advisor at the University of Rhode Island about my
interest in cardiac rehab after taking a kinesiology course focusing on such, and along
with talking to a friend whose mother works for South County Hospital. My advisor
provided me Delaines office extension after finding out my interest, and my friends
mother called the office as well. Delaine then reached out to me, setting up a time and
day for me to come into the facility to observe how my summer internship would be.

o Professional Objectives with Activities/Resources, and Evidence

Objective: To learn and understand the correct terminology, and symptoms,
surrounding cardiac and pulmonary issues
Internet recourses, literature searches, informational research
Shadow or observe professionals
Compare class concepts with workplace experiences
Include a copy of session notes taken pre, during, and post exercise
Objective: To learn how to use and read the telemetry system correctly
Shadow and observe professionals
Compare class notes with workplace experiences
Review model/work samples
Include a copy of session notes along with EKG strips taken while
a patient is at rest, during exercise, and cool down phase

Objective: To learn how to write an appropriate exercise prescription

Seek professional mentor
Compare class concepts with workplace experiences
Discussions with faculty advisors
Include a copy of session notes that were taken during a patients
initial interview before starting the rehab program
Objective: To learn how to instruct a group exercise class
Shadow or observe professionals
Seek professional mentor
Discussions with faculty advisors
Include exercises that will be chosen to be performed in class
Include photos of class being held
Objective: To learn how to properly walk through a pulmonary exercise
session with a patient with COPD.
Shadow or observe professionals
Seek professional mentor
Review models
Including a copy of patients exercise session and notes
o Internship Details
To gather and monitor cardiac, pulmonary, and maintenance patients
vitals such as blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, and RPE,
before, during, and after their exercise session.
Address and notify staff on any complications a patient is facing during
their session regarding pain, illness, etc.
Interact and communicate with patients on how theyre feeling and what
type of exercise they are going to accomplish on that day.
Evaluation Methods
Consistent communication with supervisor and other staff
Consistent questions, suggestions, and tasks asked by the supervisor
Completion of university provided evaluation forms
Work days/hours
Monday-Thursday 7am-4pm
Friday 7am-11am
Start date: May 22nd, 2017, End Date July 28th, 2017

o Lexie Cabral Date

o Delaine Wright Date

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