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Institute of Strategic and International Studies


Research Proposal


Domestic and International Determinants of A Weak States Foreign
Policy Behavior: The Case of Myanmar

Submitted by

Saw Tha Wah

11th May 9, 16

1.1 Background of the Study
Myanmar is a state that is in the process of transition to democracy with internal
challenges such as decades long ethnic conflicts, strong ethno-religious tension,
extreme military influence, weak institution, small geographical and population
size, and underdeveloped economy; and external challenges such as being
located between two rapid growing power: India and China, and international
criticism and pressure on domestic politics. These challenges identify Myanmar
as a weak state and they constitute in the explanation of Myanmars
international behavior.
As a weak state, Myanmar has to seek foreign aid for its social and economic
development, aims to cooperate and avoid conflicts in order to be part of
regional integration, employs diplomatic and economic foreign policy for the
improvement of bilateral and multilateral ties, and choose neutral position to
balance power and threats. These are Myanmars foreign policy behaviors that
are resulted from its domestic political situation and external environment
In order to understand how Myanmar behaves and why, this paper centers upon
the explanation of three factors: (1) domestic strains, (2) international support
and/or pressure, and (3) the role of leaders in foreign policy decision-making.
The first factor specifically focus on domestic conflicts and reform, as this leads
to the elaboration of how Myanmar acts consequently. Secondly, the external
environment that forges Myanmars foreign policy behavior will be examined.
Following Myanmars changing external relations, Myanmars attempt to pursue
attractive power based on its strategic location and effort to reduce Chinas
influence can be highlight as Myanmars behavior. Finally, it is said that states act
according to statesmans action, and it is undoubtedly that Myanmar acts
according to the ruling elites, as it was under authoritarian rule for decades.

1.2 Choosing Topic
The urge to study this topic resulted due to two reasons: my interests to the
topic and my capability of conducting research for the topic.
Since I was studying BA in Social Studies at Myanmar Institute of Theology, the
question of how the relations between countries can effect on society always
intrigued me. At the time, it was hard for me to capture the two factors in one
picture. Over the years, my academic interests narrowed down to foreign policy
from a wide range of International Relations, where I could find the missing
puzzles of the picture that I was always trying to capture by conducting research
for thesis. This encouraged me to gain a deeper understanding to the picture and
inspired me to contribute this paper in the field.
As the topic is inspired from my thesis, which leads to the second reason, I am
confident that am capable of collecting data to answer my potential research
questions for the paper due to the experience and materials I have from writing
thesis. Of course, with the support and guide of MISIS, I am certain that I can
complete the project.
My interests, my capability, the data I have obtained, the theories I am willing to
apply and the gap that I am determined to fill in the literature are the
background motivation of the reason I choose this particular topic.

1.3 Objectives and Scope of the Study
There are two objectives of this paper. The primary objective is to reveal the
source of Myanmars foreign policy behavior and its external relations with
major power. The secondary objective is to pay attention to Myanmars strategic
posture and external role as a weak state that is in the Great Game of big power
competition. Both objectives are purposed to verify the relative significance of
internal factors and level of external assistance in shaping the foreign policy
behavior of Myanmar.
The scope of this study narrows down to Myanmars international actions from a
comprehensive study of domestic politics, external environment and leaders role
as the sources of Myanmars actions.
Keywords: Weak State, Foreign Policy behavior, Myanmar

1.4 Research Questions
Since the paper focuses on the sources of Myanmars foreign policy behavior, it
raises two related questions. (1) What is the relationship between structural
characteristic of Myanmar and its foreign policy actions? Following the
theoretical and empirical works treating weak states foreign policy behavior,
economic and security influence states actions in some manner. Thus, the first
question is to explore the linkage between domestic politics and foreign policy.
(2) What are the opportunities and challenges for Myanmar in its changing
external environment and how it reacts to them? Based on international aids,
economic assistants, or security challenges, Myanmar has to manage those
sources wisely, which would define its behavior.

1.5 Research Methodology
The research for the paper will be conducted based on qualitative research method
since its finding study involves literature review. This method is appropriate to
describe analytical and conceptualization of Myanmar foreign policy behavior.
Analyzing foreign behavior of a state requires a framework. Adopting James
Rosenaus pre-theory framework that analysis foreign policy behavior at three levels,
namely, systemic level analysis, state level analysis and individual level analysis, the
paper is constructed based on the following framework, figure 1.
According the framework, the first level to be analyzed is state level where the paper
focuses on the linkage between internal affairs and foreign policy. Domestic politics
determines foreign policy behavior, as for Myanmar, in terms of democratization,
security and economic. When leaders deal with domestic politics such as
democratization, for example, they have to seek foreign assistances to smoothen
democratization at home by proving they are committed to democratic path and
willing to promote democratic discipline globally. In this sense, domestic politics has
effects on leaders interests, commitments and foreign policy decision-making. When
leaders decide to take a particular action, state act accordingly, which could be said
that domestic politics can affect state behavior through leaders. Not only domestic
politics, but also the external factors at the systemic level can effect the actions of a
state through leaders as well. At the final level, Myanmar has to confront the
challenges or threats from big power and utilize opportunities in international arena.
By analyzing all three levels, Myanmars foreign policy behavior will be studied in
Figure 1
Domestic Determinants
1. Democratization
State Level Analysis 2. Security
3. Economic

1. Interests Myanmars
Foreign Policy
Individual Level
2. Commitments
3. Decisions
Foreign Policy

Systemic Level 1. Big Power
Analysis 2. Geopolitics

Theoretically, the framework of this study based on Rosenaus pre-theory with the
combination of other theoretically perspectives. Understanding Myanmars foreign
policy behavior as the third world and weak states behavior, the background of
Myanmars foreign policy is dominated by personalized military government, where
only leaders make decisions and take actions they think that are best for their personal
interests. Bahgat Korany analyzed third world foreign policy by emphasizing the
impact of the great man, which he stated that states behavior is heavily influenced
by the ruling elites. The theory called Role Theory, founded by Kalevi Holsti, is
widely used in the framework. Moreover, concerning Myanmars behavior in external
environment, the study looks the international politics through realist perspective
where states have to seek the maximum security and power in order to survive.
As for the case of Myanmar, the literature on Myanmars foreign policy behavior is
very limited since there is lack of contribution in the field. Local news and journal,
the published documents from UN, leaders speeches, and the published books will be
collected as evidences.
With the support of MISIS, I would like to have supervisor who would guide me in
conducting research under the rules of MISIS.
1.6 Expected Outcome
The contribution of this paper would be the comprehensive understanding to the
Myanmars foreign policy, which needs a spotlight in Myanmars international
studies. Moreover, the sources that determine Myanmars foreign policy behavior,
from both internal and external environment, would be explored to give the reader
perception and misperception of Myanmars foreign policy.

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