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Know About Viral Fever

by Ela Woman
Viral fever is a group of infections inside the body, generally implicated by
high body temperature, sore throat, headaches, burning sensation in the
eyes, body pain and sometimes vomiting. A viral fever can affect any part of
the body and during the fertility window it can also impact your potential to
conceive. It is very common in babies, small children and older people as
they have low immunity and less common in case of young couples. In Viral
fever, the immune system fights with the virus and burns them and so the
body temperature is raised from the normal range.

Sometimes, it may happen with many couples that infertility can cause more
frustration and depression in a couple. Infertility specialists are called
Gynecologists who have been specially trained in the advanced techniques in
assisting reproduction in infertile and sub-fertile couples and provide
best IVF treatment in Delhi.
Viral Fever impacts sperm count and mobility for the period it
stays, so follow these home remedies to increase your chances to

A viral fever is transmitted very easily through the infected person. The tiny spills
of fluids when the infected person sneezes, yawns or coughs can pass the
infection to other person. Some severe viral fevers are caused by mosquitoes or
tick bites or in coming into the contact of blood or semen of the infected person.
It is very important to take proper measures during viral fever. Most of the
people do not take it seriously and take antibiotics to avoid visiting doctor.

Whereas, Antibiotics are supplements to kill bacteria only and unnecessary

antibiotics can cause acidity. This can also affect stomach, liver and kidney.
Antivirals and vaccines are there to treat viral fever but people tend to choose
their own medical trick which is not good for health.
If the following symptoms last for more than 2 days and the body temperature
remains high, then immediately contact the nearby doctor or a good
medical help care center.
Symptoms of Viral Fever
i. Body temperature keeps on fluctuating from low to high or
vice-versa. It is the most common symptom of viral fever.
ii. Shivering and cold
iii. Burning sensation in eyes
iv. Sore throat continues during viral fever
v. Affected person from viral fever feels very low energy,
weakness and dizziness
vi. Sometimes, Rashes may also occur
vii. Severe headache lasts for long in viral fever
viii. Nasal and chest cavity gets congested due to cough and cold
ix. Body pain, especially at the joints
x. Vomiting and diarrhea may also occur, still rare in viral fever
Home Remedy for Viral Fever
i. A cool cotton cloth can be placed on the forehead while the
infected person is resting. It will help in lowering the high body
temperature due to viral fever. It is the most common home
remedy for viral fever.
ii. Gargling with warm water helps in curing sore throat during viral
iii. If the person suffering from viral fever is shivering, a light
blanket can be put on. In other case, thin layered clothes will work.
iv. Several food items like Black Coffee, Coriander Tea and Carom-
boiled-water are very effective home remedies in viral fever. It will
help in lowering body pain and headaches.
v. Tulsi (Basil) in any form will help in treating viral fever. Tulsi with
ginger and honey is the best home remedy for sore throats and
Medicine For Viral Fever
i. Antiviral medicines like oseltamivir or zanamivir can be taken
to treat viral fever and its infections.
ii. Medicines like Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen are prescribed
by doctors and should be taken only on doctors prescription.
iii. Aspirins can be taken only by adults in viral fever. It must not
be given to children as they cannot bear the heavy mechanism of
iv. If doctor prescribes Antibiotics, their dose should be
completed otherwise the body will not respond to any other
antibiotics in future illness.
Viral fevers are most widely spread infections amongst our
community. It has affected a larger group of people. Awareness can
keep the surrounding and its people safe and healthy.

Centres/Hospitals/Doctors in India
i. Indira IVF
ii. Dr. Sagarika Aggarwal
iii. Medicover Fertility Clinic
iv. Dr. Sweta Gupta
fertility-boosters ,viral fever, viral fever symptoms, symptoms of viral fever,
the viral fever, viral fever duration, viral fever treatment,
viral fever home remedies, viral fever in children, home remedies for viral fever
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