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Health & Fitness Journal

of Canada
Copyright 2015 The Authors. Journal Compilation Copyright 2015 Health & Fitness Society of BC
Volume 8 September 30, 2015 Number 3
! ! !!

Abstract! Keywords:4 Bayes' theorem,' Cardiac' anomalies,' Cardiac'

Objectives:!Occasional'incidents'of'sudden'death'on'the' arrhythmias;' Cardiac' emergencies,' Safety,' Sensitivity,'
sports' field' have' provoked' conflicting' views' on' risk' Specificity4
reduction' through' pre<participation' screening.' Some' '
sports' physicians' call' simply' for' a' thorough' clinical' From' 1Faculty' of' Kinesiology' &' Physical' Education,'
examination,'but'others'insist'that'this'must'be'coupled' University'of'Toronto,'Toronto,'ON.'''
with' a' resting' ECG' examination.' Debate' has' been' E<mail:''
particularly' vigorous' in' the' past' ten' years;' the' present' '''
article'briefly'recapitulates'earlier'arguments'and'seeks' Introduction!
an' appropriate,' evidence<based' current' 'A' sudden' exercise<related' cardiac'
recommendation.' Methods:! Ovid/Medline,' PubMed,'
Google' Scholar' and' personal' files' were' searched' for' death'(SERCD)'is'a'tragic'event'that'casts'
articles' related' to' ECG' screening' and' sudden,' exercise< a' long' shadow' not' only' over' those'
related' cardiac' death,' with' particular' reference' to' immediately' affected,' but' also' over' all'
introduction' of' mandatory' ECG' screening' in' Italy' in' who' are' seeking' to' encourage' a' greater'
1982' was' justified' after' the' fact' by' a' drop' in' sudden' involvement' of' the' population' in'
deaths' from' an' unusually' high' level' in' the' year' before' physically' active' pursuits.' Some' authors'
during' the' subsequent' decade.' The' criteria' used' in' have'suggested'that'is'also'a'disturbingly'
screening' were' not' athlete<specific,' and' false' positives' common' occurrence.' One' recent' analysis'
excluded' many' potential' competitors' from' play.' of' NCAA' athletes' in' the' United' States'
1979'had'no'effect'upon'the'incidence'of'sudden'death.' found' that' SERCD' was' the' commonest'
Attempts' to' develop' athlete<specific' ECG' norms' have' medical' cause' of' death' among' this'
developed' at' least' 4' options,' all' rated' against' clinical' population,' accounting' for' a' greater'
later'succumbing'to'sudden,'exercise<related'death.'The' mortality' than' suicide' and' homicide'
low' incidence' of' such' events' militates' against' the' combined' (Harmon' et' al.,' 2015).' SERCD'
setting' of' criteria' that' will' not' have' an' excessive' false' was' particularly' prevalent' among'
positive' rate;' indeed,' some' recent' authors' query'
whether' sudden' death' is' indeed' more' common' in' basketball'players,'causing'the'death'of'1'
athletes' than' in' the' sedentary' population.' Conclusions:' in' 9,000' participants;' moreover,' other'
Randomized' trials' examining' the' consequences' of' ECG' basketball' enthusiasts' were' living' only'
screening' and' subsequent' restriction' of' physical'
activity' are' needed,' and' the' merits' of' this' approach' because' they' had' undergone' early' and'
must' be' compared' with' a' stronger' emphasis' upon' effective'cardiac'resuscitation.'Even'at'the'
secondary' prevention' and' emergency' preparedness.' high<school' level,' one' report' found' male'
But' at' present' ECG' screening' still' lacks' the' sensitivity'
and'specifity'to'be'an'effective'tool'in'reducing'the'risk' athletes'had'a'relative'risk'of'SERCD'4.95'
of' SERCD.' Health! &! Fitness! Journal! of! Canada! times' greater' than' that' of' non<athletes'
2015;8(3):14S22.' (Toresdal' et' al.,' 2014),' although' the' risk'


Could' the' risk' of' such' incidents' be' false' positive' diagnoses,' sometimes' as'
reduced' by' a' more' thorough' pre< high' as' 40%,' and' this' caused' much'
participation' screening' of' athletes?' In' anxiety' for' the' athletes' concerned,' often'
particular,' would' the' recording' of' a' leading' to' massive' costs' for' additional'
resting' ECG' add' to' the' effectiveness' of' investigations' such' as' echocardiography'
such' screening' by' identifying' individuals' and/or' a' needless' prohibition' of' sport'
with' dangerous' arrhythmogenic' and' participation.' Moreover,' National'
structural' cardiac' abnormalities' (Price' et' statistics' provided' no' evidence' that' the'
al.,'2014)?'The'value'of'the'resting'ECG'as' clinical' screening' o/f' athletes' without'
a' means' of' reducing' the' incidence' of' recourse' to' a' resting' ECG' led' to' any'
SERCD' has' long' been' a' matter' of' higher' incidence' of' sudden' death' than'
controversy' (Chaitman,' 2007;' Myerburg' that'observed'in'European'countries'such'
and'Vetter,'2007;'Shephard,'2005,'2008),' as' Italy,' where' annual' ECG' screening' of'
with' Italy' and' Israel' now' making' such' athletes' is' now' required' by' law'
screening'a'mandatory'component'of'pre< (Shephard,'2008,'2011).''
participation' examination,' and' at' least' For' their' part,' Italian' investigators'
one' U.S.' report' suggesting' that' pointed' to' 3' pieces' of' evidence,' gathered'
preliminary' ECG' screening' is' feasible' after'rather'than'before'enactment'of'the'
even' for' high<school' athletes' (Marek' et' mandatory' screening' policy' that'
al.,'2011).'' apparently' supported' the' need' for' a'
We' will' recapitulate' here' the' universal' ECG' screening' of' athletes.''
traditional' positions' of' North' American' Firstly,' they' claimed' that' in' the' Venuto'
and' European' sports' cardiologists' region' of' Italy,' sudden' cardiovascular'
regarding' such' initiatives,' and' will' then' deaths' among' athletes' dropped' from'
examine'whether'a'flurry'of'recent'papers' 3.6/100.000' in' 1979<1980' to'
warrants' a' change' in' recommended' 0.4/100,000' in' 2003<2004,' and' they'
policies' for' the' screening' of' Canadian' linked' this' observation' to' the'
competitors.' introduction'of'mandatory'ECG'screening'
' for' athletes' in' the' year1982' (Corrado' et'
Traditional! approaches! to! preS al.,' 2006).' However,' the' total' number' of'
participation! screening! of! young! deaths' involved' in' this' comparison' was'
athletes! very' small' (4.7/year' in' 1979<1981,' and'
The' traditional' view' of' many' sports' 2.6/year' from' 1982' to' 1992).' Critics'
physicians' in' North' America' has' been' further' noted' that' Italian' incidents' were'
that' while' pre<participation' screening' not' necessarily' exercise<related,' and' that'
should'include'a'thorough'clinical'history' there' was' no' comparison' of' screened'
and' physical' examination,' universal' ECG' versus'non<screened'athletes.'Rather,'the'
screening' was' unwarranted' (Maron,' effect' of' screening' upon' the' incidence' of'
Thompson,' Ackerman' et' al.,' 2007;' fatal' events' was' imputed' from' a'
Shephard,' 2008),' and' had' no' solid' comparison' of' unusually' high' rates' in'
objective' evidence' base.' In' terms' of' 1979<1980' (3.5<4.0' per' 100,000)' with'
identifying' those' vulnerable' to' SERCD,' subsequent' findings' for' the' same'
the' sensitivity' and' specificity' of' the' ECG' population,' which' were' similar' to' those'
data' were' demonstrably' relatively' poor.' seen' in' North' America' (Maron' et' al.,'
There' was' an' excessive' proportion' of' 2009)'and'in'Denmark'(Holst'et'al.,'2010)'


where'ECG'screening'of'athletes'was'not'a' unselected' college' athletes' were' at'
routine' practice.' Furthermore,' in' Israel,' imminent'risk'of'SERCD.''
where' compulsory' ECG' screening' was' The'third'piece'of'evidence'was'a'cost<
introduced' in' 1979,' a' comparison' of' effectiveness' analysis' (Wheeler' et' al.,'
sudden' deaths' among' competitive' 2010).' This' analysis' claimed' that' adding'
athletes' found' rates' of' 2.54/100,000' an'ECG'to'the'screening'process'saved'2.1'
athlete<years'for'the'ten'years'before'and' life<years' for' every' 1,000' athletes' that'
2.66/100,000' for' the' 10' years' following' were' screened,' at' a' cost' of' U.S.' $42,000'
enactment' of' screening' legislation' per'life<year'saved.'If'the'calculation'were'
(Steinvil' et' al.,' 2011);' the' authors' of' this' correct,' health' economists' would' accept'
report'noted'that'if'they'had'focused'on'a' this' as' a' reasonable' use' of' medical'
shorter'time'interval'than'10'years,'as'in' resources.' Nevertheless,' the' estimates' of'
the' Italian' report,' they' might' also' have' benefit' were' based' simply' on' the'
reached' the' conclusion' that' screening' apparent' decrease' of' sudden' deaths' in'
was'beneficial.' Italy' following' the' introduction' of'
A'second'plank'in'the'Italian'reasoning' mandatory' screening,' a' finding' negated'
was' a' subsequent' U.S.' study' that' by' Israeli' investigations.' Moreover,' the'
compared'clinical'examination'vs.'clinical' costs' of' such' screening' were' based' on'
plus' ECG' evaluation' in' a' sample' of' 510' 2004' American' figures' for' a' single' ECG'
athletes'(Baggish'et'al.,'2010).'This'report' evaluation,' as' drawn' from' the' U.S.'
claimed' that' inclusion' of' a' resting' ECG' National' Center' for' Health' Statistics,'
increased' screening' sensitivity' from' although' the' Italian' experience' is' based'
45.5%' to' 90.9%' and' increased' the' upon' an' annual' screening' of' athletes'
negative' predictive' value' from' 98.7%' to' throughout' their' competitive' careers.' A'
99.8%.'In'fact,'11'individuals'were'said'to' further' important' fallacy' in' the' cost<
have'"dangerous"'abnormalities'after'ECG' effectiveness'analysis'is'that'no'allowance'
testing,' as' against' only' five' athletes' that' was' made' for' the' loss' of' life<years'
were' identified' by' history' and' physical' associated' with' advocacy' of' a' sedentary'
examination' alone.' ' However,' the' ECG' lifestyle;' this' expense' would' be' incurred'
records' were' analyzed' using' the' not'only'by'true'positive'cases,'but'also'by'
unsatisfactory' older' European' College' of' the'40%'of'athletes'who'were'tested'and'
Cardiology' standards' of' normality,' based' received'a'false<positive'diagnosis.'
on' healthy' members' of' the' general' Having' reviewed' available' evidence,' I'
population'rather'than'on'the'ECG'profile' previously' concluded' (Shephard,' 2011)'
of' highly<trained' athletes,' and' the' gold' that'even'if'the'apparently'weak'claims'of'
standard' adopted' to' compare' the' two' a' reduction' in' sudden' cardiac' deaths,'
diagnostic' approaches' was' not' the' diagnostic' efficacy' and' an' acceptable'
subsequent' incidence' of' SERCD,' but' cost<benefit' ratio' were' to' be'
rather' a' comparison' of' findings' with' substantiated' by' further' research,' the'
clinicians'' reports' suggestive' of' cardiac' fundamental' barriers' to' effective'
abnormalities' which' had' been' seen' screening' as' set' out' in' Bayes'' theorem'
during' limited' echocardiographic' (Andermann' et' al.,' 2008)' were' not'
imaging.' It' seems' inherently' improbable' addressed.' The' disease' prevalence' was'
and' difficult' to' accept' that' 11' of' 510' extremely' low,' and' the' ECG' evaluation'
lacked' an' appropriate' level' of' sensitivity'


and'specificity'to'detect'the'small'number' findings'were'noted'in'as'many'as'0.3%'of'
of'athletes'who'were'really'vulnerable.''' the' total' sample,' including' the' Wolf<
' Parkinson<White' syndrome' (67' cases,'
Does! recent! research! require! a! 42%' of' anomalies),' long' QT' syndrome'
reconsideration!of!traditional!views?! (18,' 11%),' hypertrophic' cardiomyopathy'
Debate' on' the' need' for' the' ECG' (18,' 11%),' dilated' cardiomyopathy' (11,'
screening' of' athletes' continues,' raising' 7%),' myocardial' ischaemia' (9,' 6%),' and'
the' question' whether' recent' research' arrhythmogenic' right' ventricular'
requires' a' change' of' traditional' views' cardiomyopathy'(4,'3%).'' '
(Drezner,'2015).'New'developments'have' The' development' of' athlete<specific'
included' a' detailed' meta<analysis' norms'for'ECG'parameters'(Corrado'et'al.,'
comparing' the' merits' of' clinical' vs.' 2009)' has' been' suggested' as' a' potential'
clinical'plus'ECG'testing,'the'development' game<changer,' offering' sports'
of' athlete<specific' criteria' for' analysis' of' cardiologists' the' hope' of' distinguishing'
the' resting' ECG,' and' further' evidence' on' the' effects' of' physiological' cardiac'
the'incidence'of'SERCD'and'its'pathology.' hypertrophy' from' the' abnormal' signals'
Recent' authors' have' suggested' that' a' associated' with' hypertrophic'
clinical' history' and' a' physical' cardiomyopathy,' suggested' by' some'
examination'alone'have'a'poor'sensitivity' investigators' as' one' of' the' common'
and' a' high' false<positive' rate' when' causes' of' sudden' cardiac' death.' The'
seeking' to' identify' athletes' at' risk' of' European' Society' of' Cardiology' (ESC)'
sudden,' exercise<induced' cardiac' death' convened' an' international' panel' of'
(Fudge'et'al.,'2013).'The'gold'standard'for' experts' who' published' new'
the'evaluation'of'screen'ing'has'remained' recommendations' for' interpretation' of'
a' clinical' judgment' concerning' reported' the' resting' ECG' in' athletes' in' 2005;'
abnormalities' rather' than' the' actual' further' revisions' to' these' norms' were'
occurrence' of' SERCD.' Harmon' et' al.,' made' in' 2009.' Pelliccia' et' al.,' (2000)' had'
(2015)' carried' out' a' meta<analysis' based' originally' screened' 1,005' high<
upon' 15' articles' and' studies' of' 47,137' performance' athletes,' concluding' that' as'
athletes.' Unfortunately,' 9' of' the' 15' many' as' 40%' presented' dangerous' ECG'
articles'that'were'included'in'this'analysis' abnormalities' meriting' exclusion' from'
used' dated' ECG' criteria' that' were' not' sport.' However,' they' used' the' revised,'
athlete<specific.' The' analysis' calculated' athletic<specific' norms' of' 2009' to'
an' average' sensitivity' and' specificity' of' reanalyze' the' same' tracings' (Corrado' et'
20%/94%' for' case' histories,' and' of' al.,' 2009),' and' found' that' the' proportion'
9%/97%' for' physical' examination,' of'ECGs'classed'as'abnormal'was'reduced'
compared' with' 94%/93%' for' ECGs.' The' from' 40%' to' 11%.' Uberoi' et' al.' (2011)'
proportion' of' false' positive' findings' likewise' initially' found' 40%' of' abnormal'
ranged'widely'for'both'clinical'history'(1< records'in'U.S.'athletes,'with'at'least'10%'
31%)' and' ECG' analysis' (1<19%),' but' the' regarded' as' indications' for' further'
main'objection'to'both'clinical'history'and' laboratory' evaluation,' but' using' revised'
physical' examination' was' the' low' Seattle' norms' of' 2013' (Drezner' et' al.,'
sensitivity' of' the' examination' (detection' 2013),'only'4%'of'ECGs'were'regarded'as'
of' anomalies' 7<44%' and' 3<24%' sufficiently' abnormal' to' require' further'
respectively).' Potentially' lethal' ECG' testing.'The'changes'of'ECG'interpretation'


introduced' by' U.S.' investigators' in' 2013' sudden' cardiac' deaths' in' athletes,' as'
(Drezner' et' al.,' 2013)' altered' the' cut<off' compared' with' 0.9/100,000' in' the'
value'for'a'long'QT'segment,'and'excluded' general'population'(Corrado'et'al.,'2003).'
criteria' of' right' atrial' enlargement,' However,'other'investigators'have'argued'
leaving' T<wave' inversion' as' one' of' the' that'the'majority'of'sudden'cardiac'deaths'
primary' indicators' of' abnormality.' occur' in' non<athletes,' and' that' the'
Applying' the' Seattle' criteria' to' a' sample' incidence' of' such' deaths' in' athletes' is' so'
of' 330' competitive' rowers,' Wasfy' et' al.' low' that' even' if' effective' screening'
(2015)' reduced' the' reported' proportion' procedures' could' be' developed,' these'
of' abnormalities' from' the' 47%' indicated' would'have'little'practical'value.'A'Danish'
by' the' ESC' criteria' to' just' 4%.' Likewise,' study'suggested'that'the'annual'incidence'
Pickham' et' al.,' (2014)' noted' that' the' of'sports<related'sudden'cardiac'death'in'
percentages' of' abnormalities' reported' in' those'aged'12<35'years'was'1.2/100,000,'
a' sample' of' 1417' athletes' reported' and' that' this' was' less' than' the' incidence'
according'to'ESC'and'Seattle'criteria'were' of' sudden' cardiac' death' in' the' general'
26%' and' 6%' respectively,' and' a' study' of' population;' moreover,' a' half' of' those'
the'youth'division'of'2'soccer'clubs'found' affected' in' the' Danish' sample' had'
ECG' abnormalities' dropping' to' just' 3%' warning' symptoms' (Holst' et' al.,' 2010).' A'
with' application' of' the' Seattle' criteria' second' analysis' of' the' Danish' population'
(Bessem' et' al.,' 2015).' Exeter' and' examined'all'deaths'for'those'aged'12<35'
colleagues' (2015)' estimated' that' the' and' 36<49' years' during' the' period' 2007<
proportion' of' false' positive' diagnoses' 2009;' the' incidence' of' SERCD' for' the' 2'
could' be' reduced' by' a' further' 36%' if' age' groups' was' even' lower,' 0.43' and'
physicians' were' provided' with' standard' 2.95/100,000' per' year' in' non<
diagnostic' criteria,' rather' than' relying' competitive' athletes,' and' 0.47' and'
upon'impressions'and'personal'judgment.' 6.64/100,000' per' year' in' competitive'
Plainly,'the'revisions'of'diagnostic'criteria' athletes' (Risgaard' et' al.,' 2014).' Danish'
introduced' over' the' past' several' years' figures' for' sudden' cardiac' death' in' the'
have' greatly' reduced' the' proportion' of' general' population' from' the' same' 2' age'
positive' ECG' diagnoses;' however,' it' has' groups'were'substantially'higher'(3.2'and'
yet' to' be' shown' by' prolonged' studies' of' 21.7/100,000' per' year),' implying' on'
mortality'trends'whether'the'new'criteria' grounds' of' moral' equity' that' if' universal'
are' the' most' appropriate' in' identifying' screening' were' to' be' implemented,' it'
individuals' who' are' indeed'at' a' high' risk' should'be'applied'not'only'to'competitive'
of'SERCD'(Zorzi'et'al.,'2015).' athletes,' but' also' to' non<competitive'
A' further' important' issue' is' the' athletes' and' to' the' general' population'
incidence' of' SERCD' in' athletes,' and' (Maron'et'al.,'2015).''An'11<year'analysis'
whether'this'is'higher'than'in'the'general' of' NCAA' statistics' (Harmon' et' al.,' 2015)'
population.' A' key' argument' for' more' found' 79' incidents' of' sudden' cardiac'
extensive' exercise' clearance' than' death' in' 4,242,519' athlete<years,' or' 1.86'
approaches' such' as' the' ePARmed<X+' per' 100,000' competitors' per' year.'
(' and/or' clinical' Figures' from' a' 10<year' registry' of'
examination' has' been' the' supposed' high' exercise<related' cardiac' deaths' in' U.S.'
risks' of' elite' sport.' Italian' investigators' college' athletes' found' a' somewhat' lower'
suggested' an' annual' rate' of' 2.3/100,000' incidence' of' 1.2/100,000' (Maron' et' al.'


2014).' Such' figures' are' in' reasonable' pathological' according' to' the' protocol'
agreement'with'the'Danish'data'(Holst'et' that'was'used'(Zorzi'et'al.,'2015).'Further,'
al.,'2010),'although'for'some'unexplained' it' remains' to' be' demonstrated' by' long<
reason' the' rate' for' NCAA' first<division' term' follow<up' which' if' any' of' these'
male' basketball' players' (19.2/100,000)' schemes'has'value'in'detecting'the'person'
remains'anomalously'high.'' at'risk'of'SERCD.'There'remains'scope'for'
A'recent'analysis'of'36'NCAA'autopsies' well<standardized' autopsies' of' those'
concluded' that' the' majority' of' cases' of' dying' during' exercise,' but' existing'
SERCD'had'no'obvious'pathology'at'post< reports' are' not' encouraging;' most'
mortem' (Harmon' et' al.,' 2014);' previous' incidents' have' no' pathology' that' could'
views' that' hypertrophic' cardiomyopathy' yield'an'abnormal'ECG.'
was'the'likely'cause'of'SERCD'reflected'an' National' registries' of' cardiac' deaths'
inadequate' standardization' of' autopsy' that'occur'during'exercise'will'help'future'
procedures.' Autopsy' reports' from' the' understanding' of' SERCD.' Randomized'
Danish' study,' likewise,' suggested' that' controlled' trials' are' needed' to' examine'
only' a' minority' of' cases' of' SERCD' had' both' the' positive' and' the' negative'
even' the' potential' to' be' detected' by' consequences' of' ECG' screening' and'
combined' clinical' and' resting' ECG' subsequent'restriction'of'physical'activity'
examinations' (Risgaard' et' al.,' 2014).' in' athletes,' with' particular' attention'
Another' report' underlined' that' ECG' directed' to' the' adverse' effects' of'
"abnormalities,"' whether' training<related' prohibiting' sport' participation' in' young'
or' not,' were' commonly' non<pathologic' and' symptomless' adults' (Link' and' Estes,'
(Chandra'et'al.,'2014).''''''' ' 2012).' There' is' also' a' need' to' compare'
' the' relative' contributions' to' community'
Practical!conclusions! health' of' screening' versus' an' emphasis'
Although' there' has' been' much' upon' secondary' prevention,' with' the'
research' on' the' pre<participation' development' of' emergency' preparedness'
evaluation'of'athletes'during'recent'years,' and' effective' programmes' for' cardiac'
strong' new' objective' evidence' favouring' resuscitation' (Estes' and' Link,' 2012;'
mandatory' ECG' screening' has' yet' to' Maron'et'al.,'2014).'
emerge.' SERCD' is' a' rare' occurrence,' and' The' problem' underlined' by' Bayes'
there' is' little' evidence' that' victims' have' theorem'remains'for'those'who'advocate'
been' identified' by' any' type' of' pre< ECG' screening.' Sports' cardiologists' are'
participation' screening.' Rather,' a' careful' searching'for'a'condition'with'a'very'low'
clinical' examination' meets' the' demands' prevalence' (Roberts' et' al.,' 2015).'
of' both' current' epidemiology' and' Possibly,'success'would'be'greater'if'ECG'
defensive'medical'practice'(Paterick'et'al.,' evaluation' were' to' be' narrowed' to'
2012).' individuals'who'are'symptomatic'or'have'
Attempts' to' introduce' athlete<specific' a' family' history' of' sudden' cardiac' death'
schemes' for' ECG' interpretation' are' (Chandra'et.'al.,'2014),'but'at'present'any'
welcome,' but' the' recently' revised' method' of' ECG' interpretation' seems'
standards' have' undergone' at' least' 4' unlikely' to' achieve' the' sensitivity' and'
revisions' over' a' period' of' 8' years,' with' specificity' needed' to' reduce' the' risk' of'
disturbingly' large' differences' in' the' SERCD,' and' there' is' no' solid' evidence'
number' of' records' classified' as'


base'for'the'requirement'of'universal'ECG' sudden' cardiovascular' death' in' young'
screening.' competitive' athletes' after' implementation'
of' a' pre<participation' screening' program.'
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Acknowledgements! 10.1001/jama.296.13.1593.''
The' author' acknowledges' no' funding' Corrado,' D.,' Pelliccia,' A.,' Heidbuchel,' H.,' Sharma,'
relationships'or'conflicts'of'interest.' S.,'Link,'M.,'Basso,'C.,'et'al.'' (2009).'
' Recommendations'for'interpretation'of'12<
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Authors!qualifications! Heart4 J.' 31,' 243<259.''
The' author's' qualifications' are' as' 10.1093/eurheartj/ehp473.''
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M.B.B.S.,' M.D.' [Lond.],' D.P.E.,' LL.D.,' D.Sc.,' athletes' justified?' Inconsistent' messages'
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