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Learn to Read Latin

The Latin Language 1
Pronunciation of Classical Latin 3
Language Study: Vocabulary, Morphology, and Syntax 9

Vocabulary 11
Vocabulary Notes 12
Prepositions 12
Derivatives and Cognates 14
1. The Latin Noun and Its Properties: Gender, Number, Case 15
Nominative Case 15
Nominative, Subject 15
Predicate Nominative 16
Genitive Case 16
Genitive of Possession 16
Dative Case 16
Dative of Reference 16
Dative of Indirect Object 16
Accusative Case 17
Accusative, Direct Object 17
Ablative Case 17
Ablative of Accompaniment 17
Ablative of Means 18
Vocative Case 18
2. The Five Declensions 18
Finding the Stem 19
3. Noun Morphology: First Declension 19
4. Noun Morphology: Second Declension 21

Vocabulary 24
Vocabulary Notes 25
Principal Parts 25
5. The Finite Latin Verb and Its Properties: Person, Number, Tense, Voice, Mood 28
6. The Latin Tenses of the Indicative Mood: Overview 29
7. The Vocabulary Entry for a Verb: Principal Parts 30
8. The Four Conjugations 31
Finding the Present Stem 31
9. Present, Imperfect, and Future Active Indicative of First and Second Conjugations 32
Present Active Indicative of First and Second Conjugations 32
Imperfect Active Indicative of First and Second Conjugations 33
Future Active Indicative of First and Second Conjugations 34
10. Present, Imperfect, and Future Active Indicative of the Irregular Verbs sum and possum 34
Present Active Indicative of sum and possum 35
Imperfect Active Indicative of sum and possum 35
Future Active Indicative of sum and possum 36
The Two Meanings of the Verb sum 36
11. Distinguishing Transitive and Intransitive Verbs 37
12. Complementary Infinitive 37
13. Object Infinitive 38
14. Dative of the Possessor 38
Expressions of Possession Compared 39
15. Introduction to the Latin Sentence and Prose Word Order 39
Guidelines for Reading and Translating Latin Sentences 42
Short Readings 43
16. Names in Latin I 44

Vocabulary 47
Vocabulary Notes 48
Adjectives 48
17. First-Second-Declension Adjectives 50
18. Noun-Adjective Agreement 51
19. Substantive Use of the Adjective 52
20. Predicate Adjective 52
21. Introduction to the Passive Voice 53
22. Present, Imperfect, and Future Passive Indicative of First and Second Conjugations 53
Passive Personal Endings 53
Present Passive Indicative of First and Second Conjugations 54
Imperfect Passive Indicative of First and Second Conjugations 55
Future Passive Indicative of First and Second Conjugations 56
23. Synopsis I: Present Active and Passive Indicative 56
24. Ablative of Personal Agent 57
25. The Uses of vide in the Passive Voice 58
26. Ablative of Manner 58
27. Subject Infinitive 59
28. Apposition 59
29. The Irregular Verb e 60
Short Readings 61

Vocabulary 62
Vocabulary Notes 63
30. Present, Imperfect, and Future Active and Passive Indicative of Third, Third i-stem, and Fourth Conjugations 65
Present Active and Passive Indicative ofThird, Third i-stem, and Fourth Conjugations 65
Imperfect Active and Passive Indicative of Third, Third i-stem, and Fourth Conjugations 66
Future Active and Passive Indicative ofThird, Third i-stem, and Fourth Conjugations 67
31. Present Passive Infinitive of All Verbs 68
32. Present Active and Passive Imperative of All Verbs 69
33. Synopsis II: Present Active and Passive Indicative, Infinitive, and Imperative 70
34. Partitive Genitive 71
35. Subjective Genitive 71
36. Objective Genitive 72
37. Personal Pronouns 73
38. Possessive Adjectives 74
39. Ablative of Respect 76
Short Readings 77
Longer Readings 78

Vocabulary 79
Vocabulary Notes 80
Compound Verbs, Prefixes, Assimilation, and Vowel Weakening 80
40. The Perfect Active System 83
Finding the Perfect Active Stem 83
41. Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect Active Indicative of All Verbs 83
Perfect Active Indicative of All Verbs 83
Pluperfect Active Indicative of All Verbs 84
Future Perfect Active Indicative of All Verbs 85
42. Synopsis III: Present Indicative System, Perfect Active Indicative System, Infinitive, and Imperative 86
43. The Irregular Third-Conjugation Verb fer 87
44. Reflexive Pronouns 87
45. Reflexive-Possessive Adjectives 89
46. The Intensive Adjective ipse, ipsa, ipsum 89
47. Adverbs I 90
48. Subordinate Clauses I 91
49. Conditional Sentences I 93
Simple Conditional Sentences 93
Future More Vivid Conditional Sentences 94
Short Readings 96
Longer Reading 99

Vocabulary 100
Vocabulary Notes 101
50. The Perfect Passive System 103
51. Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect Passive Indicative of All Verbs 103
Perfect Passive Indicative of All Verbs 103
Pluperfect Passive Indicative of All Verbs 104
Future Perfect Passive Indicative of All Verbs 104
The Omission of sum in Compound Verb Forms 105
A Note on the Perfect Passive Participle 105
52. Synopsis IV: Indicative, Infinitive, and Imperative 106
53. Noun Morphology: Third Declension 107
Case Endings of the Third Declension 107
Case Endings of the Third Declension i-Stem 108
The Irregular Third-Declension Noun vs 109
54. Ablative of Separation 110
55. Ablative of Cause 110
56. Ablative of Place From Which 111
57. Ablative of Place Where and the Locative Case 111
Ablative of Place Where 111
Locative Case 111
58. Accusative of Place To Which 112
59. Impersonal Passive 112
Short Readings 113
Longer Readings 115
60. Names in Latin II 118

Vocabulary 120
Vocabulary Notes 121
61. Introduction to the Subjunctive 125
62. Present Active and Passive Subjunctive of All Verbs 125
63. Imperfect Active and Passive Subjunctive of All Verbs 127
64. Perfect and Pluperfect Active Subjunctive of All Verbs 128
Perfect Active Subjunctive of All Verbs 128
Pluperfect Active Subjunctive of All Verbs 128
65. Perfect and Pluperfect Passive Subjunctive of All Verbs 129
Perfect Passive Subjunctive of All Verbs 129
Pluperfect Passive Subjunctive of All Verbs 129
66. Synopsis V: Indicative, Subjunctive, Infinitive, and Imperative 130
67. Three Independent Uses of the Subjunctive 131
Hortatory/Jussive Subjunctive 131
Negative Commands 131
Potential Subjunctive 131
Optative Subjunctive 132
68. Conditional Sentences II 133
Future Less Vivid Conditional Sentences 134
Contrary-to-Fact Conditional Sentences 134
Mixed Conditional Sentences 134
69. Dative of Purpose and the Double Dative Construction 136
70. Dative of Advantage, Dative of Disadvantage 136
Short Readings 137
Longer Readings 141
71.Greetings and Interjections in Latin 143
Vocabulary 143

Vocabulary 146
Vocabulary Notes 147
Deponent and Semideponent Verbs 147
72. Noun Morphology: Fourth Declension 149
73. Noun Morphology: Fifth Declension 150
74. Third-Declension Adjectives 151
75. Adverbs II 152
76. Demonstrative Adjectives/Pronouns: hic, iste, and ille 153
Special Uses of the Demonstrative Adjectives/Pronouns 154
77. Deponent Verbs 155
78. Semideponent Verbs 157
79. Accusative of Duration of Time 158
80. Ablative ofTime When 159
81. Ablative ofTime Within Which159
Short Readings 160
Longer Readings 165
82. About Meter I 176
Introduction to Quantitative Meter 176
Dactylic Hexameter and Elegiac Couplet 176
Elision, Caesura, Diaeresis, and Hiatus 177
Ictus and Accent 179
General Guidelines for Reading Latin Poetry 180

Vocabulary 181
Vocabulary Notes 182
83. Purpose Clauses and the Sequence ofTenses 185
Summary of the Rules of Sequence of Tenses 188
84. Indirect Commands 188
85. The Relative Pronoun qu, quae, quod and the Relative Clause 189
A Note on Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Relative Clauses 191
86. Special Features of the Relative Pronoun 191
The Indefinite or Generic Antecedent 191
The Connective Relative 192
Placement of the Antecedent in and After the Relative Clause 193
87. The Interrogative Pronoun quis, quid 193
88. The Interrogative Adjective qu, quae, quod 194
89. Nine Irregular Adjectives 194
90. Dative with an Intransitive Verb 195
Short Readings 196
Longer Readings 201
91. Numbers in Latin 210

Vocabulary 213
Vocabulary Notes 214
92. Relative Clauses of Purpose 218
93. Relative Clauses of Characteristic 219
94. Introduction to Participles 221
Participles of Irregular Verbs 222
Participles of Deponent and Semideponent Verbs 222
95. Synopsis VI: Indicative, Subjunctive, Participles, Infinitives and Imperative 223
96. Notes on the Participle: Relative Time; Attributive and Circumstantial Uses 224
97. Ablative Absolute 226
98. Active and Passive Periphrastics 227
99. Dative of Agent with the Passive Periphrastic 228
100. Genitive of Description 228
101. Ablative of Description 229
102. Ablative of Origin 229
Short Readings 230
Longer Readings 238
Continuous Readings 260
103. Rhetorical Terms 262

Vocabulary 265
Vocabulary Notes 266
104. Infinitives 269
Periphrastic Infinitives 270
105. Synopsis VII: Complete 271
106. Indirect Statement and the Subject Accusative 272
107. A Note on the Subject Accusative 274
108. Subordinate Clauses in Indirect Statement 275
109. Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs 276
Comparative Degree of Adjectives 276
Comparative Degree of Adverbs 277
Superlative Degree of Adjectives 277
Superlative Degree of Adverbs 278
110. Irregular Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs 279
111. Constructions with the Comparative and Superlative Degrees 280
Short Readings 282
Longer Readings 289
Continuous Readings 309
112. About Meter II 314
Common Terms and Metrical Units of Latin Lyric Poetry 314
Hendecasyllable 315
Choliambic (Limping Iambic) 315
Sapphic Strophe 316
Asclepiadean Meters 316
Archilochian Meter 317
Alcaic Strophe 318
Vocabulary 319
Vocabulary Notes 320
113. Direct Questions 323
114. Deliberative Subjunctive 324
115. Indirect Questions 325
116. Doubting Clauses 327
117. Subordinate Clauses II: The Conjunction cum 327
118. The Irregular Verbs vol, nl, and ml 328
119. Negative Commands with nl or nlte and an Infinitive 329
120. Dative with a Compound Verb 330
Short Readings 331
Longer Readings 339
Continuous Readings 359
121. Unassimilated Forms, Archaic Spellings, and Syncopation 364
Unassimilated Forms and Archaic Spellings 364
Syncopation of Forms in the Perfect Active System 364

Vocabulary 366
Vocabulary Notes 367
122. Gerunds and Gerundives 369
123. Subordinate Clauses III 371
Subordinate Clauses with Verbs in the Indicative Mood 371
Subordinate Clauses with Verbs in the Subjunctive Mood 372
Proviso Clauses 373
124. Correlatives 373
125. The Irregular Verb f 375
126. Adverbial Accusative 376
127. Accusative of Exclamation 376
128. Genitive of Indefinite Value 377
129. Ablative of Price 377
Short Readings 379
Longer Readings 393
Continuous Readings 413
130. Adverbs of Place 417
Vocabulary 417
Short Readings 418

Vocabulary 419
Vocabulary Notes 420
131. Result Clauses 423
132. Relative Clauses of Result 424
133. Substantive Ut Clauses 424
134. Fore ut Construction 425
135. Impersonal Constructions I: licet, necesse est, and oportet 426
136. Genitive of Characteristic 427
Short Readings 428
Longer Readings 445
Continuous Readings 464
Vocabulary 470
Vocabulary Notes 471
137. Fear Clauses 473
138. Prevention Clauses 474
139. Impersonal Constructions II: miseret, paenitet, piget, pudet, taedet, rfert, interest 475
Verbs Expressing Emotion 475
Verbs Expressing Concern or Interest 476
140. Direct and Indirect Reflexives 477
141. Subjunctive by Attraction 478
142. Supine 478
143. Accusative of Respect 479
144. Accusative, Direct Object of a Middle Voice Verb 479
145. Historical Infinitive 480
Short Readings 481
Longer Readings 499
Continuous Readings 528

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