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ANGLICAN The Archbishop of Brisbane

CHURCH OF AUSTRALIA The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall

22 tuly 2Ot7


Dear sisters and brothers

Recently the Reverend Dr Jonathan lnkpin shared with me a deeply personal journey involving a life-
time struggle with gender issues and personal identity. That journey has now culmnated in a
decision to transition gender and a formal request to be known by the wider diocesan family as
Josephine or Jo.

Jo has written a letter which tells of that journey and asked me to distribute it to you all in the hope
that you are properly informed and that unhelpful speculation might be avoided. Jo has also
suggested several resources that may assist you to better understand the issues involved. I attach
Jo's letter and resource list. Jo wishes to continue to honour and fulfil God's call to priestly ministry
with all its challenges and obligations,

Transgender people and the complex issues around gender dysphoria (defined by the American
Psychiatric Society as involving "a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the
gender with which he/she/they identify") are still not generally well known and understood.

With increasing attention in the wider community I am sure there will be more calls on us to respond
pastorally to people on such journeys. I am aware there are further ffansgender people involved in
our wider diocesan life.

The General Synod of the Church of England General Synod as recently as 9 Juiy 201-7 resolved:
That this Synod, recognising the need for tronsgender people to be welcomed and offirmed in
their parish church, coll on the House of Bishops to consider whether some nationally
commended liturgical materials might be prepred to mark a person's gender transition.

Working through the complex issues invoived may be challenging for us. As we do so, I hope our
responses will be based on prayerful reflection, careful thought, respect for all and will manifest the
love of Christ.

i ask for your pryerful support for Jo, Penny and their family at this time, for others wrestling with
gender dysphoria and personal identity issues and for the whole diocesan community as we deepen
understanding of the issues and express more profoundly Christ's love for all people.

Yours in Christ

tl ,, b h'.+--
The Most Reverend Dr Phillip Aspinall
Archbishop of Brisbane

St. Martin's House, 373 Ann Street, (G.P.O. BOX 421, Brisbane, 4001). Ph: (07) 3835 ZZZZ Fax (07) 3832 5030.

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