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Not interested in reading English books.


Lots of new words








English to Englisg

moist dank ?

Merry Christmas
happy Christmas



got married get married


delightgreat pleasure







100 1000
10 10




I am so swamped in lots of things that I dont know
where to began.

If you were not always waiting until the last minute you
Wouldnt have this problem.






Dont have too much background information.


key word

The content of the text is too difficult.



The speed of reading is too slow.



ABCs security system

Have ABCs household security system installed for
just $199. Our new security system uses lasers,
which detect invaders more quickly than traditional
hidden monitors. The minute an intruder breaks in,
ABCs system flashes and the alarm scares burglars off.
This incredible offer is available through mail order only.


Limited Warranty
ABC warrants its laser printer against defects in materials
and workmanship for a period of TWO YEAR from the date
of purchase. During the warranty period, ABC either repair
or replace products which prove to be defective.
The warranty shall not apply to defects or damage resulting
from misuse or improper maintenance.

Sick Leave
Sick leave is defined as ant absence from work due to personal or family
illness for one or more days. Full-time employees receive two day of paid
absence for each month in accumulation of up to 24 days each year. To
use sick leave, an employee must notify his/her supervisor, get an approval
and report to the payroll department.
If the employee uses more than four consecutive days of sick leave, the
employee is required to present a doctors statement as proof. If the
employee fails to prove the statement, the employee will not be paid
for sick leave.
Contact Human Resources Department if you have questions.

Do not think ahead

1.Governments always make promises which the

cannot keep. For instance,..

Every town in Italy has its center a park, where people

came together to conduct their official affairs. In addition,
the park.

The weather report predicted rain for the two weeks of

the baseball games. In consequence .

Learning a foreign language can be difficult and frustrating

sometimes. However, .

Not only did World war II result in the displacement of

millions of innocent civilians, it ..

Despite the efforts of the schools to reduce the incident of

smoking among teenagers and young adults, I regret to say

This is how to write an essay. First, you should read the

topic carefully. Then .

Because most of the woman need to take care of their

children, the seldom have much time for artistic pursuits.
Thus, .

In contrast to the religious content of paintings done by a

male Renaissance master like Michelangelo, a painting
by a female artist

I have friends
I hardly have friends

Happily, he didnt die.()

He didnt die happily.()

Transition words and phrases

1. To describe order: first, third, next, still, afterward, subsequently,
finally, previously, simultaneously, Concurrently, consequently
2. To add something: besides, moreover, further, more, in addition,
also, equally important
3. To describe cause and effect: because, as a result, consequently,
thus, therefore, so, then, since, for the reason of
4. To compare and contrast: but, yet, on the one hand, on the other hand,
however, nevertheless, on the contrary, by comparison, compared to,
although, in contrast, while, meanwhile, as opposed to, in spite,
5. Emphasize something: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact,
indeed, in any case, positively, absolutely, unquestionably, certainly,
without a doubt, perennially, eternally, emphatically, naturally

6. To describe examples: for example, for instance, in this case,

in another case, in this situation, take the case of,
takefor an example, such as
7. To summarize or conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up,
in conclusion, hence, therefore, consequently, overall

Intro\ Develop\ Conclusion\



Opportunists and competitors

(From ETS- The next generation TOEFL Practice Test)

Growth, reproduction, and daily metabolism all require an organism to expend

energy. The expenditure of energy is essentially a process of budgeting, just as
finances are budgeted. If all of ones money is spent on clothes, there may be
none left to but food or go to the movies. Similarly, a plant or animal cannot
squander all its energy on growing a big body if none would be left over for
reproduction, for this is the surest way to extinction.
All organisms, therefore, allocate, energy to growth, reproduction, maintenance,
and storage. No choice is involved; this allocation comes as part of the genetic
package from the parents. Maintenance for a given body design of an organism
is relatively constant. Storage is important, but ultimately that energy will be used
for maintenance, reproduction, or growth. Therefore the principal differences in
energy allocation are likely to be between growth and reproduction.
Almost all of an organisms energy can be diverted to reproduction, with very little
allocated to building the body. Organisms at this extreme are opportunists. At the
other extreme are competitors almost all of whose resources are invested in
building huge body, with a bare minimum allocated to reproduction.

Growth, reproduction, and daily metabolism all require

an organism to expend energy. The expenditure of energy
is essentially a process of budgeting, just as finances are
budgeted. If all of ones money is spent on clothes, there
may be none left to but food or go to the movies. Similarly,
a plant or animal cannot squander all its energy on growing
a big body if none would be left over for reproduction, for
this is the surest way to extinction.

Growth, reproduction, and daily metabolism all require

an organism to expend energy. The expenditure of energy
is essentially a process of budgeting, just as finances are
budgeted. If all of ones money is spent on clothes, there
may be none left to but food or go to the movies. Similarly,
a plant or animal cannot squander all its energy on growing
a big body if none would be left over for reproduction, for
this is the surest way to extinction.


All organisms, therefore, allocate, energy to growth, reproduction,

maintenance, and storage. No choice is involved; this allocation
comes as part of the genetic package from the parents. Maintenance
for a given body design of an organism is relatively constant. Storage
is important, but ultimately that energy will be used for maintenance,
reproduction, or growth. Therefore the principal differences in energy
allocation are likely to be between growth and reproduction.


All organisms, therefore, allocate, energy to growth, reproduction,

maintenance, and storage. No choice is involved; this allocation
comes as part of the genetic package from the parents. Maintenance
for a given body design of an organism is relatively constant. Storage
is important, but ultimately that energy will be used for maintenance,
reproduction, or growth. Therefore the principal differences in energy
allocation are likely to be between growth and reproduction.

Almost all of an organisms energy can be diverted to

reproduction, with very little allocated to building the body.
Organisms at this extreme are opportunists. At the other
extreme are competitors almost all of whose resources
are invested in building huge body, with a bare minimum
allocated to reproduction.

Dandelions are good examples of opportunists. Their seed heads raised

just high enough above the ground to catch the wind, the plants are no
bigger than they need be, their stems re hollow, and all the rigidity comes
from their water content. Thus, a minimum investment has been made in
the body that becomes a platform for seed dispersal. These very short-lived
plants reproduce prolifically; that is to say they provide a constant rain of
seed in the neighborhood of parent plants. A new plant will spring up
wherever a seed falls on a suitable soil surface, but because they do not
build big bodies, they cannot compete with other plants for space, water,
or sunlight.

These plants are termed opportunists because they rely on

their seeds falling into Settings where competing plants have
been removed by natural processes such as Along an eroding
riverbank, on landslips, or where a tree falls and creates a gap
in the Forest canopy.

Opportunists must constantly invade new areas to compensate

for being displaced by more competitive species. Human
landscapes of lawns, field, or flowerbeds provide settings with
bare soil and a lack of competitors that are perfect habitats for
colonization by opportunists. Hence, many of the strongly
opportunists plants are the common weeds of fields and

Because each individual is short-lived, the population of an

opportunist species is likely to be adversely affected by
drought, bad winters, or floods. If their population is tracked
through time, it will be seen to be particularly unstable-soaring
and plummeting in irregular cycle.

The opposite of an opportunist is a competitor. These

organisms tend to have big bodies, are long-lived, and spend
relatively little effort each year on reproduction. An oak tree is
a good example of a competitor. A massive oak claims its
ground for 200 years or more, out competing all other would-be
canopy trees by casting a dense shade

and drawing up any free water in the soil. The leaves of an oak tree taste foul
because they are rich in tannins, a chemical that renders them distasteful or
indigestible to many organisms. The tannins are part of the defense mechanism
that is essential to longevity. Although oaks produce thousands of acorns, the
investment in a crop of acorns is small compared with the energy spent on
building leaves, trunk, and roots. Once an oak tree becomes established, it is
likely to survive minor cycles of drought and even fire. A population of oaks is
likely to be relatively stable through time, and is survival is likely to depend more
on its ability to withstand the pressures of competition or predation than on its
ability to take advantage of chance events. It should be noted, however, that
the pure opportunist or pure competitor is rare in nature, as most species fall
between the extremes of a continuum, exhibiting a blend of some
opportunistic and some competitive characteristics.

Six Steps of Writing An Article

1.To understand the topic first. What is the meaning of the

topic you want to write?
2.Brainstorming: Use simple words in English of Chinese to
write down any ideas you come up with. Dont think of
grammar or sentence patterns during brainstorming. Just
focus on the ideas you can think of.
3.Select the ideas that are really related to the topic. Try to
organize your ideas. Put your ideas in a logical order. Make
a plan about what you want to write in the first paragraph,
second paragraph,..
4.Use your ideas to make simple sentences. Use the words
that you exactly know.

Six Steps of Writing An Article

5.Think about the relations between every two sentences.

Put the right transition words and phrases between these
sentences, if necessary.
6.After you have finished writing, read the whole article 2 or
3 times to see if it is very fluent. Check if there are any errors
in the article.

Most Common Sentence Patterns:

1. S + V: 4. S + V + IO + DO
Ex.1 People dont care. Ex.1 My mom gave me some money.
Ex.2 You can never tell. Ex.2 He sent the girl a letter.

2. S + V +SC 5. S + V + O + OC
Ex.1 You are from Taiwan. Ex.1 We call him John.
Ex.2 My favorite sports is basketball. Ex.2 The noise is driving me crazy.

3. S + V +O
Ex.1 They cannot do anything.
Ex.2 We passed the examination.

Most Common Verbs:

1 be 5 get 9 carch

2 do 6 have 10 keep

3 come 7 give 11 male

4 go 8 carry 12 take

Most Common Errors That We Could Make In English

1. one subject and two verbs in a sentence.

2. using a comma to connect two sentences.
3. wrong tenses.
4. the subject does not agree with the verb.
5. two things are not logically comparable.
6. not parallel.
7. wrong usage of the words.
8. what you write does not focus on the topic.

1. Hello, My name is Vivian come from Taiwan.

My father favorite walks the healthy footpath. Because the thought the
health is the life wealth.
My mother favorite go to the traditional market shopping. Because she
like buy much vegetables and fruit to eat us.
My younger sister favorite play basketball. Because she hope can long
and high.
Another younger sister favorite play computer. Because she like each
kind of game wins feeling.
My favorite listen to music. Because it can relax for me and
comfortably sleep.

1. Hello, My name is Vivian come from Taiwan.

My father favorite walks the healthy footpath. Because the thought the
health is the life wealth.
My mother favorite go to the traditional market shopping. Because she
like buy much vegetables and fruit to eat us.
My younger sister favorite play basketball. Because she hope can long
and high.
Another younger sister favorite play computer. Because she like each
kind of game wins feeling.
My favorite listen to music. Because it can relax for me and
comfortably sleep.

2. My name is Vivian, I live in Tamshi, My father works in county

government, My mother works in restaurant, I have two young sisters.

I graduate of Chihlee institute of Technology, major in international

trade.At present I work in Jamil company.
I now in cram school study English each Saturday.

The change job reason is hope to enter an office where there is more
opportunity for advancement and at the same time having a chance
to use English more.
I am willing to work hard and learn.

I am looking forward to the pleasure of having an interview. Hope

can give me a study the opportunity. I should appreciate

3. My name is Wang X X but please feel free to call me Sherry.

I was born in a one-parent family-my parents broke a marriage as
I was a elementary school student .My mother is a artist.

I graduated in Civil Engineering at Tamkang university which is located

in Damshui.. I was active as a member of my schools Art Club. However,
I wanted to focus on my studies; so, I quit the volleyball team when I
was senior.

During my free time , I go swimming, go shopping ,painting and watch

TV. I found a part time job working in Music College at National Taipei
University of Art.

Why I want to be this job of sea transportation. I consider Im a friendly

and patient person, and I have a healthy body! I have taken care of my
health with exercise. Of course I love to travel around the world! This
occupation can gives me the chance to travel to different countries to
meet different kinds of people!


Use 150 words to briefly summarize the passage. You

can take the advantage of the notes or outlines you have
jotted down. Do not use the same words in the passage.

During my free time , I go swimming, go shopping ,painting and watch TV.
I found a part time job working in Music College at National Taipei University
of Art.
Why I want to be this job of sea transportation. I consider Im a friendly and
patient person, and I have a healthy body! I have taken care of my health with
exercise. Of course I love to travel around the world! This occupation can
gives me the chance to travel to different countries to meet different kinds of people!

havehadhad had

TOEIC on line


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