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: Sperber Wilson

, ,



Sperber Wilson (1986/ 1995) Reinhart(1980)
, (explicit coher-
(maxim al relevance) Beaug rande Dressler(1981 :
4) ,
, (optimal rele- ,
vance) , ,
, ,
, , Sperber Wilson
, (
1986/ 1995)
(ut terance) Sperber Wilson ,
, ,
, , ,

, ,
, ,
, , :

, , ,

1999 3 ( 119 ) 9
, ,
, , :
, (4)A :I have a hunch that Gill is looking for a new
, job.

, , B :Yeah , she is studying job ads whenever she

go t a spare minute .
(4) , A
(5) Someone reading job advertisements is probably
looking for a new job.

, B A

, Blakemore (1988 ,
, :
1992) , (6)A :We have to call another meeting .I don' t think
, :
that Christine is going to come , so we will be
one person sho rt of a quorum .
, N o need for cancellation .I see Christine just
, coming up the drive .

, , B A
, B
, , A
, , ,

Gut t(1991 :
27-29) : , ,
(1)A :Could you have a quick look at my printer its
not w orking right .
B:I have go t an appointment at eleven o' clock .
, B A
: ;

(2)(a) There are only five minutes until eleven o' ,
clock. Blake-
(b) T he printer problem is no t an obvious one , more (1987 :
112_113) :
but will require opening it up. (7)I put the butterfly w ing on the table .It broke .
(c) Opening up the printer will take more than (8)I put the heavy book on the table .It bro ke .
five minutes. , (7)(8)it
B , , It
(3): broke ,
(3)A is no t able to have a look at the printer now . It broke
(7) ,
, ,
, it the but terfly wing ( Green , 1989 :
101_6) Grice
, (8) ,
, i t the table ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,

(Wilson , 1998 :
58), , ,

, ,
, ;

, 80
, ,
, Brow n Yule
(1983 :
199) , ,
; ,
S tubbs (1983 :
96) , , van Dijk(1977 :
, Gerns- , (
bacher Giv n(1995) ,
(9) Per ter sent a letter to his aunt .O wing to the
po stal strike , it came a w eek too late.
, Grice(1975) ,
, (10) , Mary Pe-
, , (9) ter , (10)
Peter , his aunt postal , M ary
strike , (9) Peter , Peter
, Peter
, Smit h Wilson (1992 :
? , :
(11)Ladies and gentlemen, I have to tell y ou that the
, building' s on fire .

, , , ,
, (
1998 :
64) , ,
, , ,
, ,
, ,

, Levinson(1989 :
456) ,
, , Blakemore(1988 , 1992) Wilson(1998)

, ,
, (Beau- ,
g rande & Dressler , 1981 ;Brown & Yule ,
1983 ;van Dijk & Kintsch , 1983) ,
van Dijk Giora(1997) ,
Kintsch(1983 :
154) , ,
, ,
, Wilson(1998)
, Giora ,
(Wilson , 1998 :
73) : , Giora
(10)Peter :W hat did Susan say ? (10) ,
M ary :You' ve dropped your wallet . ,You' ve dropped your w allet
, ,
What did Susan say ? ,
Ziv(1988 : :
540) ,
(12)A :A re y ou coming to my party ? ,
B:I w on' t be able to make it .I have an ap-
pointment . (
Berg , 1991 :
418) Levinson (1989) ,
(13)A :A re y ou coming to my party ?
B:I have an appointment .I won' t be able to , ,
make it.

(12)(13) , Berg
, (
1991 :
418) ,
(12) , B A , ,
, ,
, I have an appoint mentI , Berg (1991)
w on' t be able t o make it , B I
w on' t be able to make it :
, , (15)A :Where are my keys?
, B :To the car or the house ?
, (16)A :Where are my keys?
Ziv , 1988 ;
( Goatly , 1994) , B :Ask the children.
, (15)(16) , B A
, ,
, B
Ziv (1988 :
539)(14) 1991 :
Berg( 424_5) ,
(14)A :A re y ou coming to my party ? ,
B:No .I' ve g ot an exam tomorrow . , (15)
B I' ve got A B (16) A
an ex am tomorrow A , B A
A B ? , B
(14) , ,
, (12)
Leech(1983) , Ost man Virtanen
1995 :
, , :
1) ,
, , 2)
, 3) ry .Journal of Pragmatics 27:
17_34 .
, 4) Goatly , A .1994 .T he Language of Metaphors .Lo n-
don :Routledge .
Green, G .M .1989 .Pragmatics and Natural Lan-

guage Understanding .Hillsdale, N .J.:Erlbaum .
, 5)
Grice , H .P .1975.Logic and conversa tio n.In Cole , P .
, 6) and J.L .M o rgan.(eds.
).Syntax and Semantics
, 3 .N ew York :A cademic Press.
, Leech, G .N .1983 .Principles of Pragmatics.London:
L ongman .
Levinso n, S .C .1989 .A review of relevance.Journal
5. of L inguistics 25 :

, Ostman , J .
O .& T .V irtanen .1995 .Discourse analy sis.
I n V erschueren , J .
, J.
O.Ostman & J .
Blommaert ,

). Handbook of Pragmatics . Amsterdam :
Jo hn Benjamins.
Reinhar t, T .
1980.Co nditions for tex t coherence .Poet-
, ics Today 1(4):
, Smith , N .& D .Wilson .1992 .I ntroduction to the spe-
, cial issue on relevance theory .Lingua 87 :
1-10 .
Sperber , D . & D . Wilso n. 1986/ 1995 . Relevance :
Com munication and Cognition .Oxford :Blackwell.
Gio ra(1997) , Stubbs, M .1983.
Discourse Analysis :The Sociolinguistic

, Analysis of Natural L anguage .Oxford :Blackwell .

van Dijk , T .A .
1977.T ext and Contex t :Explorations
in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Discourse .Lo n-
don :Long man .
Beaugrande, R .de & W .
U .Dressler .1981 .Introduc-
van Dijk , T .A .& Kintsch, W .
1983.Strategies of Dis-
tion to Text L inguistics .London:Longman .
course Comprehension .Orlando , Flo rida :A cademic
Berg , J .1991 .T he relev ant relevance .Journal of Prag-
P ress .
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Wilson , D .1998.
Discourse , coherence and relevance :A
Blakemore, D .1988.T he organization o f discourse .I n
reply to Rachel Giora .Journal of Pragmatics 29:
Newmeyer .F .R .(ed .
).Linguistics :T he Cam-
57_74 .
bridge S urvey .Vol.4 :
229_250.Cambridg e :Cam-
Wilson, D .& D .Sperber .1993 .Linguistic form and
bridg e University Press.
relevance .L ingua 90:
1_25 .
Blakemore , D .1992 . Understanding Utterance .Ox-
Ziv , Y .1988 .On the rationality of ` relevance' and the
ford :Blackwell.
relevance of ` rationality' .Journal of Pragmatics
Brow n, G .& G .Yule .1983 .Discourse Analysis .Cam-
bridg e:Cambridge University Press.
G ernsbacher , M .A .& T .Giv n.(eds.
).1995 .Co-
1999 1 25 ;
herence in Spontaneous Text .A msterdam :John
, 1999 5 7
G iora , R.1997 .Discourse coherence and theory of rele-
vance :Stumbling blocks in search of a unified theo-

Abstracts of major papers in this issue

The pragmatic constraints of discourse connectives, by He Ziran & Ran Y ongping , p.1
T he present paper makes a tentative study of discourse connectives w ith its focus on their prag matic constraints on ut-
terance production and interpretation within the theoretical framewo rk of relevance theo ry proposed by D .
Sperber and D .
Wilso n.It first gives a g eneral introduction to the main theoretical framework and its explanation of utterance pro duction
and understanding ;then the prag matic constraints of discourse connectiv es are discussed ;finally it is maintained that ut-
terance production and interpretation is a dy namic process as well as a constrained one .

The explanatory power of relevance theory to discourse coherence , by Miao X ingwei , p.9
T his paper sets out to inv estigate the explanatory pow er of Sperber and W ilson' s (1986 , 1995)relevance theory to
discourse coherence .F ollowing some ling uistsapproach in the framework of relev ance theory , the author discusses some
of the contributions of relev ance theory to the coherence_based study of discourse and some of the limita tio ns of the rele-
vance_based approach .T he paper holds that relevance theory could provide insights into discourse coherence to some ex-
tent , but coherence should be conceived of as a no tio n independent of relevance .

The phonological disorders of Broca' s and conduction aphasics , by Cui Gang , p.22
In this paper , an effor t is made to study the phonolog ical diso rders of Chinese Broca' s and conduction aphasics
through the analy sis of the speech of 12 Broca' s and 12 conduction aphasics.The result show s that both Broca' s and co n-
duction aphasics have disturbances in producing the phonolog ical forms of w ords and they share some similarities in this as-
pect .Besides, differences betw een the two groups of aphasics have been observed .

Review of studies of bilingualism and intel ligence , by Hu Guil ing , p.28

T his article presents a brief yet comprehensive discussion on psycholing uistic studies of the relationship betw een bilin-
gualism and intelligence , including a review of the research history and some important theories and hy potheses raised in
this area .Some imperfections of the research on bilingualism and intelligence are pointed out;and so me issues for further
research are suggested.T he author concludes that although it is not clear w hether biling ualism and intelligence correlate
closely , becoming a bilingual is most likely wor thwhile .

A discussion on the sources of fossilization , by Chen Huiy uan , p .

In the 1970s, there were theories that discussed and explained fossilization from bio logical, social and psycholo gical
points of view and also from the w ay how learners interact w ith the po ssible feedback.
Later , new explanations are offered by different researchers.Some of them relate it to learner strategies, and some
o ther try to explain it by linguistic markedness and learners' tendency to behave in a cer tain way .T he studies are of par-
ticular interest and relevant to the study of common linguistic features existing among different g roups of learners related
w ith fossilization .
T he exploration of the sources of fossilization can reveal so mething not only about fossilizatio n but also the develop-
ment of learners' language .

80 1999 3 ( 119 )

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