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Chapter (5)

Exam (1)


A. What is meant by .?
a. Wien's law.
The wave length corresponds maximum intensity of radiation is inversely proportional to temperature
on Kelvin scale.
b. Black body.
The body that absorbs all radiations falling on it, and re-emit them all again in the form of IR radiations.
c. Photo-electric effect.
The phenomenon of releasing electrons from a metallic surface using light.
d. Work function.
The least energy needed for the incident photon upon a metallic surface to release an electron.
e. Planck's distribution.
A graphical relation for the wave lengths emitted from an emitter and the intensity of radiations.
B. First; Compare between: electrons and photons due to
P.O.C Electron photon
a. Definition. A negatively charged particle, has a A packet of energy, chargeless, has
wave nature. particle nature.
b. Momentum. = mv = mc
c. Rest mass. Has rest mass Has no rest mass

Second; give reasons for;

a. The wave length accompanying a moving electron decreases by increasing its speed.

According to De-Broglie relation, = , so; wave length is inversely proportional to electron speed.

b. Electron microscope has a high magnification and high resolution.
As the accelerated beam of electrons of high velocity, according to De-Broglie relation high linear
momentum and shorter wave lengths than the dimensions of minute bodies like; viruses, so
magnification for smaller details is possible.
c. Compton effect reveals the particle nature of photons.
As photons are packets of energy collide electrons as billiard balls collision, during such elastic collision
linear momenta is conserved as well as kinetic energy, revealing the particle nature of photon.
C. A beam of light of wave length 5000 Angstrom is falling upon a metallic surface releasing photo-electrons
at a maximum speed of 2.57105 m/s, so as another beam of wave length 6000 Angstrom is falling upon
the same surface, is it able to release photo-electrons? Why?

EW = E K.E =
- mv2
EW =
[9.110-31 (2.57105)2] = 3.97510-19 3.00510-20 = 3.6710-19 J
E2 = = . = 3.310-19 J, so no release for photo-electrons as; E2 < EW.
A. Mention the scientific idea for each of the following:
a. Cathode rays tube. The thermionic effect.
b. The photo-electric cell. The photo-electric effect.
c. Remote sensing. The black body radiation.
d. Electron microscope. The dual (wave) nature of electron.
e. The grid in the C.R.T. The electric potential that controls the intensity of e-beam.
B. First; what is meant by ?

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a. The wave length corresponds a critical value for a metallic surface is 5000 Angstrom.
The maximum wave length for an incident photon on the metallic surface to release an electron is 5000
b. The threshold frequency for a metallic surface is 4.81014 Hz.
The minimum frequency for an incident photon on the metallic surface to release an electron is 4.81014
Second; mention one factor affecting each of the following:
a. The work function for a metallic surface. The type of metal
b. The photo-current intensity. The intensity of incident light given that E>EW
c. The wave length corresponds maximum intensity of radiation released from a glowing body.
Body temperature on Kelvin scale.
C. As an accelerating voltage of 500 volt is used in the electron microscope, calculate De-Broglie wave length
accompanying the accelerated electrons.
1 2.. 21.61019 500
e.V = .m.v2 >>> v= = = 1.326107 m/s,
2 9.11031
h 6.6251034
= . = 9.11031 13259870.88 = 5.5l0-11m,


A. Mention one use for each of the following:

a. Electron microscope. Magnifying very small objects, like; viruses.
b. Cathode rays tube. In T.V and computer monitors.
c. Photo-electric cell. Automatic doors, auto-illumination of streets, security.
d. Infra-red radiation. Photographing earth's surface to determine natural resources, night vision,
e. Micro-waves. RADAR.
B. First; How could Planck have explained the black body radiation?
1. Radiation consists of small packets of energy each is called quantum.
2. Such release id due to the vibration of atoms.
3. Energy of released quantum increases with increasing its frequency and decreasing their number.

Second; As the average temperature of the sun is

6000 K, use the given figure to deduce the average
temperature of earth.
(.T)Sun = (.T)Earth
0.4996000 = 9.66TEarth , TEarth = 310 K.

C. Using the given graphical relation for the maximum

kinetic energy for the released photo-electrons
from three different metallic surfaces A, B and C in
relation with the frequency of incident photons on
each metal, use the graph to determine:
a. The work function of the metal (B) = 5 1014 Hz.
b. As an incident, monochromatic light photons on the three metals releasing electrons from them all,
which metal releases photo-electrons with greatest K.E of all?
Metal (A) as it has the least work function, smallest energy is used up from photon to release an
electron, the rest is K.E.
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c. As a beam of photons with frequency 71014 Hz is falling on all metals, what is the maximum K.E of
released electrons in each case?
No electron release from both of metal (B) and metal (C), as < C, while for metal (A) electrons are
released with K.E = E EW = 6.62510-34 (71014 - 41014) = 1.9810-19 Joule.
d. What is the least frequency needed for photons to release the photo-electrons from each metal?
121014 Hz, as it is the highest critical frequency of all metals.

A. Mention one result for:

a. Heating a metallic surface to a very high temperature, due to the released radiations.
Some electrons are released by thermionic effect.
b. The intensity of radiations from a hot body at very high frequency.
The intensity of radiation is very small approaches zero.
c. Incidence of light with energy greater than the work function of the metallic surface on which it falls.
Electrons are released with K.E = E EW.
d. Incidence of gamma rays on a free electron.
Both are scattered, electron accelerates and changes direction, photon energy decreases and scattered.
e. increasing the linear momentum for a particle, due to its associating wave length.
Wave length decreases due to De-Broglie relation.
B. First; explain how could Einstein to explain the photo-electric effect. [see the text book]
Second; choose the correct answer;
a. A LASER beam of power (300 mW) with a wave length of 6630 Angstrom, so the number of

photons released each minute is photon. [L60 =

i. 61019
ii. 61018
iii. 61017
iv. 61016
v. 61014
b. As the rest mass for a proton is (mo), its linear momentum when being moved at a speed equals
half the speed of light in space is determined using the relation .


iv. 4

c. The given figure presents the relation between the frequency of incident photons upon Potassium
element and the maximum kinetic energy
for the released photo-electrons. Which of
the following graphical relations is correct
on replacing potassium with silver whose
work function is 4.73 e.V?

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C. The following table relates De-Broglie wave length for a moving particle and its velocity.

10-20 (m) 2 4 6 8 10
V 103 (m/s) 100 50 X 25 20
1/v (s/m) 1 10-5 2 10-5 3 10-5 4 10-5 5 10-5

Plot a graphical relation for the wave length on y-axis and the reciprocal of particle velocity on X-
axis. The slope of line = ()
= 2 10 -15

a. Use the plotted graph to determine:

i. The value of x = = 33333.33 m/s.
6.625 1034
ii. The mass of the particle = = = 3.31 10 -19 Kg.
2 1015

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Exam (2)

A. What is meant by ?
a. Photon.
A packet of energy has mass and linear momentum.
b. Compton effect.
The phenomenon proves the particle nature of photon, where an incident x-rays photon collides a free
electron, both are scattered, the electron with high speed, and the photon with longer wave length.
c. Surface potential barrier.
The least potential stops the release of electrons from the surface.
d. Remote sensing technology.
The remain of thermal radiation for a while even if the person has left.
e. Dual nature of particle.
The phenomenon for a particle to possess wave nature in analogy with its particle nature.
B. First; compare between:
a. Radiations from the sun (glowing body) [located in the visible range] and radiations from the earth (a
non glowing body) [located in the infra-red range].
b. Electron microscope [using a beam of electrons, and lenses used are electric and magnetic lenses] and
optic microscope [using a beam of light, and lenses used are optic, glass lenses].

Second; give reasons for:

a. Radiations emitted from human are invisible.
As human is a non-glowing body, it is only able to emit I.R radiations.
b. A surface could be exposed to photons though no photo-electron emission.
As the frequency of incident photons is smaller than the critical frequency of the metallic surface.
c. As an X-rays photon falls upon a free electron, the electron is scattered at high speed.
Due to the law of conservation of energy and the conservation of linear momentum, the enrgy lost from
photon is gained for the electron.
C. A monochromatic light of wave length () on falling upon a metallic surface photo-electrons are released

with maximum K.E (1 e.v), so; as another of wave length () is falling upon the same metallic surface it

releases electrons with maximum K.E of (4 e.v). calculate the work function of the metallic surface.
For the 1st. beam; EW = - K.E1 = - 1 (multiply 2), so, ; 2EW = - 2 (eq. 1)

For the 2nd. beam; EW =
- K.E2 = - 4 , so; EW =
- 4 (eq.2)
( )
Solving equations; 1 & 2, EW = 2 e.v.

A. Mention one condition for each of the following.
a. Seeing the details of a small object using a microscope.
The used beam with a wave length smaller than the dimensions of the observed sample.
b. Liberating electrons from a metallic surface by falling radiations.
The energy of incident photons is greater than the work function of the metallic surface.
B. First; compare the wave length associating a moving electron and a proton due to De-Broglie relation if
being moved at similar velocity.

= >1, so; electron > proton

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Second; mention one application for:

a. Wien's law. Determining the temperature of remote stars
b. Thermionic effect. C.R.T
c. Photo-electric effect. Photo-electric cell
d. Dual nature of electron. Electron microscope
e. Thermal radiation from human body. Night vision, tumor detection

C. A light ray of wave length 8x10-7 m, and power 200 Watt is falling upon a reflecting surface, calculate:
6.625 1034
a. The linear momentum of such ray. PL = = = 8.28x10-28 Kg.m/s.
8 107
b. The force of the beam upon the surface. F= = = 1.33x10-6 N.


A. Mention one use for each of the following:

a. Electron microscope. Magnifying very small objects, like; viruses.
b. Cathode rays tube. In T.V and computer monitors.
c. Photo-electric cell. Automatic doors, auto-illumination of streets, security.
d. Infra-red radiation. Photographing earth's surface to determine natural resources, night vision,
e. Micro-waves. RADAR.
B. First; in an experiment of studying the photo-electric effect a monochromatic light being used can release
electrons as its frequency exceeds the critical frequency of the surface, so as the experiment is repeated
using the same light but with double its intensity, what is the effect on ?
a. Photon energy. Unchanges, it is independent with light intensity.
b. The maximum K.E of the released electrons. Unchanges, it is independent with light intensity.
c. The work function of the metallic surface. Unchanges, it is independent with light intensity.
d. The intensity of the photo-current. It is doubled, as it is directly proportional to light intensity.

C. The given figure presents the relation between the

maximum kinetic energy of released photo-
electrons from a metallic surface (A) and the
frequency of incident photons, find out:
a. The critical frequency of the metallic surface =
3 1014 Hz.
b. The wave length of photons falling on the
surface releasing electrons at maximum Kinetic energy of 20 10-20 Joule.
From the figure, the frequency of photon causes such emission = 61014 Hz.
3 108
= = 6 1014 = 5 10-7 m.
c. On replacing the metallic surface (A) with another metal (B) of critical frequency double that of (A),
plot on the same plot the graphical relation for maximum kinetic energy and frequency of light on
surface (B), showing what happens for the slope of line? Explain your answer.
The slope of line doesn't change, as it equals Planck's constant.
A. In the shown figure a cathode rays tube, the tube contains various parts:
a. What do cathode rays consist of? electrons
b. Which part, A, B, C or D, must be heated to create the cathode rays? A

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c. Which part, A, B, C or D, is coated with fluorescent material? Mention its function.

D, it glows due to the incidence of electrons.
d. What effect does it make to apply a d.c voltage at the plates C on the cathode rays inside the tube?
To control the e-beam, electrons deviates towards the (+ve) plate.
B. First; deduce the relation between the wave length associating a moving particle and its linear momentum .
See the text book
Second; choose the correct answer;
a. A stationary electron is accelerated under the effect of a p.d of 2500 volt, so its approximate speed
becomes m/s.
i. 3x107
ii. 2.5x108
iii. 2.5x106
iv. 1.5x108
v. 3x106
b. As the linear momentum for a moving body is increased by 25%, so its kinetic energy is increased by
i. 65%
ii. 56%
iii. 38%
iv. 25%
v. 5%
c. On increasing the kinetic energy of an object to 16 times, the changing percentage in its De-Broglie
wave length is
i. 25%
ii. 30%
iii. 50%
iv. 60%
v. 75%
C. A monochromatic light beam of photon energy (5.8 e.v) is falling on a metallic surface releasing photo-
electrons with maximum kinetic energy (1.2 e.v), use the given table to answer the following questions:
Metal Sodium Zinc Potassium Tungsten
Work function (e.v) 2.36 3.65 2.28 4.6

5.8 1.6 1019

a. The frequency of the incident photons = = 6.625 1034
= 1.41015 Hz.

b. The metal from which electrons are released is Tungsten as, EW = E K.E = 5.8 1.2 = 4.6 e.v.

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