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Malika, 2016. Relations Of Knowledgement about Menstruation In Woman Preparation to Face

Menarche In SDN Sawojajar 1 Malang. Final Assignment, Medical Faculty, University
of Muhammadiyah Malang. Advisors:(1) Halida Nelasari* (2) Nur Kaputrin**
Background: Menstruation is the release of endometrial lining of the uterus accompanied by
bleeding occurs repeatedly every month. The first menstrual cycle in women naturally.
Preparedness menarche shows that someone is ready to coming of menarche, it is marked by a
deep understanding of knowledge about the process of menstruation, so ready to accept and
experience menarche as a normal process. Unknowing children about menstruation can lead
children difficult to accept menarche.
Methods: This research uses the observation analytical method using cross sectional study with
total sampling of 50 schollgirl. The data analysis is done with using the chi-square test.
Result: The data analysis using the chi-square test, at the 95% significance level ( 0.05)
showed the value of p=0.007, this value is smaller than = 0.05. The results showed that
students have a good knowledge of as much as 30 % in the face of menarche with a positive
attitude , good knowledge of as much as 24% in the face with a negative attitude.
Conclusion: The results of the this research is there is a Relations Of Knowledgement about
Menstruation In Woman Preparation To Face Menarche In SDN Sawojajar 1 Malang.

Keywords: Knowledgement, Menstruation, Preparedness for Menarche.

*) Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecology deparatment, Medical Faculty, University of

Muhammadiyah Malang

**) Lecturer of Medical Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

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