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4. What are the therapies of each contraceptive side

treatment side effect In mounting Contraception:
if the IUD Out or Missing Then again a new post.
if there is any discomfort it is necessary to talk about what
makes uncomfortable and advocate with other methods
of contraception.
if there is pain or lumbago then we need antibiotics if the
pain is light, if the weight check with a speculum to see if
iudnya still in the womb, when iudnya just looks a little
possibility of some already coming out we can take it out
and replace a new one, if increased body temperature we
give antibiotics, iUD allowed to remain in the uterus and
do a speculum examination 1 month later.
if there is bleeding then if the light is left alone if the
patient better afraid issued and directed to other
contraceptive methods, when bleeding a lot more than 7
days accompanied by a blood clot that was issued IUD
and recommended with other methods of contraception.

therapy if there are side effects of the contraceptive

do prenatal care if we do not convince the patient that this
effect is normal and not harmful and 2-3 months later will
menses return
if the patient wants mens force we can provide the pill kb times
1 tablet within 3 days, then 1 times 1 tablet for 4-5 days. usually
after that will mens
if found pregnant then disconnect all implants.
if mild or not interfere with the activity it does not need
if disturbing given low-dose pill kb 1 tablet 3 times for 7 days
memorasia (pendarah were many) were given ferrous sulfate
tablets 3 times 1 for 5-7 days until the situation improved.
weight gain:
instruct the patient a low-calorie diet and regular exercise.
pain in the breast:
we check if there are lumps or cysts whether the discharge be
sure there are no signs of infection
if it looks sick once give paracetamol 3 times 1 tablet 3-4 days
antalgin 3 times 1 tablet 500mg for 3-4 days
asmef 250-500mg 3 times during the day 3-4v
if it remains settled we remove the implant and replace
the non-hormonal.

therapy if there are side effects of the contraceptive

do prenatal care if we do not convince the patient that this
effect is normal and not harmful and 2-3 months later will
menses return
if the patient wants mens force we can provide the pill kb times
1 tablet within 3 days, then 1 times 1 tablet for 4-5 days. usually
after that will mens

if mild or not interfere with the activity it does not need
if disturbing given low-dose pill kb 1 tablet 3 times for 7 days
memorasia (pendarah were many) were given ferrous sulfate
tablets 3 times 1 for 5-7 days until the situation improved.
vitamin b6 given 2-3 times daily 10 mg tablet to depressive
symptoms disappear
recommended for low-salt diet
if sustained discontinue injection method and replace it with a
if odorless, colorless pervagina give antibiotics for 14 days
if they persist despite antibiotics we stop injectable

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