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-"v ' -- ~'-/

"Land Acquis ition Act, lR94, #'

N~~G d to enSure that ./
aq;riculturi:~ts ar2 W)t
rendered laml::5"S after
ac qui s i ti on.
Gover nment of ,l-h.hqr q:; htr.!3.,

~ Revenue
R ~1.0
& Ii'orests

Dated: 29th
lu t ion No. Ld.'T. &')81 ~184 ) A-':; ,
Bombay-4{,\o, 032.
Ja,nuary, JS)~l.

R>2ad: _Gov2r nment Res olut ion,R2ve nue & Forests Ddpart-

mGnt No.LC1J.3080/(2113)-A_2 dated 2<B/11./Q0.

M.Q mTIgi: In '1ovsrnm8nt Resolution,R2venue & Forests !Depa...
rtment No.L~/3080/(2113)A,..2 c1t.24/11/80,instruction<J hav~

alrG3.dy b;;en i13ucd that l;J:h~S held by poor farmers may be

a.c qu.irE d under the Land Acqu:fs i ti on 4.ct, 1894 only if the
f o11ovrinc; two c ondi tions are slatis,if1td:-
(1) There is no alternative EXC8pt to aCquire
the land held by the pO.;r farmer for public purpose, and
(2) Unless' the land ~e Id by the po:)r farmer is
acquired, the sJciety is n)t q;oinq; to te benefited.
2. "}overnm6Ilthas Qb'Lsryed that there have been

instanc,~s in 1tJhich, a'o a rec:u1t ,of land aCquisition proceed-

inq;8, persons have tEGn rendered land1-=3c:;. GovernmEnt, there-
fore, con-sider:'), it rnec,c,;i~sary to ta.'~e ade ~uate me.Cjsures
2n3ure that, as a resu1t.,f srn::Hna.c9ui')ition,no
I one is "

rendered landless. In amplification of, the instructions can..

ta.inad in '}ovcrnment REsolution,R,~v<;;nue & Forest:; pep1:irtm8nt

No. 1:Jif .3080 (21113) A-2 c1t. 24/11/80, (}ove rnm nt i'-', th~re fore,
plG::t'"-'c,d t::) direct that in futurE, \Jhi1e formulitin~ proposalS
I ' -
, f e)l" ac quis iti on of land3,. utm')s ~ C},f;lroS h-u 1d be taken to e:t1D-
SUI'S that, a=: :1 result of the pr:Jposed acqui~~ it ion, nn one

~ is . 1i1\:e 1y to
bE; r ende-r ~d . LJ,nd168S. It
the: a.cquirin-;
. ac;ency \to
f:Jl1)w theaz
be the re span..
instmcticns -
sCl'upulcus1y. Ik)\A/Ev.:r, if in an, particular case, 8,bqu1~i- I'

ti,on:yf~ hmc1 i! inescapable /for vary specific re.asons "the

1.cquirinr; a,;"ncy ?hXl1d send to Government throu~h the
Commi:13ioner ccmc erneq ,proposalS' f9r such aC41isition of
., 3 - "'--- ..a-1,.r~...A.~...",,., j:' ("I_l"tfr""...,
~,.,'" ~I
--- - --~ ~

... 'Ii ....


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. ;;.

.. .
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, : 2 :
3~ The Commissioners of Divisions and the '::ollcctors ...
of Districts shJuld enSuri; that these' Drders ar<:: strictly

followed by the Officers c:mcerned \-lith land ac quisi ti ')n

matt~rs .
By order and in the name of the 1},')V..;'I'n'Jrof

~ ,

K.V. I}U TE )


Under Secrs tary t 0 G,~v~rnment,

/. v.)\~
-" .....

REYEnue and F')rE 5 ts DGp'lr' tme r;t"c.

- --
. -- ...

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