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Your suitcase weighs a mountain!


You are my sunshine! ______________________________

While lounging in the slop pile, the pigs oinked excitedly. ______________________________

Tragic comedy ______________________________

Time and tide waits for none. ______________________________

This pie is heaven! ______________________________

The wind whispered through dry grass. ______________________________

The man held the blanket like a memory. ______________________________

The flowers danced in the gentle breeze. ______________________________

The fire swallowed the entire forest. ______________________________

The dancer was a graceful eagle taking flight. ______________________________

The cow aggressively mooed at the passing freight train. ______________________________

The buzzing bee flew away. ______________________________

That child is a bear when he is sleepy. ______________________________

Tarzan wild; jungle ______________________________

She heavier than the elephant! ______________________________

Seriously funny ______________________________

Portly instead of heavy or overweight ______________________________

Open secret ______________________________

My love is like a red, red rose. ______________________________

Love is a lemon. ______________________________

Look at my car. She is a beauty, isnt it so? ______________________________

Judas Betrayer ______________________________

Janet murmured the answer under her breath. ______________________________

If I can't get a Smartphone, I will die. ______________________________

I wandered lonely as a cloud ______________________________

I flitted like a dizzy moth. ______________________________

I am trying to solve a million issues these days. ______________________________

I am dying of shame. ______________________________

Foolish wisdom ______________________________

Economical with the truth instead of liar ______________________________

Comfort woman instead of prostitute ______________________________

Chronologically-challenged instead of late ______________________________

But now her hands like moonlight brush the keys with velvet grace. ______________________________

Birds tweeted long before Twitter did. ______________________________

Big-boned instead of heavy or overweight ______________________________

Awfully pretty ______________________________

Abraham father of all nations ______________________________

What a pleasant day (when it is raining heavily) ______________________________

Ugh, cell phone, why wont you load my messages? ______________________________

Oh, Starbucks, your medium dark roast allowed me to survive that meeting! ____________________

Oh what a world it seems we live in. ______________________________

Oh great! Now you have broken my new camera. ______________________________

O holy night! The stars are brightly shining! ______________________________

"The City of Light" for Paris ______________________________

"The Big Apple" for New York City ______________________________

"Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone without a love of my own." ______________________________

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