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1 T cell n a small, circulating lymphocyte produced in the bone marrow that

matures in the thymus. T cells primarily mediate cellular immune

responses, such as graft rejection and delayed hypersensitivity.

2 T-4 cell n a thymusderived lymphocyte of the bodys immune system with a

role of destroying or neutralizing cells or substances identied as
nonself. The

human immunodeciency virus (HIV) commonly targets the T-4 cells,

with the result that the bodys immune defenses are severely damaged
and opportunistic infections are allowed to ourish.

3 tabes n a gradual, progressive wasting of the body in any chronic disease.

4 tabes dorsalis n a form of neurosyphilis in which degeneration in the posterior roots

of the spinal nerves and posterior column of the spinal cord exists.
Manifestations include pain and paresthesia of the trunk, hands, and
feet, abdominal pain crises, ataxia, Argyll Robertson pupil, atrophy of
the optic nerve, and Charcots joint.

5 occlusal table n the occlusal surfaces of the premolars and molars; the basic collective
topography, including the form of the cusps, inclined planes, marginal
ridges, and central fossae and grooves of the teeth.

6 table of allowances n a list of covered services with an assigned dollar amount that
represents the total obligation of the plan with respect to payment for
such service but does not necessarily represent the dental
professionals full fee for that service. Also called schedule of
allowances and indemnity schedule.

7 tablet n a small, solid dose form of a medication. It may be compressed or

molded in its manufacture, and it may be of almost any size, shape,
weight, and color. Most tablets are intended to be swallowed whole.

8 tachycardia n an excessively rapid action of the heart; the pulse rate is usually
above 100 beats/min.

9 tachyphylaxis the rapid development of tolerance on administration of closely spaced

successive doses of a drug or poison.

a decreasing response that follows consecutive

10 tachypnea n an excessively rapid respiration. A respiratory neurosis marked by
quick, shallow breathing.

11 tacrine HCl n brand name: Cognex; drug class: cholinesterase inhibitor; action: a
centrally acting, reversible inhibitor of cholinesterase enzyme; use:
treatment of mild to moderate cognitive defects associated with
Alzheimers disease.

12 tacrolimus (FK506), n brand name: Prograf; drug class: immunosuppressant; action: inhibits
T-lymphocyte activation leading to immunosuppression; use:
prophylaxis of organ rejection in patients receiving allogenic

liver transplants.

13 tactile pertaining to the sense of touch.

14 tailpiece See aid, speech, pros thetic, velar section.

15 Takaharas disease See disease, Takaharas.

16 Talwin the brand name for pentazocine lacatate, a potent analgesic, which is
as effective as morphine. Talwin is a controlled substance

17 tamoxifen citrate n brand name: Nolvadex; drug class: antineoplastic, antiestrogen

hormone; action: inhibits cell division by binding to cytoplasmic recep-

tors, inhibits DNA synthesis; use: advanced breast cancer that has not
responded to other therapy.

18 tang See connector, minor.

19 tank, processing n a receptacle used in the photographic or radiographic darkroom for

the chemical solutions used in the processing of lms.

20 tannic acid a vegetable tanning agent that attaches itself to collagen by hydrogen
bonds. Tannic acid is used in dentistry as a cavity conditioner before
placing a restoration.
21 tantalum a silvery metallic element, its atomic number is 73 and its atomic weight
is 180.9479. Tantalum is a relatively inert, noncorrosive, malleable
metal used in prosthetic devices, such as skull plates and wire sutures.

22 tantrum n a sudden outburst or violent display of rage, frustration, and bad

temper, usually occurring in a maladjusted child or immature or
disturbed adult.

23 tape, dental n a ribbon of waxed nylon or silk used to aid the prophylaxis of
interproximal spaces and the proximal surfaces of the teeth. The
attened, wide form of dental oss. See also dental oss.

24 tapering n a process of shaping a clasp arm the better to distribute exure

throughout its length, thus reducing fatigue, strain hardening, and
resultant fracture.

25 tapering arch , n a dental arch that converges from the molars to the central incisors
to such a degree that lines passing through the central grooves of the
molars and premolars intersect within one inch anterior to the central
incisors. See also arch, tapering.

26 tardive dyskinesia possible reaction to the extended use of antipsychotic medicines in

which the muscles of the face, limbs, and trunk move uncontrollably.

27 target n the small tungsten block, embedded in the face of the anode, that is
bombarded by electrons from the cathode in a radiographic tube.

28 target cell 1. also called leptocyte, an abnormal red blood cell characterized by a
densely stained center surrounded by a pale, unstained ring that is
encircled by a dark, irregular band. 2. a cell having a specic receptor
that reacts with a specic hormone, antigen, antibody, antibiotic,
sensitized T cell, or other substance.

29 target group n a set of persons who serve as the focal point for a particular program
or service. This is a smaller sample than the target population.
30 target organ 1. an organ intended to receive a therapeutic dose of irradiation. 2. an
organ intended to receive the greatest concentration of a diagnostic
radioactive tracer.

31 target population n all individuals belonging to a certain group who have a distinct set of

32 target symptoms symptoms of an illness that are most likely to respond to a specic

33 target-lm distance n See distance, target-lm; source-lm distance.

34 target-object distance n See source-object distance.

35 tarnish 1. surface discoloration or loss of luster by metals. Under oral

conditions, it often results from hard and soft deposits. 2. a chemical
process by which a metal surface is discolored or its luster destroyed.

36 tartar n See calculus, dental.

37 taste n the sense of perceiving different avors in soluble substances that

contact the tongue and trigger nerve impulses to special taste centers
in the cortex and the thalamus of the brain. The four basic traditional
tastes are sweet, salty, sour, and bitter.

38 taste bud n any one of many peripheral taste organs distributed over the tongue
and the roof of the oral cavity. See also lingual papillae.

39 taste enhancers , food additives that have little or no avor of their own but when
added to food bring out the taste of certain foods. Monosodium
glutamate (MSG) is the most common avor or taste enhancer.

40 tattoo, amalgam n See amalgam tattoo.

41 taurodontism n a tooth in which the pulp chamber is elongated and enlarged, and

deeply into the region of the roots. A similar condition is seen in the
teeth of cud-chewing animals.

42 tautomer n structural isomers that differ only in the position of a hydrogen atom,
or proton. tax,

n a ratable portion of the proceeds or value of the property and labor of

the citizen; any contribution imposed by government for the use and
service of the state.

43 tax brackets the income intervals of the graduated income tax law that establish
the rate of tax for each level of income.

44 tax planning n making business and investment decisions based on estimated

income and current and projected tax laws.

45 tax shelter investments investments that reduce, remove, or defer income from state and
federal income tax liability.

46 taxes the sum of monies collected by the various branches of a


47 taxonomy n a system for classifying organisms on the basis of natural relationships

and assigning them appropriate names

48 Tay-Sachs disease ), an inherited, neurodegenerative disorder of lipid metabolism

caused by a deciency of the enzyme hexosaminidase A, which results
in the accumulation of sphingolipids in the brain. The condition, which
is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, occurs predominantly in
families of Eastern European Jewish origin, specically the Ashkenazic

49 teaching rounds See rounds.

50 team practice n professional prac tice by a group of complementary health care

providers who collectively manage the care of a patient population.
51 tears n the saline uid excreted from the lacrimal glands that moistens,
cleans, and protects the eyes

52 technetium 99 n the radionuclide most commonly used to image the body in nuclear

medicine scans. It is preferred because of its short half-life and because

the emitted photon has an appropriate energy for imaging techniques.

53 technic See technique

54 technical competence n the ability of the practitioner, during the treatment phase of dental
care and with respect to those procedures combining psychomotor and
cognitive skills, consistently to provide services at a

professionally acceptable level.

55 technical quality n the degree to which the physically measurable attributes of

procedures in dental care meet professionally acceptable standards.

56 technician n a person skilled in the performance of technical procedures

57 technique n 1. a skillful and detailed method of executing procedures to

accomplish a desired result. 2. the method of performance of
manipulation in any art; the terms technique and technic are used
synonymously, but the word technique pertains more to the artistic skill

58 technique, aseptic n task performed in a sterile environment in order to avoid contact with
harmful bacteria

59 technique, bisection of , n an intraoral radiographic technique whereby an angle formed by the

the angle mean plane of the tooth and the mean plane of the lm is bisected, and
the central ray is directed through the tooth perpendicular to the
bisection. This is the application of Cieszynskis rule of isometry. See
also rule of isometry, Cieszynskis.

60 technique, calibrated n an intraoral radiographic technique using a specied degree in

angle vertical angulation from the horizontal plane. It is a variation of the
bisection of the angle technique and assumed to be the correct
angulation for the majority of patients.
61 technique, double n a method of investing wax patterns, whereby the pattern is covered
investing with a primary layer of investment; this core is then invested, before or
after the primary investment has set, in an outer, thinner mix of the
same or a different type of investing material

62 technique, dual n a technique by which the anatomic form of the teeth and
impression immediately adjacent structures is recorded and by which the free-end
denture foundation areas are registered in their functional form.

63 technique, Eamess in dental amalgam, a procedure using mercury and alloy in
approximately a 1:1 ratio, thus not having residual mercury in the
plastic mix.

64 technique, lling n the method used to obliterate the space in the root of the tooth once
occupied by the dental pulp.

65 technique, Foness See method, Foness.

66 technique, Gow-Gates n the injection of a local anesthetic that anesthetizes the mandible,
(GG) anesthetic along with the oor of the oral cavity, the anterior two-thirds of the
tongue, the skin covering the zygomatic bone, and corresponding facial,
buccal, and lingual tissues.

67 technique, hydroow , n See dentistry, washed-eld.

68 technique, impression n a method and manner used in making a negative likeness. The series
of operations or procedures used for making an impression.

69 technique, long cone n the use of an extended cone distance, generally 14 inches (35 cm) or
more, in oral radiography. It is generally used with, but not conned to,
parallel lm placement.

70 technique metered n refers to a topical anesthetic dispersal technique that controls the
spray amount and rate at which a drug is administered.

71 technique, Millers n a method of identifying the buccolingual dimension of a tooth by

radiographic localization taking a second radiographic image at an angle of 90 to the rst. The
technique is also useful for identifying the position of subgingival
anomalies. Also called rightangle technique; SLOB rule, which stands for
same lingual, opposite buccal. See also localization, radiographic;
technique, parallel.

72 technique, parallel n a technique in intraoral radiography in which the lm is positioned

(right-angle parallel to the long axes of the teeth and the central ray is directed
technique) perpendicular to both the lm and the teeth.

73 technique, periapical , n any of several methods for placing radiographic lm to capture

images of tooth root structure.

74 technique, punch n a surgical incision of a circular area of soft tissue immediately above a
submerged implant in order to expose the full diameter of the implant

75 technique, scoop n ofce jargon for a one-handed method of needle recap and disposal
in which the needle is used in an upward sweep to lift a safety cap onto
the needle. The needle is then removed and discarded into a sharps

76 technique, short cone n the use of a short cone distance, usually 8 inches (20 cm) or less, that
is supplied by the manufacturer as short cone. It is generally used with,
but not conned to, the bisection of the angle technique.

77 technique, telephone n the friendly but businesslike conveying of ideas over the telephone.

78 technique, thermal n a casting procedure whereby compensation is made for metal

expansion shrinkage by thermal expansion of the refractory investment mold.

79 technique, wax n a casting procedure whereby compensation is made for metal

expansion shrinkage by thermal expansion of the wax pattern before setting of the

80 teeth See tooth.

81 teeth, hypermobile n the propensity of teeth to abnormally move or shift positions within
the alveolar bone. This condition can occur as a result of inammation,
metabolic abnormalities, or traumatic injury.

82 teeth, milk n See teeth, primary.

83 teeth, opposing n teeth that are opposite each other, one in the maxilla and one in the
mandible, that ideally come into occlusal contact with each other.

84 teeth, short n teeth that are severely worn from erosion or abrasion.

85 teeth, splayed anterior n anterior teeth that have been forced to slope outward, usually as a
result of pressure from the tongue.

86 teeth, tilted n teeth that are at such an angle as to cause them to be out of centric
contact with opposing teeth during occlusion.

87 teething n the eruption of primary teeth, which is preceded by increased

salivation. Young children may become restless and irritable during this
period. Inammation of the gingival tissues before complete
emergence of the crown may cause a temporary painful condition.

88 Teon brand name of a proprietary plastic material

(polytetrauoroethylene) used in reconstructive surgery of the jaw and

89 Tegopen the brand name for cloxacillin, an antistaphylococcal penicillin.

90 Tegretol n See carbamazepine.

91 telangiectasia n

the dilation of the capillaries and small arteries of a region. A hereditary

form (hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia) may appear intraorally. 2.
a disorder characterized by cutaneous and mucosal vascular macules,
nodules, and arterial spiders that tend to bleed sporadically.
92 telangiectasia, n the dilation of small vessels and capillaries resulting from a genetic
hereditary hemorrhagic factor, with a tendency to bleed. Lesions may occur on the tongue as
(Rendu-Osler-Weber small, raised, red to bluish-red elevations.

93 Telecommunication n a machine that converts written text to speech, enabling the deaf to
Device for the Deaf use the telephone.

94 Telecommunication n a system that enables the deaf and hard of hearing to use the
Relay Service (TRS) telephone. The caller talks to a third party, who types the information
so the deaf party can read it on a TDD.

95 telemedicine n the use of two-way television communication by which two or more

physicians can consult on a patient. The consulting physicians have
access to the diagnostic information as well as the ability to view and
question the patient directly before making a diagnosis or offering

a professional opinion.

96 telemetry n the electronic transmission of data between distant points.

97 teleradiography n Radiography at a longer distance than is usually used (6 feet, or 1.8


98 telic adj (teleologic), assigning purpose to functions as if they were provided

by a creative planner

99 temazepam ), n brand name: Restoril; drug class: benzodiazepine, sedative-

hypnotic (Controlled Substance Schedule IV); action: produces central
nervous sys-

tem (CNS) depression at limbic, thalamic, hypothalamic levels of the

CNS; uses: sedative and hypnotic for insomnia.

100 temperature the degree of sensible heat or cold.

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