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2, FEBRUARY 2009

Comparison of Models for Estimating Magnetic Core Losses in Electrical

Machines Using the Finite-Element Method
Emad Dlala
Department of Electrical Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology, 3000 Helsinki, FI-02015 TKK, Finland

This paper focuses on the modeling and prediction of core losses in nonoriented magnetic materials of electrical machines. The aim
is to investigate the accuracy, efficiency, and stability of certain models, including the commonly used and the advanced ones, and to
discuss their advantages and disadvantages when they are implemented in the finite-element method (FEM). It is shown in the paper that
the traditional technique based on the loss separation theory can efficiently produce reasonable results in specific operation conditions
but can, on the other hand, over- or underestimate the core losses in other circumstances. The advanced model based on solving the
one-dimensional (1-D) Maxwell equations can give accurate results for the prediction of core losses in a lamination strip, but its accuracy,
stability, and computational burden are put under scrutiny when it is applied to the prediction of core losses in an electrical machine. A
third technique, referred to as the hybrid model, which captures the advantages of the traditional and advanced techniques and merges
them into one, has been found to be the best compromise. The principal aim of the hybrid model is to avoid the numerical procedure of
the 1-D Maxwell equations while maintaining relatively accurate predictions with a reasonable computational burden. A comparative
investigation has been conducted for the three core-loss models that have been incorporated into the 2-D FEM analysis of a 37-kW
induction motor on which experiments were carried out for comparisons.
Index TermsCore loss, dynamic hysteresis, eddy currents, excess loss, finite-element method (FEM), harmonics, rotating electrical
machines, soft magnetic materials, time-stepping.

I. INTRODUCTION but also will ensure the accuracy of the modeled overall perfor-
mance of the electrical device. The latter feature seems to be
unimportant when dealing with an electrical steel sheet alone
HE characteristics of magnetic materials are important
T to the performance and efficiency of electrical devices.
Nonoriented materials are utilized in electrical machine cores
where one is mainly interested in the core loss. In electrical ma-
chine applications, however, the shape of the loops determine
the shape of the current waveforms, and hence, they are impor-
to direct and maximize the magnetic field that acts as a medium tant for the evaluation of the machine characteristics and other
in the energy conversion process. This utilization results in pro- electromagnetic losses.
ducing large torque or large machine output per unit machine Consequently, the accurate analysis of the core losses in elec-
volume. The magnetic field variation inside the magnetic mate- trical machines requires in-depth treatment of the magnetic field
rials causes energy loss dissipations in electrical machines, the and the ferromagnetic materials. The coupling of the magnetic
so-called iron losses or the core losses. The core losses are con- field solution obtained by the finite-element method (FEM) with
ceptually separated into three loss components, known as the the hysteresis models needs therefore to be performed rigor-
hysteresis, classical eddy-current, and excess losses [2]. ously [13]. The eddy currents in the laminations must be mod-
The magnetic flux patterns appearing in an electrical machine eled either, for example, by generalizing the hysteresis models
are complicated and, therefore, they hinder the development of or by reformulating the magnetic field equations [14], the excess
adequate methods for the prediction of core losses. In the ma- loss being included through the dynamization of the hysteresis
jority of cases, the complexity has been grossly reduced to the models.
use of simplistic techniques that are based upon postprocessing Although taking the magnetodynamic effects into account is
the magnetic field solution and separating the core losses ac- important for the analysis of electrical machines, incorporating
cordingly [1], [3][5]. These techniques are widely believed to the nonlinear models, including hysteresis, excess, and classical
provide reasonable results, but their limitations and imperfec- eddy-current models, into FEM is indeed very complicated and
tions in generally obtaining accurate results are commonly ac- can easily lead to divergence for the numerical analysis; partic-
knowledged [6][9]. ularly, when complex structures such as electrical machines are
Achieving high accuracy while the core losses are incorpo- applied. Therefore, one may have to compromise the accuracy
rated into the field solution requires the application of magne- for the sake of stability because these goals may conflict. For ex-
todynamic models that can track the magnetization behavior in ample, a highly accurate method for predicting core losses may
the magnetic materials under sinusoidal or distorted, unidirec- not be stable for certain problems. Tradeoffs between accuracy,
tional, or rotating flux conditions [10][12]. Following this path robustness, and speed are central issues in numerical analysis,
will not only guarantee the accuracy of the modeled core losses and here they receive careful consideration.
In this paper, three different techniques for the prediction of
Manuscript received August 26, 2008; revised October 14, 2008. Current core losses in electrical machines will be investigated. The prin-
version published February 11, 2009. Corresponding author: E. Dlala (e-mail: cipal purpose of the work is to evaluate the performances of the core-loss models when implemented in the FEM analysis
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at of electrical machines and discuss the advantages and disadvan-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2008.2009878 tages of each technique, where they fail and where they prevail.
0018-9464/$25.00 2009 IEEE

The developed methods are applied in a two-dimensional (2-D) 3) Compute the components of the field strength as
in-house FEM code, specialized for the design and analysis of
electrical machines. The FEM simulations and the analysis of
core losses are conducted on a 37-kW induction motor, and the
numerical results are validated experimentally.
CORE LOSSES The traditional approach (1), although widely considered
to be grossly simplistic, is the most popular technique applied
The history of the methods employed for the prediction of nowadays in research and commercial software of FEM pack-
core losses goes back to the famous formula introduced by ages. The impetus for the popularity of the postprocessing
Steinmetz in the early twentieth century [15]. Today, several methods is attributed mainly to the following reasons: 1) the
approaches are followed and, in this section, the most important magnetic field is not required to be solved using hysteresis
and common ones are discussed and analyzed. models, and hence, only a lossless single-valued magnetization
curve, which permits the stability and efficiency of the iterative
A. Traditional Technique procedure involved, is sufficient; 2) the identification problem
of the core-loss model is simple, leading to the determination
Traditionally, the core losses in electrical machines are calcu- only of three parameters; and 3) the accuracy of the calculated
lated by postprocessing the magnetic field solution using empir- total core losses integrated over the volume of the machine
ical equations or statistical laws [2], [3], [16], which have been is quite satisfactory in specific regimes of frequencies and
reinforced on several occasions [17][19]. Fiorillo and Novikov voltages.
made a generalization to the statistical loss theory of Bertotti However, the drawbacks of using the postprocessing methods
[2] in order to account for arbitrary (nonsinusoidal) flux den- outweigh the advantages and they are numerous too: 1) the sta-
sity waveforms [20]. The total power loss, , per unit volume tistical loss theory [2] and its various extensions [19] are suit-
dissipated in a ferromagnetic strip lamination, having thickness able only for low-frequency applications, because their deriva-
and conductivity and periodically magnetized with funda- tion is based on neglecting the skin effect [1]; 2) the effects of
mental frequency , can then be given as the sum of the hys- minor loops, which are important especially in the teeth cores
teresis, , classical eddy-current, , and excess, , losses and rotor surfaces, are not modeled properly by the postpro-
cessing methods; and 3) the incorporation of core losses into the
field solution is hindered by the use of a lossless single-valued
magnetization model so that the effects of core losses on the ma-
chine characteristics cannot be examined.

B. Advanced Technique
where is the amplitude of the th harmonic of the flux den- The aforementioned shortcomings of the postprocessing
sity waveforms obtained by the time-stepping FEM solution and methods have led researchers in the area to the use of advanced
is the total number of harmonics considered. If the field is methods that are able to model the core losses more adequately.
assumed to be 2-D, independent of the coordinate parallel to the For example, the study of certain phenomena such as hysteresis
shaft of the machine ( -direction), then represents the am- torque [13], [21] can be achieved only if appropriate mod-
plitude of the flux density as . The clas- eling of the vector hysteresis relation (hysteresis loop shapes
sical eddy-current term is derived from Maxwell equations including minor loops under alternating or rotating flux) is per-
assuming a uniform flux distribution in the -direction; hence, formed. Furthermore, cooling system designers, who nowadays
. The coefficients and can be identified require the distribution of the losses in the electrical machine
experimentally from Epstein frame, core ring, or single-sheet for thermal analysis, cannot rely heavily on oversimplified
tester measurements. The flux density is obtained by the 2-D approaches. More importantly, if one pursues a proper way
FEM using a single-valued magnetization curve in which the for reducing core losses, even the very small details must be
magnetic flux density and the magnetic field strength are adequately taken into account, or otherwise, the desired results
assumed to be collinear. Thus, the nonlinear relation is handled would not be achieved.
as follows. However, the eddy-current loss generated in the conducting
1) Compute the components of the flux density and steel creates a difficult problem to deal with [14]. Electrical ma-
at each time step from the 2-D FEM solution. chine cores are usually made of laminated materials in order to
2) Compute the magnitude of the flux density as minimize the eddy-current loss induced. The eddy-current loss
and the magnitude of the mag- in the lamination intrinsically creates a 3-D magnetodynamic
netic field strength from the single-valued relation as problem enforced by Maxwell equations

(2) (4)

The 3-D analysis is not commonly considered because of its will be discussed in more detail here. The technique, referred
high computation time, especially if hysteresis models are used. to here as the hybrid technique, captures the advantages of the
Therefore, if the edge effects are neglected, then (4) can be re- two aforementioned techniques and merges them into one: 1)
duced to the solution of two 1-D coupled penetration equations the simplicity and stability of the postprocessing formula (tra-
[14] ditional technique) and 2) the accuracy and generality of the
1-D magnetodynamic model with the hysteresis and eddy-cur-
rent effects taken into account (advanced technique.) The prin-
cipal aim of the hybrid technique is to omit the numerical proce-
(5) dure of the nonlinear penetration equations (1-D model) by de-
termining, using simple concepts, three magnetic field strength
Although these may appear as separate equations, they are components: a hysteresis component, , excess component,
strongly coupled through the vectorial hysteretic relationship , and classical eddy-current component, , which are re-
between and , and also through the boundary conditions sponsible for generating and calculating the core losses.
[22]. The Fiorillo-Novikov method [20] can be expressed in a rela-
When dealing with 2-D FEM problems, such as electrical ma- tively different way to calculate the power loss per unit volume
chines, the 1-D magnetodynamic model (5), which represents over a time period of the fundamental frequency as
the solution of two 1-D coupled penetration equations, has to
be coupled with the 2-D FEM formulations. Despite its reason-
able accuracy, the resulting 1-D-2-D advanced model increases
the computation time and is easily vulnerable to convergence
problems since it involves two iterative solutions of two cou-
pled nonlinear problems [23].
The inclusion of the hysteretic behavior in the eddy-current
problem is vital, not only for obtaining accurate results but also where . Equation (7) can be also applied to cal-
for validating the numerical model by experiments. The rota- culate the total energy loss as
tional core loss calls upon a vectorial hysteretic relationship that
must, to a certain extent, satisfy the material hysteretic behavior. (8)
Modeling vector hysteresis is not the main focus of this paper
and thus will not be dealt with thoroughly. Nevertheless, the and since , (8) becomes
Mayergoyz vector hysteresis model [24] will be applied to com-
plete the analysis of the core losses. The model idea is based on (9)
projecting the input data (magnetic field strength) in all feasible
directions, say , while using a scalar model that keeps its his- By comparing (9) with (8), the total applied field is determined
tory in each direction. The vector Mayergoyz model has been as
rather successful, except for its rotational loss property, which
will not be discussed here [25]. On the other hand, when the
model is used to deal with eddy currents, the vector model com-
plicates the iterative procedure and increases the computation (10)
time remarkably [25]; the 1-D model of the lamination, which
involves an iterative time-stepping procedure, has to be applied where the directional parameter is
in every direction, creating penetration equations to be solved controlled by the magnetic flux density, whether it is increasing
or decreasing.
The equivalence of the loss separation (9) and the field
strength separation (10) has been also shown in [1] and [27].
In this manner, the core losses are calculated by integrating
the loop areas that are created by the contributions of the mag-
.. netic field strength of each loss component. This systematic
.. procedure has transformed the postprocessing method (7) into
. another method (10), which has retained all the main advan-
tages of the postprocessing method and added several others
to them. In addition to its ability to incorporate the losses into
the field solution, (10) can be verified experimentally by using
These penetration equations are strongly coupled through the the instantaneous values of the and waveforms (loop
vector hysteresis model. shapes) and the integral of the core loss (loop area), unlike the
postprocessing method (7), which only uses the integral of the
C. Hybrid Technique
core loss.
A technique that has been recently proposed in [26] but has The first term of (10) is calculated by applying any suitable
not yet been tested in the FEM analysis of electrical machines static hysteresis model; the second term represents the excess

field through the time delay of the magnetic flux density be- where is the number of directions along and is a pa-
hind the magnetic field strength; the third term is the classical rameter needed for the identification. The projections of are
eddy-current field, which is analytically derived from Maxwell calculated as
equations assuming a uniform flux distribution over the sheet
where no dependency on the magnetization law is con-
sidered [1]. This particular assumption, which was originally (15)
made in order to avoid the numerical solution of the Maxwell
equations, directly implies that (10) can produce accurate re- where and . The
sults only if the skin effect is negligible. The flux density av-
polar angle specifies the direction of and the scalar function
erage is assumed to be independent of and, as a result, the
is served by (11).
classical eddy-current loss becomes independent of the material
The total power losses per unit volume are computed using
relation . To improve the predictions of (10), the classical
the Poynting vector theorem as
eddy-current field is forced to be implicitly dependent on the
magnetization law through the use of a scaling function

Furthermore, separating the alternating power loss from the total
power loss can be achieved as [29]
Experiments [26] show that the scaling function can be ap-
proximated by a second-order polynomial as

where is the angle lag between and . The rotational loss

component can be then computed as

where is a predefined saturation value of the magnetic flux

density. The scaling function can be further revised in order to
improve the accuracy of minor loops by letting the coefficient
be linearly dependent on the reversals of the flux densities which goes to zero under purely unidirectional (alternating)
field excitations.

The reversals of the flux density are tracked in time and III. FINITE-ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES
whenever changes sign, a new reversal occurs. The co-
efficients , , and can be estimated by fitting the The magnetic material models developed in Section II are es-
calculated dynamic loops to the experimental ones [26]. The sentially useless if they cannot be applied to the prediction of
value of can be assigned to be the same as . An optimal the behavior of magnetic materials in electrical devices. The ac-
choice of the coefficients in must ensure that the eddy-current curate solution of the magnetic field in a complicated geometry
field is nonlinearly dependent on , analogous to the real- such as a rotating electrical machine requires rigorous numerical
istic case endured by (5). treatment. The spatial discretization of the geometry is needed
Since the hybrid technique will be used for the prediction and here it is accomplished by the use of the 2-D FEM cou-
of core losses in rotating electrical machines, a vector hys- pled with the circuit equations of the supply circuit and the end
teresis model is developed to account for the rotational losses, windings [30]. In Section II, it was assumed that the flux density
including the hysteresis, classical eddy-current, and excess components, and , were known; they are not in reality and
rotational losses. The Mayergoyz model of vector hysteresis hence they need to be calculated by FEM at each time step .
can be applied in its inverted version to calculate the magnetic Then, the magnetic field strength components, and , are
field strength [13]. In this way, the magnetic flux density determined by the material model and entered back to the 2-D
is projected over several directions specified by an angle FEM.
to calculate the magnetic field strength using a scalar dynamic The coupling between the FEM and the material model is in-
model such as (11). The magnetic field strength is the vectorial tricate and receives considerable attention in the article. How-
sum of each contribution ever, the 2-D FEM will not be elaborated on as a whole. More
emphasis will be placed on the part concerning the magnetic
(14) laminated materials. Nevertheless, the complete overall system
of equations will be briefly presented.

A. FEM Approach
The constitutive nonlinear relation can be expressed by the
fixed-point method as follows:


where is a magnetization-like quantity and is the fixed-

point coefficient. Applying the fixed-point method (19) with
Maxwell equations results in the following formulation


where is the magnetic vector potential and is the electric

current density.
If a 2-D FEM approach is performed, applying the Galerkin
weighted-residual method over the entire solution region
(cross-section of the machine) and respecting the boundary
conditions, the following system of differential equations of
(free nodes) unknowns results from (20)


where is the assembly (coefficient) matrix and

is a matrix associated with the eddy currents considered
in the 2-D FEM analysis. The matrix is associated
with the source where is the number of phases. The column
is associated with the fixed-point formulation and
calculated as


In the core regions, there is no source applied and hence the Fig. 1. Flowchart illustrating the fixed-point iterative procedure carried out to
electric current density . In the regions of the filamentary deal with the nonlinearity in the laminated steel of the machine model at each
windings where the eddy-current problem is not considered in time-step n. At each iterate k , the nonlinear lamination model is used and the
iteration is checked against convergence. The lamination model is represented
the field solution, the conductivity is assigned to zero, hence by either the single-valued curve, the advanced model, or the hybrid model.

from the first iterative solution of the current time-step

It should be noted that in the 2-D FEM analysis, the laminated B. Iterative Procedure
steel is considered to be nonconductive as the eddy currents are
modeled by the magnetodynamic (advanced and hybrid) models The flux density components, and , calculated from
described in Section II. the solution of the system of (21) are used as the input of the
In the linear (air and copper) regions, is assigned to be lamination model. The lamination model shown in Fig. 1 may
equal to , hence . In the nonlinear (core) regions, be represented by one of the three models discussed earlier: the
is optimally calculated at each time-step, , using the locally single-valued model (2), the advanced model (5), and the hybrid
convergent method [28] model (11).
As the lamination model is nonlinear, the 2-D FEM model
will be nonlinear too. Therefore, the system of (21) is solved
(23) iteratively, as outlined in the flowchart of Fig. 1.
In the case where the advanced model is applied, the flux
where is a constant that is conveniently chosen to ensure fast density components, and , calculated by FEM will be re-
convergence so that the iteration is strictly attractive in some sponsible for setting the boundary conditions of the magnetody-
interval containing , which is the initial value that is known namic model, leading to the coupling of two nonlinear models

(1-D-2-D model.) Thus, in principle, two nested iteration loops

are needed. The first is the local iteration loop of the advanced
model and the second is the global iteration loop of the FEM
model. To circumvent this problem, the boundary conditions of
the advanced model may be kept fixed during iteration and thus
one will end up with two more efficient iteration procedures that
are not looped but rather made in series [23]. The other option
which appears to be more practical, and will be proven to be so,
is the use of the hybrid model, which has no requirement for an
iterative solution. In this way, using only one iteration loop is
needed, a simplification that is important for the efficiency of
the iterative procedure and for the stability of the time-stepping

C. Overall System of Equations

Rotating electrical machines are constructed of two principal Fig. 2. Predictions of the advanced model and the hybrid model of dynamic
hysteresis loops compared with the measurements obtained by applying average
parts: a stationary part, called the stator, and a rotating part, flux densities of a 500-Hz fundamental frequency.
called the rotor. Usually, the stator and the rotor are coupled
through the air-gap, and the FEM analysis must ensure that they
are all well modeled together. The motion of the rotor is mod- where is the average input power of the stator, is the av-
eled by changing the mesh in the air-gap. The circuit equations erage output power of the shaft, is the average resistive loss
of the stator and the rotor must be coupled with the 2-D FEM power, and is the average core loss power. The methods for
solution [30]. the determination and description of the powers , and
The complete overall system of equations of the rotating elec- can be found in [31]. The output power, , is computed
trical machine is solved iteratively using the fixed-point method using the principle of virtual work [32]. The term re-
and discretized in time using the Crank-Nicholson time-step- sponsible for storing and releasing the energy in the machine is
ping scheme as not apparent in (25) because the instantaneous powers are being
averaged over several periods of the supply frequency.

Practically, it is more convenient to measure and deal with the
core losses in a steel lamination than in a rotating electrical ma-
chine. The complicated geometry of an electrical machine and
the interdependent phenomena occurring in it make the identifi-
where the solutions , , and are, respectively, the nodal cation of the loss models a difficult task to carry out. Therefore,
values of the magnetic vector potential, the voltages of the rotor the steel laminations of the electrical machine to be studied are
circuit, and the currents of the stator phases. The matrices , usually provided by the manufacturer to verify the models. In
, , and are associated with the rotor and stator cir- this paper, the three different techniques discussed above are ap-
cuits and the end windings. The subscripts r and s refer to the plied in the prediction of core losses in a 400-V, 50-Hz, 4-pole,
rotor and stator, respectively. The source represents the line 37-kW squirrel-cage induction motor, which has been subjected
voltages over the stator windings where the matrix defines to a no-load experimental test made by a rigorous method (see
the type of connection. the Appendix). In general, the induction motor is regarded as
The system of (24) is sparse and here is efficiently solved a suitable application to test the accuracy and stability of the
using a direct method of sparse matrices. models. The induction motor represents a significantly difficult
problem for the time-stepping FEM analysis, mainly because of
the spacial high harmonics generated by the slotting of the stator
D. Power Balance and Core Losses
and the rotor (see a quarter of the cross-section of the motor in
The power balance test is a suitable method for checking the Fig. 3). When the openings of the rotor slots are closed, as the
errors that might have been made in the numerical implemen- case in the studied motor, they can further complicate the itera-
tations of the models, but it cannot be, by any means, used to tive procedure because the closed openings have to be saturated
check the accuracy of the models. in order for the machine to produce torque.
When the core losses are incorporated into the field solution, The core-loss models have been identified by experiments
their effect on the input power of the electrical machine must made on a soft magnetic steel lamination of a thickness
appear. The power balance of the electrical machine is applied mm and conductivity . The traditional tech-
to the average powers as follows: nique of the postprocessing formula (1), which uses a single-
valued magnetization curve for the magnetic field solution, has
(25) been identified using experimental data obtained by applying


Fig. 3. Distribution of the total core losses in a pole of the cross-section of the
studied 37-kW induction motor computed at 400 V by the 2-D FEM applying
the hybrid model. The core losses are quite evenly distributed in the stator while
densely concentrated at the rotor surface. Note that the copper losses in the slots
of the stator and rotor are not plotted; thus, they appear white in the graph. Fig. 4. No-load core losses of the induction motor as a function of the supply
voltage predicted by the 2-D FEM applying the traditional model, the advanced
model, the hybrid model, and compared with experimental data.

unidirectional flux excitations at 50 Hz [9], [31]. On the other

hand, the advanced model (6) and the hybrid model (11) have
been identified using experimental data obtained by a vertical voltage levels (lower flux densities) but showed remarkable dis-
yoke setup, applying unidirectional and rotational flux excita- crepancies at higher voltage levels (high flux densities.) The rea-
tions at various frequencies [25]. The scalar hysteresis function sons behind the discrepancies in the case of the postprocessing
needed for the two latter models was efficiently handled by the formula can be attributed to three possible factors: the inade-
history-independent static hysteresis model [25]. Fig. 2 shows quacy in calculating the effects of minor loops (resulted from the
the predictions of the advanced model and the hybrid model harmonics), the neglecting of the skin effect, and the inability
of dynamic hysteresis loops obtained by applying average flux of estimating the rotational losses properly. On the other hand,
densities of a 500-Hz fundamental frequency. The results of the the results of the FEM applying the advanced model (6) and the
two models correlate closely with the measured ones at both FEM applying the hybrid model (11) gave relatively accurate re-
lower and higher flux density levels. The values of the coeffi- sults over the whole range of supply voltages. The hybrid model,
cients identified for the scaling function (12) of the hybrid model however, showed a better correlation with the measurements.
were as follows: The advanced model slightly overestimated the measurements
, and . The number of direc- because it kept its boundary conditions constant during the iter-
tions used in the vector model was 8. More details on the ation of the 2-D FEM. More importantly, the advanced model
procedure for the identification of the models can be found in needs a smaller time-step in order for the model to deal better
[23], [26], and [25]. with the distortions of the flux densities and the strong coupling
After identifying the core-loss models, the models were in- between the 2-D FEM and the 1-D magnetodynamic model, a
tegrated into the time-stepping FEM analysis of electrical ma- requirement that does not apply to the hybrid model (see the flux
chines. The simulation of the 37-kW induction motor was con- density waveforms in Figs. 5 and 6).
ducted to determine the core losses in the steady state. There- The results of the power balance conducted at 400 V are
fore, for saving substantial computation time, the transient of shown in Table II. The relative error is calculated from the
the motor starting was bypassed by calculating the initial solu- computed powers as
tion of the steady state using a time-harmonic FEM [30]. Then,
the time-stepping FEM analysis was run over several periods of
the supply frequency, ensuring that the steady state was reached
(see Table I for the simulation conditions that have been fixed The highest error, 3.4%, which is not that significant, appears
for all cases.) in the calculations of the FEM applying the advanced model.
Fig. 4 shows the computed no-load core losses compared with It should be also noted that the influence of the core losses is
the experimental ones. The FEM applying the traditional post- apparent in the input power in the case of the advanced model
processing technique (1) gave relatively accurate results at lower and the hybrid model while not in the case of the postprocessing


Fig. 5. Dynamic hysteresis loops and waveforms of flux density and field
strength at a point in a tooth tip in the stator calculated by the 2-D FEM
applying the advanced model. The high harmonic content in the waveforms
can cause problems to the iterative procedure of the advanced model.

Fig. 7. No-load core losses of the induction motor as a function of the supply
voltage separated into hysteresis, classical, and excess losses by the traditional

postprocessing technique, however, produced larger hysteresis

losses and smaller classical eddy-current losses over the other
models. It is perceived that these differences are associated with
the inability of the postprocessing technique in taking the effects
of minor loops, rotational losses, and the skin effect properly
into account. The alternating and rotational losses have been
separated by the hybrid model as shown in Fig. 10.
Finally, the core-loss models are compared in terms of speed
and computation time. Table III shows comparative results of
Fig. 6. Dynamic hysteresis loops and waveforms of flux density and field the average number of iterates per time-step, the average CPU-
strength at a point in the surface of a rotor tooth calculated by the 2-D FEM time spent on a time-step, and the CPU-time spent on a period
applying the advanced model. The high harmonic content in the waveforms
is quite severe at the rotor surface and is the main problem to the iterative
of simulation. The traditional technique and the hybrid tech-
procedure of the advanced model. nique had a similar convergence speed, whereas the latter spent
more computation time on modeling hysteresis as the former
only uses a single-valued magnetization curve. The advanced
model, because the latter did not incorporate the core losses into model, however, was noticeably slow both in terms of the con-
the magnetic field solution. vergence speed and the computation time it entails. The problem
The distribution of the total core losses in the cross-section of that significantly affected the speed of the advanced mode was
the studied induction motor in the case of the 2-D FEM applying the nonlinear eddy-current problem.
the hybrid model is shown in Fig. 3. The core losses are quite
evenly distributed in the stator while densely concentrated in V. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
the rotor surface. The computed total core losses as a function This article has discussed the applicability, accuracy, and ef-
of the supply voltage separated into hysteresis, classical, and ficiency of three different core-loss models that have been im-
excess losses by the presented models are shown in Figs. 79. It plemented in the FEM analysis of core losses in electrical ma-
can be seen that the advanced model and the hybrid model gave chines. These models may be classified under two main cate-
once again correlated distributions of the losses over the whole gories: postprocessing techniques and techniques that incorpo-
range of voltages, a notable result that confirms the adequacy rate the losses into the magnetic field solution. The first cate-
of the hybrid model in modeling core losses. The traditional gory, referred to in this paper as the traditional technique, deter-

Fig. 8. No-load core losses of the induction motor as a function of the supply Fig. 10. No-load core losses of the induction motor as a function of the supply
voltage separated into hysteresis, classical, and excess losses by the advanced voltage separated into alternating and rotational losses by the hybrid model.


mainly attributed to their simplicity and stability, which are a

crucial factor for the success and popularity of the core-loss
model. An accurate model that is not robust may be applied
only to certain problems or may be useful only for academic
studies in which these problems are often solved manually. For
Fig. 9. No-load core losses of the induction motor as a function of the supply instance, the eddy current in the laminations of the rotor, in par-
voltage separated into hysteresis, classical, and excess losses by the hybrid
model. ticular, can easily lead to significant problems in the time-step-
ping scheme and the iterative procedure involved. The proposed
hybrid model was found to be relatively accurate and consis-
mines the core losses by postprocessing the magnetic field so- tently stable and efficient.
lution obtained by the FEM analysis. The second, referred to as The solution of the eddy-current problem has proven to be
the advanced technique, determines the core losses by modeling difficult, requiring careful treatment, especially in electrical ma-
the magnetization curves and hence the ensuing core losses. chines where the problem becomes more complicated because
The proposed hybrid model, which goes under the second cat- of the strong coupling between the 2-D magnetic field solu-
egory, performs the same task as the advanced modelmod- tion and the eddy-current field solution. The idea of tackling the
eling the loop shapesbut in a much simpler manner. By using problem by using a simplified (hybrid) model, which is more
the hybrid model, it has been shown that modeling the magne- stable and efficient, has considerably alleviated the overall iter-
todynamic vector hysteresis behavior is feasible, even in com- ative procedure. The hybrid model is not only efficient from a
plicated cases such as induction machines, making the idea of computational viewpoint but also stable and adequate for mod-
using the concept of modeling the dynamic loop shapes fruitful eling the eddy currents in a rotating electrical machine, where
in producing accurate estimates of the core losses. The hys- the flux is usually highly distorted.
teresis, classical eddy-current, and excess losses, known as the
magnetodynamic effects, are determined accordingly. APPENDIX
The methods that are commonly used for computing core The core losses of the induction motor was measured at no
losses in electrical machines are based upon simple techniques load with various voltage levels. The core losses were segre-
that exploit the field solution as a posteriori, using statistical gated from the electromagnetic losses and mechanical losses
laws or empirical equations. Despite their imperfections and using a rigorous method referred to as the synchronous test. The
inaccuracies, the common tendency to use such techniques is method of the measurement was based on the same principle

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