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Plaintext: The information in its original form. This is also known as clear text.

Cipher text: The information after it has been obfuscated by the encryption algorithm.

Encryption: The process of changing the plaintext into cipher text.

Decryption: The process of changing the cipher text into plaintext.

Cryptography: The art of concealing information using encryption.

Cryptographer: An individual who practices cryptography.

Cryptanalysis: The art of analyzing cryptographic algorithms for identifying the weaknesses.

Cryptanalyst: An individual who uses cryptanalysis to identify the weaknesses in cryptographic algorithms.

Encryption Algorithm: An algorithm defines how data is transformed when original plaintext data scrambled to
cipher text. Both the data sender and the recipient must know the algorithm used for data transformation. The
recipient should use the same algorithm to decrypt the cipher text back into the original plaintext data.

Encryption Key: A key is secret value, which is used as an input to the algorithm along with the plaintext data
when plaintext is converted to cipher text. The same secret key should be used to decrypt the cipher text back into
plaintext data.

Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric encryption is the process of converting readable data unreadable format and converting it back to
readable format using same key. Symmetric encryption algorithms use the same key for encryption and decryption.
Symmetric Encryption Algorithms are :
DES,DESX,TripleDES,3DES,RC2,RC5,RC4,AES,IDEA,Blowfish,CAST,Block Cipher, Streaming Cipher
Data Encryption Standard (DES): An encryption algorithm that encrypts data with a 56-bit, randomly generated
symmetric key and 8 bit for error correction as empty bits . Uses the block cipher (64 bit) algorithm. Block cipher
is algorithm operate on fixed length of group of bit of bits.

Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES):

Keying option 1
All three keys are independent.
Keying option 2
K1 and K2 are independent, and K3 = K1.
Keying option 3
All three keys are identical, i.e. K1 = K2 = K3.
Keying option 1 is the strongest, with 3 56 = 168 independent key bits.
Keying option 2 provides less security, with 2 56 = 112 key bits. This option is stronger than simply DES encrypting
twice, e.g. with K1 and K2, because it protects against meet-in-the-middle attacks.
Keying option 3 is equivalent to DES, with only 56 key bits. It provides backward compatibility with DES, because the
first and second DES operations cancel out. It is not recommended.

Cipher block is the splitting of pane text in particular size of blocks.

Algorithm Block size Key size

DES 64 bit 56 bit
3DES 64 bit 56 (k1=k2=k3);112(k1=k3);168;
AES 128 bit 128 ; 192 ;256
IDES 64 bit 128 bits
BLOWFISH 64 bit 32 to 448 bits
CAST 64 bit 40 to 128 bits

Asymmetric Encryption

Public key cryptography, or asymmetric cryptography, is any cryptographic system that uses pairs of keys:
public keys which may be disseminated widely, and private keys which are known only to the owner.

1. Diffie-Hellman key agreement algorithm

2. Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)
3. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
4. El Gamal
5. Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)

Public Key cryptography:

Alice sending to bob
Encrypt the plaintext with Bob's public key (PubB)
Calculate the hash sum of the plaintext and encrypt it with her own private key (PrivA)
Combine the cipher text and the encrypted hash sum in a message and send it to Bob.

Bob receiving from Alice

Decrypt the cipher text with his own private key (PrivB)
Decrypt the hash sum with Alice's public key (PubA)
Calculate the hash sum of the plaintext and compare it with the decrypted hash sum
Digital Certificate:
The data structure used to transport and validate keys is called a digital certificate.

Certificate Authority (CA) :

Certificate Authority (CA) is a trusted entity that issues Digital Certificates and public-private key pairs.
Internal Certificate Authority (CA)
External Certification Authority (CA)

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