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Task Instructions Task

1 Draw the letter M at the top left intersection. 1.1


2 Draw the letter W at the bottom left intersection. 2.1


3 Draw the letter W at the bottom right intersection. 3.1


4 Draw an arc from the right side of the M to the top right intersection.
Draw an arc from the top right intersection to the right side of the bottom W on the
5 right side.

6 Draw an upside down arc between the two bottom Ws. 6.1
7 Draw the letter O in the center of the center left box. 7.1
Draw an upside down arc from the bottom left of the letter M to the tangent of the
8 letter O. 8.1

9 Draw an arc from the top of the left W to the tangent of the letter O. 9.1
10 Draw a small arc for the mouth. 10.1
11 Draw a small arc for the pig's left eye. 11.1

12 Draw a cursive lowercase letter e near the top of the arc on the right.
13 Draw two dots in the middle of the O for the pig's nose. 13.1
The bottom center of the M should touch the intersection of
the grid.
The M should be approximately 2 cm tall.
The top center of the W should touch the intersection of the
The W should be approximately 2 cm tall.
The top center of the W should touch the intersection of the
The W should be approximately 2 cm tall.

The arc should go from the right side of the left W to the left
side of the right W.
The O should be approximately 1 cm wide.

The arc should touch the top of the letter O.

The arc should touch the bottom of the letter O.

The arc should be halfway between the W and the O.
The arc should be approximately 1 cm long.
The pig must be happy.
The arc should be halfway between the M and the O.
The arc should be approximately 1 cm long.
The arc should be oriented like a smiley face, and at a negative
45-degree angle.

The dots should be on the same horizontal line.

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