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Final Project

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

to Obtain Sarjana Sastra Degree in College of Languages

Shofiyul Izza




A Final Project on English Literature



Prepared and Presented by

Shofiyul Izza

Approved by:

Didik Murwantono, S. S., M. Hum Semarang, 11 October 2012

First Advisor

Afina Murtiningrum, S. S., M. M., M. A Semarang, 11 October 2012

Second Advisor


A Final Project on English Literature



Prepared and Presented by

Shofiyul Izza

Defended before the Board of Examiners

On October 2012
And Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners

Chairman : Didik Murwantono, S.S., M.Hum

Secretary : Afina Murtiningrum, S.S., M.M., M.A

Member : Prof. Dr. Warsono, M.A.

Semarang, 11 October 2012

College of Languages UNISSULA


Drs. Widiyanto, M. Si., Ph. D.


Hereby, I honestly declare that the final project I wrote does not contain the works

or part of works of other people, except those which were cited in the quotation

and the references, as a scientific paper should. If my statement is not valid in the

future, I absolutely agree to accept an academic sanction in the form of revocation

of my paper and my degree obtained from that paper.

Semarang, 25 September 2012

Shofiyul Izza


In life, Allah doesnt give me the people I want:

Instead He gives me the people I needto teach me,

to hurt me and to make me exactly the way I should be.

Allah is my silent partner:

Who has created, Who guides meWho feeds and gives me drink

Who cures meWho will cause me to die and then will bring me to life

(again)And Who, I hope will forgive me for my faults on the Day of

Recompense, (the Day of Resurrection) [Ash-Shuar: 78-82].

Diversity is Blessings

Fabiayyi aalaa i robbikumaa tukadzdzibaan

Then which of the blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men)

deny? [Ar-Rahman}.


This Final Project is dedicated to:

My beloved parents Muntiah & Ahmad Rodhi, my seven brothers & sisters and one
half-sister, my brothers & sisters in-law, my five nieces and nine nephews.
Every prayer of yours is the strength which leads my efforts and becomes blessing for
my life, I love you so much
My dearest heart Ali Murtando, SE
Because you love me I can open up my eyes to the much brighter future. With you
and your love, I have found new joys that were not mine before; new stars have
lightened up my sky with glories growing more and more. Because you love me I may
learn the highest endeavors to Jannah
My advisors Pak Didik thanks for the topic decided to me, and Miz Fina thousand
thanks are addressed for your time and patience that given to me. My beloved
lecturers Miss Muna, Miss Dezta, Miss Nani, Miss Rina, Pak Haris, Pak Muhid,
Pak Lilik and Mr. Glenn: thanks for the encouragements. Pak Har, thank you for all
teaching opportunities. Prof. Warsono, my first examiner thanks for the advice.
My teachers of life: Pak Jafar and the big family of Bu Marni and Pak Kirman.
Staff Collasula: Mr. Ridwan, Mas Heru, Mas Catur, Mbak Tita, Pak Rohan, Pak
Fauzi and Mas Imam thanks for giving the best-service and joyful time, keep crazy
and happy ^_^
Institutions: LPDU, PTDI Unisa, Cilad UPT Bahasa.
SAEC, your companion is really meaningful especially the first time you all came to
my house, supporting for my second chance of life.
Keep moving guys! No regret! No surrender! ^_^
My dear friends: icha, mimi n the geng, ayis, bang ashar, jenk jumy, dek piti, nenek
zidnil, mbah popo, oma tiwi, jenkElin, ita, nay, cimel, my classmates and all names
that I can not mention one by one. Thanks for the friendship and companion
Literature students.
Life and Death of mine.


In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Alhamdulillah, this study is finally finished. Peace Be Upon

Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wassalam who always gives the best

grace and guidance. The writer realizes that she could not have finished

this final project without any help from many parties. Therefore, in this

opportunity, the writer would like to say thanks to the following:

1. Prof. DR. Laode M. Kamaluddin, M.Sc., M.Eng. as the Rector of

Sultan Agung Islamic University.

2. Drs. Widiyanto, M.Si., Ph.D. as the Dean of College of Languages

Sultan Agung Islamic University.

3. Mr. Didik Murwantono, S.S., M.Hum. as my major advisor, who has

guided and encouraged me to do the research.

4. Mrs. Afina Murtiningrum, S.S., M.M., M.A. as my second advisor and

examiner, who has been very patient in guiding me to finish this


5. Prof. Dr. Warsono, M.A. as my first examiner, who gives useful


6. My lovely parents, my dear brothers and sisters, my cute nephews and

nieces, who always hope and pray the best for me.

7. My beloved Ali Murtando, S.E., who loves and supports me.

8. My special friends icha, mimi n the geng, ayis, bang ashar, jenk

jumy, dek piti, nenek zidnil, mbah popo, oma tiwi, jenkElin, ita, nay,

cimel, and my classmates,

The writer realizes that this final project is far from perfection but

she does hope that this study can be useful for the readers and give benefit

to the people who like doing autobiography research and using historical


Semarang, 25 September 2012

The writer


COVER .............................................................................................. i

APPROVAL ....................................................................................... ii

VALIDATION ................................................................................... iii

STATEMENT ..................................................................................... iv

MOTTO............................................................................................... v

DEDICATION .................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................. xii

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRAKSI ....................................................................................... xiv


A. Background for Choosing the Subject ........................... 1

B. Scope of the Study ......................................................... 8

C. Problem Formulation ..................................................... 8

D. Objective of Study ......................................................... 8

E. Significance of Study ..................................................... 9

F. Presentation of Study ..................................................... 9


A. Synopsis .......................................................................... 11

1. Republican and Democrats......................................... 11

2. Values ......................................................................... 12

3. Constitution ............................................................... 13

4. Politics ........................................................................ 14

5. Opportunity ............................................................... 15

6. Faith ........................................................................... 16

7. Race ............................................................................ 17

8. The World beyond Our Borders ................................. 18

9. Family ........................................................................ 18

B. Related Theories ............................................................ 19

1. Multiculturalism in American Society ...................... 19

2. American Cultural Traits ........................................... 21

Self-Made Man ................................................... 22

CompetitiveHard Work .................................. 23

3. American Dreams (Rags to the Riches) ..................... 25

C. Autobiography Literary Criticism .................................. 27


A. Object of the Study ......................................................... 31

B. Types of the Data ........................................................... 31

C. Data Collecting Method ................................................. 32


A. The Audacity of Hope in American Dreams

Among Multiculturalism Society ................................... 34

A.1. An Audacity of Hope in Achieving Dreams ........... 34

A.2. Outstanding Obamas Biography

toward American Dreams ...................................... 37

A.3. Historical Approach

toward The Audacity of Hope ............................... 47

B. Reveal The Audacity of Hope as Thoughts on Reclaiming

The American Dreams ................................................... 53

B.1. Values ..................................................................... 53

B.2. Opportunity ............................................................ 59

B.3. Faith ........................................................................ 65

B.4. Race ........................................................................ 73


A. Conclusions ...................................................................... 78

B. Suggestions ....................................................................... 79


Figure 1 ........................................................................................................... 3

Figure 2 ............................................................................................................ 10

Figure 3 ............................................................................................................ 22

Figure 4 ........................................................................................................... 25

Figure 5 ........................................................................................................... 38

Figure 6 ............................................................................................................ 38

Figure 7 ........................................................................................................... 41

Figure 8 ........................................................................................................... 42

Figure 9 ............................................................................................................ 43

Figure 10 .......................................................................................................... 57

Figure 11 .......................................................................................................... 68

Figure 12 .......................................................................................................... 69

Figure 13 .......................................................................................................... 71

Figure 14 .......................................................................................................... 72

Figure 15 .......................................................................................................... 72

Figure 16 ......................................................................................................... 74




Shofiyul Izza

This final project discusses and analyzes Barrack Hussein Obamas

biography The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
and American dreams: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. This study is
aimed to prove the existence of the correlation among Obamas biography mainly
in chapter II (Values), V (Opportunity), VI (Faith) and chapter VII (Race), with
American dreams in multiculturalism society. This academic writing centers on
why and how those chapters reflect the American dreams which are able to
accommodate all diversitiesrace, ethnic, culture and gender. The Audacity of
Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream that becomes the object of
this study is analyzed descriptively with historical approach and supported by the
data from books, articles and siteswhich are allowed in academic writing, and
talk show with members of The United States Embassy. The result of this final
project shows that the second Obamas biography, the first colored man who
becomes the U.S. President, has a connection to the American dreams: Life,
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It is like the philosophy of American Statue,
Liberty, which means everyone has a full right to live in American land. The
freedom is also involved in American amendment. From the result, it can be
concluded that to get the freedom itself, people in America must possess
American traits: Individualism, Self-Made Man, Competitive and Work Hard. It is
also concluded that Obamas writing is one of proofs the diversities in America
race, ethnic, culture and gender from immigrants around the worldare not the
obstacles to reach the true American dreams. Besides, this final project sums up
that dreams will always be able to achieve as the dreams are endeavored by
revering historical values. Meanwhile, biography and/or autobiography can be one
of unique, smart, intellectual and professional ways to introduce person including
the thoughts.

Keywords: American Dreams, Values, American Cultural Traits.




Shofiyul Izza

Skripsi ini membahas dan menganalisis tentang biografi Barrack Hussein

Obama The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream
dan impian Amerika: Hidup (Life), Kebebasan (Liberty) dan Pengejaran
Kesenangan (the Pursuit of Happiness). Studi ini ditujukan guna membuktikan
adanya korelasi antara kandungan tulisan Presiden ke-44 Amerika Serikat
tersebut, terutama bab II (Values), V (Opportunity), VI (Faith) dan VII (Race),
dengan impian-impian Amerika di tengah kondisi masyarakat Amerika yang
multikultural. Adapun permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah
mengenai mengapa dan bagaimana bab-bab dalam biografi Presiden Amerika
berkulit warna pertama itu merefleksi impian-impian Amerika yang mampu
mencakup semua perbedaan yang adaras, etnik, budaya dan gender. The
Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream yang
merupakan objek studi, dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan
pendekatan sejarah serta didukung dengan data-data dari buku, artikel, sumber
internetyang diperbolehkan dalam penulisan akademik, dan talk show dengan
pihak kedutaan Amerika. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biografi ke-2
Obama tersebut memiliki hubungan erat dengan impian-impian Amerika: Hidup
(Life), Kebebasan (Liberty) dan Pengejaran Kesenangan (the Pursuit of
Happiness). Hal ini sesuai dengan filosofi simbol patung Liberti tentang
kebebasan dan sesuai dengan apa yang tertera dalam amandemen Konstitusi
Amerika Serikat bahwa rakyat Amerika memiliki hak penuh dalam hidup di
negaranya. Sementara untuk mendapat hak penuh itu sendiri, warga Amerika
harus memiliki karakteristik kebudayaan Amerika: individual (Self-Made Man)
dan bekerja keras (Competitive-Work Hard). Dari hasil studi, dapat disimpulkan
bahwa tulisan Obama tengah menjadi salah satu bukti perbedaan yang ada di
Amerikaras, etnik, budaya dan gender yang berasal dari berbagai imigran di
seluruh Negaratidak menjadikan halangan untuk meraih impian-impian sejati
Amerika Serikat. Selain itu, dapat juga disimpulkan bahwa impian-impian akan
selalu terwujud ketika impian tersebut diupayakan dengan tetap menjunjung tinggi
nilai-nilai luhur sejarah. Sementara biografi dan/atau pun autobiografi bisa
dijadikan salah satu cara orang memperkenalkan diri beserta pemikiran-
pemikirannya dengan unik, cerdas dan professional.

Kata kunci: Impian Amerika (American Dreams), Nilai-nilai (Values),

Karakteristik Kebudayaan Amerika (American Cultural Traits).



A. Background For Choosing The Subject

Most people in the world sometimes feel bored with their daily lives

and look for another place which is promising to give them prosperity and

satisfaction. Some of them visit countries such as Saudi Arabia, Thailand,

Japan, etc, to flip up. As a super power country, America is the most

wanted country to go. America which is known as the United States has

promising characteristics for those who are trying fortune and freedom. In

many aspects like education, social and even politic, this country becomes

the reference. Therefore, people the whole world are dreaming and

expecting to make their lives better there, and it creates multiculturalism

because every immigrant brings his or her own culture and influences the

environment. The history of immigration in America started in the 15th

until in the middle of the19th century makes this country as one of the

greatest countries in the world and it has many disparities background

such as cultures, religions and ethnics. During the progress of America

from agrarian society into urbanized one, those immigrants from the entire

world bring the diversities. The diversity itself also came up because there

were some phases of this country in achieving a label as an independent

and a modern nation. This condition creates America as a multicultural

country, even it is the largest multicultural country in the world today.


The term multiculturalism emerged in the 1960s in Anglophone

countries in relation to the cultural needs of non-European migrants. It

now means the political accommodation by the state and/or a dominant

group of all minority cultures defined first and foremost by reference to

race or ethnicity; and more controversially, by reference to nationality,

aboriginality, or religion, the latter being groups that tend to make larger

claims and so tend to resist having their claims reduced to those of

immigrants (

As we know that the first immigrants in America were European;

Spanish and French. While in 1607, English found their first settlement in

Virginia colony and pursued around 20.000 puritans arrived in Plymouth,

Massachusetts. Immigrants from West Africa came to America in colonial

era by being black slaves, then in the middle of 1800s Asian started to

migrate and live there. The last was in the middle of 19th century, Irish

and German immigrants went to America. Those people had colored

American land with their cultures and purposes. In the colonial era which

was more secular and commercial, Puritans as religious group often

confronted the patron drinking ale in New England. Then the black

population was the first group which was treated as slaves. This gives an

assumption among them that theirs were better even the best and others

were bad and/or the worst. It is just like a descending disease then the

stereotype is set in American people, probably, till now. (An Outline of

American History: 1994, 110-127;


Picture 1
A devout Puritan elder confronts patrons drinking ale outside a tavern.
Tension between the strictly religious puritans, who first settled the
region, and the more secular and commercial population were
characteristic of the colonial era in New England (An Outline of
American History: 1994, 112).

Meanwhile, in (

Will Kymlicka (1995) coins the term multiculturalism as a body of

thought in political philosophy about the proper way to respond to cultural

and religious diversity.

Multiculturalism in America has wide effects. It not only brings

about a change of social side, but also makes the citizen enjoy equal rights

and liberty. It has a dominant theme in educational and intellectual layers.

This leads to the demand for rights from people of various communities

and backgrounds. Suppression of classes like gays, lesbians, and

downtrodden people also will get their rights.

The most prominent effect was felt in reformation of the educational

system. Oppressed classes, like the African-Americans were given equal

recognition in educational institutions. In business, trade and corporate


sectors, equal participation right was given to people from different

backgrounds (


On other hand, the case in multiculturalism which creates

discrimination even suppression among American society has become a

spirit for those who are underestimated and oppressed the way to manage

break down their condition, and they convey the audacity of hope to

achieve American dreams. As it is stated in An Outline of American

History (Martin Luther King Jr., 1963: 304): I have a dream that one day

on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former

slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

From the matter above, it is undeniable that American dreams

actually have readily existed since the United States of America had not

been an independent and modern nation. Further, in January 1776, a

political theorist and writer, Thomas Paine who had come to America from

England in 1774, published a 50-page pamphlet, Common Sense. Within

three months, 100.000 copies were sold. He presented the alternatives

continued submission to a tyrannical king and an outworn government, or

liberty and happiness as a self-sufficient, independent republic. At that

time, Common Sense helped to crystallize the desire for separation. (An

Outline of American History, 1994: 72-73).

What Thomas Paine did was a literary work because Common Sense

is included in a prose form. In ordinary prose, the aim is to communicate


ones thoughts and feelings (Subrahmaniam, K. et al, 6). Meanwhile,

another form of prose which is interesting to be discussed in English

Literature is an autobiography. As we know that many persons are tickle to

be known from their life story, whatever background of lives they have:

authors, musicians, politicians, and even a criminal who have repented can

make a curiosity to the public. Therefore, an autobiography is an

interesting thing in prose discussion and analysis.

Autobiography is a branch of biographical literature written in

subjective prose. It is always incomplete as it is the story of a person who

writes it him/herself. It is usually written at a later stage in life. The events

are recollected either in chronological sequence or at random, moving

back and forth in time. However, all autobiographies are not written when

the author is old (Subrahmaniam, K. et al, unit 28: 22).

In autobiography the writers or the autobiographers are given free

opportunity to share mainly their confession about personality life. As it is

said in a dictionary (Websters Collegiate Thesaurus, 63) that

autobiography is one of the synonyms of confession. Autobiography uses

the first pronoun I and sometimes we cannot find it as often as

biography form because it is written randomly. The autobiographers may

recall only a half of their childhoods story or even only write a piece of

events which occurred in their teenage.

Furthermore, autobiography appears when it is needed and created

when the object is starting to be famous or even he/she has just become the

current person to be talked about. The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on

Reclaiming The American Dream written by Barrack Hussein Obama has

a curiosity to be analyzed because the author, Barrack Hussein Obama,

was endeavoring to pass the stipulation of Presidential Election among

multiculturalism society. As a fresh politician, he needs to introduce

himself to the public, and then he wrote The Audacity of Hope. Obama as

the 44th president of America comes from colored race, but he can prove

what Martin Luther king Jr. dreamt of.

Barrack Hussein Obama or in Indonesia he was known as Barry

Soetoro is a unique person. He is the first African American who resides at

The White House as president and breaks down the racial tension. He

himself even stated that his family is mini United-Nations; as we know

that he was born and raised by diversity of nations, religions and beliefs.

His book, The Audacity of Hope which was released in October 17, 2006

is a reflection of American dreams because he discusses bravely about his

journey in involving himself as politician, a citizen, and a doer of being

racist among American society.

The Audacity of Hope is an unusual blend of autobiography and

policy analysis that veers far from the boilerplate, often ghostwritten

biographies that many politicians release in the years leading up to a major

campaign. In it, Obama recounts his unique childhood and the insight that

his racially mixed heritage and the experience of living in a number of

exotic locales instilled in him. He also discusses in great detail virtually


every major political issue facing the American electorate today, offering

his opinion and possible strategies for reform


In his prologue of this book which consists of nine chapters in 288

pages, as he has been in political office for almost ten years, Obama states

that wherever he went, he would get some version of the same two

questions: Whered you get that funny name?, and/or You seem like a

nice enough guy. Why do you want to go into something dirty and nasty

like politics? (2008: 3). Those questions did not make Obama down but

on the contrary, he keeps struggling for freedom, American dreams, that

everyone has rights in Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I maintain, however, that in todays America such prejudices

are far more loosely held than they once were-and hence are
subject to refutation. A black teenage boy walking down the
street may elicit a fear in a white couple, but if he turns out to
be their sons friend from school he may be invited over for
dinner. A black man may have trouble catching a cab late at
night, but if he is a capable software engineer Microsoft will
have no qualms about hiring him.
(The Audacity of Hope, 2008: 278)

From the background above, therefore this study would like to

analyze American Dreams as Reflected in Barrack Hussein Obamas

Biography The Audacity of Hope. This final project is made to fulfill

the requirement of the degree of S1 majoring in English Literature at

College of Languages of Sultan Agung Islamic University (UNISSULA).


B. Scope of the Study

This final project centers on the existence of American dreams in

multiculturalism society reflected in Barrack Hussein Obamas biography

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream,

mainly in chapter II (Values), V (Opportunity), VI (Faith), and chapter VII

(Race) of the book. Also, this study will point out the discussion about the

thoughts of that autobiography along the historical approach towards

American dreams: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

C. Problem Formulation

1. How does The Audacity of Hope reflect American dreams in a

multiculturalism society?

2. How are American dreams such as Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of

Happiness described in The Audacity of Hope?

D. Objective of Study

Based on the background for choosing the subject, the objectives of

this study can be stated as follows:

1. To explain how The Audacity of Hope reflects American dreams in a

multiculturalism society.

2. To describe how the American dreams are in The Audacity of Hope

along the historical approach towards American dreams: Life, Liberty,

and the Pursuit of Happiness.


E. Significance of Study

This final project is made to give benefits. First, the results of this

study is expected to be useful for students of College of Languages of

Sultan Agung Islamic University mainly Literature students, who are

attracted in American study and American history especially the American

dreams among multiculturalism society. It is also hoped that this study is

useful for those interested to do further research in autobiography. Second,

this final project can hopefully give some positive influences to the

readers, to be more optimistic in creating and achieving the dreams among


F. Presentation of the Study

This final project is divided into five chapters, excluding the

bibliography. The first chapter is the introduction which contains the

background for choosing the subject, limitation of the problem, problem

formulation, objective of the study, the significance of the study, and

presentation of the final project. The second chapter is the review of

literature which includes the synopsis of The Audacity of Hope as the

object of this final project, related theories including the explanation about

multicultural phenomenon in America, American traits and American

dreams seen from historical approach, and autobiographical literary

criticism. The third chapter is method of investigation; it deals with objects

of the study, type of data, method of collecting data, and method of


analyzing data. The fourth chapter is about discussion and the data

analysis to answer the problems of the research. The last chapter will

explain about conclusions and suggestions.

Picture 2
The Cover of Obamas second biography The Audacity of Hope:
Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, as the object of this study.
It is taken from (


A. Synopsis

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

was released in October 17, 2006, and has 288 pages is the second writing

(read: book) which Barrack Hussein Obama wrote. The first book is

Dreams from My Father. In creating this second book, according to

Obama is harder than the previous one. As it is stated in Obama in his

Own Words (2008: 37) about writing the books: .In another side,

writing The Audacity of Hope is at the same level as my daily job: try to

manage the matters that we face as a nation and give a private identity in

it (Amazon 20-second Interview, October 2006).

This autobiography captures nine chapters. Those chapters are

Republicans and Democrats, Values, Our Constitution, Politics,

Opportunity, Faith, Race, The World Beyond Our Borders, and Family.

The synopsis of those chapters is followed:

1. Republicans and Democrats

In this chapter, Obama alternates an account of the unusual

campaign that ultimately resulted in his election as the junior Illinois

senator with a discussion of the factors that have fostered an atmosphere of

severe partisan division in Washington. He notes that according to his own


observations, as well as the accounts offered by veteran lawmakers,

Congress was not always as intractably divided as it is today. Obama

contends that in the past, lawmakers were more willing to overlook their

differences in the service of compromise and the public good, and that

intra-party working relationships were more apt to be characterized by

decorum, collegiality, and genuine fellow-feeling. As such, Obama

disagrees with the conventional wisdom that Democrats need to develop a

more coherent stance against their Republican opponents. Rather, he

contends that the public has long grown weary of partisan rancor. In order

to begin winning back the trust and admiration of the American people,

Obama exhorts his Democratic colleagues to focus on a strategy of

reconciliation and cooperation with their Republican counterparts, while

remaining true to the core ideals of the party. (The Audacity of Hope,

2006: 17-52;


2. Values

Obama acknowledges that many Americans feel that politicians have

lost their moral compasses. However, while he makes no excuses for

blatant acts of ill will, bribery, or corruption, he contends that the political

system itself makes it very difficult for politicians to remain true to their

values. In this age of constant scrutiny and 24-hour news cycles, even the

smallest, most seemingly trivial action on the part of a politician can be


posted to the Internet and held up for criticism. Obama calls for a return to

a political sphere in which ideas, values, and action plans matter more

than, for example, type of mustard a candidate requests at a restaurant. He

contends that the Democrats recent loss of power in Congress and other

elected offices have left the party particularly vulnerable to these kinds of

issues. Obama claims that many Democrats have morphed into caricatures

of themselves, and that part of this charade has been the propagation of

even more divisiveness with the Republicans. He concludes that a

successful political system demands compromise and collaboration, and

that those factions that decry political compromise are too consumed with

strategy and minor victories to be truly interested in the overarching

benefit of the nation. (The Audacity of Hope, 2006: 53-84;


3. Constitution

As a scholar of constitutional law, Obama brings a unique

perspective to the recent debate surrounding the correct approach to

interpreting and applying the tenets of the Constitution. He frames his

discussion of the Constitution with an account of his first weeks as a

senator in Washington, during which time he became acquainted with

many of the old-guard lawmakers who, he found, displayed a reverence for

the Constitution that was often unmatched in their younger counterparts.


One particularly troubling manifestation of this irreverence was the debate

over the filibustering of President Bushs judicial nominees, which Obama

regarded as a low point in recent Congressional history. He positions

himself as a lawmaker who recognizes the historical significance of the

Constitution, but who feels it is a living document that must be applied

flexibly in order to remain relevant in an ever-changing world. (The

Audacity of Hope, 2006: 85-120;


4. Politics

In this chapter, Obama continues his discussion of the ways in which

the political process itself makes it difficult for politicians to remain true to

their values. He recounts his awkward early encounters with potential

donors, as well as the pitfalls associated with seeking out the endorsements

of special interest groups. Both of these groups often regard their support

as a guarantee that the candidate will unfailingly endorse their pet issues.

However, in order to increase the efficacy of the political process, Obama

asserts that political candidates should not vow their loyalty to any special

interest group. While he regards it as acceptable and perhaps even

inevitable that some general promises of support and ideological

compatibility are necessary to attain the funding and endorsement

necessary to mount a successful campaign, Obama contends that

politicians must instead pledge to carefully consider each issue and


propose bill as it arises, on an individual, case-by-case basis. He also

exhorts his colleagues to loosen their grip on the trappings of power in

order to foster the kind of dynamic, discursive government that best serves

the needs of the constituency. (The Audacity of Hope, 2006: 121-161;


5. Opportunity

Obama devotes this chapter to a discussion of the U.S. economy and

the way that its evolution over time has impacted the social, cultural, and

political climate in the country. The senators upward trajectory placed

him in a position to have access to some of the wealthiest individuals and

most successful companies in the world. Ironically, Obamas sense that the

countrys economic and educational systems are failing the poor,

oppressed, and marginalized are confirmed by his meetings with some of

the most prominent, wealthy, and innovative individuals and teams. He

sets forth a number of practical solutions for reforming the nations public

schools, including merit-based pay for teachers and alternative schooling

formats. Most significantly, Obama insists on school reform efforts that

have been proven, either through prior implementation or through

empirical research. He also recounts his decision to forego the

convenience of traveling by corporate jet and being rewarded for this

move by having the opportunity to reconnect firsthand with constituents.


(The Audacity of Hope, 2006: 162-230;


6. Faith

Delving back into the discussion about the polarity that has come to

characterize the American political sphere in recent years, Obama tackles

the issue of religious faith, focusing specifically on the origins and impact

of the Democratic Partys increasing discomfort with displays of religious

faith. According to Obama, as the GOP has become increasingly

associated with evangelical Christianity, Democrats have somewhat

automatically assumed the opposite position, and increasing numbers of

progressives seem willing to attack all reference to religion in

governmental contexts. Obama recounts his own journey from atheism to

faith, contending that the structure of religion has fortified and deepened

his moral convictions. Because of the high degree of religiosity reported in

polls of Americans, he contends that regaining a sense of ease with

religion is the only way that the Democrats will be able to connect with a

majority of the public. At the same time, Obama asserts the continued

importance of the separation of church and state, although he contends that

some of the recent instances of persecution of this principle, such as the

debate over the words under God in the Pledge of Allegiance, are

somewhat ridiculous. He concludes that faith could serve as a common

ground for future collaboration and cooperation between the two parties,

and that tolerance and respect for religious diversity is of paramount

importance. (The Audacity of Hope, 2006: 231-268;


7. Race

Obamas unique racial heritage; his mother was a white American,

while his father was Kenyan , and experience growing up in a number of

far-flung locales including the American Midwest, Hawaii, and Indonesia

have afforded him a unique vantage point in the continued discussion of

race in the United States. He is convinced that although great progress has

been made in the achievement of racial equality and the eradication of

institutionalized discrimination, the daily experiences of people of color

are still highly influenced by more subtle forms of prejudice. Some of this

prejudice, he contends, is not fundamentally race-based, but rather, is the

result of unfamiliarity and ignorance. In order to remove the vestiges of

the shameful legacy of racism that persist, Obama exhorts Americans to

respond to instances of racism with clear disapproval. At the same time, he

calls on people of color to give up the mantle of victimhood and

persecution that, he believes, limits their ability to reach their full

potential. (The Audacity of Hope, 2006: 267-319;


8. The World Beyond our Borders

Obama frames his discussion of international diplomacy, defense

strategy, and world affairs with an account of his own experience living

abroad in Indonesia, where he resided with his mother and Indonesian

stepfather for long stretches of his childhood. He contends that many

Americans are unjustifiably cut off from international affairs, having been

lulled into a sense of complacency and isolationism by decades in which

only the slow-moving brinksmanship of the superpowers engaged in the

Cold War was regarded as highly significant. Obama believes that the

United States defense budget and military strategy has not fully adapted

to the emerging state of world affairs. He proposes affording more

responsibility in international policing efforts to allies of America, and he

strongly asserts the need for multilateralism and cooperation in future

military efforts. Although Obama supported unilateral action in the wake

of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, he argues that the prosecution

of the Iraq war has been poorly handled. (The Audacity of Hope, 2006:



9. Family

In this chapter, Obama offers an autobiographical account of his own

family life, paired with a discussion of the unique challenges and obstacles

that face American families today. Due to changes in the affordability of


the accoutrements of middle-class life, many American families are forced

to have both parents working full-time outside of the home. This state of

affairs can be difficult for all family members, Obama notes, describing

his own familys struggles to maintain balance and assign responsibilities

fairly as he and his wife juggle personal and professional commitments.

Although he concedes that this situation is not ideal, Obama argues that

the Republicans who seek to impose a more traditional family structure are

not advancing a realistic solution. He abhors any attempt to legislate

personal morality and intimate life choices, while at the same time

recognizing that both supportive social policies and personal responsibility

are needed to allow children the unshakable foundation of stability and

structure that they need to thrive. (The Audacity of Hope, 2006: 383-415;


B. Related Theories

1. Multiculturalism in American Society

Multiculturalism is closely associated with identity politics, the

politics of difference, and the politics of recognition, all of which share

a commitment to revaluing disrespected identities and changing dominant

patterns of representation and communication that marginalize certain

groups (Young 1990; Taylor 1992, Gutmann 2003 cit.

Here, it is showed that one of the bad effects of multicultural society

is eliminating certain group which they consider as a low community even

the lowest race. Multiculturalism is also a matter of economic interests and

political power; it demands remedies to economic and political

disadvantages that people suffer as a result of their minority status.

Still borrowing statements from Stanford Encyclopedia of

Philosophy; Multiculturalists take for granted that it is culture and

cultural groups that are to be recognized and accommodated. Yet

multicultural claims include a wide range of claims involving religion,

language, ethnicity, nationality, and race. Culture is a notoriously

overbroad concept, and all of these categories have been subsumed by or

equated with the concept of culture (Song 2008 cit.

That phenomenon is ironic because color people are mostly the

victims of discriminating even oppressing community in racist tension.

This condition gives a limitation of freedom, therefore American people,

in colonial era, who like living in peace, kept dreaming to persuade the

happiness; liberty and life. Further, it is reflected in The Audacity of Hope

(2008: 395) Like most Americans, I consider decision about sex,

marriage, divorce, and childbearing to be highly personal-at the very core

of our system of individual liberty

Language and religion are at the heart of many claims for cultural

accommodation by immigrants. The key claim made by minority nations


is for self-government rights. Race has a more limited role in multicultural

discourse. Antiracism and multiculturalism are distinct but related ideas:

the former highlights victimization and resistance whereas the latter

highlights cultural life, cultural expression, achievements, and the like

(Blum 1992, 14 cit.

Obama really has audacity of hope like what Americans have mainly

in choosing religion, they dream to be free choosing their beliefs. As we

know that he was raised in cultures and religions diversity but he bravely

stated in a speech related to his religious view:

Im a Christian by a choice. My family didnt-frankly, they

werent folks who went to church every week. And my mother
was one of the most spiritual people I knew, but she didnt
raise me in the church. So I came to Christian faith later in
(President Barrack Obama, September 27, 2010)

This gives us a different new paradigm about multiculturalism that

actually multicultural condition can unite all dreams for better life. The

book entitled The Audacity of Hope is like bringing us to flashback the

dreams of American and it has figures out the American Dreams among

multiculturalism society.

2. American Cultural Traits

Character is one of basic things that make people understand about

something or someone. By knowing the character, we can learn how the

person or thing is. The United States of America which we recognize as a

super power country must have its own traits and values like Indonesia

that famous with its national slogan Unity in Diversity (Bhineka

Tunngal Ika), and its citizen who are friendly and kind. While with the

diversity of culture, ethnic and religion, America frees its citizen to have

equality of opportunity. Therefore, some values and traits are formed such

as Self-Made Man, Individualism, and Self-Reliant, Competitive and also

Hard Worker.

Self-Made Man Individualism Self-Reliant

Self-made Man is a prominent value in American life. In era of the

Gilded Age, this value was a spirit to pursue American dream. It is similar

to Individualism. Individualism in America has a meaning of

responsibility by your own-self (Nurwidyohening, W. et al, 290).

Picture 3
Picture of Benjamin Franklin

Some evidences which have proven Self-Made Man and/or

Individualism in America are a well-known literary work by Benjamin

Franklin. Wiwid Nurwidyohening et al (2012: 290) states that Benjamin


Franklins famous work of Autobiography gives American Motivation

bring about their dreams.

I have here, according to your Request, given you my present

Thoughts of the general State of Things in the Universe. Such
as they are, you have them, and are welcome to 'em; and if
they yield you any Pleasure or Satisfaction, I shall think my
Trouble sufficiently compensated. I know my Scheme will be
liable to many Objections from a less discerning Reader than
your self; but it is not design'd for those who can't understand
it. I need not give you any Caution to distinguish the
hypothetical Parts of the Argument from the conclusive: You
will easily perceive what I design for Demonstration, and what
for Probability only. The whole I leave entirely to you, and
shall value my self more or less on this account, in proportion
to your Esteem and Approbation.
(A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain

Ben Franklin is also known as one of Americans fathers. Being

Self-Made Man, Individualism and/or Self-Reliant need a dynamic action,

and it is very effective if such action is done since young age.

Competitive Hard Worker

Furthermore, still borrowing Nurwidyohening, W. et al (291)

material wealth becomes a value to American people. The phrase going

from rags to riches becomes a slogan for the great American dream. It

means, if someone wants to get material wealth they must work hard and

this condition creates a competitive trait among Americans. Those kinds of

traits and values are addressed to all people in America, wherever and

whatever they are, in achieving American dreams: Life, Liberty and the

Pursuit of Happiness.

In this case, another example who represents the American trait is

Frederick Douglas. As a black writer, he must be the doer of struggling for

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. His effort for freedom is seen

in his work Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. In the

autobiography of him (page 36-37), which had been a turning point for

setting him free from a slave showed:

Very soon after I went to live with Mr. and Mrs. Auld, she
very kindly commenced to teach me the A, B, C. After I had
learned this, she assisted me in learning to spell words of three
of four letters. Just at this point of my progress, Mr. Auld
found out what was going on, and at once forbade Mrs. Auld to
instruct me further, telling her, among other things, that it was
unlawful, as well as unsafe, to teach a slave to read. To use his
own words, further, he said, If you give a nigger an inch, he
will take an ell. A nigger should know nothing but to obey his
masterto do as he is told to do. Learning wouldspoilthe
best nigger in the world. Now, said he, if you teach that
nigger (speaking of myself) how to read, there would be no
keeping him. It would forever unfit him to be a slave. He
would at once become unmanageable, and of no value to his
master. As to himself, it could do him no good, but a great deal
of harm. It would make him discontented and unhappy. These
words sank deep into my heart, stirred up sentiments within
that lay slumbering, and called into existence an entirely new
train of thought. It was a new and special revelation,
explaining dark and mysterious things, with which my
youthful understanding had struggled in vain. I now
understood what had been to me a most perplexing difficulty
to wit, the white mans power to enslave the black man. It was
a grand achievement, and I prized it highly

After knowing such condition, Frederick Douglas kept struggling

and finally he was freed, enslaved, and now his work which is based on his

journey of life are inspiring Americans to get Life, Liberty and the Pursuit

of Happiness, American with competition and hard works.


Picture 4
Picture of Frederick Douglass (in An Outline of American History, 222).

3. American Dreams (Rags to the Riches)

It is like what Martin Luther King, Jr. conveyed, in An Outline of

American History (1836: 364), there is also a statement from President Bill

Clinton (1993): America, to endure, must changeChange to preserve

Americas ideals-life and liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Though we

march to the music of our time, our mission is timeless.

Talking about the pursuit of happiness, there is an American film

with the same title The Pursuit of Happiness which places Will Smith

and his own son as the main actors. The American film is about a real

story of a multimillionaire stockbroker in America, Christopher Gardner,

the owner of Christopher Gardner International Holdings. How his effort

as a black man who had invested all his money for buying Bone Density

Scanner, wanted to be rich person. He was left by his wife because of the

monetary crisis and his family felt to poverty. He decided to be single

parent and kept struggling to pursue the happiness, and as a payback of his

work, he is now having income USD 80.000/month and his company is the

biggest stock market in New York, Chicago and San Francisco.


This real story gives a brief description about American dreams.

Christopher wanted to pursue his happiness because the poverty had seized

his happiness. He wanted to get liberty of his poverty and live in a proper

life with his son. Christopher Gardner is one of success persons foremost

as black person who keep struggling to achieve the dreams. This also

shows that competition in America motivates the people to be successful.

Nurwidyohening, W. et al (2012: 291) say that competitive success is

commonly seen as the American alternative to social rank; the more

successful a person is the higher his social status is.

According to Black Americans of Achievement-Legacy Edition,

Muhammad Ali, Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. Du Bois, Martin Luther

King, Jr., Bob Marley, Condoleezza Rice, Booker T. Washington, Oprah

Winfrey, and still many black Americans, could hold on and achieved their

dreams, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Their difference can give a power to be out of the condition of being

underestimated and slaved. Their effort has created a phrase going from

the rags to riches. The difference that makes them to be discriminated

becomes a motivation to have the audacity of hope, living in very much

better in the future and it is conducted by Barrack Hussein Obama in his

second book; The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the


American Dream. Absolutely, Obama is one of black American who is

listed in Black Americans of Achievement-Legacy Edition (Wagner 2008).

C. Autobiography Literary Criticism

In defining autobiographical literary criticism, we are supposed to

know differently what autobiography and literary criticism are. We have

known that autobiography is somewhat similar to biography. It talks about

someones life story during their childhood till now. And of course the

autobiography is written when the author is still alive because the object in

this literary form is the writer itself. The autobiographers are free to talk

about their story and they have to consider whether they will make an

aggressive or a modest impression to the readers since the readers are

supposed to be sympathetic. As Subrahniam said in Understanding Prose

book that writers talk freely about themselves making frequent use of the

first person pronoun. The reader is expected to be sympathetic rather than

to sit on judgment (Unit 28: 22).

Furthermore, autobiography itself has two forms in literary works.

Informal and formal fall within this autobiography. In informal

autobiography, the literary works may or may not be intended for

publication (23). We can see the examples of this form in letters, diaries,

and journals. Actually, memoir can also be called as the informal

autobiography because The American Heritage Dictionary (1979: 89) says

that autobiography is the story of a persons life written by himself;


Meanwhile, formal autobiography attempts to reconstruct a life

through recollection. It is based on self experience of the autobiographers.

Religious and intellectual autobiographies are the types of autobiography.

Still borrowing Subrahmaniams thought:

Fictionalized the autobiographies like James Joyces

Portrait of an Artist as a young man (1916) transpose the
actual experiences of the author onto a fictional plane and
as such do not come under the category of non-fictional
prose (22) (Subrahmaniam, K., et al, unit 28: 23).

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

written by the 44th President of America is clearly included in formal form

of autobiography.

On the hand, related to literary criticism, Mathew Arnold, a

nineteenth-century literary critic, describes literary critics as A

disinterested endeavor to learn and propagate the best that is known and

thought in the world. Implicit in this definition is that literary criticism is

a disciplined activity that attempts to describe, study, analyze, justify,

interpret, and evaluate a work of art (Bressler 1999).

In (, compared to

some contemporary schools of literary theory, autobiographical criticism is

astonishingly straightforward-the terminology almost says it all (Freedman

et al 1993; Olson 1994; Simpson 1995; Veeser 1996a).

Thus, give an understanding that autobiographical literary criticism

here means an analyzing the autobiography as literary work by studying,


interpreting, justifying, describing and evaluating the autobiography itself

to reveal something hidden or something found by the reader.

Meanwhile, Stephen Brown (The Wind in the Wallows: Literary

Theory, Autobiographical Criticism and Subjective Personal Introspection)

in (, on the

contrary, it requires the critic to develop a revelatory account of their own,

often very personal, para-existential, sometimes deeply moving

experiences with works of literature. Autobiographical criticism, in other

words, doesnt so much concern the meaning of the text in itself as the text

for the critic, for the living, breathing, aspiring, desiring person behind the

words on the critical page (Autobiographical Criticism: Character and

Context: 25).

In this case, we know that Obama wrote his autobiography The

Audacity of Hope in 2006, before presidential election, and it tended to be

the way he campaigned himselfhis personal, professional, and his

intellectual. His biography does not only mean the way he introduced

himself for his election, more than this, because Barrack Hussein Obama is

a color man. What had happened to some previous Black menFrederick

Douglas, Booker T. Washington, Luther King Jr., should be warning for

Obama. He must inform to American citizen that every person has equal

right in the multiculturalism society, mainly in congress or governmental

desk, in the great land of America in achieving the dreams: Life, Liberty,

and the Pursuit of Happiness.


Dealing with achieving the delayed dreams from Obamas ancestors,

Kloppenberg in his introduction to Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope and

the American Political Tradition (2011: 16) conducts that Obamas

writings show his debts to earlier American traditions and demonstrate that

he has a deeper interest in, and a firmer grip on, Americas past than has

any president of the United States since Theodore Roosevelt and

Woodrow Wilson. Hence, this study is going to use historical approach to

examine the correlation among the autobiography of Obama, The Audacity

of Hope with the historical values.

Still borrowing Stephen Browns thoughts: By their very nature, of

course, such accounts, admissions, testimonies, exposes, reminiscences,

soul - baring, morality tales, textual acts, textual intercourse-call them

what you will-tend towards the unique, the disparate, the eclectic, the

idiographic. As a rule, however, works of autobiographical criticism

concentrate on how the critics engagement with a specific text, or texts,

helped shape their personal, professional, intellectual and, as often as not,

sexual identity, as well as the memories both happy and sad that inhere in

individual works for the essayist concerned (Autobiographical Criticism:

Character and Context: 25-26).

In this final project this study analyzes an autobiography written by

Barrack Hussein Obama The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming

the American Dream through autobiographical literary criticism with

historical and psychological approach.



This chapter deals with method of investigation. It presents of

procedures and research steps to solve the problems of the research. It is

consisting of four sub-chapters, which are object to the study, types of the

data, and procedures of collecting data that consist of reading the

autobiography, identifying, inventorying, classifying and reporting the


A. Object of the Study

The study of this final project is American Dreams in

Multiculturalism Society as Reflected on Barrack Hussein Obamas

Biography The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American

Dream. The autobiography is written by Barrack Hussein Obama, the first

African American who holds on The White House. It was released in

October 17, 2006, has 288 pages and nine chapters.

B. Types of the Data

The type of data in this study is qualitative data. The data are divided

into two:

1. Primary data which is taken from the autobiography The Audacity of

Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.


2. Secondary data which are taken from articles, supporting books and

sites related to the study, and talk show.

C. Data Collecting Method

In collecting data, this final project uses many steps, they are:

1. Reading the autobiography and books related to the Study

Because of the object of the study is written form, so the first step in

this final project is reading the autobiography entitled The Audacity of

Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. The primary data is

thoroughly read repeatedly to get comprehension and deep understanding

of the whole content of chapters mainly chapters that this study focuses

on. To analyze the part of the chapters, some references books are read to

make the chapters are understandable easily. Furthermore, to enrich the

comprehension and understanding of this study, a talk show with the

Embassy of the United States of America held by Cilad UPT Bahasa

Unissula on September 18, 2012 is also attended.

2. Identifying the data

After reading the autobiography and books related to the study, the

chapters are identified to find out the part of pointed chapters that are

going to be analyzed. The data which are identified can be in form of

narrative or indirect dialogues.


3. Technique of analyzing data

The last step is technique of analyzing data which consists of

analyzing and reporting the data. The selected data are analyzed with

descriptive analyzing, it is a sensory method by which the attributes of

product are identified and quantified, using panelist specifically trained for

this purpose. The complete analysis will be reported in chapter four as the

result of this study.


A. The Audacity of Hope in American Dreams Among Multiculturalism


In this chapter, this study is about to analyze the autobiography, The

Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming American Dreams, written by

Barrack Hussein Obama connected to American dreams: Life, Liberty and

the Pursuit of Happiness in multiculturalism society. This study will

explore the chapters of the autobiography which this study concerns

(Values, Opportunity, Faith, and Race). Those chapters are going to be

examined dealing with American dreams. Furthermore, this final project

also gives another view of seeing a bravery or audacity in achieving

dreams, and surely there is connection with the American dreams that have

been dreaming and hoping by all Americans. In analyzing, this study uses

historical approach. As we know that achieving dreams needs mental and

spirit, and there must be a connection to the history in the past time, here

this approach takes a role.

A.1. An Audacity of Hope in Achieving Dreams

Lately, many people like staying in the zone where they are now.

They do not want to take the risk by taking a chance or new opportunity in

life. If there is a person doing this, it is just a few of them. While a very

brief audacity of hope is actually needed in facing the life because life is


always changing and often getting hard. Moreover, when we are in a bad

condition (e.g. poverty, stupidity, illness, laziness, oppression and so forth)

we must change such situation because the condition will not move when

we keep stagnant. The first step in changing those is hope. It is also the

first change before taking action. Al-Quran (The Noble Quran in The

English Language, 1993: 277) says: That is so because Allah will never

change a grace which He has bestowed on a people until they change what

is in their own selves. And verily, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower. (Al-

Anfal, 10: 53).

What is more, an audacity of hope may bring the expectation in

hands. The future we are going to have is based on what we are hoping,

thinking and surviving. For that reason, we must dare to hope positive

things and think positively because those will influence our life. Assaraf

John in Byrne Rhonda states that our duty as a human being is keeping

what we hope, make the hope clear in our mind, as a result we start setting

up the greatest law of nature in the universe, and thus is law of relativity.

You will not only become what you are thinking but you will also get what

you are hoping most (The Secret, 2007: 9).

This being so, what Martin Luther King Jr. expected that I have a

dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and

the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the

table of brotherhood, is a dynamic hope staying in Black peoples mind.

Dealing with what Assaraf says (cit. Byrne Rhonda 2007), the Black

Americans have already made a hope that is liberty in managing happy

life, enslaved and getting equal right in the great land of America. They

have already made the hope clear in their mind. Accordingly, Barrack

Hussein Obama was elected as President of the United States on

November 4, 2008. He is the first African American President of America.

He breaks down the racial tension and the pessimistic of some Blacks or

Whites that often, even always see everything through diversities

background including racial minority.

Furthermore, hoping is like a prayer and every prayer has been going

to be answered by God. We should have a bravery to hope in achieving

our dreams. For example, when we are suffering from dangerous disorder,

the dream that should we have is being health. So, the first thing we must

do is hoping the health. We must keep thinking about a better life, liberty

from the illness and the pursuit of happiness for our future. We must be

brave in achieving the dreams because usually when we get dangerous

sickness, a death is haunted our mind. In the same matter, when Blacks

were oppressed by Whites, they must have woken up and set the dreams:

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The best way to make your

dreams come true is to wake up (Paul Valery, cit. Becoming a Money

Magnet, 2007: 33).

In other words, thinking is inviting. What does it mean? As we think

something whether it is good or bad, it has a meaning that basically we are

inviting the thing itself. That is why we are supposed to be positive


thinkers. Everything happens outside is the same as what in ourselves; in

mind and feeling (Patterson, B.P. 1899 cit. Quantum Ikhlas). Furthermore,

Shakespeare said: there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes

it, while Buddha states that objective world appears from the thinking

itself (Shakespeare; Buddha cit. Gunawan, Adi W., 2007: 49). Obama and

the elder leaders of color Americans have thought the American dreams:

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, year by year as they were


Talking about the power of thinking, in Power Healing Xiu Zang

Sha jots down some of his patients experiences, before having medical

treatment with him and after he does something to them, mainly ask them

to secure their selves by setting the mind. Just like meditation with

positive words to produce positive feeling and mind. Although all the

samples concern to recovery of health but it can be reflected to all aspects.

The 44th president of America always has positive thinking and

perspective. That is why he is successful in achieving what his ancestors

have been dreamt of so long. What he gets is absolutely followed up by

taking action, struggle and keep moving.

A.2. Outstanding Obamas Biography: The Audacity of Hope related to

American Dreams in a Multiculturalism Society
The second book of Barrack Obama, The Audacity of Hope:

Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, has a deep relation with the

American dreams in multiculturalism society. Why is it so? And why must


Obama? Those questions are probably crossing our mind when the

statement is read. Since The Audacity of Hope was launched in October 1st

six years ago, Obama reaped many critics and comments from almost all

people around the world, mainly in the United States of America. As we

know that Obama is a son of Stanley Ann Dunham, a white woman from

American heartland with roots in Ireland and of a father from the Luo

ethnic group in Kenya. He is black. And people consider this as a kind of

ways to campaign his candidacy of Presidential Election from Democratic

Party. However, this is a professional way of how an intellectual politician

introduces himself to the audiences, more progressive and humanist.

Picture 5 and 6
Obama with his biological mother and Father

Before we go on deeper, we should know that multiculturalism

society in America is a unique environment. We can imagine that people

around the world are coming to this land, to flip up, study or just to spend

holiday. They, especially who stay much longer and keep living there,

bring their own cultures, religions, ethnics, values, and surely those give

influence to America. It finally creates multiculturalism society.

Multiculturalism in America just likes Salad Bowl not Melting Pot.

Melting pot is a condition which the diversities are melted; the

characteristics of each culture are mixed and combined. The values have

been influenced and have no special taste like the original. Meanwhile,

Salad bowl is a condition that the cultures, ethnics, religions and so forth,

still have their taste of characteristics and the original smell is still exist. It

is similar to salad, the vegetables are mixed but the texture, taste,

characteristics of each vegetable is not changed. Although salad contains

many vegetables and sometimes is added with mayonnaise or other

ingredients, the taste is very delicious. That can describe how

multiculturalism society in America is.

America will be a very delicious salad bowl for its citizens as the

time goes by. It is like how America in Obamas perspective as a magic

country where millions of restless travelers from whole the world come.

They who still feel disappointed with life-still hope a better

future of their life-have traveled miles away and accept the
burdens and also challenges, to be in beaches of our father
land. (Welcoming Speech in the Graduation of Massachusetts
University, Boston, June 2nd 2006. Cit. Rogak Lisa: 2008).

Here, we can see that diversity will always color the great land of

America. It will not be a matter if we can understand each other. In The

Audacity of Hope, it is told in one session of Obamas agenda about

getting citizenship, Obama attended a naturalization workshop at St. Pius


Church in Pilsen, sponsored by Congressmen Union and several of the

immigrants that had visited his office. At that time he saw a thousand

people had lined up outside the church, including young families, elderly

couples, and women with strollers; inside, people sat silently in wooden

pew, clutched the small American flags that the organizers had passed out,

waited to be called by one of the volunteers who would help them manage

the start of what would be a years-long process to become citizens. At one

point, Obama was approached by a seven or eight Spain young girl,

namely Cristina. She was studying government in school and wanted to

take picture with him then showed it to her class. In this case Obama

reminded that America has nothing to fear from these newcomers, that

they have come here for the same reason that families came here 150 years

agoall those who fled Europes famines and wars and unyielding

hierarchies, all those who may not have had the right legal documents or

connections or unique skills to offer but who carried with them a hope for

better life (Obama Barrack, 2006: 318). Related to this, Obama continues:

.Their America will be more dizzying in its diversity, its

culture more polyglot. My daughters will learn Spanish and be
the better for it. Cristina will learn about Rosa Parks and
understand that the life of a black seamstress speaks to her

Talking about Rosa Parks, an African-American civil rights activist,

whom the U.S. Congress called the first lady of civil rights, she must be

an inspiration for Obama to reach dream like what Martin Luther King Jr.

said, like what president Harry S. Truman (1945) conducted: We must


build a new world. A far better worldone in which the eternal dignity of

man is respected. (Truman, Harry S. 1945 cit. An Outline of American

History, 1994: 280). Besides that, as the mother of the freedom

movement on December 1st 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Parks

refused to obey bus boycott that color people were not allowed to sit in

front, they had to give the front seats to white ones. Parks who had just

died in 2005 did not want segregation exist, everyone has their own right

in life. While Obama believes that: America is big enough to

accommodate all their dreams. (Obama Barrack, 2006: 319).

Picture 7
Rosa Parks sits in one of the front seats of city bus following the
successful boycott of the bus system in 1955-56 by black citizens of
Montgomery, Alabama. (An Outline of American History: 1994, 338).

From many sources we see that at the age six to ten, Obama attended

local school in Menteng, Jakarta-Indonesia, including Besuki Public

School and St. Francis of Assisi School. He continued his study in

Occidental college. He then gave his first public speech in 1981, for

calling Occidentals divestment from South Africa. After that, he

transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored


in political science with a specialty in international relation and graduated

with B.A. In 1983, he worked for a year at the Business International

Corporation then at the New York Public Interest Research Group.

After four years in New York City, Obama was hired as director of

Developing Communities Project (DPC), a church-based community

organization in Chicago. In 1985 till 1988, Obama also experienced

himself by joining Gamaliel Foundation as the consultant and instructor.

In the fall 1988, He entered Harvard law University. He was selected as an

editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year and president

of the journal in his second year. He graduated with a Juris Doctor (J.D.)

magna cum laude from Harvard in 1991. His position as the first black

president of the Harvard Law Review gained national media attention. As

a result, he then recalls his accounts by launching Dreams from My


Picture 8
Obama poses on the campus of Harvard Law School. Obamas tenure at
Harvard would mark the beginning of his career in the public eye. When
he became the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review, the New York
Times profiled him, and he was later commissioned to write his memoirs.
(Wagner, 2008: 51)

Obama with his unique life background and experiences is apt to

govern America. It is not merely based on those but his dedication,

intellectuality, integrity, policies and the way he communicate have stolen

peoples attention. As it is stated in Obama in His Own Words (2008: 13)

about his strength, he confidently stated: I probably always feel that in a

certain time I can convince people whom I invite to talk to (Time,

February 20th 2006 cit.). Besides, in New York Magazine October 2nd

2006, about what he wants to be a president looks like, he bravely

acknowledged: I want to be an astonish president. Then, I will worry

other cases. It is caused there are many halfway and bad presidents (cit.

Obama in His Own Words, 2008: 12). Obama is really confident and

optimist person but still humanist and friendly, those characteristics are

appropriate to be a leader of multiculturalism country.

Picture 9
Obama with his friends in Menteng-Jakarta, Indonesia.

Obamas characteristics are shaped since he was child. We can see

the story by reading Obama Anak Menteng, a novel written by Damien

Dematra (2010). Dematra involves accounts of Barrack Barry Obama


when he lived in Menteng-Indonesia. The novel is inspired by the story of

Obamas friends in Jakarta and can give description how Barry was.

Obama has been prepared to face the diversity since he was born and got

accustomed to solve the problems as he found it among his childhood. It

is, actually, not different from other color children but obviously, he has a

chance to have more unique challenged experiences in his life than others

and accordingly the result is amazing. Barry had been raised by his mother

to be intellectual, it is showed in his daily routines that he had to study; he

must allocate the time for learning at least reading. It is showed in

Dematras novel:

What are you doing?, Slamet was wondering and saw

Newsweek magazine in his hand. This belongs to my Mom,
Barry said while he pointed the magazine. I like to read it.
Just want to know how America nowadays. (Obama Anak
Menteng, 2010: 88).

In another chance a dialogue also happens in the afternoon between Barry

and Slamet when he was thinking of a change of his mother which skiped

to teach him in the morning after Maya Soetoro, his half sister was born:

Do you think that Mommy still loves me? Slamet sighed

why there was no easier question, he thought. Why do you
think so? Its reasonable that shes busy. There is new baby
I think so. Barry kept silent. Yeachmaybe its the
reason He was silent again. Bar? Hum? Ya? Its
unusual you are not study? Barry was startled. He looked at
the watch. At six! I forget to study. Let me study first.
(Obama Anak Menteng, 2010: 176)

Fyrthermore, Obama has been also prepared to be a discipline person.

When he was a child, his mother used to ask and teach him three hours

before going to school. Yuniadi, one of his friends was surprised when

Barry told him about his schedule. It is showed in the Dematras novel:

I suppose American children are as diligent as you, arent

they? Its not doubtful that America is sophisticated country.
Barry threw a simple smile. There is no correlation. How
comes?! There must be correlation. You study three hours,
umm.addedschoolfive hours, and in the evening you
must study again at least two hours With his fingers
Yuniadi tried to count how long Barry study, so, how long
must you study then? He scratched his head. Ten, Barry
calmly answered then added around ten hours. Yeah, that is
my duty. (2010: 30).

We can imagine that Obamas intellectuality is not an instant thing;

it has been sharpen since he was child. He, based on the novel is very

friendly, kind and humanist person. Although he was ridiculed as strange

child because of his black skin-curly hair, compared with his mother

whose skin and hair were totally different from him, he was always kind

and accepted the differences wisely. Well, coincidently Obama ever told

his friends that he would like to be a president. The accounts was when

Barry gathered with Slamet, Yuniadi and Iboy, they discussed many things

as elementary students usually talk to.

Among president, entrepreneur and soldier; which one do you

wanna be?, Iboy asked (Dematra Damien: 165-166). At that time,

Yuniadi and Slamet answered soldier because soldier has gun, weapon.

Then Iboy himself wanted to be entrepreneur because he could be very

rich. Barry answered rather unwilling because the rest choice was

president. Barry then thought how to give the reason because his friends

ridiculed that president has nothing, and he answered:


Though a president has nothing but he has authority. He can

ask the soldiers. Save the situation!! And you two must save it.
President can also ask the entrepreneur in order to give money,
then you must obey my rule! everybody spontaneously said,
it is a kinda fraudulent!!! (166).

Little Obama, even, once solved a problem among his friends and

the naughty group which finally became friendship. There must be other

personality like him, but he bravely conducted his dreams to be president.

And his books, mainly The Audacity of Hope is one of his attempts in

reaching his dream.

Furthermore, in giving commentator to Obamas first book Dreams

from My Father and the second one The Audacity of Hope, Kloppenberg in

his introduction to Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope and the American

Political Tradition (2011: 16) conducts that Obamas writings show his

debts to earlier American traditions and demonstrate that he has a deeper

interest in, and a firmer grip on, Americas past than has any president of

the United States since Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. The

outstanding biography of Obama, his thoughts, his characteristics and the

achievement on his political stage are the proofs that Obamas dreams are

the reflection of American dreams and he conducts them in The Audacity

of Hope. Hence, this study is going to use historical approach to examine

the correlation among the autobiography of Obama, The Audacity of Hope

with the historical values.


A.3. Historical Approach toward The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on

Reclaiming American Dream
At its most elemental level, we understand our liberty in negative

sense. As general rule we believe in the right to be left alone, and are

suspicious of those whether Big Brother or nosy neighborswho want to

meddle in our business. But we understand our liberty in a more positive

sense as well as, in the idea of opportunity and the subsidiary values that

help realize opportunityall those homespun virtues that Benjamin

Franklin first popularized in Poor Richards Alamanack and that have

continued to inspire our allegiance through successive generation (Obama

Barrack, Values, 2006: 66).

From this quotation, we can see that Obama does not forget the

history. He, as black heritage, must be proud of his ancestors who always

fight for the equal right as human; no segregation, no discrimination no

underestimate and no violence among racial background. He reveres

history as one of the prominent values toward life. In Indonesia, The first

president, Ir. Soekarno bruited Jas Merah (Jangan Sampai Melupakan

Sejarah) strongly probable gives influence to Obama, moreover when little

Obama would move to Menteng-Jakarta he had learned about Indonesia

for a half year. In Dreams from My Father, Obama described a relatively

idyllic childhood in Indonesia:

I had taken my less than six months to learn Indonesias

language, its customs and its legends. I had survived chicken
pox, measles, and the sting of my teachers bamboo switches.
The children of farmers, servants, and low-level bureaucrats
had become my best friends, and together we ran the streets

morning and night, hustling odd jobs, catching crickets,

battling swift kites with razor-sharp lines. (Obama cit. Black
Americans of Achievement Legacy Edition: Barack Obama-
Politician, 18-19).

More to the point, it is not inconceivable that history has been a

shadow for everyone. It may contribute spirit to do something better and

change to the best in this present time for future. History cannot be erased

as the time goes on. It can be the reason for us in attempting our dreams.

In another word, a child born in a slavery will not want to live in slavery

condition in his/her future; a child born in poverty will not let the wealthy

only imagination in his/her future; they have right to pursue the happiness,

have a right to design and decide their future, have a very wide

opportunities to make effort in every dream. The history can be their

teacher to achieve much better future.

There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must

have its cause. The past is the cause of the present, and the
present will be the cause of the future. All these are links in the
endless chain stretching from the finite to the infinite
(Abraham Lincoln. Cit. Asim Jabari).

Likewise, concerning to American dreams: Life, Liberty and the

Pursuit of Happiness which has connection with Declaration of

Independent, Obama stated:

But the essential idea behind the declarationthat we are

born into this world free, all of us; that each of us arrives with
a bundle of rights that cant be taken away by any person or
any state without just cause; that through our own agency we
can, and must, make of our lives what we willis one that
every American understands. It orients us, set our course, each
and every day. (Obama Barrack, 2006: 65).

Many writers, major ones, have conducted their hope by writing

essays, journals, novels or autobiography related to American dreams. Let

us mention The American Dream (Edward Albee), The Autobiography

(Benjamin Franklin), Love Medicine and the American Dream (Louis

Erdrich), The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald), Childrens Rhyme: The

American Dream and the Legacy of Revolution in the Poetry of Langston

Hughes (Langston Hughes), Song of Solomon and the American Dream

(Toni Morison), Narrative of Frederick Douglass (Frederick Douglas),

Self-Reliance (Ralph Waldo Emerson) and so forth. Those have

contributed their mind and thoughts to the Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of

Happiness and as an intellectual person Obama must be comprehend about

their ideas. If he does not, he would never be able to figure out about many

things then seek the solution, and he would never have audacity of hope in

reclaiming thoughts that his ancestors have dreamt.

American dreams which is included in American Declaration

actually becomes the prominent issue and question who will be the exact

person takes the right place. In volume introduction to Blooms Literary

Themes: The American Dream (2009), Bloom conveys:

I might have thought the American Dream had ended, but the
election of Barrack Obama makes a difference. He invoked our
national dream in his victory speech, an important citation
though edged by the ill omens of financial and economic
disaster both at home and abroad (I write it on 20 November,

Obama is a very smart politician, seeing his outstanding educational

background, experiences of his heritage, and his private understanding by


enjoying the diversity in different countries, create him to be an excellent

candidacy in General Election for Presidency in the fall 2008. He centers

on the policy of economic and educational sectors. It is showed in chapter

five of his biography, The Audacity of Hope: Opportunity (page 162-230).

Obama definitely says:

And Im confident that we have the talent and the resources to

create a better future in which the economy grows and
prosperity is shared. (The Audacity of Hope, 2006: 176). Then
continues: Education. Science and technology. Energy. These
three key areas would go a long way in making America more
competitive. (202-203).

Obamas decision to join Democrat Party is also a good choice. As

we know that America practices democratic political system. The

American Heritage Dictionary defines Democracy as a social condition of

equality and respect for the individual within the community, it is also

explained that democracy is governed by the people, exercised either

directly or through elected representatives (1979). Democracy is a form of

government, where a constitution guarantees basic personal and political

rights, fair and free elections, and independent courts of law. Joining

Democrat Party is appropriate with his attempt to breakdown the racial

tension. He bruits about the equal right in America as multiculturalism

society, hold Americans motto E Pluribus Unum and give optimistic

influence to the environment in achieving truly American dreams: Life,

Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Meanwhile, everybody knows who

Obamas rival in Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton. Though Hillary has a

long track record in political sphere, especially because her husband was a

president of America, but Obama won from her then passed the stipulation

to the General Election for Presidency.

President Roosevelt insisted that measures fostering economic well-

being would strengthen liberty and democracy. In a radio address in 1938,

Roosevelt reminded the American people:

Democracy has disappeared in several other great nations, not

because the people of those nations disliked democracy, but
because they had grown tired of unemployment and insecurity,
of seeing their children hungry while they sat helpless in the
face of government confusion and government weakness
through lack of leadership in government. Finally, in
desperation, they chose to sacrifice liberty in the hope of
getting something to eat. We in America know that our
democratic institutions can be preserved and made to work.
But in order to preserve them we need... to prove that the
practical operation of democratic government is equal to the
task of protecting the security of the people.... The people of
America are in agreement in defending their liberties at any
cost, and the first line of the defense lies in the protection of
economic security.
(An Outline of American History: Other New Deal Programs-

Here, still, Obama in his biography tries to recall what previous

Americans have endeavor for the American dreams. He wants to make

their dreams come true, encounter the unsolved problems such as

economic side, andof course The Audacity of Hope as the tools for

campaign in Presidential Electionbrings him to be the first color person

in the first position of that super power country.

The penetrating analysis that Obama offers in The Audacity of Hope

explains the short-circuiting of American democracy in the twentieth

century and illuminates the reasons why he faces such intractable political

as well as economic problems as president. His conundrum, as he

understands, is the product of long-term, unresolved problems in

American history. (Kloppenberg, james T., 2011: 7).

What is more, Asim Jabari conveys that during Obamas victory

speech, he had spoken movingly of his parents and grandparents, all of

whom died before his historic feat. In the days that followed, as I watched

televised images of Obama rolling up his sleeves and confronting the

work of remaking this nation, I couldnt help thinking of DuBois, who

had thought so deeply and written so astutely about black struggle in

America. In The Soul of Black Folk, he envisioned the movements of an

ambitious black man unfettered by the bonds of racism (2009: 219-220).

In this case, The Audacity of Hope, much more than the first book,

Obama provides his diagnosis of contemporary American problems and

offers a roadmap of political possibilities. It also presents along the way a

refreshingly serious and cogent account of American political and cultural

history. It shows that Obama has wrestled with the central challenges

posed by the multiple traditions of American political thought, and it

establishes him as one of the few prominent figures in national politics

who made original and important contributions to those traditions in recent

decades (Kloppenberg, james T., 2011: 21).


B. Reveal The Audacity of Hope as Thoughts on Reclaiming the

American Dreams

In this part, this study is discussing and analyzing the connection

among chapters in The Audacity of Hope and American dreams. Values,

Opportunity, Faith, and Race are analyzed one by one.

B.1. Values

The study of this part is about to analyze chapter two, Values, in The

Audacity of Hope which reflects to the American Dreams: Life, Liberty

and the Pursuit of Happiness. This final project is going to prove that

Obamas second book has really implied those dreams in multiculturalism


In this chapter Obama centers on the decline of moral values occur

in America recently, especially in politic sphere. The Audacity of Hope is

slightly writing for campaign because almost in every chapter Obama

inserts political scent. Besides, he wrote it as he was on the road to

Presidential Election and he must be very clever in choosing literary

workmaking autobiographybecomes his perspective to deliver the

aims of his candidacy. Nonetheless, Obama does not write his biography

for campaign only but for reclaiming thoughts on American dreams: Life,

Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Talking about moral values that Obama figures out in this chapter,

he feels many politicians have lost their moral compasses for instance

bribery and corruption. Obama claims political system which they usually

do itself makes them difficult to remain true to their values.

To say that a value is important is not to say that it should be

subject to regulation or that it merits a new agency.
(Values, 72-73)

Politicians must back to the moral values because basic values which are

belong to American is not only a prominent thing in politic but it also

determines their dignity.

I think Democrats are wrong to run away from a debate about

values, as wrong as those conservatives who see values only as
wedge to pry loose working-class voters from the democratic
(Values, 64)

So, what does actually the true values that the democratic base posses?

How can the values are reflected and described in The Audacity of hope

toward American dreams: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness?

When we turn to the history in the eighteen century, we can see that there

were complicated debates in deciding how America which consists of

small states like New Jersey and large one like Virginia runs its

governmental system. Many arguments came up until became threatened

debate. Roger Sherman finally came forward to deliver his arguments for

representation in proportion to the population of the states in one house of

Congress, the House of Representatives, and equal representation in the

other, the Senates. After Sherman conducted the arguments, the debate

was calm down and the compromise was held.


The decision from the debates and compromises were the

government should not act upon the states but upon the people within the

states, and should legislate for and upon all the individual residents of the

country. As the keystone of the constitution, the Convention adopted two

brief but highly significant statements:

Congress shall have powerto make all laws which shall be

necessary and proper for carrying into execution thepowers
vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United
States (Article 1, section 7)
This Constitution and the Laws of the United States, which
shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or
which shall be made, under the authority of the United States,
shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every
State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or
laws in any State to the contrary notwtanding. (Article VI)
(An Outline of American History, 1994: 89-93)

On these points, it is undeniable that The Audacity of Hope reflects

the American dreams. One of American dreams is focusing on Liberty.

Every single person lives in America has a right to get well-education in

order to be free from stupidity, health care service as a right in life and

prosperity so that life is joyfulthose are discussed further in chapter five


that we are born into this world free, all of us

(Values, 65)

Obama believes that Democrat Party always gives opportunity to people

because this Party posses a fundamental base, from people-by people-for

people, like what the elder Constitution hope.

In another chance, Michelle Obama on the flight back to Chicago

after visiting her ancestors ever said:


I never realized just how American I was.

(Values, 66)

This statement she acknowledged after realizing how suffer the people are

without freedom in life, she heard that they found difficulty to get a job or

start their own businesses without paying bribery. This leads Obama to set

a policy that politicians must build the nation together. Member of

political parties have to accommodate what people need such as well-

health care and education services, and stop bribery so that people can live

freely and comfort in their own land, America.

Unfortunately, Obama in His Own Word about Democrat Party said:

This Party has not renewed its vision and message (Essence, 2006 cit.

Rogak Lisa). Therefore, Obama in Values concludes that there must be a

change for this kind of political system and he claims that by setting up

compromises and collaborationwhenever we come from, what color and

what parties we arethe nation can really reach the dreams: Life, Liberty

and the Pursuit of Happiness. Because when we are working together,

everything is much easier and possible.

I value good manners, for example. Every time I meet a kid

who speaks clearly and looks at me in the eyes, who says yes,
sir and thank you and please and excuse me, I feel more
hopeful about the country. I dont think I am alone in this.
(Value, 73)

Obama believes that by setting up collaboration within good

communication and intellectual compromise can create a good result to

build America. His smiling face and kind soul have proven the values

should be possessed by a person in specific space and politician in large.


He is humanist naturally, not just as a politician or even candidacy.

Relating to values like behavior among politicians Obama said:

I often wonder what makes it so difficult to talk about values

in ways that dont appear calculated or phony. Partly, I think,
its because those of us in public life have become so scripted,
and the gestures that candidates use to signify their values have
become so standardized., that it becomes harder and harder
for the public to distinguish between honest sentiment and
political stagecraft.
(Values, 77)

This shows that freedoms, including right to speak and deliver hope

is important. Obama in this matter shares about his right to speak freely

had ever been limited and he felt discomfort. It happened during his

general campaign for the U.S. Senate. His Republican opponent assigned a

young man to track all his public appearances with a handheld camera.

Whenever he went and got down elevators until in the restroom. It was

obviously not a good value that an American should have; limiting the

space of person to talk freely with comfort. Finally, with his smart idea he

invited some reporters to have lunch and without the young man knew,

Obama said:

I want to introduce you to Justin. Justin heres been assigned

by the Ryan campaign to stalk me whenever I go.
(Values, 78)

Picture 10
A young man looks at the first amendment exhibit at the McCormick
Tribune Freedom Museum in Illinois (Berkana D, Embassy of the USA).

Obama bravely said that to the public and it remains us that Bill of

Rights should be the values in American behavior. Bill of Rights which

involves 10 amendments was determined by December 1791, the first

amendment of the provisions: freedom of speech, press, religion, and the

right to assemble peacefully, protest and demand changes (An Outline of

American History, 1994: 94-95). While Obama himself acknowledged:

In fact, much of my appreciation of our Bill of Rights comes

from having spent part of my childhood in Indonesia and from
still having family in Kenya,
(Values, 65)

By seeing, hearing, listening and experiencing kinds of cases in

getting freedom and rights; Obama dedicates his life for that. He imagines

how if he is the person as the victims in inequality. In this case, he

remembers what his lovely mother once taught him about empathy by

asking him:

How do you think that would make you feel?

(Values, 80)
How would that make you feel?
(Values, 81)

Then he stated:

I believe a stronger sense of empathy tilt the balance of our

current politics in favor of those people who are struggling in
this society. After all, if they are like us, then their struggles
are our own. If we fail to help, we diminish ourselves.
(Values, 82)

B.2. Opportunity

This part is about to examine the economic sphere which Obama

concerns in The Audacity of Hope towards American dreams. History

cannot be lost in citizens mind except those who do not care with it but

unfortunately, a good nation is a nation which reminisce its history.

America that had declared its Independent day since July 4 th 1776 has

many stories to recall. The immigrants around the world who have been

expecting much about this country also become a unique history till this

country is called as United States of America. This country almost loses its

identity, especially the prominent dreams that have been involved in the

Bill of Rights. Accordingly, Obama wrote The Audacity of Hope to

reclaim thoughts of the American dreams: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of


Opportunity is coming only once. This quotation always be heard

when we are going to reach or decide something. It is probably rather

improper in struggling Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness in a very

large country, various communities with many differentculture, ethnic,

religionbackground. Hundred years, Americans always make effort for

this. If the chance only comes once, Obama will not be chosen as President

of U.S of America. As we know, race is somewhat a problem for color

people to get their rightit will be discussed deeper in the next analysis.

Still, Obama opens this Opportunity with his story using private jet

during his campaigns for Senator.


The purpose of that particular trip was fund-raising,

(Opportunity, 164)

Obama then devotes this chapter to share about the economy side. At that

time, Americas economy has getting collapse. This condition becomes a

spirit to reclaim how American trait is. Competitive and hard work, are the

basic issues in this chapter. Before this study goes on, let us see what

happened during Obamas fund-raising for his Senate in 2002.

Obama figured out Google, as he remembered about how two

Stanford Ph.D. candidates in computer science, Larry Page and Sergey

Brin, had made collaboration in a dorm room to create a better way to

search the web. In 1998, employing three persons operating out of a garage

with a million dollars from various links, Page and Brin had formed

Google. Obama also remembered how Google figured out an advertising

model based on text ads that were nonintrusive and relevant to the users

search. Obama then went to Sillicon Valley where Googles Company is


We pulled in front of a set of modern, modular buildings and

were met by Googles general counsel, David Drummond, an
African American around my age whod made the
arrangements for my visit.
(Opportunity, 165)

Shortly, Obama was told by David that high-tech employers had a new set

of worries as World Trade Center (WTC) was attacked. Over two

thousand people killed and more than six thousand injured. Since that

time, Americans economic sector gets falling dawn.


And over the long term, David explained, that could spell
trouble for the U.S. economy.
(Opportunity, 168)

Obama here realizes how competitive American life is. Even he must be

realized since long time ago that life is always competitive, moreover he is

born in diversities.

Furthermore, Obama talks about flee market towards America. He

considers that this kind of market system can give benefits to Americans

consumers but another hand; it makes the increasing of economic

instability for millions of ordinary Americans.

To stay competitive and keep investors happy in the global

marketplace, U.S.-based companies have automated,
downsized, outsourced, and off shored.
(Opportunity, 172)

For all that, what is the correlation among The Audacity of Hope

mainly chapter Opportunity and American dreams? Answering this

question, we must go to the past for the time being in the early 19 th


To the American public of 1914, the outbreak of war in

Europe came as a shock. At first, the encounter seemed
remote, but its economic and political effects were swift and
deep. By 1915 U.S. industry, which had been mildly
(An Outline of American History, 1994: 244)

Basically, economic crisis in America lately is not a new problem.

America once had such condition and seemingly, it happens again like a

phrase says that history must be repeatable. In this case, government

should solve the problem because they are the representatives of the house;

they have to take action for a better great economic condition. Yet Freidel

Frank, et al in America in the Twentieth Century about decentralization

and regulation stated:

To many progressives, the greatest threat to the nations

economy was the effect of excessive centralization and
consolidation on competition. The trust had made it impossible
for the free market to work as it should; only by restoring the
economy to a more human scale could the nation hope for
stability and justice. (1981: 55)

Furthermore, based on An Outline of American History (1994: 254-

255) the bankruptcy of nations economy in 1932 had made President

Herbert Hoover entering The White House only eight months before the

stock market crash. In opposite, Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) who

replaced Hoover was popular as the governor of New York during the

developing crisis. It is like what has happened to Obama.

Yet Hoovers argument laid in an implication that he had to depend

on natural processes of recovery, meanwhile FDR as the Democrat was

prepared to use the federal governments authority for bold experimental

remedies. This gave a victory to FDR 22.800.000 votes to Hoovers

15.700.000 (An Outline of American History, 255). Since that time,

America was about to enter a new era of economic and political change.

On these points, Obama acknowledged:

And although the benefits of our free-market system have

mostly derived from the individual efforts of generations of
men and women pursuing their own vision of happiness, in
each and every period of great economic upheaval and
transition weve depended on government action to open up
opportunity, encourage competition, and make the market
work better.
(Opportunity, 178)

Anyway, Obama realizes part of FDRs rationale why he must have had

National Labor Relation Act that focused on the relation between capital

and labor. Obama then continued his opinion:

But FDR also understood that capitalism in democracy

required the consent of the people, and that by giving workers
a large share of the economic pie.
(Opportunity, 183)

Mildly, crisis in America is very complicated because as this final

project finish, Obama has not been able to resolve the problem. However

Obama is an optimist personhopefully he will win as the incumbent

candidacy nowso he can influence many people to do better thing like

his victory that remains his hard work in competing the position in life

mainly in reaching the American dreams, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of


And Im confident that we have the talent and the resources to

create a better future in which the economy grows and
prosperity is shared.
(Opportunity, 176)

Back to the economic pie that has to be paid to the workers higher or

bigger, Obama said:

free trade may well grow the world wide economic pie
but there is no law that says workers in the United States will
continue to get a bigger and bigger slice.
(Opportunity, 206)

As a result, Obama suggests that Americans should compete and

must work hard. The Audacity of Hope has proven that it reflects to the

attempts in achieving the American dreams: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit

of Happiness through reclaiming American traits; Self-Made Man,

Individualism, Hard Worker for the phrase from the Rags to the Riches.

In Opportunity, Obama also focuses on the education sphere, well-

paid for the teachers and alternative schooling formats. He deeply

understands that intellectuality is graded. Based on the information he

wrote in his biography, only 22 percent are prepared to take college-level

classes in English, math and science. While as the general counsel of

Google said that Google needs to stay competitive which means they only

hire the top graduates of the top math, engineering, and computer science

in the countryMIT, Caltech, Stanford and Berkeley (Opportunity, 167).

To this matter, Obama then conducted:

I dont believe government alone can turn these statistics

around. Parents have the primary responsibility for instilling an
ethic of hard work and educational achievement in their
children. But parents rightly expect their government, through
the public schools, to serve as full partners in the educational
processjust as it has for earlier generations of Americans.
(Opportunity, 190)

Obamas policy in educational system is aimed to color community

and all Americans in large because David Drummond, the general counsel,

told that Obama could count on two hands, the number of black and Latino

kids in those programs; math, engineering and computer science. But, this

policy of course is not only based on the racial background because

education, however, can determine how the next generation is; how the

generation brings the nation in the future.


B.3. Faith

The first time we read chapter six, Faith, we will be served Barrack

Obama with a message from a doctor at the University of Chicago Medical

School in his victory to the Democratic nomination in U.S. Senate race.

The same thing, in this part of this analysis, the email that Obama had

received is going to be the opening.

Congratulations on your overwhelming and inspiring

primary win, the doctor wrote. I was happy to vote for you,
and I will tell you that I am seriously considering voting for
you in the general election. I write to express my concerns that
may, in the end, prevent me from supporting you.
(Faith, 231)

According to Obama in Faith (231-232) the doctor was a Christian

who understood his commitments and this led him totally disagreed with

abortion and gay marriage. The email was sent because he had read a

posting under Obamas campaign that the candidacy of presidential

election in the website suggested he would fight right-wing ideologues

who want to take away a womans right to choose. The doctor then wrote:

I sense that you have a strong sense of justice and of the

precarious position of justice in any polity, and I know that you
have championed the plight of the voiceless. I also sense that
you are fair-minded person with a high regard for
reason.Whatever your conviction, if you truly believe that
those who oppose abortion are all ideologues driven by
perverse desire to inflict suffering from women, then you, in my
judgment, are not fair-minded.You know that we enter times
that are fraught with possibilities for good and for harm, times
when we are struggling to make sense of a common polity in
the context of plurality, when we are unsure of what grounds
we have for making any claims that involve others.I do not
ask at this point that you oppose abortion, only that you speak
about this issue in fair-minded words.
(Faith, 232)

Obama then checked his website and found the offending words. He

rectified that the words were not his because his staff had posted for

political need during Democratic primary.

, at a time when some of my opponents were questioning

my commitment to protect Roe v. Wade.
(Faith, 232)

Religion should reflect in every single life of a person. Religion is

the answer of all questions and matters. So, in political stage religion

should not just be the surface on the need of political party or if it is truly

religion base it should not be the means to gain the votes from audience

only. The religionwhatever the religionshould be the value and moral

control in political behavior so that they will be responsible politicians.

But in this case, America is a secular country so the government and

religions matter are separated.

After all, Obama slightly has different paradigm in responding the

letter from the doctor. As we know that Obama agrees with abortion and

marriage of gay and lesbian, he is prochoice with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual and Transgender) although once in 1996 he rejected marriage of

homosexuals but in 2004 he stated in Windy City Times to give his vote in

pulling what he had rejected (Rogak Lisa, 64). In his Illinois Senate debate

Obama conducted:

I am not considering marriage is a civil right, but I think

being untreated discriminatively is civil right.
(October 26th 2004, cit. Rogak Lisa, 63)

It is deeply understood why Obama takes that policy, moreover his life is

full of diversities. He even experienced in his childhood in Indonesia that

he must have had been looked after by an effeminate. In Obama Anak

Menteng, it is described the man who looked like a woman is named

Turdi. His duty was to take and fetch Obama in School, to cook and

accompany him when it was compulsory. One scene showed as Turdi met

Obama for the first time: Im from the next village, he said. But Im an

outcast, he continued sadly. (Dematra, 39).

Well, Obama can understand that every single person has a right for

life like what he has already bruited all the time. He has been the member

of minority community mainly in racial background. He, again deeply

understands that politic should not be judged by seeing something different

from what we see. We should stands on other heels until we see how we

are and feel what they are feeling.

From the most positive sight, politic can help us finding

ourselves in someone else. The most negative one, politic is
when we see immigrant and woman or black and gay or
Mexico as something different from ourselves. (Chicago
Tribune October 26th 2006, cit. Rogak)

Up to a point, what does actually Faith bring to American dreams? How

many official religions in America as a multicultural country? As usual we

must look at the history of America mainly about faith.

Talking about faith, there were many purposes that immigrants

brought to America. One of them was religious freedom. In the early 17th

century, effort to reach prosperity in towns made fears that the devil was

luring society into pursuit of worldly gain. As a result in 1730 there was

religious reaction called Great Awakening. The religious turmoil was

inspired by George Whitefield reached its culmination in 1741 with his

sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. Edwards did not engage

in theatrics, but delivered his sermon in a quiet, thoughtful manner. He

stressed that the established churches sought to deprive Christianity of its

emotional content. This event gave rise to evangelical denominations and

spirit of revivalism, which continue to significant roles in American

religious and cultural life (An Outline of American History, 37-38).

In chapter Faith, dealing with what the doctor had mailed him and

also antiabortion protestors that highlighted themselves as Christians,

Obama then discussed that America is religious. And the evangelical

among American society is not needed.

Picture 11
Source: 2008 Pew Forum American Landscape Survey (Embassy of the
United State of America).

It is a truism that we Americans are religious people.

According to the most recent surveys, 95 percents of
Americans believe in God, more than two-thirds belong to a
church, 37 percent call themselves committed Christians, and
substantially more people believe in angels than believe in
(Faith, 235)

He bravely argued that though Jimmy Carter who would first introduce the

language of evangelical Christianity into modern national politics; it was

the Republican Party, with its increasing emphasis on tradition, order, and

family values. According to Obama, that was best positioned to harvest

this crop of politically awakened evangelicals and mobilize them against

the liberal orthodoxy (Faith, 238).

Beside the point, in Charlie Rose Show (October 19th, 2006) Obama


Religious men must define their agenda which are motivated

by religion in a general meaning that can be accepted logically.
It is not enough to oppose marriage of homosexuals or abortion
only by saying God says so to me, then expect others will say,
Okayif God has told you, we think we must obey.
(cit. Rogak Lisa)

Picture 12
A Jewish man prepares to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; a
Muslim taxi driver faces Mecca and prays; a Sikh law student sits in the
lobby of a building in Virginia; a Muslim woman from Alabama adjusts
her hijab. (Religious Diversity, US Embassy).

Obama centers the right for life, including choosing the religion and have

faith or become believers and even atheist. He then recounts his own

journey from atheism to faith, contending that the structure of religion has

fortified and deepened his moral convictions.

I was not raised in a religious household.

(Faith, 240)

As he explains in this chapter, his maternal grandparent was raised

by devout Baptist, while his grandmother was somewhat stubborn to

accept anything she could not see, feel, touch, or count. His stepfather,

Lolo Soetoro was a moderate Muslim and of course his experience in

Indonesia had made him grow up in a blended Islamic faith with remnants

of Hinduism, Buddhism, and ancient animist traditions. Even, when he

was in Jakarta, he was sent first to a neighborhood Catholic school and

then to a predominantly Muslim school (Faith, 240-242).

Besides, his mother never raised him in the church although he has

known she was religious and once she taught him about a view of how

religion is.

Religion was an expression of human culture, she would

explain, not its wellspring, just one of the many waysand not
necessarily the best waythat man attempted to control the
unknowable and understand the deeper truths about our lives.
(Faith, 241)

His own father, a Kenyan was known as Muslim and went to atheist after

getting married with Stanley Ann Dunham (Obamas America, 2009:21).

In the history of these struggles, I was able to see faith as

more than just a comfort to the weary or a hedge against death;
rather, it was an active, palpable, agent in the world.
(Faith, 245)

Picture 13
The United States Bill of Rights (National Archives) (US Embassy,
Religious Diversity in America).

Furthermore, beside Obama chooses a policy for the citizen to have their

religious freedom is based on his various histories of eclectic faiths; the

first amendment surely becomes the reference for him to decide that policy

because The Audacity of Hope is addressed to reclaim American dreams:

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. He also concerns the

dangerousness of women who will stop their pregnancy unsafely if he

bans abortion as it is stated in page 234 of chapter Faith.

In this matter, there is a quotation from President Franklin Delano

Roosevelt: We are a nation of many nationalities, many races, many

religions bound together by a single unity, the unity of freedom and

equality. It proves what Obama has written down in Faith is aimed to

reclaim American dreams; Americans have right to live with their own

religion and faith, right to worship without any fear and right to pursue the

happiness in celebrating any kinds of celebrations.


Picture 14
A Shinto priest conducts a blessing in Hawaii; a woman offers a
Buddhist monk the gift of food during a Thai New Year Celebration in
New York; Muslim children pray at the Islamic Academy of New
England; freedom From Religion Foundation co-president Annie Laurie
Gaylor poses at the groups Wisconsin headquarters (U.S. Embassy).

The freedom is also described in the philosophy of famous historical

American symbol, Liberty Statue. The meaning of this New York City

icon is a freedom in America and it is located in the estuary of Hudson

River NYCs harbor to welcome immigrants or people of America who

come back in the country which is full of freedoms.

Picture 15
Liberty statue, a gift from France Government in the fall 19th. The
sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi and Gustave Eiffel (Eiffel
Tower designer) who designed the structure of buffer inside)

Meanwhile, in a talk show held by Cilad UPT Bahasa Unissula on

September 18, 2012, one of keynote speakers from Embassy of United

States of America, Mr. Nathan Dettman, gave an explanation about the

correlation among religion/faith in America towards the dreams.

According to Mr. Dettman American is free to do his or her life with their

belief and religion, free to do worship and free to celebrate any kind of the

religions events; those represent how Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of

Happiness reflect religion diversities in America. Up to that point, it is

clear that Obamas opinion in Faith is a thought on reclaiming the

American dreams. Therefore, Moulik D. berkana, the main speaker in that

talk show stated that America is one of most religiously diverse countries

in the world and there is no official religion in America because the

government is separated from religion instead protecting the peoples right

in having and doing their religion (US Embassy, Religious Diversity in


B.4. Race

In this chapter, Race, this study is about to prove that The Audacity

of Hope is really has connection with American dreams, Life, Liberty and

the Pursuit of Happiness. In America, racial debate has a close, even the

closest, to American dreams. As we know that racism in America becomes

a very sensitive topic to discuss. Inequality in the society has created an

ignorance condition among them. Meanwhile, Obama sees racism in


different perspective and he conducts it through this Race. Then, how does

the exact evidence relate to Race from The Audacity of Hope toward Life,

Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?

In that point, we must back to the past when the worst racial unrest

in Chicago 1919 broke. The riot occurred more than a weak only caused of

a teenager of black was swimming in Lake Michigan on a hot day and he

drifted to the white beach. The white on shore stoned him until he died and

sank. That leaded the worst unrest between two racial backgrounds which

ended by 38 people died15 whites and 23 blacksand 537 were

injured; over 1.000 people were left homeless. Although that was the worst

but it was not the only riots in 1919. (Freidel Frank, 142-144).

Picture 16
Whites stone a black man
to death during the vicious
race riot in Chicago in
1919. The Great Migration
of blacks to northern cities,
which accelerated during
and after the war, produced
severe tensions in many
urban, industrial areas, as
blacks and whites
competed for scarce
industrial jobs (Freidel
Frank, 144).

Consequently, the two races continually made conflicts and the great

depression of the country made it worse, the whites were suffering but

blacks were suffering worse. In Atlanta 1930, an organization called the

Black Shirts, consisting largely of unemployed whites, adopted the slogan


No Jobs for Niggers until Every White Man Has a Job. The same could

not be said, however, racism. And no group suffered more from the

inflamed climate of the postwar years than American blacks. It was racial

discrimination. In 1939, for the first time blacks got an ally from White

House, that was not from FDR but from his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt.

(Freidel Frank, The survival of Racism, 268).

Throughout 1930s she exerted continuing pressure upon her

husband and upon others in the federal government to ease
discrimination against blacks. She was also responsible for
what was, symbolically at least, one of the most important
events of the decade for American blacks. When the black
opera singer Marian Anderson was refused permission in the
spring of 1939 to give a concert in the auditorium of the
Daughters of the American Revolution (Washingtons only
concert hall), Eleanor Roosevelt secured government
permission for her to sing on the steps of the Lincoln
Memorial. Her Easter Sunday concert attracted 75.000 people
and became, in effect, one of the first modern civil-rights
(Freidel Frank, The survival of Racism, 265)

However, racial discrimination which focuses on wrong stereotype

has run until in the beginning of 21st century, mainly when Obama was

elected as the 44th president of America. Meanwhile, Obama in his

biography (Race, 273-274) stated that there is not a black America and

white America and Latino America and Asian Americathere is the

United States of America. Obama whose skin is black, specifically brown,

also stated:

.that whatever preconceived notions white Americans may

continue to hold, the overwhelming majority of them these
days are ableif given the timeto look beyond race in
making their judgment of people.
(Race, 278)

Obama himself understands how the ignorance behavior has set deeper and

deeper among multiculturalism societys mind. He once experienced in his

age of forty five:

security guards tailing me as I shop in department stores,

white couples who toss me their car keys as I stand outside a
restaurant waiting for the valet, police cars pulling me over for
no apparent reason. I know what its like to have people tell
me I cant do something because of my color
(Race, 276)

Obama always remember what his parents once told him about diversity

that everyone in this world is the same. Accordingly uplift moral is highly

appreciated and graded in his sight and he wants to accommodate the

American dreams through his achievements in joining politic stage so that

what peopleboth white and blackconsider about racism will change.

They must set their mind that diversity is beautiful, just like a rainbow

which never consists of one color only.

Americans in the past strongly possible were too sensitive so that

blacks as the victims of racial discrimination against the condition by

conducting their hope for beautiful life, freedom from slavery and

happiness that all should have possessed. Seemingly, black Americans

were the people who had had a wide space in creating the American


He believes that America should go back to the traits, the values they

posses. Self-Made Man, Individualism, from Rigs to the Riches; they must

reflect to Americans without looking at gender and race. Therefore, after

realizing what he had experienced about stereotype, he and Michelle want


to teach their children about diversity, they must continually vigilant

against some of debilitating story lines that their children may absorb from

TV and music, friends and the street. Because this is one of black

responsibilities to change the wrong judgment and a failure of their

ancestors to make the American dreams come true, .for much better future

You must never ever concede that only black responsibility

can truly lift blacks into parity with whites. If blacks should
be responsible for their own uplift, then it is not racist for
whites to expect them to do so, Steel offered in A Bound Man.
(Asim Jabari, 11)

It is not doubt that finally Pedersen writes in Obamas America that

Obama as a member of a new generation of black politicians with no

personal memory of the Civil Rights movement, he has had to overcome

the skepticism that many of the older generation of leaders voiced about

the viability of his candidacy. Two veterans of the Civil Rights movement,

James Clyburn, the House Majority Whip (D-SC), and John Lewis, a

Democratic Congressman from Georgia, initially held back in endorsing

Obama (2009: 49).

For that reason, Obama through his second book wants to call on

people of color to give up the mantle of victimhood and persecution that

can limit their potential to reach the achievements in life and the American

dreams: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.



A. Conclusions

According to the result of the discussion and analysis, Barrack

Obamas Biography The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the

American Dreams has really reflected in American dreams: Life, Liberty

and the Pursuit of Happiness in multiculturalism society. What had been

dreamt of by the previous blacks, especially the statement from Luther

King Jr I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of

former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down

together at the table of brotherhood, comes true. Obama, the first colored

man who becomes the President of America, has proved that the diversities

in American land are not the prominent obstacle in achieving true

American dreams: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. He conducts

his thoughts by writing biography The Audacity of Hope as a reflection of

American dreams.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are a package of freedom

in American Amendment and those are also described in Obamas

biography as his thoughts. In his outstanding biography it can be seen that

Obama possess American cultural traits: Self-Made Man, Competitive and

Hard Work in reaching his dreams. Furthermore, freedoms which Obama

bruits are the essential of American Amendment mainly in the first


amendment about speech, press and religion; therefore there is no official

religion in the United States of America.

The different paradigm in seeing diversity can be the strength in life

especially to face the right for freedom because all people are born to be

free. Compromising and working together without looking at race and

gender are the way to reach the true American dreams: Life, Liberty and

the Pursuit of Happiness. Besides, the dreams can come true when they are

endeavored by revering the historical values. Meanwhile, from a talk show

with the Embassy of the United States of America which was held by

Cilad UPT Bahasa Unissula on September 18, 2012; factually there are

still many people consider freedom in America as a connotation sight. On

the contrary, to get the freedoms in America, people must possess

American cultural traits: Individualism, Self-Made Man, Competitive and

Work Hard. They have to be individual as a way how to be responsible to

themselves and they also must compete for pursuing the happiness.

In another side, it can be concluded that biography and/or

autobiography can be one of the unique, smart, intellectual and

professional ways to introduce person including the thoughts.

B. Suggestions

From this study, there are some suggestions to the people (readers)

in large and more specific to Literature students. First, it is wiser to us not

to judge person from the race, ethnic, culture, religion, gender and social

status; preventing wrong stereotype about something or someone else

because the existence of the diversities colors this world as beautiful as

rainbow. We are supposed to be selective in accepting other cultures.

Positive side of cultures can be taken and applied to our lives for examples

the American cultural traits: Individualism, Self-Made Man, Competitive

and Work hard. Second, keep struggling in achieving dreams is a

prominent way, no surrender to endeavor the dreams. Students of

Literature are expected to be very smart enough to see diversities by

comprehending cross culture understanding. Autobiography and/or

biography can be one of non-fictive literary works which is interesting to

be analyzed, so, try to make a research about this in order to make this

final project better.



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Copyright 2011 Answers Corporation
[December 2010, at 2 pm]

Published: 6/5/2010 2000-2010, 2011 All rights reserved.
[December 2010, at 1:30 am]

First published Fri Sep 24, 2010 Copyright 2010 by
Sarah Song <>
[December 2010, at 1 am]

[September 2010, at 10:32 pm]

[September 2010, at 1 am]

[December 2011, at 8 am]

An Outline of American History: Other New Deal Programs
[September 2012, at 8:12 am]

Democracy - Modern Definition
[September 2012, at 3 pm]

Sejarah Patung Liberty
[September 2012, at 11 pm]

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts in Reclaiming the American Dream
[September 2012, at 11.45 pm]

[September 2012, at 12 pm]

[September 2012, at 1 pm]

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