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NIM :1401103



System description:
The sterilizer system is designed to work with the following operating modes:

- Full Automatic:
To activate the System automatically, the Operator simply presses the start
button on the main panel. Then the Festo Controller will run the Valve open
sequence (inlet, Exhaust and Condensate) according to the sequence programmed
following the time that can be changed by the operator.
For the automatic process, the two Steriliser doors must be closed and the
Auto/Manual selector switch on the main panel in the Auto position. The
automatic work sequence will stop when the Stop button is pressed or the Auto /
Manual switch selector is moved into the Manual position.
The digital display can show the timing of the swedang running and the
ongoing processes / steps. After the automatic prosses are finished then the alarm
will sound, and to stop the alarm can be done by pressing the stop tombo or
sterilizer door opened.
In the event of a dead system due to power failure, then the system will
continue the last process without going through the processes - processes that
have been completed / running.

With this mode the operator can open and close the steam valve through
the selector located on the main panel. For this mode, Selector Auto / Manual
must be in manual position. All the selector functions for opening and closing
valve steam will work if both doors Sterilizer in closed state marked by turn on
the door switch indicator on panel.But if both door sterilizer not in tightly closed,
then selector inlet, Exhaust and Condensate will not work and not Can be used to
open and close their respective Valvenya.

All Valve mounted disterilizer can be opened and closed manually using manual
handwheel mounted on the actuator.

To perform the process of Automatic or semi-automatic process then all the hand
wheel mounted on the actuator must be in a free state. Conversely, if it will
perform a manual process (using the wheel hand) then the pressurized air must be
closed, in the system there should be no compressed air.
3 PEAK 1 O O C 2 1 Deaeration 1
2 O C C 8 2 Fist Peak
3 O O C 1 3 Condensation.
4 C O O 2 4 Blow Down.
5 O O C 1 5 Deaeration 2
6 O C C 10 6 Second Peak.
7 O O C 1 7 Condensation.
8 C O O 3 8 Blow Down.
9 O O C 1 9 Deaeration 3.
10 O C C 15 10 Third Peak
11 O O C 1 11 Condensation.
Cooking 1 ( Under
12 O C C 15 12 Ripe )
Cooking 1
12 O C C 15 13 ( Normal )
Cooking 1 ( Over
12 O C C 15 14 Ripe )
13 O O C 1 15 Condensation.
Cooking 2 ( Under
14 O C C 25 16 Ripe )
Cooking 2
14 O C C 20 17 ( Normal )
Cooking 2 ( Over
14 O C C 15 18 Ripe )
15 O C C 15 18 Condensation.
16 C O O 7 20 Blow Down.


2 PEAK 1 O O C 2 1 Dear
2 O C C 8 2 Fist Peak
3 O O C 1 3 Cond.
4 C O O 2 4 Blow Down.
5 O O C 1 5 Dear 2.
Second Peak ( Naikka
6 O C C 10 6 n tekanan )
7 O O C 1 7 Cond.
8 C O O 3 8 Blow Down.
9 O O C 1 9 Cond.
12 O C C 15 12 Cooking 1 ( Under ).
12 O C C 15 13 Cooking 1 ( Normal ).
12 O C C 15 14 Cooking 1 ( Over ).
13 O O C 1 15 Cond.
14 O C C 25 16 Cooking 2 ( Under )
14 O C C 20 17 Cooking 2 ( Normal )
14 O C C 15 18 Cooking 2 ( Over ).
15 O O C 2 19 Cond.
16 C O O 7 20 Blow Down.


PEAK 1 O O C 2 1 Dear 1.
Fist peak ( Puncak
2 O C C 8 2 pertama )
3 O O C 1 3 Cond.
Blow Down.
( Turunkan tekanan
4 C O O 2 4 ).
5 O O C 1 5 Cond.
Cooking 1
12 O C C 15 12 ( Under )
12 O C C 15 12 Cooking 1
( Normal )
12 O C C 15 12 Cooking 1 ( Over )
13 O O C 1 15 Cond.
Cooking 2
14 O C C 25 16 ( Under )
Cooking 2
14 O C C 20 17 ( Normal )
14 O C C 15 18 Cooking 2 ( Over )
15 O O C 2 19 Cond.
Blow Down.
( Turunkan tekanan
16 C O O 7 20 ).

Things that need to be considered :

1. When the Auto process is working, then the Auto / Manual switch is
transferred to manual, then Auto / Manual switch is restored Auto position
then Auto process will return to Step start process (all return to process
2. At the time prosews auto is running, then there is an open door or signal
from the door limit switch then all the processes on the sterilizer will stop.
The process will continue if the door is closed or the door limit switch
signal sdh reconnected and the start button is pressed.
3. At the time of the auto process is working then the stop button occurs then
the auto process will stop. The process continues when the start button is
4. Apabila Auto / Manual selector on auto position and start button has been
pressed but the process has not started running because still waiting for
another sterilizer (Interlock), then to cancel the process of waiting for
other sterilizer can be done by pressing stop button.
5. If the Auto process is running, then the power to the system is
disconnected, then the process will stop. And when the power supply is
reconnected, the process will continue when the start button is pressed,
and the Auto / Manual button stays in the Auto position.
6. When the Auto / Manual Switch in the Auto position and start button has
been pressed but the process has not started running because it is still
waiting for another sterilizer, then the power outage. When the power is
sdh back connected then the sterilizer is still in the process of waiting for
another sterilizer.
7. This system is designed to run 15 step Proces, if there is a step that will be
removed / not used, it can be done by setting the timer on the step in
question. With a price of Zero (0).
8. At the time of auto process, to melakuka set-step so that sterilizer can run
step in sequence or jump, according to step number which is set, then
Sterilizer which set stepnya must be in stop condition. After the set-up can
be restarted by pressing the start button the sterilizer will start the process
with the step number set as the initial step of the process.


1. Main view / main menu.

What is meant by the display or the main menu is when the display
appears as follows and can be discrolled towards the top or bottom in
F 1: STR 1 F 5 - SET.
F 2: STR 2 F 6 - BACK.
So on the display there are 4 menu options that will be described one by one.
While F 6 - BACK is only used to exit a menu or sub menu.

2. Menu F 1 - STR 1.
This menu is to monitor what process is happening on sterilizer 1. In the main
menu press F 1 then the display will show the data - the process data is ongoing
on the sterilizer 1. To return to the main menu or exit from this menu press F 6
then Showing on the display will again show the main menu. In this menu can
also directly press F 2 to move monitors on other seterilizer.
3. Menu F 2 - STR 2.
This menu is to monitor the process of what is going on in sterilizer 2. In the main
menu press F 2 then the display will show the data - what process data is currently
going on sterilizer 2. To return to the main menu or exit from this menu, Then the
display on the display will again see the main menu.
On this menu can also directly press F 1 to move to another sterilizer monitor.

4. Menu F 5 - SET.
This menu is used to do Settings, either to set the timer, step to start the process,
and interlock between sterilizer. To enter into this menu press F 5 on the main
menu, then the display will show 3 sub menus as follows:



To go to Sub menu Time and Interlock then press F 1, while F 2 to go to sub menu
Jump Process, and F 3 to go to Sub menu Change password.
To exit this menu press F 6.

Time menu sub, Pressure and interlock are used to set the Timer and Pressue used
in the automatic process and set the interval process between the Sterilizer. While
the sub menu Jump Process is used to set step jump for the initial sterilizer
process in Auto condition. And sub menu Change Password used to change the
existing password.

* F 1 - Time, Pressure, Interlock.

This menu is used to change the value of Timer and Pressure used for process, and
to determine interval between processes in auto condition. Each sterilizer has 19
Timers that must be set according to the process. The timers are as follows:
- Waktu untuk step 1 Harga awal 2 menit.
- 2 8
- 3 1
- 4 2
- 5 1
- 6 10
- 7 1
- 8 3
- 9 1
- 10 15
- 11 1
- 12 Under Ripe 15
- 12 Normal Ripe 15
- 12 Over Ripe 15
- 13 1
- 14 Under Ripe 25
- 14 Normal Ripe 20
- 14 Over Ripe 15
- 15 2
- 16 7

To change the price - time price above you first choose

Team menu, Press, Interlock. Next on display will be asked password
You, then you must enter the correct Password, and if your password is already
True, it will display display menu: SETTING. - F1: STR 1 -F3: Pressure.
- F2: STR 2 - F4: Interlock.

Press F1 to set the timer on sterilizer 1, F2 for sterilizer 2, F3 to change the

pressure reached on each peak and F4 to change the interval between sterilizer.
Next you can melakuka first by pressing the Enter key. After entering the new
timer price, press Enter again.

If the timer price is correct, then you can make changes to the other timer by
pressing the Enter key and (Timer for next step) or (timer for previous).

Example display timer setting:

Set Timer Sterilizer 1

Step 1: 3 min.
Step 2: 8 min.
Step 3: 1 min.

This menu is used to set the pressure to be achieved at each Peak,
and set the upper and lower limit of pressure during the process of
cooking, then the values will be a reference for the system base base at the
time of the automatic process running.

To change the value of the pressurenya, press the Enter key first then enter
the desired pressure value, and press Enter once again if the pressure value
is correct. It can also be changed at other pressure by pressing the Enter
key and (for next pressure) and (For pressur).

This menu is used to set the interval between two processes of a
sterilizer. For example Sterilizer 1 has already started the boiling process,
the next sterilizer (Str 2 or 3) cannot start the process if sterilizer 1 has not
reached the Interlock step. And so for the next sterilizer who has done the
process has not reached the interlock step.

Example display menu to set Interlock:

Interlock Setting:
Lock On Step: 10.

To change the Interlocknya step, then press the Enter key first steering- An enter
the value of the step, and press Enter once again if the step value is correct.

F 2 - Jump Process
This menu is used to set the initial step of a Sterilizer process, for
example: Sterilizer 1 is set to the initial value of Step 4. If the start button
on sterilizer 1 is pressed, then sterilizer 1 will run the process starting from
step 4 while (Step 1 to step 3) is not executed, also called step jump.

To enter this Menu press F 2 from the sub menu settings, then the
display will show the layer as follows:

Seleck Sterilizer
F 1: STR 1.
F 2: STR 2.
F 1 For Sterilizer 1, F 2 for Sterilizer 2.
After selecting sterilizer it will appear next menu, Sterilizer Example 1:

Step setting 1.
Starting Step: 5.
To change the step, press Enter key and then enter the step value, and press
Enter once again if the step value is correct.

F 3 - Change Password
This menu is used to change the Password used in the system, by
pressing F3 from the Set menu it will display the display as follows:

Change Password
Old Password:
New Password:
F 6 - Back.
To change the Password, you must enter the old password number (which
is temporarily Active) first, then enter the new password number (that you
want) by pressing the Enter key and use key and press enter key once
again, then after both numbers Password is correct, then the number of
passwords that are new password that you have entered. As for exit from
this menu premises how to press the F key then display back to the main

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