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Class 11 Physics

1. Motion in a Straight Line

Displacement and Velocity
Position and Displacement
Velocity and Speed
Uniform Motion (Basics)
Uniform Motion (Advanced)
Uniform Accelerated Motion
Acceleration (Basics)
Free Fall
Motion Graphs
Motion Graphs (v-t)
2. Projectile Motion
Central Principle of Projectile Motion
o Introduction to Projectile Motion
o Galileo's Observations:
o Horizontal Velocity does not affect Vertical Motion:
o Range and Displacement
o Velocity belongs to an object, Acceleration does not!
Horizontal Projection
o Horizontal Projection 1 Slides
o Ghost ball approach to solving projectile questions
o Travel time is the same for two balls thrown horizontally
o Two objects thrown simultaneously
o What decides travel time: Horizontal or Vertical motion?
o How to calculate the Travel Time 1 Slides
o Analysing a ball that bounces off a wall 1 Slides
o Projectile Motion
Horizontal + Vertical Projection
o Review of Vectors
o Galileos Experiments for Horizontal + Vertical throw
o Equal vertical velocity means equal vertical motion
o Calculating Time in Horiztontal + Vertical Projection
o Horizontal + Vertical: Velocity and Time
o Ground to Ground Projectiles
o Range for Ground to Ground Projectiles
o Displacement and Velocity for Horizontal throw
o Displacement and Velocity for general projectile
o Symmetry in Projectile Path
Projection at an Angle
o Revising Vector Resolution and Trigonometry
o Objects Projected at an Angle
o Symmetry in Projectile Path
o Formulas for Projectile Motion
o How Range changes with Angle
o When the formulas dont work
o Angles in Radians and Angles in Degrees
3. Units and Measurements
Units and dimensions
4. Vectors and Calculus
5. Circular Motion
Circular Motion
6. Relative Motion
Relative velocity
Relative Acceleration
Calculating Distance and Time
Relative Motion in a medium
7. Newtons Law of Motion
Newton's Laws of Motion 1
Newtons First Law (Basics)
Newtons Second Law (Basics)
Newtons Law of Motion 2
Newtons Law of Motion 3
Newtons Law of Motion 4
Newtons Law of Motion 5
Newtons Law (Bendy Axis Method
Constrained Motion
Seven Steps to solving Newtons Laws Problems
Static Friction
8. Work, Energy and Power
Work and Energy
9. System of Particles
System of Particles
10. Rotational Mechanics
Rotation 1(Fixed Axis Kinematics)
Rotation 2
Moment of Inertia
Rotation and Energy
Rotation 3
Rotation 4 10 Slides
Rotation Type B Shortcut
Rotation Type C Problems
Rotation - Angular Momentum
11. Gravitation
12. Thermodynamics
13. Simple Harmonic Oscillations
Simple Harmonic Motion 1
Simple Harmonic Motion 2
Simple Harmonic Motion 3
Rotational Simple Harmonic Motion
14. Fluids
Fluids I
Fluids II
Fluids III
Fluids IV
Fluids: Surface Tension
Fluids: Bernoullis Principle
15. Waves
Waves I & II

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