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2nd Grade Common Core State Standards

I Can Statements
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
2.OA.1 I can solve addition and subtraction word problems within 100.
2.OA.2 I can fluently add and subtract within 20.
2.OA.3 I can tell if an number is odd or even.
2.OA.4 I can use repeated addition to figure out how many objects are in rows
and columns.

Number and Operations in Base Ten

2.NBT.1 I know that three-digit numbers are made up of hundreds, tens, and
2.NBT.1a I know that 100 is ten tens.
2.NBT.1b I know that there are 1-9 hundreds in the numbers 100-900.
2.NBT.2 I can count by 5s, 10s, and 100s within 1,000.
2.NBT.3 I can read and write numbers in many ways to 1,000.
2.NBT.4 I can compare two three-digit numbers.
2.NBT.5 I can fluently add and subtract within 100.
2.NBT.6 I can add up to four two-digit numbers.
2.NBT.7 I can add and subtract within 1,000 using many strategies.
2.NBT.8 I can mentally add or subtract 10 or 100 to or from a number 100-900.
2.NBT.9 I can explain how addition and subtraction work.

Measurement and Data

2.MD.1 I can use tools to measure length.
2.MD.2 I can measure the length of an object using two different units.
2.MD.3 I can estimate lengths.
2.MD.4 I can measure to figure out how much longer one object is than another.
2.MD.5 I can use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve measurement word
2.MD.6 I can represent whole numbers as lengths on a number line.
2.MD.7 I can tell and write time to the nearest five minutes.
2.MD.8 I can solve money word problems.
2.MD.9 I can display and analyze measurement data.
2.MD.10 I can show data on a picture graph and a bar graph. I can analyze data in
a bar graph.

2.G.1 I can recognize and draw shapes based on attributes.
2.G.2 I can divide rectangles into rows and columns of same-size squares.
2.G.3 I can divide circles and rectangles into two, three, and four equal parts and
name those parts.

Language Arts
Reading Standards for Literature
2.RL.1 I can ask and answer questions about a text.
2.RL.2 I can retell stories with understanding.
2.RL.3 I can describe how characters behave and think in a story.
2.RL.4 I can describe how words and phrases have rhythm and meaning.
2.RL.5 I can describe the events of a story and their purposes.
2.RL.6 I can show how characters have different points of view.
2.RL.7 I can use pictures and words to figure out the parts of a story.
2.RL.9 I can compare and contrast characters in different versions of the same
2.RL.10 I can read various texts with ease and understanding.

Reading Standards for Informational Text

2.RI.1 I can ask and answer questions about the text to show my understanding.
2.RI.2 I can tell the topic of a group of paragraphs. I can tell the focus of a
2.RI.3 I can describe how details in the text are connected.
2.RI.4 I can figure out the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
2.RI.5 I know how to use text features to find information.
2.RI.6 I can tell the main purpose of a text.
2.RI.7 I can tell how a picture helps explain something in the text.
2.RI.8 I can describe how an author uses details to make a point.
2.RI.9 I can compare and contrast the key points in two different texts on the
same topic.
2.RI.10 I can read and understand informational texts.

Reading Standards: Foundational Skills

2.RF.3 I can use word study and phonics skills to read words.
2.RF.3a I can tell the difference between long and short vowels.
2.RF.3b I know the spellings and sounds of common vowel pairs.
2.RF.3c I can read two-syllable words with long vowels.
2.RF.3d I can read words with common prefixes and suffixes.
2.RF.3e I can name words that are spelled differently from how they sound.
2.RF.3f I can read words that are spelled irregularly.
2.RF.4 I can comprehend while reading with accuracy and fluency.
2.RF.4a I can read with purpose and understanding.
2.RF.4b I can read aloud with accuracy and expression.
2.RF.4c I can use context clues to correct my reading. I can reread if necessary.

Writing Standards
2.W.1 I can write about a topic or a book and tell how I feel about it.
2.W.2 I can write to inform about a topic with facts and other details.
2.W.3 I can write a detailed story that has a clear sequence of events.
2.W.5 I can stick to a topic. I can revise my writing.
2.W.6 I can use technology to write and publish my work.
2.W.7 I can research and write with others for a project.
2.W.8 I can recall or research information to answer a question.

Speaking and Listening Standards

2.SL.1 I can take part in group discussions.
2.SL.1a I can follow the rules for a discussion.
2.SL.1b I can talk with others and add to what they say.
2.SL.1c I can ask questions about what is being discussed.
2.SL.2 I can retell or describe details from what was read aloud or presented.
2.SL.3 I can ask and answer questions about what was said to help me understand
2.SL.4 I can clearly and completely describe a story or experience.
2.SL.5 I can record myself reading a story or poem. I can use pictures to help
others understand what I am talking about.
2.SL.6 I can produce complete sentences.

Language Standards
2.L.1 I can make good word choices when writing or speaking.
2.L.1a I can use collective nouns.
2.L.1b I can form and use most irregular plural nouns.
2.L.1c I can use reflexive pronouns.
2.L.1d I can form and use past tense of most irregular verbs.
2.L.1e I can use adjective and adverbs appropriately.
2.L.1f I can produce, expand, and rearrange complete sentences.
2.L.2 I can follow the rules about words and sentences when I write.
2.L.2a I can capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names.
2.L.2b I can use commas in greetings and closings of letters.
2.L.2c I can use an apostrophe to form contractions and most possessives.
2.L.2d I can apply what I know about spelling patterns to spell words.
2.L.2e I can look up words to check their spellings.
2.L.3 I can use what I have learned about good language when writing, speaking,
reading, or listening.
2.L.3a I can compare different styles of speaking.
2.L.4 I can use strategies to figure out the meaning of unknown words and
2.L.4a I can use context clues to help me figure out the meaning of a word or
2.L.4b I can figure out the meaning of a new word when a prefix has been added.
2.L.4c I can use a word I know to figure out the meaning of another word.
2.L.4d I can figure out the meaning of compound words by understanding the
meanings of the individual words.
2.L.4e I can use glossaries and dictionaries to figure out the meaning of words and
2.L.5 I can show that I know the differences and similarities between words.
2.L.5a I can use words to describe the world around me.
2.L.5b I can tell the differences between synonyms.
2.L.6 I can use new words that I have learned.

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