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JUNE.15-18. 2005
Kragujevac, Serbia and Montenegro


Niculae Napoleon Antonescu, Razvan George Ripeanu
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania,

Crude oil contains formation water, salts and gases as carbon dioxide, which made it an
electrolytic medium with an acid pH. Is very important to prevent pipes damage made by
corrosion and to avoid crude oil loses.
NORSOK M-506 methodology propose a relation for corrosion rate which depends of many
complex parameters such as carbon dioxide fugacity, pH, surface tangent effort, each factor
depending of temperature, pressure, fraction of gases and water, oil and water density, pipe
area and roughness etc..
In order to predict pipe life time, paper develops an original interactive computer program
made to solve the corrosion rate relation proposed in NORSOK M-506. We obtain also new
relations between parameters. With the program created we establish that at 600C we have the
maximum corrosion rate and also we analyze the CO2 partial pressure, pH, pipe area and
roughness, water and oil density, total pressure influence about corrosion rate. The results
obtained were confirmed by experiments and by industrial practice.

Keywords: crude oil, carbon dioxide, corrosion rate.

1. INTRODUCTION Corrosive effect of CO2 became stronger

with pressure and temperature, because rise the
Gas and liquid hydrocarbons became dissolved quantity of CO2 in water. Formation
corrosive in the presence of water. Crude oil water aggressivity can be expressed by equation
obtained by deep-well pumping contains [5]:
6070% petroliferous water and important pCO2 = p y CO2 (1)
quantity of carbon dioxide. In table 1 is shown
for few wells from Vata oil field, some were: pCO2 is partial pressure of carbon dioxide,
characteristics of formation water. MPa;
Table 1. Some characteristics of formation p system total pressure, MPa;
water y CO2 -molar concentration of carbon
Well Pump type CO2 CO2% dioxide, %.
number pH free, from There are the following limits:
mg/l gases pCO2 > 0,2 MPa strong corrosion;
557 Vaa TB 2 3/8 6,55 147,40 10,75 pCO2 = 0,05...0,2 MPa temperate
2408 2 7/8 6,85 132,00 4,39 corrosion;
1078 2 7/8 6,61 325,60 7,47
pCO2 < 0,05 MPa small influence of CO2
Vaa RLAM above corrosion.
451 bis TB 3 1/2 6,96 71,81 6,53

Corrosion rate of low-alloy steel in CO2 rate. The influence of many factors was taking
medium is difficult to evaluate because of the into account mostly by lodging some corrective
influence of some specific factors met in oil- factors.
wells as: One of this is SHELL model, [4], which
- forming protecting films; evaluate corrosion rate, as a function of partial
- hydrocarbons presence; pressure of carbon dioxide and temperature.
- presence of poly-phase system gas- Based on this model in figure 1 is presented
liquid-solid; SHELL nomogram.
- presence of corrosion inhibitors; In high temperature zone, results obtained
- material type and surface quality; from nomogram are corrected with scale factor.
- friction forces. The main SHELL method deficiency is the
From this reasons were developed many mindless of medium pH, fluid movement and the
semi-empirical models to evaluate corrosion influence of friction forces.

Partial pressure CO2

Scale factor

Corrosion rate

Fig. 1: SHELL nomogram to evaluate corrosion rate

Other modern model is Neuronal Network - fluid flow rate, v=113m/s.
Model [2]. This model admit to evaluate Evolved descriptors used to evaluate
processes that depends on many factors between corrosion rate were [2]:
we could not establish an analytical connection. pCO2 Fe 2 +
To obtain proper results with this method we e1 = ; e2 = ;
have to use extended descriptors which assort t pH HCO3 t pH HCO3
elementary factors which have causal nexus. For v 0,4 ln(v ) v 0,4 ln(v )
example in the category of extended descriptors e3 =
;e4= 2+
; (2)
we have well-known numbers of Reynolds,
t pH HCO 3 p CO 2
Prandtl etc.
To evaluate corrosion rate of low-alloy steel e5 =
; e6 =
ln HCO3 ) .
in CO2 medium the elementary factors as input pH pH
parameters were: Results obtained with Neuronal Network
- temperature, t=20900C; Model were compared with experimental results.
- partial pressure of CO2, pCO2=0,032,6 From the figure 2 results, there are a proper
MPa; correlation between calculated values and
- iron density of ionization, experimental values [1].
- fluid pH, pH=3,57;

Calculated values, mm/year

Measured values, mm/year

Fig. 2: Comparation between corrosion rate values measured and corrosion rate values calculated
with Neuronal Network Model

In figure 3 is presented the correlation SHELL Model is less sensitive (R2=0,72), than
between corrosion rate values calculated with Neuronal Network Model.
SHELL Model and experimental corrosion rate However Neuronal Network Model
values [1]. From figure 2 and 3 result that mindless of presence of poly-phase system gas-
liquid-solid, surface quality and friction forces.
Calculated values, mm/year

Measured values, mm/year

Fig. 3: Comparation between corrosion rate values measured and corrosion rate values calculated
with SHELL Model

The newest method to evaluate corrosion
rate in petroleum medium with carbon dioxide is Kt= 6,25+0,050667(t-90), (5)
proposed by NORSOK M-506 standard [6]. for 90< t U1200C;
This method depends on partial pressure of
carbon dioxide, medium pH, system temperature Kt=7,77-0,085567(t-120), (6)
and tangential stress at liquid-solid interface. for 120< t U1500C.
Calculus relation for corrosion rate is [6]:
2.2 Carbon dioxide fugacity
0 ,146 + 0 , 0324lg f CO2 )
v cor = k t f CO2 ( pH ) t Fugacity f is a value proportional with partial
19 pressure of a gas which correlates at higher
(3) pressure the non-linear behavior:

were: Kt is a constant which depends on f CO2 = a pCO2 (7)

fCO2- fugacity of carbon dioxide; were: a is fugacity constant, and pCO2 partial
(pH)t- functions of pH and pressure of CO2 .
temperature; Fugacity constant depends of total system
S - tangential stress at fluid-solid pressure p and of absolute temperature T:
Those variables depend of many factors, so
we could not solve relation 3 without finding a = 10 p( 0,00311,4 T ) (8)
them first. for p U 25 MPa;

2. CALCULUS METHODOLOGY a = 10( 0,77562 ,5T ) (9)

for p > 25 MPa.
2.1 Establish Kt constant
2.3 Establish pH influence
The values of Kt constant are given in table
2, according to the M-506 standard. Function (pH)t can be determinated with
relations presented in table 3.
Table 2. Kt constant values For a medium with pH=3,5, in figure 4 is
Temperature, Constant Kt presented the (pH) function variation versus
C temperature. We notice that at temperatures
20 4,762 between 80oC and 90oC the pH influence is
40 8,927 maximal.
60 10,695
80 9,949
90 6,250
120 7,770
150 5,203

Analyzing dates from table 2 we obtained

the following correlation between temperature t
and Kt constant:

Kt= -0,00307t2+0,393578t-1,88767, (4)

for 20< t U900C;
Fig. 4: (pH) function variation versus
For temperatures higher then 900C, Kt temperature
constant with linear switching in, became:

Table 3. Calculus relations for function (pH)t

Temp, oC pH limits Calculus relations for (pH)

2.4 Establish tangential stress at fluid-solid = (12)
Ql + Qg

Tangential stress at fluid-solid interface its were: Ql is liquid volumetric flow and Qg gas
a parameter which depends of fluid properties volumetric flow.
and of quality of metallic surface. In calculus of Liquid is an oil and water mixture and thus,
corrosion rate it was used the average tangential taking account of water fraction from oil , of
stress in normal section of pipe. water density a and oil density p, results:
Average tangential stress value at high flow l=+(1) (13)
rate (Re>2300) is:
Gas density depends on total pressure p,
S=0,5mfu2m (10) specific-gravity relative at air rg, factor of gas
non-ideality Z and temperature T:
were: S is tangential stress at interface, Pa; 627,1047 p rg
m fluid average density, kg/m3; = (14)
f- friction coefficient; Z T
um-flow rate, m/s.
Mixture velocity at the surface um is:
Fluid average density m is: um= ul+ug (15)

Liquid being incompressible, for a pipe

m=l+g(1-) (11)
section A results:
ul= Ql/A (16)
were: l is liquid density, kg/m3;
g gas density at p system pressure; For a gas with a non-ideality factor Z at
- liquid fraction mixture, which is: temperature T, results:

Qg T
ug = Z (16) If we do not know all dates we could use
A T0 relmax= 7,06 at a water fraction = 0,5. Oil
viscosity is 0,011 Pas at 600C, and water
Usually, velocity ul domain is 020m/s, and viscosity is 0,00046 Pas.
the domain for velocity ug is 040m/s. Friction For systems above critical point:
coefficient f depends on geometrical factors 2 ,5
(surface roughness Rz and pipe diameter D), 1

viscosity m and fluid density m : Ka
l = a 1+ , Pas (21)
R m 3
f = 0,001375 1 + 20000 Z + 10 6
D m m D were:

(17) 1 c
Ka = (22)
For fluid viscosity m we use a similar R 0,4
relation with (13): 1187
, 1
rel max
m= l+g(1) (18)
For liquid viscosity calculus under the and R= . For oil medium viscosity at 600C,
critical point we use the relation [6 ]: p
2 ,5
R= 0,42.
Water viscosity a depends on temperature
l = p 1+ ,Pas (19) t:
0 , 001053( 20 t )

, 3
1, 3272( 20 t )
K0 a= 1,002 10 10 t +105
, Pas
were p is oil viscosity and K0 is a coefficient
depending on maximum relative viscosity relmax In table 4 is presented the parameters
and corresponds to water contents c at critical domain for interface stress calculus and usually
point: values for forms when we dont have enough
dates, [3].
K0 = (20)
1 0,4
, 1
rel max

Table 4. Domains and usually values for the parameters used at calculus of interface stress
Parameter Units Domain Usually value
Roughness, Rz m 0100 50
Non-ideality factor, Z - 0,81,0 0,9
Gas relative specific-gravity, rg - 0,51,0 0,8
Oil density, p kg/m3 6001200 914 or calculus
Water density, a kg/m3 9001100 1024 or calculus
Gas density, g kg/m 11700 calculus
Water viscosity, a Pas 0,000170,0011 0,00046 or calculus
Oil viscosity, p Pas 0,00020,2 0,00909 or calculus
Gases viscosity, g Pas 0,000020,00006 0,00003 or calculus
Water fraction at critical point, c - 0,30,9 0,5
Maximum relative viscosity, relmax - 1100 7,06 or calculus

3. CALCULUS PROGRAM, INFLUENCE calculus. Based on NORSOK M-506 standard,
OF PARAMETERS AND the originally soft created by authors was made
CONCLUSIONS in programming language Visual Fox, [3].
The input parameters values were kept in
In figure 5 is presented the friendly program memory and at a new test must be changed only
interface for input dates and corrosion rate the value of the parameters we are interested on.

Fig. 5: Simulation window for corrosion rate calculus

To evaluate the influence of involved

parameters, with the program created we find
corrosion rate for different parameters values.
Corrosion rate, mm/y

Based on observation that at pH= 3,5 corrosion

rate is maximum, with this pH value in figure 6
is presented the influence of temperature for
different partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
Analyzing the results we notice that at 60oC we
have the maximum corrosion rate values. Also
the temperature influence is greater at higher Partial pressure CO2, bar
partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Fig. 6: Corrosion rate versus partial pressure of
This conclusion is confirmed by the results CO2 at different temperatures
in oil fields.

In figure 7 is presented the influence of
tangential interfacial stress above corrosion rate Tubing 2 7/8, g=7,01mm, p=5MPa

at temperature 60oC.

Analyzing the results we notice that the 2

Corrosion rate, mm/y

tangential interfacial stress influence above
corrosion rate is smaller. We obtain a limitation pCO2=0,05MPa

of corrosion rate by rising tangential stress. 1


Result that curve corresponding S=75 Pa is
almost overlying with curve corresponding 0.5

S=150 Pa. 0
40 50 60
Temperature, grad C

Fig. 9: Corrosion rate versus temperature

We can see that corrosion rate is bigger

with a smaller pipe flow section. Also a bigger
roughness determines a bigger corrosion rate.
The program created assures a fast instrument to
evaluate corrosion rate. The measurements made
in oil fields above tubing and pipes confirm the
2 Partial pressure CO , bar results presented.
Fig. 7: Corrosion rate versus partial pressure of
CO2 at different tangential stress 4. REFERENCES
To evaluate the flow diameter influence, in [1] Nesici, S., et al., 1997, Superposition of
figure 8 is presented the corrosion rate for a 2 7/8 diffusion and chemical reaction controlled
grade D tubing with thickness g=5,11mm and limiting currents, application to CO2 corrosion,
Corrosion rate, mm/y

crude oil with 10% gases, different partial JCSE vol.1, paper 6;
pressure of CO2 and different temperatures at [2] Nesici, S., Vrhovac, M., 1997, A neutral
total pressure p=5MPa. network model for CO2 corrosion of carbon
steel, JCSE vol.1, paper 4;
[3] Ripeanu, R.G., 2003, Cercetari privind
Tubing 2 7/8, g=5,11mm, p=5MPa cresterea durabilitatii cuplei cilindru-piston din
2.5 componenta pompelor de extractie, Ph.D.
Corrosion rate, mm/y

2 thesis, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti,

1.5 pCO2=0,05MP pp59-70;
[4] Ward, C., Milliams, D.E., 1975,
0.5 Prediction of carbonic acid corrosion in natural
0 gas pipes, First international conference on the
40 50 60 internal and external corrosion of pipes,
Temperature, grad C
University of Durham, paper F1;
[5] Ripeanu, R.G., Tudor, I., 2002, Ingineria
coroziunii, vol. 2, Ed. Universitatii din Ploiesti;
Fig. 8: Corrosion rate versus temperature
[6] ***- Norsok Standard M-506.


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