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Trigger 1:

A 36-year-old woman (G2P1A0) 37 weeks of gestation a dm i t t e d to Emergency

room with her husband because she feel leakage of fluid from vagina since 1 hours ago,
she denies abdominal contraction and bloodyshow; the fetal movement was normal. She had
been complained leukorea since 2 weeks. She has a history of preterm spontaneus
vaginal delivery

Trigger 2:

Vital Sign: HR 85, BP 130/82, Temp. 98.7, RR 18. All reflexes are checked and are
intact. No edema is present. Patient denies any uterus tenderness. Fetal Heart Rate
is present with a rate 130 bpm and the patient states she felt the babys last
movement. On abdominal exam The fundal height is 32cm and no contraction. On
leopolds manuver the fetus is single, found to be cephalic presentation and the
the head has entered in the pelvis inlet. Inspeculo exam demonstrated that there
was amniotic fluid came out from the OUE. A fern test is ordered and comes back as
positive. Results of the nitrasin test: red to blue laksmus

Tigger 3:

8 hours later, her cervical exam demonstrated that bishop score is 4, the ObGyn doctor decided
to induction of labor with prostaglandin. Seven hours after induction, monitoring of the fetal heart
rate show that there was deceleration until 90 beat/minute and there was meconium in amniotic
Translate :

TG 1

36-Tahun-wanita tua (G2P1A0) 37 minggu kehamilan mengaku ruang gawat darurat dengan
suaminya karena dia merasa kebocoran cairan dari vagina sejak 1 jam yang lalu, dia
menyangkal perut kontraksi dan bloodyshow; gerakan janin adalah normal. Dia telah mengeluh
leukorea sejak 2 minggu. Dia memiliki riwayat persalinan prematur spontaneus

TG 2

Vital Sign: HR 85, BP 130/82, Temp. 98.7, RR 18. Semua refleks diperiksa dan utuh.
Edema tidak ada. Pasien menyangkal setiap kelembutan rahim. Detak jantung janin hadir
dengan bpm 130 tingkat dan pasien menyatakan dia merasa bayi % u2019s gerakan terakhir.
Perut ujian ketinggian fundal adalah 32cm dan tidak ada kontraksi. Pada leopold % u2019s
manuver janin satu, ditemukan sepalika presentasi dan kepala telah memasuki di inlet panggul.
Ujian Inspeculo menunjukkan bahwa ada ketuban cairan keluar dari OUE. Tes pakis
diperintahkan dan datang kembali positif. Hasil tes nitrasin: merah ke biru laksmus

TG 3

8 jam kemudian, ujian serviks menunjukkan bahwa Uskup Skor 4, dokter ObGyn memutuskan
untuk induksi untuk persalinan dengan prostaglandin. Tujuh jam setelah induksi, pemantauan
detak jantung janin menunjukkan bahwa ada perlambatan sampai 90 mengalahkan/menit dan
ada meconium pada cairan ketuban.

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