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From: Patient Prefer Adherence. 2012; 6: 369388.

Published online 2012 May 1. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S29716

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Table 8
Future treatment options for treatment-resistant depression

Medication/interv ention Com m ents

Melatonin drugs Preliminary data only , no inclusion of TRD population in registration trials, not y et
(agomelatine) studied as an augmenting agent
Acety lcholine drugs Intrav enous infusions used for scopolamine, studied as augmenting agents rather
(scopolamine, than primary treatment, small numbers in published results, large trials underway
mecamy lamine, v arenicline)
Glutamate drugs (ketamine, Short-term sy mptomatic relief, only intrav enous infusions used, further trials
NR2 antagonists, riluzole) underway
Neurostimulation V NS approv ed for TRD but long-term treatment needed, TMS showed less efficacy in
more treatment-resistant patients but use of TMS in TRD under inv estigation, DBS
trials underway

Copyright 2010, Informa Healthcare. Adapted with permission from Philip NS, Carpenter LL, Tyrka AR,
Price LH. Pharmacologic approaches to treatment resistant depression: a re-examination for the modern
era. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2010;11: 709722.81

Abbreviations: NR2, NMDA receptor subunit; TRD, treatment-resistant depression; VNS, vagus nerve
stimulation; DBS, deep brain stimulation; TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation.


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