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Chapter 2

Water Distribution Systems

Dr. MB. Samarakoon

Department of Civil Engineering
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 1
Water Distribution Systems
Planning of water supply schemes
(1) Intake
An Intake is the first structure from the source
end and used for collection of water from
surface sources
It is masonry or RCC structures built at the
surface source for drawing water from this and
sends it to the water works system
An intake structure may be subjected to water
current besides its self weight and other
structural loads, so should be strongly built

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 2
Water Distribution Systems

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Water Distribution Systems
The following considerations are made in
selecting the site of an intake
i) This should be as far as practicable near the
treatment plant as well as to the township to
which is to be supplied. This will reduce the
conveyance cost.
ii) It should be in the pure region of water source
so that the cost of treatment of raw water will
be low
iii) For the same reason as above, it should not be
constructed at the downstream side of the
point of disposal of wastewater. But location of
intake should be on the up stream side of
disposal point
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Water Distribution Systems
iv) It should be so located that even during the
most critical period, it can draw water from
the source
v) There should be sufficient scope for further
expansion. Though design period for an intake
is kept between 30 to 40 years, it may require
expansion sooner or later

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Water Distribution Systems
Types of intakes
(a) River Intake
They are masonry or concrete towers
generally circular or rectangular in cross-
section constructed on the bank of the river

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Water Distribution Systems
Motor room


H.F.L Pump
Rising main

Penstocks(Located Sump
at downstream )
River Intake
River Bed
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Water Distribution Systems
(b) Reservoir Intakes
The intake tower is a masonry or concrete
structure similar to river intake and constructed
in deep water near the upstream of the dam
The water of impounding reservoirs is likely to
vary in quality at different levels, making it
advisable to take water from about a water below
the top surface
So the inlet ports at different levels may be
operated from the gate house with the
fluctuation of water levels
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Water Distribution Systems
Gate house

Intake tower

material Inlet

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Water Distribution Systems
(2) The distribution system
Method of distribution
Water is distributed to the consumers in
different ways
i) Gravity distributions
This is possible when the source of supply is a
lake or impounding reservoir at some
elevation above the city so that sufficient
pressure can be maintained in the mains

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Water Distribution Systems
ii) By pumping with storage
This is the most common method generally
used in practice
In this method, the excess of water pumped
during periods of low consumption is stored in
elevated tanks
During period of high consumption the stored
water is drawn
This method allow fairly uniform rate of
pumping and hence is economical
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Water Distribution Systems
iii) Direct pumping
In this method, pumps are used for supplying
water without any storage
The water is forced into the main and then to
the consumers
As consumption varies, the pressure in the
main is likely to fluctuate

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Water Distribution Systems
(3) Storage Necessity
Water is stored for several proposes and the
following functions are fulfilled by storage or
service reservoirs
i) To equalize supply and demand over a long
period of high supply
ii) To furnish water for such emergencies as fire
fighting or accidental breakdown
iii) It reduces the size of purification facilities
and the number of wells required
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Water Distribution Systems
iv) It reduces the necessary capacity of high rate
pumping equipments
v) It reduces the size of the transmission mains
vi) It makes uniform pumping rate possible
vii) It reduces friction head loss
viii) It provides uniform water pressure
ix) It reduces operating cost by operating pumps
at the rate for maximum efficiently
x) Water already pumped into the elevated tank
is more certain of availability than water at
the lower level
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Water Distribution Systems
Reservoirs may be underground or it may be
elevated water tank


Inlet Pipe
Outlet pipe

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Outlet 22
Water Distribution Systems
An elevated tank will have the following main
i) Storage tank :-This is the most important
component. The size and shape of which
depend on the design components
ii) Staging:- This is the Column or supporting
structure which will elevate the tank to
required height. Staging height between 15-25
m is quite common.
iii) Inflow pipe :-Pumped water under pressure is
lifted through this pipe and the inlet is kept
above the highest water level stored in tank.
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Water Distribution Systems
iv) Float gauge:-This is a float arrangement fitted
with a graduated scale, which indicates the
water level in tank at any time.
v) Outlet pipe:- Outlet pipe is fitted at the
lowest water level of the reservoir and used
for supplying water to the community.
vi) Overflow pipe :- To remove excess water
vii) Drain off pipe :- This is fitted at the lowest
possible water level in the tank and used for
let-out washed water after cleaning the tank
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Water Distribution Systems
viii) Ladders:- To access to the top of the tank
ix) Manholes:-These provide the access of a man
to the inside of the tank
x) Ventilators:- This will allow fresh air to enter
the reservoir which helps keeping the stored
water under better condition.

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 25
Water Distribution Systems
Design Capacity
Reservoir capacity is determined on the
following basis
i) Balancing storage :- This is required to
equalize between the fluctuations of
demand rate with constant rate of pumping.
ii) Break down storage :- This is the amount of
storage down during the failure of power
supply or break down of pumps.
iii) Fire reserve :- This is the storage required for
fighting a fire out break
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 26
Water Distribution Systems
Example :- A small town with a population of
1600 is to be supplied water at 150 L/P/d. The
demand of water during different period is
gives in the following table
Time/hr 0- 3 3-6 6-9 9- 12- 15- 18- 21-
12 15 18 21 24
in 1000 L 20 25 30 50 35 30 25 25

Determine the capacity of a service reservoir if pumping

is done 24 hrs at constant rate
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 27
Water Distribution Systems
Water dammed = 150 L/P/d
Total water demand = 150x1600
= 2,40,000 L/d
For constant rate of pumping = 240,000
= 10,000 L/hr
= 30,000 L/3hrs

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Water Distribution Systems
Time/ Pumping Demand Surplus Deficit Cumulative Cumulative
hrs surplus Deficit
0-3 30,000 20,000 10,000 10,000

3-6 30,000 25,000 5,000 15,000

6-9 30,000 30,000 0 15,000

9-12 30,000 50,000 20,000 5,000

12-15 30,000 35,000 5,000 10,000

15-18 30,000 30,000 0 10,000

18-21 30,000 25,000 5,000 5,000

21-24 30,000 25,000 5,000 0

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 29
Water Distribution Systems
From the table
Maximum cumulative surplus = 15,000L
Maximum cumulative deficit = 10,000L
i) Balancing Storage= 15,000 + 10,000
= 25,000 L
ii) Break downs storage if 3hrs pumping rate
provided = 3x10,000
= 30,000 L
iii) Fire reserve it provided at the rate of
5 L /p = 5x1600 = 8000L
The total capacity of reservoir
= 25,000 + 30,000 + 8000
= 63,000L
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Water Distribution Systems
Alternative Solution
Balancing storage can also be found by plotting
cumulative demand curve and cumulative supply rate

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Water Distribution Systems
Balancing storage = 6000 + 18000
= 24,000L
Capacity = 24,000 + 30,000 + 8000
= 62,000L

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 32
Water Distribution Systems
Pressures:- The followings give idea about different
ranges of pressure in field condition
i) Trunk and main pipe line = 8-10kg /cm2xg

ii) Secondary main system = 3-5 kg/cm2xg

iii) Distribution system at consumers end =
1.4 kg/cm2x g
The natural pressure that a pipe can withstand
depends on the strength of the materials & give by the
following formula.
ft PD/2t
t = thickness of the pipe shell ; p = internal pressure
D = Diameter of pipe
ft = Permissible Hoops stress of the pipe material)
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 33
Water Distribution Systems
Pipe Systems
Design Principles for Water distribution Systems
Distribution mains
Distribution mains form a grid over the area to be
served and supply water to the service pipes of the
residences and other buildings
The velocity in the pipes will depend upon the
discharge and the size of the pipe
The velocity at maximum flow should not exceed 2
m/s, normally it should be designed for 1m/s
The distribution mains should be less than 15 cm in
size, with the cross pipes also 15 cm in size at
intervals of not more than 200 m
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 34
Water Distribution Systems
Design of water distribution systems
The design of water distribution systems will
depend on
Commercial and industrial details
System of supply such as continuous,
Pressure in the pipe lines

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 35
Water Distribution Systems
The Hazen Williams formula is the most
widely used one for finding the velocity
through pipes
V = 0.84 C R0.63 S0.54
V = Velocity (m/s)
C = constant depending upon the roughness
of the pipe
R = the hydraulic radius of the pipe (m)
S = the hydraulic gradient
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 36
Water Distribution Systems
C for some common materials used for pipes
Material of the pipe Value of C
Extremely smooth and straight cast iron 140
New cast iron 130
5 years old cast iron 120
10 years old cast iron 110
20 years old cast iron 95
Concrete or cement lined 130
Welded steel and riveted steel 120
Wood stave 120
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 37
Water Distribution Systems
Ex 1:- The hydraulic gradient of two points A
and B in a distribution system is 48 m and 45
m respectively. Flow through the section is
2000 L/min and the distance between them is
3 km. Using Hazen William formula and
assuming the value of C as 120 , calculate the
diameter of pipe

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 38
Water Distribution Systems
Q = 2000 L/min =
0.0333 m3/s
Hydraulic radius =
Hydraulic gradient = (48 45)
3 km
= 3 m / 3000 m
Flow Rate (Q) = Area (A) x Velocity (V)

d = 30 cm
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 39
Water Distribution Systems
When water flows through a pipe there will be
friction losses. Head loss due to friction is given
by Darcy-Weisbach Formula

hf = head loss due to friction

f = coefficient of friction of pipe material
L = length of pipe considered
V = velocity of flow
g = gravitational constant
D = diameter of pipe
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 40
Water Distribution Systems
Frequently the above formula is expressed as

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 41
Water Distribution Systems
Example 2 :- A town with 200,000 population
receives water from a reservoir 3000m away.
Water is supplied of a rate of 200 L/P/d. The
difference of elevation between the lowest
water level in the sump and reservoir is 40 m.
If the demand has to be supplied in 10 hrs,
determine the size of the main and effective
head loss

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 42
Water Distribution Systems
Assume :- Maximum demand is 1.5 times the
average demand
f = 0.0075 , coefficient of pipe friction
Velocity in pipe = 1.5 m/s
Average flow = 200 L/P/d x 200,000 P
= 40,000 m3 /d
Peak flow = 1.5 x 40,000
= 60,000 m3/d
As 60,000 m3has to be supplied in 10hrs ,
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 43
Water Distribution Systems
The rate of Pumping = 60,000 = 1.67 m3/s
Given velocity of flow = 1.5 m/s
Provide 2 Number of parallel pipes of equal
Flow rate through each pipe Q = 1.67
= 0.835 m3
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 44
Water Distribution Systems
Cross sectional area of each pipe = 0.835
= 0.557 m2
Diameter of each pipe = 0.842 m
Frictional head loss in each pipe

= 4 x 0.0075 x 3000 x 1.52 = 12.26 m

2 x 9.81 x 0.842
Elevation deference = 40 m
Effective head loss in each pipe = 40 + 12.26 = 52.26 m
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 45
Water Distribution Systems
Analysis of flow of a pipe Network
The commonly used method
- Equivalent pipe method
- The method of section
- Electrical analogy method
- Hardy cross method
(1) Equivalent pipe method
Computations will be made easier if the designer
will find pipe of length of diameter equivalent
to loops and lines of pipe of various diameters
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 46
Water Distribution Systems
For example, to determine the diameter and
length of pipe that will replace, in later
computation, the system shown in the
following figure

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 47
Water Distribution Systems
First, a pipe equivalent to loop BCED will be
Assume a flow of 30 L/S is following through
Loss of head in BD = 150 cm
Loss of head in DE = 200 cm
Total loss in BDE = 350 cm

Average loss of head per 100 m in

BDE = 46.6 m
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 48
Water Distribution Systems
It will be seen that with a flow of 30 L/s,
equivalent pipe having this loss of head will
have a diameter of 22 cm and be 750 m long
while the other branch BCE may be
considered 16 cm pipe 700 m long
It is now necessary to find a single pipe
equivalent to the two branches
The loss of head will be the same by either
Assuming the loss of head from B to E be
200 cm
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 49
Water Distribution Systems
Corresponding quantity of flow = 20 L/s
Loss of head in BDE per 100 m = 200
= 26.6 cm
Corresponding quantity of flow = 10 L/s
Loss of head in BCE per 100m = 200
= 28.6 cm
Total flow through loop = 30 L/s
The size of pipe 700m long which carry 30 L/s
with a loss of head of 200 cm is found to be 25
cm which is the equivalent pipe desired
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 50
Water Distribution Systems
Layout of Distribution Main
The system of conduits that conveys water
to the points of use from the terminus of the
supply conduit is known as the distribution
Street plan, topography and location of
supply work and distribution storage
establish the type of distribution system and
character of flow through it
The following are the main distributing
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 51
Water Distribution Systems
(1) Dead end System
This is also known as tree system or branching
This system comprises of a supply main
starting from the service reservoir laid along
the main road and sub-mains branch out of
the main along other roads
Distributors similarly branch out of the sub
This system is suitable for old cities with
unplanned development
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 52
Water Distribution Systems
Branching Pattern with dead end
Sub mains


Minor distributors
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 53
Water Distribution Systems
The advantages of this system
It is relatively cheap
Easy to design
The disadvantages
Each pipe has a dead end where the water
becomes stagnant. This permits accumulation
of sediments and the quality of water
Water supply has to be cut off to a large area
during repair of any important line
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 54
Water Distribution Systems
(2) Grid iron system
A Grid iron Pattern is that Pattern or layout of
roads in which streets cross-section and
when pipe mains are laid below road network
they can be interconnected
This is an improvement over dead end system,
as dead ends are eliminated, and water in
pipes always remains under circulation

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 55
Water Distribution Systems
Grid iron Pattern


Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 56
Water Distribution Systems
Hydraulically, the grid iron system possesses the
advantages of carrying water to any spot from more
than one direction
The advantages of this system over dead-end system
Stagnation of water is avoided
During repair works a district may be supplied with
water by other mains or sub-mains
The disadvantages
It is a costly one
Pipe length required is being higher
More number of valves are required
The design of distribution network is more complicated
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Water Distribution Systems
( 3) Ring System
The system can be adopted both for radial
pattern or grid-iron pattern of street layout
The main principle of this system is of cutting the
entire city into circular or rectangular blocks and
then laying the mains all along the peripheral
Sub-mains branch out from the mains and laid
below the internal roads and streets
The disadvantage of this system as compare to
grid iron system is that the length of main pipe
required is higher
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Water Distribution Systems
Ring System


Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 59
Water Distribution Systems
(4) Radial System
If the cities road layout is of radial pattern,
this type of water distribution layout is better
Here, water flows towards outer periphery
from inside
The entire service city is divided into different
zones and a distribution reservoir is located
at the center of each zone

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 60
Water Distribution Systems
Radial system of layout


Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 61
Water Distribution Systems
As the water travels within a limited distance
inside the zones of the respective distribution
reservoirs, maximum head loss is restricted
The greatest advantage of this layout is that
it provides more equitable pressure
distribution for vast area
The distribution system is suitably
interconnected and in case of emergencies,
any zone can be fed by adjoining zones also

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 62
Water Distribution Systems
Pipes, Joints and Valves
Pipe Conduits
For transmission and distribution of water, pipe
conducts are used
Pipes represent a large proportion of the capital
investment in water supply projects and are
therefore, of particular importance
Choice of Pipe materials
Depending on many technical factors, the
choice of pipe materials are made. In general,
the materials should possess the following
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 63
Water Distribution Systems
i) Strength
The material should be strong enough to
with stand high internal pressure
Water pipe lines not only run under
pressure, at stages, very high pressure may
develop due to water hammer.
They should also be strong enough for
external over-burden load, wheel load,
impact and shock loads etc.

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Water Distribution Systems
ii) Hydraulic Properties
The material should be smooth so as to produce
lesser friction losses and higher Hydraulic
iii) Resistant to corrosion
Pipe should be resistant to both internal and
external corrosion
Water being carried by the pipe may tend to
cause internal corrosion, where a soil on which,
the pipe being rested may cause external

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 65
Water Distribution Systems
iv) Maximum Permissible diameters
Maximum permissible diameters may differ with
different materials and thus suited for different
parts of water distribution
v) Handling and Jointing
Pipe materials are quite often found suitable for
handling and jointing facilities.
Handling of very heavy, brittle pipes are
In water distribution system, for laying pipes,
many joints are bound to come.
So, making joints should be easy and cheap.

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 66
Water Distribution Systems
vi) Economy
About 50% - 70% cost of water supply
project is shared by distribution system.
So the materials of construction of water pipe
lines should be cheap to make the project
economically viable
vii) Side effects
It will not render water toxic, which is being
carried by it.
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 67
Water Distribution Systems
Types of Pipes
Cast iron pipes
Rough iron pipe
Ductile iron pipe
Steel pipes
RCC pipes
Copper and lead pipes
Plastic pipes
Asbestos cement pipe
Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 68
Water Distribution Systems
Joints in Pipes
As pipes are manufactured in small lengths,
joints are essential in the pipe lines.
There are various types of joints in use,
depending upon the material of the pipe and
condition of support

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 69
Water Distribution Systems
Spigot and Socket joint
Flanged joint
Mechanical joints
Flexible joints
Expansion joints
Screwed joints
Joints in RCC pipes
Joints in Asbestos cement pipes

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Water Distribution Systems
Valves in Pipelines
The importance of valves in pipe line should
not be forgotten, depending on different
situations and requirements, different types of
valve are used.
Some of the valves which are frequently used
for distribution system of water are as

Dr.Methsiri-Environmental Engineering-IESL 71
Water Distribution Systems
Sluice Valve
Air relief Valve
Pressure relief Valve
Reflux or cheek Valve
Globe Valves
Butterfly Valves
Fire Hydrants

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