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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2016; 20: 726-732

Evaluation of heart rate variability and

night-time blood pressure measurements
in patients with idiopathic sudden
sensoryneural hearing loss
Department of Cardiology, Erzurum Education and Research Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey
Department of Cardiology, Erzincan Universty, Erzincan, Turkey
Department of Cardiology, Maresal Cakmak Military Hospital, Erzurum, Turkey
Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, Erzincan University, Erzincan, Turkey
Department of Cardiology, Rize University, Rize, Turkey

Abstract. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this 30dB in at least three consecutive frequencies
study is to investigate the role of the autonomic that develops within 72 hours1. The diagnosis is
nervous system in the etiology of idiopathic made by exlusion of any other pathology causing
sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSHL) by
measuring heart rate variability (HRV) and night-
sudden sensorineural hearing loss. In 28-57% of
time blood pressure levels. patients, vestibular symptoms, fullness in the ear,
PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 58 pa- tinnitus, variable degrees of vertigo and balance
tients, 31 ISSHL patients (group 1) and 27 healthy disorder can be seen2. Although various causes
volunteers (control group; group 2), were includ- of ISSHL have been suggested such as viral in-
ed in this study. Clinical and ambulatory blood fections, vascular occlusion, autoimmunity,
pressure measurements and Holter electrocardio- cochlear membrane damage, toxic and vascular
graphy were performed in both groups. After
these evaluations, HRV parameters and night- reasons, viral infections and vascular pathologies
time blood pressure values were determined. stand in the forefront among these causes3. One
RESULTS: Mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) of the factors that can contribute to the vascular
and mean diastolic blood pressure (DBP) mea- pathology is impairment in the autonomic ner-
sured at night-time were higher in group 1 com- vous system. Impairment in the autonomic regu-
pared to group 2 (p < 0.05). Heart rate variability latory mechanisms can result in changes in blood
parameters were lower in group 1 than in group 2.
CONCLUSIONS: In patients with ISSHL, ele-
flow to the cranial structures indirectly by caus-
vated blood pressure at night-time and reduced ing some dysfunction in the cardiovascular sys-
heart rate variability suggest that autonomic tem, which may result in impaired nutrient sup-
nervous system dysfunction might play a role in ply and oxygenation in the inner ear and other
the etiopathogenesis of the disease. The mea- structures. Two of the methods that are used to
surements of ambulatory blood pressure and evaluate the effects of autonomic irregularities
heart rate variability can reveal more enlighten- on the cardiovascular system are 24 hours Holter
ing data in the determination of the etiology of
ISSHL and guiding the treatment. electrocardiography and ambulatory blood pres-
sure measurement. These two techniques allow
Key Words: us to effectively evaluate the heart rate variabili-
Sensorineural hearing loss, Night-time blood pres- ty and blood pressure fluctuations. Especially the
sure, Heart rate variability, Autonomic nervous system. arterial blood pressure measurements at night-
time can provide valuable data in terms of auto-
nomic dysfunction in ISSHL etiology, because
Introduction the night-time measurements are not affected by
the factors such as exercise, smoking, caffeine
Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss consumption and stress which can have some in-
(ISSHL) was first described in 1944 as a sudden fluence on autonomic regulation. Additionally,
onset, generally unilateral hearing loss of at least heart rate variability (HRV) is another parameter

726 Corresponding Author: Selami Demirelli, MD; e-mail:

Heart rate variability and night-time blood pressure in patients with ISSHL

which can show improper autonomic regulation. tively. In order to investigate the secondary caus-
It has been demonstrated that HRV decreases in es of hearing loss patients were assessed by Ear-
diseases such as diabetes mellitus and myocar- nose-Throat, Neurology, Internal Medicine and
dial infarction4,5. Especially in patients with IS- Psychiatry Outpatient Clinics. Those patients
SHL, determination of autonomic dysfunction with a diagnosis of ISSHL were also evaluated
can aid in elicitation of etiopathogenesis. The au- by cardiology clinic. Conventional echocardio-
tonomic nervous system works to keep our body graphic evaluation was performed to exclude car-
in a state of equilibrium against the environmen- diac pathologies. A 24 hours blood pressure
tal, psychological and physical stress conditions. monitoring was obtained by ambulatory blood
The cranial nuclei and secretory glands (both are pressure measurement and 24 hour electrocardio-
components of autonomic nervous system) in hu- graphic Holter was used to determine the HRV.
mans, which are responsible for maintaining our All of the evaluations were performed by two
circadian rhythm, are strongly affected by some cardiologists.
factors such as chronic sleep deprivation and ex-
posure to light at nights in todays civilized life6. Measurement of Clinical Blood Pressure
Inadequate or excessive regulatory responses in Blood pressure measurements were performed
our autonomic nervous system can trigger differ- according to the standard blood pressure mea-
ent pathological processes in many organ sys- surement rules, manually using a sphygmo-
tems. ISSHL can as well be a such process. manometer after a rest of 5 minutes in sitting po-
Therefore, in this study we have evaluated heart sition. Those with a mean value of 140/90 mm
rate variability and blood pressure changes in pa- Hg of three consecutive measurements were in-
tients with ISSHL as determinants of autonomic cluded in the study.
Evaluation of Ambulatory Blood Pressure
24 hours ambulatory systolic (SBP) and dias-
Patients and Methods tolic blood pressure (DBP) measurements were
taken automatically by anoscillometric portable
Patient Population monitor (SpaceLabs, Medical Inc, Model:
Patients admitting to our Ear, Nose and Throat 92512, Redmond, WA, USA) from the non-
Outpatient Clinics with the complaint of sudden dominant arm. The measurements were taken
hearing loss between 2014-2015 were included once in every 20 min between 07:00-22:00
in this study. ISSHL was defined as the sudden (day-time) and once in every 30 min between
onset hearing loss of at least 30dB in at least 22:00-07:00 (night-time). The cuff sizes were
three consecutive frequencies in audiometry test chosen in accordance with the arm circumfer-
that developed progressively within 72 hours and ence of the individuals. All patients and healthy
presented in one or both ears in the absence of controls were advised to carry on their routine
any other etiological factors as determined by pa- daily activities and to avoid excessive exercise,
tient history, physical examination, laboratory smoking, alcohol and caffeine containing
evaluation and imaging. A total of 79 patients drinks. Ambulatory blood pressure data was
with the diagnosis of ISSHL were evaluated, and recorded digitally. The blood pressure values
those with hypertension, cardiac, vascular, meta- during sleep and awake state were recorded.
bolic, neurologic, otologic, and psychologic dis-
ease, and those receiving any medical treatment Determination of Time Related
were excluded. A total of 58 patients, 31 with IS- Variability in Heart Rate
SHL and 27 healthy volunteers, were included in A 24 hours Holter electrocardiography moni-
the study. An ethical approval was obtained from toring was undertaken. The Holter WIN-PV
Erzincan University local Ethics Committee and plus software was used during monitorization.
the study was conducted according to the Decla- All the Holter recordings were evaluated manual-
ration of Helsinki. All patients were informed be- ly to avoid interference of any artefacts and then
fore the study and their consents were obtained. time domain variability in heart rate parameters
were calculated automatically. The following pa-
Study Design rameters were chosen for evaluation: 24 hours
In this study patient group and control group SDNN (the standard deviation of all normal R-R
was designated as group 1 and group 2, respec- intervals), SDNN-i (the mean of standard devia-

S. Demirelli, H. Degirmenci, S. Frtna, I. Salcan, E. Ermis, H. Duman, et al.

tions of all R-R intervals within the 5 min of the dent t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test were used
recordings), SDANN (the standard deviation of to compare numeric variables that are normally
the means of all R-R intervals within the 5 min distributed and not normally distributed, respec-
of the recordings), pNN50 (the ratio of adjacent tively. A p value of < 0.05 was designated as sta-
R-R intervals that demonstrate a difference of tistically significant in all analyses.
more than 50 milliseconds), RMSSD (the square
root of the difference between the consecutive R-
R intervals), NN (the distance between two QRS
segments). Patients were instructed not to take Results
any medications and caffeinated drinks up to 48
hours before the application of Holter electrocar- The comparison of the groups in terms of de-
diography. mographics, clinical features and blood pres-
sures is shown in Table I. There was no statisti-
Conventional Echocardiographic cally significant difference between the groups
Evaluation in terms of age, gender and heart rate. Also
The transthoracic echocardiographic evalua- there was not any significant difference be-
tions were performed by a Vivid 7 Dimension tween groups in terms of day-time and clinical
(GE Vingmed Ultrasound AS N-3190 Horten, systolic and diastolic blood pressures. But the
Norway) echocardiography device with the use night-time systolic blood pressure was signifi-
of a 2.5 MHz transducer. Patients were evaluated cantly higher in Group 1 compared to Group 2
in left lateral decubitus position after a 5 min (Group 1; 130.6 5.1; Group 2; 124.1 5.1,
rest. The pericardium, heart valve morphology respectively, p < 0.05) (Figure 1). Also night-
and wall motion were evaluated by M mode and time diastolic blood pressure values was signif-
2 dimensional echocardiography. icantly higher in Group 1 compared to Group 2
(respectively Group 1; 83.23.8; Group 2; 80.2
Statistical Analysis 4.7, p < 0.05) (Figure 2).
All of the data was recorded in the Statistical The comparison of the groups in terms of
Package for Social Sciences 20.0 software pro- heart rate variability in relation to time parame-
gramme (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Para- ters is shown in Table II. NN was significantly
metric variables were expressed as mean stan- lower in Group 1 compared to Group 2 (p <
dard deviation whereas non parametric data were 0.05). SDNN was significantly lower in Group 1
expressed as percentages. A distribution test was compared to Group 2 (p < 0.05). SDANN and
used in comparison of demographic and clinical SDNN-i was significantly lower in Group 1 com-
features. A Chi square test was used to compare pared to Group 2 (p < 0.05). RMSSD was signif-
ratios of parametric data when the distribution icantly lower in Group 1 compared to Group 2 (p
was normal and a t-test was used in comparing < 0.05). pNN50 was significantly lower in Group
parametric data with non-parametric data. A Stu- 1 compared to Group 2 (p < 0.05).

Table I. Comparison of the groups in terms of demographics, clinical features and blood pressures.

Parameters Group 1 (n: 31) Group 2 (n: 27) p-value

Age (years) 48 17 49 14 0.985

Gender (male/female) 20/11 17/10 0.675
Heart rate (beat/minute) 81 8.3 78 7.7 0.095
SBP (mmHg) 121.8 9.6 122.3 5.8 0.881
DBP (mmHg) 80.1 6.2 78.9 3.9 0.643
24-hour SBP (mmHg) 123.4 7.1 120.8 6.6 0.123
24-hour DBP (mmHg) 79.6 7.9 78.9 4.5 0.760
Day-time SBP (mmHg) 122.6 6.2 122.4 4.8 0.642
Day-time DBP (mmHg) 79.2 5.8 79.4 3.2 0.867
Night-time SBP (mmHg) 130.6 5.1 124.1 5.1 0.001
Night-time DBP (mmHg) 84.2 3.8 80.2 4.7 0.010

SBP: Systolic blood pressure, DBP: Diastolic blood pressure.

Heart rate variability and night-time blood pressure in patients with ISSHL

Figure 1. Comparison of the groups in terms of night-time Figure 2. Comparison of the groups in terms of night-time
systolic blood pressure. diastolic blood pressure.

Discussion development of ISSHL. Also autonomic ner-

vous system (ANS), being the main regulator of
In this study we demonstrated an increased the cardiovascular functions, can play a key role
night-time systolic and diastolic blood pressures in the vascular physiopathology of the ISSHL.
and decreased time related variability in heart The regulatory function of the ANS is briefly as
rate in patients with ISSHL. Approximately half follows: the day-night time cycle occurring as a
of the patients with ISSHL have the symptoms result of sun rise and sunset allows us to main-
that result in an impairment in quality of life tain our circadian rhythm regularly in normal
such as balance disorder, fullness in the ear, tin- circumstances. Circadian rhythm activates
nitus and vertigo2. It is very important to under- many regulatory processes through neurohor-
stand the underlying etiology in order to guide monal effects such as immune system, muscu-
the treatment. Vascular pathologies were ac- loskeletal system, cardiovascular system, me-
cused initially in the etiology of ISSHL. The tabolism and regulation of reparative and recon-
reason for considering a vascular pathology as structive activities in other organ systems.
an offender is that it occurs suddenly just like These processes reveal their effects through the
myocardial infarction and frequently coexists nuclei and endocrine glands within the ANS. It
with a systemic vascular disease7,8. It can be the has been shown that the impairment in the cir-
case that vascular physiopathology can lead cadian rhythm and chronic sleep deprivation re-
some irregularity in the blood flow to the cra- sult in abnormalities in the autonomic functions
nial structures which can then contribute to the which cause different pathologic processes in

Table II. Comparison of the variability in the heart rate between the groups.

Parameters Group 1 (n: 31) Group 2 (n: 27) p-value

NN (ms) 510 39.1 549 74.4 0.030

SDNN (ms) 81 5.3 89 8.0 0.036
SDANN (ms) 71 3.0 83 2.2 < 0.001
SDNN-i (ms) 63 3.4 71 2.3 < 0.001
RMSSD (ms) 60 4.1 66 3.0 0.032
pNN50 (%) 11.5 1.2 13 0.7 0.012

NN; the distance between two QRS segments, SDNN; the standard deviation of all normal R-R intervals, SDNN-i; the mean of
standard deviations of all R-R intervals within the 5 min of the recordings, SDANN; the standard deviation of the means of all
R-R intervals within the 5 min of the recordings.

S. Demirelli, H. Degirmenci, S. Frtna, I. Salcan, E. Ermis, H. Duman, et al.

many organ systems9,10. Nowadays we are ex- in the sympathetic activity and elevation in the
posed to excess levels of environmental light blood pressure values. From this point of view,
within the modern urban living. Although it is the clinical blood pressure measurement as a
dark after the sunset, we are exposed to excess sole diagnostic test in our daily practice can be
light in our workplaces, houses and many social inadequate to determine the etiology. Addition-
places until late times at night. This excess light ally, the decrease in the variability of the heart
results in inadequate synthesis and delayed rate in the ISSHL group also suggests that ANS
peaking of melatonin hormone which is respon- can play a role in the etiopathogenesis of IS-
sible for regulation of our circadian rhythm, SHL. Both the reduction in the heart rate vari-
leading disturbances in our circadian rhythm11. ability and the relative elevation in the night-
It is now well established that disturbances in time blood pressure measurements can be im-
the circadian rhythm can play some important portant signs of regulatory dysfunction in the
role in the etiology of several diseases such as ANS. Schulz et al18 previously discussed about
immune system dysfunction, metabolic disor- autonomic regulatory dysfunction at the vascu-
ders, cardiovascular diseases and cancer 12,16. lar physiopathology of ISSHL. In our study we
Mller-Levet et al17 investigated the genetic ba- found changes in both the blood pressure values
sis of the effects of inadequate sleep on the cir- and the heart rate variability. But they showed
cadian rhythm in their gene study. It was re- variabilities only at the blood pressure of IS-
vealed that the most important effects were the SHL patients, not at the heart rates. Studies es-
disturbances in the inflammatory, stress and ox- pecially evaluating the heart rate variability and
idative responses. Current results show that the with larger numbers of patients may enlighten
disturbances in the circadian rhythm can lead to the exact data about heart rate variability. Al-
initiation of many pathologic processes through though the blood pressure measurements in the
the genetic pathways in different organ systems. patient group were found to be higher compared
Chronically deprived sleep and continued ex- to the control group, these values are not ade-
posure to light during the dark period after the quate for diagnosis of hypertension, but they
sunset, when we normally need to switch to the can predict a possible ANS dysfunction. There
sleep state, can cause impairments in the regula- are studies19 demonstrating the development of
tory effects of autonomic nervous system on the autonomic dysfunction in situations such as de-
cardiovascular system. Thus, irregular vascular pression and anxiety. Also in states of emotion-
function can lead to chronic reduced blood sup- al stress, sympathetic activity is reported to in-
ply and oxygenation of the structures that are crease whereas parasympathetic activity de-
responsible for hearing functions and plays creases20. This can be a contributing factor to
some role in the etiology of the ISSHL. Our night-time blood pressure elevation, reduction
study is important in terms of having the poten- in the heart rate variability and the occurrence
tial to show the direct effect of the autonomic of ISSHL. Especially in elderly patients heart
nervous system in the physiopathology of IS- rate variability is reported to decrease as a result
SHL by measuring the night-time blood pres- of ANS dysfunction21,22. Also in the elderly IS-
sure variability. During day-time a lot of SHL can be seen. But there was no difference
changes occur in the cardiovascular system both between the patient group and the control group
related and not related to ANS which are gener- in terms of age in our study.
ally due to exogen factors like smoking, caf- Electrical signals are carried from the nerve
feinated drinks, alcohol consumption and psy- endings located in the inner ear to the brain. A
chological stress. Night-time blood pressure pathology in these nerve endings or in the path-
measurements were found to be higher in the ways that carry the signals to the brain can lead
patient group. This suggests that impairment in to autonomic dysfunction and sensory neural
the regularity functions of the ANS on blood hearing loss. In this situation night-time blood
pressure can play a role in the etiology of the pressure variability can occur too23-25. For this
ISSHL. Mutoh et al10 in their mammalian ani- reason the concomitant occurrence of ISSHL and
mal study, demonstrated an increase in the sym- autonomic dysfunction can lead some elevation
pathetic activity and a decrease in the vagal in night-time measured blood pressures and de-
tonus together with elevated blood pressure in crease in heart rate variability. But it is hard to
the animals exposed to light. The disturbance in say whether ISSHL is due to autonomic dysfunc-
autonomic regulation can explain the increase tion or vascular pathology.

Heart rate variability and night-time blood pressure in patients with ISSHL

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