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Quiz 1
2 For use after Lessons 2.122.3

For the given value of a, find 2a. Answers

1. a 5 9 1.

2. a 5 0 2.
3. a 5 27
} }
Let U be the set of integers from 4 to 9. Find A 3 B for the
specified sets A and B.
4. A 5 {4, 5, 7, 9} and B 5 {4, 5, 6, 7}

5. A 5 {4, 5, 7, 8} and B 5 {5, 6, 8, 9} 5.

Identify the property illustrated.

6. x 1 (27) 5 27 1 x
7. 5 1 (25) 5 0

8. (3 1 2) 1 9 5 3 1 (2 1 9)

Find the sum or difference.

9. 2.7 1 (25.2)

10. 18 2 (24)

11. 23 2 (25)

Evaluate the expression when x 5 10 and y 5 23. 8.

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12. 2x 1 y 1 4

13. y 1 y 27

14. 6 2 x 2 y






Algebra 1
Chapter 2 Assessment Book 27
Chapter 1, continued

b. Y b. Y



c. Sample answer: Half of the flowers delivered 

to a florist are placed in a refrigerator. How
many flowers are placed in a refrigerator when   

200 flowers are delivered? 200 is the input, x, c. Sample answer: I am buying a pair of socks
so the output, y, is 100. 100 flowers would be for $3 and a coat that is on sale for half price. If
refrigerated. the coat regularly costs $80, how much do I pay?
Standardized Test B The input, x, is 80 so the output, y, is 43.
1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. D
I pay $43.
8. A 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. D SAT/ACT Chapter Test
14. A 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. 31 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. E 6. D 7. E 8. C
19. a. 1.95n 1 1.25f 7.35 b. 3 c. No; If you 9. A 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. E 14. C
buy 2 notebooks and 1 folder, you only have $2.20 9
15. B 16. } or 4.5 17. $48 18. 20
left, which is not enough to buy a binder. 2
20. a. y 5 2x 1 2; domain: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; range: 2, Performance Assessment
4, 6, 8, 10 1. Complete answers should include: a clear
b. 10 y c. Sample answer: I have distinction that an equation contains the equal sign
9 one $2-bill in my money and algebraic expressions do not; one example of
collection. My aunt gives an algebraic expression and one example of an
6 me 7 more $2-bills. How equation; a written explanation describing how
much is my $2-bill collection to replace the variable(s) in the expression with
3 worth? The input, x, is 7 so particular values to evaluate the expression.
2 the output, y, is 16. $16 2. a. $44.75 b. $13.50; $19.75; $26.00; $32.25;
Copyright Holt McDougal. All rights reserved.

O 1 2 3 4 5 x

c. T
d. T 5 6.25m 113.50
Standardized Test C 40
Total cost

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. A 20
9. C 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. C 14. B
0 1 2 3 4 m
15. A 16. A 17. C 18. 35 Number of

19 a. 6 1 1.25r 1 1.5g 30 where r is the

medium pizzas

number of rides I rode and g is the number of e. 13 medium pizzas f. about 594 in.2 g. about
games I played b. 10 games c. 6 games; Sample $.08 per square inch
answer: I added the entrance fee to the amount
spent on games to write the equation Chapter 2
16 1 1.5g 5 25. I used mental math to find
Quiz 1
that g 5 6.
1 1. 29 2. 0 3. 7
20 a. y 5 }x 1 3; domain: 0, 4, 8, 12, 16; } }
2 4. A 3 B 5 {(6, 8), (6, 9), (8, 8), (8, 9)}
range: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 } }
5. A 3 B 5 {(6, 4), (6, 7), (9, 4), (9, 7)}

Algebra 1
Assessment Book A3
Chapter 2, continued

6. Commutative property of addition 7. Inverse 8. A < B 5 {22, 21, 0, 1, 3, 5};

property of addition 8. Associative property of A B 5 {22, 0, 1, 3, 5};
addition 9. 22.5 10. 22 11. 2 12. 29 9. Associative property of multiplication
13 27 14. 21
10. Commutative property of addition

Quiz 2 11. Distributive property 12. Inverse property of

1. Associative property of multiplication 1
addition 13. 15 14. 26 15. 29.7 16. 2}5
2. Multiplicative property of 21
3. Commutative property of multiplication 17. your friend 18. 22 19. 6.8 20. 1.8
4. Multiplicative property of zero 5. 224 5
21. 72 22. 215 23. 2} 24. 20.9 25. 18
6. 20 7. 26 8. 30x 9. 221x 10. 28.28x 12
11. 23x 2 1 12. 29y 1 63 13. 12x 1 9 26. 3 27. $4.55 28. 9x 2 3 29. 22x 2 1 12x
3 3
Quiz 3 30. }x 2 } 31. 6(4 2 0.05) 5 $23.70
5 2
1 3
1. 23 2. } 3. 210 4. 6 5. 2 } 6. 5 2 2x 32. P 5 20 1 4w; A 5 24 1 12w 33. 6
8 8
7. 4x 2 2 8. 7 9. 2 and 22 10. 24 11. . 34. 212 35. 4 36. 120 ft 37. 23 38. 13
12. , 13. 4 14. 28 39. . 40. ,
Chapter Test A Chapter Test C
1. real number, rational number 2. real number, 1. false; Sample answer: 25 2 2. true
rational number, integer 3. real number, rational }
3. false; Sample answer: 2 is a real number,
number 4. real number, rational number, integer, but it is not a rational number.
whole number
4. false; Sample answer: 22 is not greater than
5. 24 23 22 21 0 1 2 3
; its opposite, 2.
1 } 2 }
23, 22, }2 , 0 5. 23.48, 2 12 , 23 }, 3.5, 16
} }
6. A < B 5 {0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8}; A B 5 {8} 6. A 3 B 5 {(25, 23), (25, 22), (25, 0),
(24, 23), (24, 22), (24, 0), (21, 23),
7. Associative property of addition 8. Inverse (21, 22), (21, 0)} 7. surplus of 27
property of addition 9. Distributive property 8. shortage of 18 9. $50 10. As the price

Copyright Holt McDougal. All rights reserved.

10. Commutative property of multiplication increases, the market surplus increases.
11. 25 12. 6 13. 27 14. 20,320 ft 15. 20 11. 2x 1 ( y 1 z) 12. 224x + 12 13. 10y
16. 212 17. 27 18. false; 23 is not a whole 4
number. 19. true 20. 2478F 21. 320 m 22. 4 14. 2.1 15. 20.1 16. 2} 17. 214.25
23. 10 24. 24 25. 227 26. 0 27. 29 1 1 5
18. 213 } 19. 6 } 20. $29,500 21. } x 1 1
28. 6 29. 24 30. 230 31. 23 32. 210 3 2 3
33. 28 34. 3 35. 23a 1 7 36. 9x 2 30 22. 3x 2 2 26x 1 24 23. 2} x 3 2 4x 24. 22xy
37. 7x 2 1 38. P 5 4x 1 38; A 5 10x 1 70 7 1 1
25. 129 26. 1} 27. 8 } 28. } 29. 600 ft
39. 65 40. 11 41. 211 9 2 2
Chapter Test B 30. . 31. .
1. real number, rational number 2. real number,
irrational number 3. real number, rational Standardized Test A
number, integer, whole number 4. true 5. false; 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. B
5 is an integer, but 5 is not an irrational number. 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B
1 1 14 1 15. D 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. C
6. 20.25, 2}, }, 1 7. 2}, 24.6, 24 }, 24.07
5 3 3 3
21. B 22. 21

Algebra 1
A4 Assessment Book

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