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Government 2017-2018 Schedule

Quarter 1
Week 1: Foundation of Government
Week 2: History of US Government (Chp 1-3)
Week 3: History of US Government (Chp 1-3)
Week 4: The US Constitution (Chp 20/21)
Tue, Sept 5: Unit 1 Test
Week 5: The Judicial Branch (Chp 18) [Spiritual Life Week]
Tue, Sept 12: Constitution Qwest
Week 6: The Judicial Branch (Chp 19)
Week 7: Moot Court
Fri, Sept 29: Moot Court
Week 8: The Judicial Branch
Block Day: Oct 3-4: Judicial Unit Test
Double Ten Break 1 week
Week 9: Political Parties & Election Issues (Chp. 5) [ACSC Soccer/Vball Tournie]

Quarter 2
Week 1: Political Parties & Election Issues (Chp 5,9)
Mon, Oct 30: Political Party & Congressional Election Test
Week 2: The Legislative Branch (Chp 10) [HS Drama]
Week 3: The Legislative Branch (Chp 11)
Tues, Nov 7: Congress Part 1 Test (Chp 11)
Week 4: The Legislative Branch (Chp 12)
Week 5: Legislative Branch/
Tues, Nov 21: Congress Part II Test (Chp 9-12)
Thanksgiving break 4 days
Week 6: Congressional Simulation Preparations
Week 7: Congressional Simulation
Week 8: Congressional Simulation
Christmas Break 2 weeks!

Quarter 3:
Week 1: Road to the White House Elections & Primaries (Chp 13,7)
Week 2: The Executive Branch (Chp 13,14)
Week 3: The Executive Branch
Fri, Jan 26: Executive Branch Test
Week 4: Foreign Policy and Defense (Chp 17) [Spiritual Life Week]
Mon, Feb 1: Foreign Policy Project Due!
Week 5: Taxing and Spending (Chp 16)
Chinese New Year Break 1 week
Week 6: Taxing and Spending (Chp 16) [ACSC Basketball Tournament]
Week 7: Economic Systems (Chp. 23)
Tue, Feb 27: Taxes and Spending
Week 8: Economic Systems (Chp. 23)
Block Day, March 6-7: Economic Systems Test
Week 9: Senior Project in-class research [Senior Transition Retreat]
Quarter 4:
Week 1: Senior Project in-class research
Week 2: Week without Walls -- Mission Trip, Senior Experience
Easter Break/Missions Trip 1 week
Week 3: Personal Finance
Week 4: Personal Finance [HS Spring Musica]
Fri, April 20: Personal Finance Test
Week 5: Senior Project Presentations [Sr Flea Market]
Week 6: Senior Project Presentations
TBD: Sr Presentation Quizzes
Week 7: Senior Project Presentations; Comparative Govt (Chp 22) [AP Exams]
Week 8: Comparative Government (Chp 22) [AP Exams/
Week 9: Comparative Government (Chp 22) and Senior Finals
Mon, May 21: Comparative Gov Test

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