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Mata Pelajaran : Conversation 2 (Mulok) Kelas

Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Diponegoro 1 Tahun Pelajaran
Standar Kompetensi : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris pada level elementary

No. Standar Kompetensi/Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok

1 Giving a direction and location or position of a 1.1 Preposition

place 1.2 Expression of asking and giving direction
1.3 Expression of describing place and

2 Giving descripsion of a person 2.1 Expression of describing people

2.2 Simple Present Continuous Tense
2.3 Reading: The Dating Game

3 Telling about past experience 3.1 Present Perfect and past tense
3.2 Describing actions and activities
3.3 Connecting words
3.4 Reading: To Catch A Thief

4 Describing many interesting places 4.1 Adjectives and adverbs

4.2 Expression in describinng places
4.3 Modal auxiliary Should
4.4 Reading: Famous City

5 Expression used in asking and giving advice and 5.1 Part of body
suggestion 5.2 Imperative sentence
5.3 Expression used in giving and asking
suggestion and advice
5.4 Modal auxiliary can, could, may would
5.5 containers

6 Expression used in handling orders and making 6.1 Expression used in making reservation
reservation 6.2 Countable and uncountable noun
6.3 Expression used in making and handling
6.4 Modal auxiliary will and would
6.5 Reading: To tip or not to tip
6.6 Degree of comparison

7 Expression used in making appoinment 7.1 Expression used in requesting with tell
and ask
7.2 Expression in making appoinment and
inviting someone
7.3 Simple Present Continuous
7.4 Reading: Is That An Invitation?
Jumlah Jam

Jakarta, Jul
Mengetahui :
Kepala Sekolah, Guru Mata

Drs. Sadikin KS, MM Syifa Fadhi


: 2017/2018

Materi Pokok
1.1 Preposition
1.2 Expression of asking and giving direction
1.3 Expression of describing place and

2.1 Expression of describing people

2.2 Simple Present Continuous Tense
2.3 Reading: The Dating Game

3.1 Present Perfect and past tense

3.2 Describing actions and activities
3.3 Connecting words
3.4 Reading: To Catch A Thief

4.1 Adjectives and adverbs

4.2 Expression in describinng places
4.3 Modal auxiliary Should
4.4 Reading: Famous City

5.1 Part of body

5.2 Imperative sentence
5.3 Expression used in giving and asking
suggestion and advice
5.4 Modal auxiliary can, could, may would
5.5 containers

6.1 Expression used in making reservation

6.2 Countable and uncountable noun
6.3 Expression used in making and handling

6.4 Modal auxiliary will and would

6.5 Reading: To tip or not to tip
6.6 Degree of comparison

7.1 Expression used in requesting with tell

and ask
7.2 Expression in making appoinment and
inviting someone
7.3 Simple Present Continuous
7.4 Reading: Is That An Invitation?

Jakarta, Juli 2017

Guru Mata Pelajaran

Syifa Fadhilah Hamid, S.Pd

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