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Term 3 Class Bulletin 2010 – The Big Room – 4/5/6

Students will continue to participate in a daily two-hour literacy session, consisting one hour of reading and one
hour of writing. Teaching strategies during these sessions will include: Shared Reading, Modelled writing, Guided
Reading, Reading Circles, Independent Reading and Share time.
Students will also be further developing and consolidating their skills and understanding in the following areas:
* READING - comprehension skills: identifying fact & opinion, summarising and paraphrasing, looking at Author’s
viewpoint and generalising. Students will be using a mix of digital and printed texts during these sessions.
Students will also increase their reading stamina during Independent Reading and FAB (Friends & Books)
* WRITING – explanation, argument or exposition writing, debating. Students will also be regularly contributing to
individual and class blogs.
* SPELLING – continued focus on spelling strategies: visual, sound-symbol and meaning
* GRAMMAR – text and sentence structure, parts of speech
* SPEAKING AND LISTENING – presenting to others, listening and retelling information accurately. Students
watch BTN weekly, will be practising and reciting poems to the Unit and participating in debating.
During Term Two students will be developing their skills and knowledge in the following areas:
 Extending and consolidating place value concepts, including negative and decimal numbers where
 The four processes – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students will be supported to
extend their knowledge working with larger numbers and decimal numbers to 2 decimal places.
 Regular practise of multiplication tables using games, online and audio resources.
 Factors and square numbers
 The relationship between simple fractions and decimals and division.
 Investigating 2D and 3D shapes, including angles
 Data collection and graphing
 Continuing to select and use a range of problem solving strategies
 Using appropriate software and online resources to support their Numeracy skills
 Maths games for fun and skills practise, such as chess.
Inquiry Unit – Malmsbury Community
Our Inquiry unit this term will be exploring the community of Malmsbury. This Inquiry aims to develop
students’ appreciation of where they live and the value of belonging to a unique community. Students
will be developing the following understandings:

 We belong to many communities of varying size

 We have something to offer/contribute to communities
 We have responsibilities within our community
 We use past learning to inform future learning
 Understand the similarities and diversity that exist within a community
 Understand the characteristics of their local area both past and present

Some of the learning experiences students will be involved in will be: local walking tours, researching
local landmarks, interviewing Malmsbury figures, conducting guided tours for younger students,
working with local community groups to learn more about their role in the community.

Extra Information:
Whole school performance ‘Once upon a time…’ Week 9
Homework goes home Monday, due back Friday
Specialists and other Programs
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bluearth Visual Arts Fitness French Library
Physical Education Grade 4/5/6 sport
Chess Swimming Grade 4 Preparation for Performing Arts Assembly at 3:15
ICT/Blogging with Puberty

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