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1. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde a um a) but

sinnimo para a palavra, em destaque, a seguir: b) and
DESPITE the growing use of computers in classrooms c) because
American universities are still graduating millions of d) while
technological illiterates.
a) spite
8. You treated him badly____ he is doing the same to
b) spite the
you now.
c) in spite of
a) so
d) spite of
b) if
e) spite of the
c) but
2. The sentence "Though overshoppers later experience d) although
considerable remorse, they find shopping exciting"
contains an idea of: 9. His fans think that he is _____ talented _____
a) addition. handsome.
a) eitheror
b) alternative.
c) cause. b) not only but also
d) condition. c) neithernor
d) sothat
e) contrast.

3. __________ he is lazy, he makes a lot of money. 10. We saw some boats ______ we were walking along
the beach.
a) But
b) Thus a) but
c) Due to b) so
c) as
d) Unless
e) Although d) if

11. He is a good student. _______ he is also a good

4. I didnt go to the show __________ I had already seen
it. athlete.
a) until a) In addition
b) As a result
b) because
c) so c) Consequently
d) but d) But

5. _______ he is thin, he is strong. 12. __________ subdue the new territory, Americans
a) or had to face severe conditions.
b) and a) So as
c) until b) In order that
d) though c) As for
d) In order to
6. Susie ________phoned _________wrote after she left e) By order that
13. In the sentence "If you wrote about the international
a) Either ,or banking systems for bankers, your language and
b) Neither, nor information would be more technical", the author
c) while, and intends to transmit an idea of:
d) though, or a) conclusion.
b) addition.
7. She had an unpleasant experience _______ she was in c) condition.
Thailand. d) comparison.

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