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Eos, Vol. 72, No.

23, June 4, 1991

E o s , T R A N S A C T I O N S , A M E R I C A N G E O P H Y S I C A L U N I O N


JUNE 4, 1991

PAGES 249-256

Magellan Captures 8 4 % of
V e n u s . At the end of its first
global mapping cycle of Venus
on May 15, NASA s Magellan
mission surpassed its objective
of mapping 70% of the Venu-
sian surface, according to proj
ect scientist Steve Saunders of
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Reporting on initial Magellan
science results on May 28 at
AG Us Spring Meeting in Balti
more, Saunders said that 84%
of Venus had been imaged dur
ing the spacecraft's first cycle of
observations. This image, taken
in January, shows a 200-km
wide corona located in a plain
south of Aphrodite Terra (59S,
164E). The smooth, flat region
in the center of the corona is
probably a relatively young
lava flow. Just north of the co
rona is one of the flat-topped
volcanic structures known as
"pancake" domes, believed to
have formed by the eruption of
extremely viscous lava. Addi
tional coverage of Magellan
results will appear in Eos later
this month. NASA photo (91-H-

bonate deposition, and burial of organic

Present-Day C 0 2
matter would deplete the C 0 content o f the
atmosphere in 10,000 years and the atmo
sphere-ocean system in 500,000 years [Hol

Emissions from Volcanos

PAGES 2 4 9 , 2 5 4 - 2 5 5
land, 1978; Berner et al, 1983]. The C 0
content o f the atmosphere-ocean system has
varied in the past, but not at the rate ex

pected if C 0 were removed and not replen


ished. It is assumed, therefore, that C 0 de 2

Terrence M. Gerlach gassing from the Earth's interior restores the

deficit from surficial p r o c e s s e s and balances
the atmospheric C 0 budget on a time scale

In an effort to better understand pro Without the resupply o f C 0 by volcanic

of 1 0 - 1 0 ^ y r . Earlier atmospheric balancing
c e s s e s that control sources o f C 0 in the
2 and metamorphic degassing, removal o f at calculations imply present-day (pre-industri-
carbon cycle, the U.S. Global Change Re mospheric C 0 by silicate weathering, car-
2 al) C 0 degassing rates o f 6 - 7 x 1 0 mol 1 2

search Program [CEES, 1990] identifies im- proving understanding o f both volcanic yr 1
[Holland, 1978; Berner et al., 1983]; re
emissions and natural sources o f C 0 in the
2 cent calculations suggest degassing rates
Terrence M. Gerlach, U.S. Geological Survey, Cas carbon cycle a s priority items for research. may b e as high a s 11 x 1 0 1 2 1
mol y r [Berner,
cades Volcano Observatory, 5400 MacArthur Blvd., To implement these goals, the program plan 1990].
Vancouver, WA 98661; tel. 206-696-7812; fax 206- calls for monitoring C 0 emissions from vol
2 Atmospheric balancing calculations have
696-7866. canos. inherent drawbacks, however. They do not

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Eos, Vol. 72, No. 23, June 4, 1991

distinguish volcanic, metamorphic, and dia- 3

o c e a n i c H e flux of 4 atom c m s instead of 2 1
thus far for constraining the mid-oceanic
genetic sources of C 0 degassingthey give 2 the corrected value of 3 atom c m " s . (The 2 l
ridge C 0 emission rate, alternative ap

an aggregate C 0 degassing rate for all

original H e flux assumed a mean H e / H e 3 4
proaches should also b e pursued. For exam
sources. Since the C 0 degassing rate ob 2 ratio for injected ridge-crest helium of 11 ple, a mass b a l a n c e approach based on data
tained in these calculations is the difference times the atmospheric value; it was subse for the carbon content of MORBs and the
between several C0 -producing and C 0 -2 2 quently shown that ridge-crest helium has a C 0 content of volcanic gases from transi

consuming p r o c e s s e s affecting the atmo ratio of 8 times the atmospheric value, thus tional basalts of the Afar region suggests a
spheric C 0 budget, it includes the accumu
2 reducing the o c e a n i c H e flux proportion 3
ridge C 0 emission rate in the range 0 . 2 - 0 . 9

lated error in the rate estimates for e a c h ately [Welhan and Craig, 1983].) All C 0 2
1 2 1
x 1 0 m o l y r [Gerlach, 1 9 8 9 6 ] . Updating
contributing process. To minimize these emission rate estimates based on this ap this estimate with new data for carbon in
problems, Berner [1990] suggested basing proach and presented below for the mid- MORBs [Kinssley, 1989] gives a range of
degassing rates on direct measurements, to o c e a n i c ridge system have been recalculated 1
0 . 5 - 0 . 9 x 10 mol yr" , which agrees with
the extent possible, in future carbon budget for the corrected H e flux. 3
estimates based on the C 0 / H e ratios of 2

calculations. 3 hydrothermal vent fluids.

C 0 / H e data are available for hydrother

In this article, I review the results and mal vent fluids from only three locations, all
implications of past efforts to measure rates Subaerial Emissions
in the eastern Pacific: the Galapagos Rift,
of C 0 degassing from volcanos, and I at
and 13N and 21N on the East Pacific Rise. Published data on rates of C 0 degassing 2

tempt to arrive at an estimate of the global exist for only seven active subaerial volcanos
The C 0 emission rates that have been esti
rate of volcanic C 0 degassing. My principal (Table 1, Figure 1 ) : five convergent plate vol
mated for the mid-oceanic ridges from the
aim, however, is to emphasize unsettled 1 2 1 c a n o s , an intraplate continental volcano, and
data for these sites are 0.6 x 1 0 mol y r
problems requiring further study and uncer 1 2 an intraplate o c e a n i c island hot spot vol
[Des Marais and Moore, 1984], 0.75 x 1 0
tainties due to inadequate data. I make a few 1 1 2 cano.
mol y r [Des Marais, 1985], and 0.7 x 1 0
comparisons between volcanic and anthro 1 Measurements made on quiescent vol
mol yr" [Gerlach, 1 9 8 9 6 ] . B e c a u s e vent fluid
pogenic C 0 emission rates b e c a u s e of cur
2 3 c a n i c plumes provide the basis for most of
C 0 / H e data are restricted to so few sites,
rent concern about the buildup of C 0 in the 2 the C 0 emission rates for the seven volca
there is concern about just how repre 2

atmosphere. nos. The quiescent plumes include exam

sentative they are of the mid-oceanic ridge
system. In an ingenious attempt to obtain ples that preceded the initial explosive epi
Modes of C 0 Degassing more representative data, Des Marais [1985] sode of an eruption (White Island),

and Marty and Jambon [1987] used the C 0 / examples that followed the initial explosive
Most of the data on volcanic C 0 emis 2
episodes of an eruption (Mount St. Helens,
sions c o m e from active volcanos that are in H e values of MORB glasses from many lo
3 Redoubt), examples that were present be
a state of quiescent degassing, that is, de cations as proxies for the C 0 / H e ratios of 2
tween explosive or dome-building episodes
gassing without extrusions of lava or explo ridge-crest emissions. This greatly increases
3 of an eruption (Mount St. Helens, Redoubt),
sive ejections of disrupted and fragmented the number of C 0 / H e data sets, and leads 2
and examples that exhibit long-term stability
lava. Data biased in favor of quiescent de to C 0 emission rate estimates for the global
and continuity during, between, and long
gassing are not, in my view, a serious limita mid-oceanic ridge system that cluster around
1 2 1
after eruptions (Kilauea, Mount Etna, Vul-
tion. First, the low solubility of C 0 in sili 1.5 x 1 0 mol yr" [Marty and Jambon,
c a n o ) . One emission rate estimate (August
cate melts at upper crustal depths, where 1987]. This value is about double that ob
ine) is based on plume measurements dur
magmas tend to reside before erupting, tained from vent fluid data b e c a u s e C 0 / H e 2
ing a low-level explosive episode.
causes magmas underlying volcanos to leak ratios for MORB glasses are about twice
The plume observations consist of air
C 0 continuously and to b e c o m e depleted in
those of vent fluids examined so far.
borne MI RAN infrared spectrophotometer
C 0 by diffusive loss through volcano flanks
2 The assumption that the ratio is not af
measurements of above-background C 0 2
and by advective loss through fractures feed fected by fractionation during degassing
concentrations, or airborne COSPEC ultravio
ing hydrothermal fluids and atmospheric prior to eruption on the seafloor is a critical
let spectrophotometer measurements of S 0 2
plumes [Carbonnelle et al., 1985; Gerlach issue in the use of MORB glass C 0 / H e val 3
column abundances combined with mea
and Graeber, 1985; Greenland et al., 1985; ues as proxies for C 0 / H e in ridge-crest 3
surements of the C 0 / S 0 ratio of the gases
2 2
Allard et al., 1987; Bottinga andJavoy, 1989; emissions. Pre-emptive degassing of C 0 2
supplying the plume. Most studies neglected
Gerlach, 1 9 8 9 a , 6 ] . S e c o n d , the annual quies and He from MORB magma is expected to the diffusive flux of C 0 through volcano 2
cent release of C 0 from all active volcanos
2 be significant [Bottinga and Javoy, 1989; flanks; soil gas surveys carried out at Mount
appears to b e more than an order of magni Gerlach, 1 9 8 9 6 ] , and it has been suggested
tude greater than that annually emitted di that quiescent degassing from subridge
rectly from all forms of erupting lava, as dis magma chambers may b e primarily responsi
cussed below. ble for ridge-crest C 0 and He emissions 2

[Gerlach, 1 9 8 9 6 ] . Marty and Jambon [1987]

Submarine Emissions argue that b e c a u s e the Henry's law solubility
constants for C 0 and He in molten MORB 2
Submarine volcanic systems provide 3
are similar, the C 0 / H e ratios for the vapor 2
about 8 0 % of the present-day magma supply
and melt will be about equal during degas
to the crust [Crisp, 1984]. Estimates of C 0 2
sing and that the value of the ratio for MORB
emission rates for submarine volcanos are
glasses is therefore a good predictor of the
restricted to v o l c a n o s of the mid-oceanic
ratio for ridge emissions. However, a slight
ridge system, which provides about 7 5 % of
difference in C 0 and He solubilities could,
the present-day magma supply [Crisp, 1984].
with sufficient degassing, c a u s e enough C 0 2
There are no estimates available for off-ridge
and He fractionation to account for the fac
volcanos or volcanos on back-arc spreading
tor of 2 difference between glass and vent
fluid ratios and, thereby, the factor of 2 dif
Several investigators have attempted to
ference in the calculated C 0 emission rates 2
constrain the C 0 emission rate of the global Fig. 1. C0 emission rates in log (moles
for the ridges. This possibility and the possi 2

mid-oceanic ridge system by calculating the 3 per year) arranged in ascending order for
bility that C 0 / H e ratios of vent fluids may
product of the o c e a n i c H e flux and mea subaerial volcanos from Table 1. The num
themselves b e affected by fractionation pro
sured C 0 / H e ratios of hydrothermal vent bers on the tops of the bars are emission
c e s s e s (for example, differential hydrother
fluids and converting the C 0 flux obtained 12 1
rates in 10 mol yr . The median emission
mal solubilities of C 0 and He, carbon pre 2
to a mole per year emission rate. These cal rate used in a calculation described in the
cipitation, etc.) need more study.
culations have tended to employ the original text is 0.03 x W molyr 12
(Kilauea). 1

In view o f the disagreement in results

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Eos, Vol. 72, No. 23, June 4, 1991

Etna and V u l c a n o suggest this source can be [1984] report similar eruptive C 0 emission 2 Another approach to estimating the
significant (Table 1 ) . rates between April 2 and April 16 for the global subaerial C 0 emission rate of volca 2

Continuous, long-term measurements of 1984 eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano, Ha nos is to extrapolate the rates for the volca
C 0 emission rates do not exist for any vol
waii. Unfortunately, the background quies nos in Table 1 to all active subaerial volca
c a n o . Most estimates are based on spot cent emission rate is not known for Mauna nos. The 5-year running average for the
measurements. The only record of closely Loa. number of active subaerial volcanos per year
spaced measurements over several ( 1 5 ) Marty et al. [1989] estimated the total is approximately 60 [Simkin and Siebert,
months is for Mount St. Helens [Harris et al., output of C 0 from island arc volcanos to b e
2 1984]. I b a s e the extrapolation on the me
1 2 1
1981; Casadevall et al., 1983]. The long-term in the range 0 . 1 - 0 . 5 x 1 0 mol yr- . This es dian emission rate of the seven volcanos
emission rate for Kilauea (0.03 x 1 0 mol 1 2
timate is based on the global S 0 output 2 (Figure 1) b e c a u s e the data set is small, and
1 2
yr" ) [Gerlach and Graeber, 1985] is based from subaerial volcanos of 0.24 x 1 0 mol the median, unlike the mean, is less sensi
on the C 0 content and average supply rate
yr" [Berresheim and Jaeschke, 1983]. It as tive to outlying data. The median value of
of magma emplaced in Kilauea's summit sumes that island arc v o l c a n o s are primarily 1 2
0.03 x 1 0 mol yr" indicates a global sub 1

c h a m b e r from July 1956 to April 1983. Rose responsible for the global S 0 output and 2 aerial volcanic C 0 emission rate of approxi

et al. [1986] suggest a long-term C 0 emis 2

that the C 0 / S 0 ratio for arc emissions is
2 2
1 2
mately 1.8 x 1 0 mol yr" . Reassuringly, this 1

sion rate for White Island of approximately 1.5 1. It is possible in principle to follow result is larger than the rate for Mount Etna
1 2 1
0.01 x 1 0 mol yr" ; they consider the larger this approach in estimating the global C 0 2 alone and similar to the estimate of Williams
1 2 1
0.03 x 1 0 mol yr" rate in November 1983 emission rate of all subaerial volcanos from et al. [ 1 9 9 0 ] . Applying the s a m e procedure
(Table 1) to b e representative of degassing the corresponding global volcanic S 0 out 2 to the median S 0 flux for the s a m e seven

during periods of new magma emplacement put. The difficulty in doing s o is that the ap volcanos (0.0035 x 1 0 mol yr" ) gives a 1 2 1

prior to an eruption. propriate global volcanic C 0 / S 0 value is 2 2 global volcanic S 0 output of 0.21 x 1 0 2
1 2

unknown. Combining the total C 0 emission 2

mol yr" , which agrees well with the 0.24 x
Kilauea V o l c a n o provides an example of
rate for Etna (summit plume plus diffusive 1 2 1
1 0 mol y r estimate of Berresheim and
simultaneous eruptive and quiescent degas
flank), which is exceptionally large and on Jaeschke [ 1 9 8 3 ] .
sing. Lava production rates combined with 1 2
the order of 1 x 1 0 mol yr (Table 1), with
estimates of the C 0 content of the erupting
2 The above estimates for the global C 0 2

lava [Greenland et al., 1985; Gerlach, 1986; the global volcanic S 0 output suggests that 2
emission rate from subaerial volcanos are
K. Hon, personal communication, 1991] give the global volcanic C 0 / S 0 value is at least2 2
based almost entirely on measurements dur
a C 0 emission rate of 0 . 0 0 1 - 0 . 0 0 3 x 1 0 1 2 4.2. Williams et al. [1990] calculated a
ing quiescent degassing. They are about an
mol yr" for the current east rift zone erup global subaerial C 0 emission rate of 1.2 x

1 2 1 order of magnitude larger than the estimated

tion. Quiescent degassing at Kilauea's sum 1 0 mol y r from the global volcanic S 0 2
1 2 1
annual C 0 emission of 0.15 x 1 0 mol y r
mit (Table 1) is therefore at least 10-fold output and C 0 / S 0 data for 3 0 volcanos,
2 2

released from all forms of erupting lava

greater than contemporaneous eruptive de suggesting a global volcanic C 0 / S 0 value 2 2

[Leavitt, 1982]. Leavitt's estimate is based on

gassing at the present time. Casadevall et al. of 5.
a chronology for subaerial eruptions be-

TABLE 1. CQ Emission Rates for Subaerial V o l c a n o s


Period of Rate 3

Volcano Geologic Setting Source Characteristics Observation Method 12

10 mol yr" 1

Mount St. Helens convergent plate quiescent summit plume July 1980- A 0.04 Harris etal. [1981]
Cascades Volcano Range continental margin between explosive or September 1981 Casadevall et al. [1983]
Western U.S. dacitic magma dome-building episodes
White Island convergent plate quiescent crater plume November 1983 B 0.03 Rose etal. [1986]
Taupo Volcanic Zone island arc before explosive episode
New Zealand andesitic magma December 1983; quiescent
crater plume November 1984 B 0.0073 Rose etal. [1986]
January 1985 B 0.0081 Rose etal. [1986]
Augustine convergent plate summit plume during low- April 1986 B 0.05 Symonds et al. [19911
Aleutian Volcanic Arc island arc level explosive episode
Alaska andesitic-dacitic magma
Vulcano convergent plate quiescent summit plume; September 1984 B 0.0015 Carbonnelle et al. [1985]
Aeolian Islands island arc flux through flanks September- C 0.0004 Baubronetal. [1990,
North of Sicily trachyandesitic magma October 1988 1991]

Redoubt convergent plate quiescent summit plume June 1990 A 0.015 Casadevall et al. [1990]
Aleutian Volcanic Arc island arc between explosive or
Alaska andesitic magma dome-building episodes
Mount Etna intra-plate summit plume during September 1984 B 0.58 Carbonnelle et al. [1985]
East coast of Sicily continental volcano intense degassing, June 1985 B 0.58 Allardetal. [1987]
alkaline basaltic magma sometimes Strombolian;
flux through flanks September 1984 C 0.46 Carbonnelle et al. [19851
June 1985 C 0.46 Allardetal [19871
Kilauea intra-plate quiescent summit plume 9 December 1983 A 0.03 Greenland et al [1985]
North Pacific Ocean oceanic hot spot 13 February 1984 A 0.01 Casadevall et al. [1987]
tholeiitic basalt magma July 1956-April D 0.03 Gerlach and Graeber
1983 [1985]
Average emission rate over period of observation.
A, measurement by airborne MIRAN infrared spectrophotometer of CO2 content of volcanic plume.
B, measurement by airborne COSPEC ultraviolet spectrophotometer of SO2 column abundances in volcanic plume coupled with data for CO2/SO2 ratio of plume or high-
temperature fumarole gases supplying plume (corrected for atmospheric contamination).
C, soil gas measurements of diffusive CO2 flux through unvegetated volcano flanks.
D, based on volcanic gas data, volatile concentrations in matrix glasses and glass inclusions, and long-term magma supply rate.

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Eos, Vol. 72, No. 23, June 4, 1991

tween 1800 and 1969, and it a s s u m e s an av of the entire mid-oceanic ridge system. How Baubron, J. C , P. Allard, and J. P. Toutain, Gas
erage eruption volume of 0.1 k m magma 3
ever, C 0 emission data for subaerial volca
hazard on Vulcano Island, Nature, 350, 26, 1991.
nos are sparse, and the global contribution Berner, R. A., Global C 0 degassing and the car
(2.7 g c m ) and a release of 0.12 wt% C 0 2

bon cycle: Comment on "Cretaceous ocean crust

during eruption. Taken at face value, this from subaerial volcanos is very poorly con at DSDP sites 417 and 418: Carbon uptake from
estimate implies the predominance of quies strained. Improving the data base for C 0 2 weathering vs. loss by magmatic outgassing,"
cent C 0 degassing from volcanos, as sug
2 e m i s s i o n s from subaerial volcanos is the Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 54, 2889, 1990.
gested previously by Rose et al. [ 1 9 8 6 ] . highest priority for future work. The available Berner, R. A., and A. C. Lasaga, Modeling the
geochemical carbon cycle, Sci. Am., 74, March
data suggest that contributions of C 0 in the 2
Comparisons with Anthropogenic 1 2 1
range 0 . 0 1 - 0 . 0 5 x 1 0 mol yr" can b e ex Berner, R. A, A. C. Lasaga, and R. M. Garrels, The
Emissions pected from most active subaerial volcanos carbonate-silicate geochemical cycle and its ef
(Figure 1 ) . However, alkaline volcanos (for fect on atmospheric carbon dioxide over the
Man's e m i s s i o n s of C 0 from fossil fuel past 100 million years, Am. J. Sci., 283, 641,
example, Mount Erebus, Nyiragongo) may
burning, cement production, and gas flaring 1983.
produce 1-2 orders of magnitude larger con
alone now amount to 5 0 0 x 1 0 mol yr" 1 2 1
Berresheim, H., and W. Jaeschke, The contribution
tributions, if Mount Etna is any indication.
[Boden et al., 1 9 9 0 ] . Contributions from of volcanos to the global atmospheric sulfur
On the other hand, Etna's large C 0 output 2 budget, / Geophys. Res., 88, 3732, 1983.
man's management of the biosphere (for
may b e augmented by contamination from Boden, T. A., P. Kanciruk, and M. P. Farrell,
example, deforestation) are less well known
underlying carbonates [Allard et al., 1987]. Trends '90A Compendium of Data on Global
but potentially o f the s a m e magnitude. Thus Change, 257 pp., Carbon Dioxide Information
Investigations to date suggest that most
man's activities replenish the atmospheric Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
of the C 0 emitted by volcanos is released
Oak Ridge, Tenn., 1990.
C 0 deficit by more than 4 5 times over. They
during quiescent degassing instead o f erup Bottinga, Y., and M. Javoy, MORB degassing: Evo
are equivalent in terms of C 0 production to 2
tive degassing. This proposition needs fur lution of C 0 , Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 95, 215,
turning on about 17,000 additional Kilauea 2

ther investigation, however, and should b e 1989.

Volcanos or 3 5 0 - 7 0 0 additional mid-oceanic
tested against more data for quiescent de Carbonnelle, J., D. Dajlevic, J. Le Bronec, P. Morel,
ridge systems. J. C. Obert, and P. Zettwoog, Etna: Composantes
gassing and measurements of C 0 emissions 2
sommitales et parietales, des emissions de gas
from v o l c a n o s during episodes of vigorous
carbonique, Resulta obtenus sur la periode de
Conclusions eruptive degassing. Techniques are sorely 1981 a 1985, Bull. Pirpseu, 108, 62 pp., CNRS-
The results reviewed above suggest that needed for making direct C 0 emission mea
2 INAG, Paris, 1985.
constraining the global volcanic C 0 emis 2
surements, especially during large explosive Casadevall, T. J., W. Rose, T. Gerlach, L. P. Green
sion rate by direct measurement is feasible. eruptions, by remote spectroscopic tech land, J. Ewert, R. Wunderman, and R. Symonds,
Both subaerial and submarine volcanos ap niques similar to the widely used COSPEC Gas emissions and the eruptions of Mount St.
pear to emit C 0 at global rates on the order technique for measuring volcanic S 0 emis Helens through 1982, Science, 221, 1383, 1983.
2 2

Casadevall, T., A. Krueger, and B. Stokes, The vol

1 2 1
of 1-2 x 1 0 mol yr" ; thus, while the global sion rates.
canic plume from the 1984 eruption of Mauna
rates from subaerial and submarine volcanos Berner and Lasaga [1989] have charac Loa, Hawaii (abstract), Eos Trans. AGU, 65,
are uncertain at the present time, a total terized the calculation of C 0 degassing
2 1133, 1984.
1 2 1
global estimate o f 3 - 4 x 1 0 mol y r s e e m s from igneous and metamorphic activity as Casadevall, T. J., J. B. Stokes, L. P. Greeland, L. L.
reasonable and conservative. This estimate the most vexing problem encountered in Malinconico, J. R. Casadevall, and B. T. Furu-
for volcano degassing is consistent with esti modeling the carbon g e o c h e m i c a l cycle. In kawa, S 0 and C 0 emission rates at Kilauea
2 2

mates of total C 0 degassing of 6-11 x 1 0 1 2 Volcano, 1979-1984, US. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap.
2 hopes o f getting at least a reasonable ap
1 1350, 771, 1987.
mol y r based on atmospheric C 0 balanc 2 proximation of C 0 degassing over geologic
Casadevall, T. J., C. A. Neal, R. G. McGimsey, M.
ing, and it indicates that C 0 emissions from
2 time, modelers have coupled all degassing P. Doukas, and C. A. Gardner, Emission rates of
volcanos contribute about 3 5 - 6 5 % of the to seafloor spreading rates [Berner et al., sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide from Redoubt
C 0 needed to b a l a n c e the deficit in the at
2 1 9 8 3 ] . This approximation is reasonable for Volcano, Alaska during the 1989-1990 eruptions
mosphere-ocean system. Although the pre C 0 degassing at mid-oceanic ridges and (abstract), Eos Trans. AGU, 71, 1702, 1990.

sent-day global emission rate of C 0 from Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences,
2 subduction zones. The adequacy of seafloor
Our Changing Planet: The FY 1991 Research
volcanos is uncertain, anthropogenic emis spreading rates as a predictor of mid-plate Plan, 90 pp., The U.S. Global Change Research
sions clearly overwhelm it by at least 150 v o l c a n o degassing rates is less clear, and it Program, October 1990.
times. is possible that C 0 degassing at mid-plate
2 Crisp, J. A., Rates of magma emplacement and
volcanos is outside the conceptual frame volcanic output, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 20,
The global rate of emission of C 0 from 2
work of the current carbon cycle models. 177, 1984.
the mid-oceanic ridge system is estimated to Des Marais, D. J., Carbon exchange between the
1 2 1 The high C 0 degassing rates for Mount Etna
be in the range 0 . 7 - 1 . 5 x 1 0 mol yr" . Thus, mantle and the crust, and its effect upon the at
underscore the need to ensure that mid-plate mosphere: Today compared to archean time, in
mid-ocean ridges probably a c c o u n t for less
v o l c a n o degassing is satisfactorily repre The Carbon Cycle and Atmospheric CO? Natural
than half of the global volcanic C 0 flux, 2
sented in models of the carbon geochemical Variations Archean to Present, Geophys. Monogr.
despite the fact that mid-oceanic ridge mag-
cycle. Ser., vol. 32, edited by E. T. Sundquist and W. S.
matism provides over 7 5 % of the present-day Broecker, pp. 602-611, AGU, Washington, D.C.,
magma supply to the crust. Efforts should b e 1985.
made to reduce the uncertainty that exists Des Marais, D. J., and J. G. Moore, Carbon and its
Acknowledgments isotopes in mid-oceanic basaltic glasses, Earth
presently in estimates of C 0 degassing from

the global mid-oceanic ridge system, but an I thank R. Berner, T. Casadevall, and T. Planet. Sci. Lett., 69, 43, 1984.
Gerlach, T. M., Exsolution of H 0 , C 0 , and S dur
equally or more important priority in subma Hinkley for several suggestions that im 2 2

proved this paper. Support from the USGS ing eruptive episodes at Kilauea Volcano, Ha
rine studies is to begin acquiring data for waii,/ Geophys. Res., 91, 12,177, 1986.
C 0 emission rates at off-ridge submarine
Global Change and Climate History Program Gerlach, T. M., Degassing of carbon dioxide from
volcanic systems such as submarine hot is gratefully acknowledged. basaltic magma at spreading centers, 1, Afar
spot volcanos and back-arc basin spreading transitional basalts, /. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res.,
39,2\\, 1989a.
Gerlach, T. M., Degassing of carbon dioxide from
The available data suggest that C 0 emis 2
basaltic magma at spreading centers, 2, Mid-
sions from all subaerial volcanos are proba References oceanic ridge basalts, 7. Volcanol. Geotherm.
bly greater than that from mid-oceanic Allard P., J. le Bronec, R. Faivre-Pierret, P. Morel, Res., 39, 221, 1989ft.
ridges. This c o n c l u s i o n is at variance with M. C. Robe, C. Roussel, C. Vavasseur, and P. Gerlach, T. M., and E. J. Graeber, Volatile budget
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Meteorite Impact
2 1
billion years) geological evolution of the energy from the Earth is 1 0 J/yr.) This in
Earth. About 110 preserved impact struc tense and localized spike of energy c a n pro
and the Early Earth tures, formed in the last 6 0 0 million years,
have s o far b e e n recognized (R. Grieve, P. R.
duce major regional and global effects. An
immediate result is near-surface heating and
Workshop W e i s s m a n ) , as well as two large older struc the production of large volumes of impact
PAGES 2 4 9 - 2 5 0 tures of probable impact origin, Sudbury melts from the target rocks (R. Grieve, A. Y.
(Canada) and Vredefort (South Africa), both Glikson). In areas of high geothermal gradi
Scientists trying to decipher the early his about 2 billion years old (W. S. Shanks, W. ents, which were probably widespread dur
tory of the Earth are like people who arrive U. R e i m o l d ) . A more recent biological di ing the Hadean period, such impacts may
late for a movie, after the b a s i c story line mension has b e e n added by the increasing have triggered intense volcanism and helped
and characters have been established. Like evidence that the impact o f one or more to form the first continental nuclei.
tardy moviegoers, geologists are frustrated by sizeable objects (up to 10 km in diameter) Above bedrock, large impacts would also
the a b s e n c e of any preserved geological was responsible for the great Cretaceous- have had major effects, both constructive
record from the Earth's early years, the "Had- Tertiary (K-T) extinction. and destructive, on o c e a n s , atmosphere, and
ean Interval," which extended from about 4.6 life. New atmospheres would be produced
During the s a m e 2 5 years, explorations of
billion years ago, when the solar system from the water and other volatiles contained
other planets have established that meteorite
formed, to about 3.8 billion years ago, when in the impacting bodies (A. M. Vickery), but
bombardment is a far more fundamental pro
rocks started to b e preserved. this process would be overshadowed by the
c e s s in planetary formation and evolution
It is in this Hadean Interval that much of than w e could have known from studying loss of existing atmosphere through blast
the b a s i c character of the Earth was estab only the Earth. Extensive cratering observed and ejection effects associated with the im
lished. A metal c o r e formed, a magnetic on old planetary surfaces, like that of Mer pact (A. M. Vickery). The energy released
field developed, the first lavas erupted, conti cury, the southern hemisphere of Mars, and would result in intense global atmospheric
nental nuclei possibly formed, and there the highlands of the Moon, indicates that the heating and would produce boiling and re-
may have been the first stirrings of plate tec bombardment rate was many times more precipitation of the o c e a n s (Y. Abe). In this
tonics. O c e a n s and an atmosphere formed, intense in the early years o f the solar system process, any established life could be de
prebiotic c h e m i c a l evolution took place, and than it is today. stroyed by so-called "impact frustration" (K.
the first primitive life forms may have ap The heavily cratered lunar highlands, in Zahnle), although new life could subse
peared. fact, preserve a critical p i e c e o f information: quently arise, possibly fueled by carbon
In the a b s e n c e of a preserved geological evidence o f the intense bombardment that a c e o u s c o m p o u n d s surviving from the im
record, study of these events has been affected both the Moon and Earth soon after pacting object. One c o n s e q u e n c e of these
largely a free-form debate. However, a recent both had formed. Between about 4 . 5 - 3 . 8 bil ideas is that terrestrial life, instead of devel
workshop on "Meteorite Impact and the lion years ago, the lunar highlands recorded oping smoothly from a single point, may ac
Early Earth" (Perth, Australia, September 2 1 - a bombardment more than 500 times as in tually have had several starts, stops, and re
22, 1990), attended by 5 0 scientists from 11 tense as that in later geologic time (G. Ry starts.
countries, produced a rich collection of in der, N. G. Barlow, W. K. Hartmann, C. R.
formation to support a major role for large Chapman, and G. W. Wetherill), including
extraterrestrial impacts in the development the creation of more than a dozen lunar ba Unanswered Questions
of the early Earth. The workshop a l s o illumi sins ranging in size from hundreds of kilom Beyond this general two-part c o n s e n s u s ,
nated s o m e challenging questions, provided eters to over a thousand kilometers across. workshop participants were sharply divided
a focus for discussions between scientists The nearby Earth could not have escaped on several fundamental questions. One of
from a wide range o f disciplines, and identi such a bombardment; indeed, it would have these was: How did the ancient impact rate
fied a host of exciting next steps for research probably b e e n struck by even more large vary with time? The lunar highlands present
on a problem that involves both the Earth objects. R. Grieve estimated that more than a unique and critical record of the ancient
and its neighboring terrestrial planets. The 200 impact basins greater than 1000 km in impact rate in the Earth-Moon system, but
major results are summarized here, with the diameter formed on the Earth during the pe exactly what was the rate, and how did it
n a m e s of the first presenters of key papers riod recorded in the lunar highlands. vary with time? Did the intense bombard
given in parentheses. The workshop's s e c o n d major area of ment recorded by the lunar highlands repre
Two broad areas o f agreement emerged agreement was that the energy added by sent a gradually declining sweep-up, from
from the 2 8 papers presented at the work such impacts to the near-surface regions of the whole solar system, of the original plane-
shop. First of all, there was a c o n s e n s u s that the Earth provides a major force for geologi tesimals that formed the other planets (G. W.
intense bombardment by lar extraterres cal, atmospheric, and biological change. A Wetherill, D. H. Grinspoon, and W. K. Hart
trial objects was a major process during the 10-km asteroid, traveling at 2 0 km/sec, de mann)? Or did it reflect special conditions in
origin and early development of the Earth. In 2 0 2 1
posits 1 0 - 1 0 J of kinetic energy in the the Earth-Moon region following the cata
the last 2 5 years, meteorite impacts have Earth's atmosphere and upper crust. A rarer strophic origin of the Moon by the impact of
b e e n increasingly recognized a s a signifi 2 3 2 4
100-km object generates 1 0 - 1 0 J . (For a Mars-sized body on the primordial Earth?
cant, if sporadic, p r o c e s s in the modern ( < 2 comparison, the current release of internal Or is much of what we s e e on the Moon the

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