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Paper No.

1 Relevance and Importance of Environmental Science

Name: Cristy P. Millondaga


Environmental science is the study of how living and nonliving organisms interact with
their surroundings. Modern-day technology and human actions are slowly ruining and draining
the planet's ecosystem and natural resources. The study of environmental science helps to
enlighten the world about global issues, such as forest denudation and dynamite fishing. Global
warming is another impending issue that can only be addressed through environmental science.

Applying knowledge gained through environmental science is the only way to solve these
problems so that the environment can be preserved. The rapid urbanization of the environment
needs to be studied constantly in order to avoid altering and damaging the environment
significantly. Ultimately, environmental science is necessary to save the environment from
destruction and all of its dependents from extinction.

There are various branches of environmental science. Atmospheric sciences focus on the
Earth's atmosphere, which is a key component in global warming. Ecology is the study of how
organisms interact with the environment. Environmental chemistry focuses on chemical
alterations in the environment, such as water pollution and soil contamination.

What is the importance of environmental science?

Environmental science is important because it teaches human beings how to conserve

the environment. The environment makes up and influences every aspect of life on Earth.

Are humans destroying the planet?

Although human beings may not be capable of fully destroying the earth, their daily
activities are causing enough harm to the planet that it may become uninhabitable for humans for
a long while. Human beings have also developed destructive technology such as nuclear
weapons that, if used in their full capacity, may also make the earth uninhabitable for a long time
for many creatures, including humans. Over the past 250 years, the activities of humans have
caused enough harm that they may lead to dramatic environmental changes. Such changes,
including drastic changes in the climate, the rising of the seas and damage to the ozone layer,
which protects against deadly ultraviolet radiation from the sun, may make the planet
uninhabitable for human beings. According to Climate Central, much of the human-caused
damage to the earth's environment is due to the emission of dangerous greenhouse gases, which
include the emission of carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels and methane from
livestock production. Greenhouse gases are dangerous because they absorb and emit harmful
radiation and are the primary cause of the greenhouse effect, in which harmful gases are trapped
in the atmosphere causing increased warming.

Fortunately, the earth has great power to heal itself. If damaging activities subside or the
causes of these activities disappear, in time, the Earth will undo the harm it has sustained. . So
while humans may not ultimately be destroying the earth in the long run, they might be making it
uninhabitable, at least for some time.
How can I save the Earth?

There are several ways to save the Earth, including recycling, turning off electrical items
when not in use and starting a compost pile, according to JustGive. Recycling allows people to
use fewer natural resources. Turning off electrical items helps reduce global warming, and
composting is a good way to reuse food to fertilize gardens.

Other ways to reuse materials include taking extra plastic and rubber pots back to
greenhouses or nurseries and using old pieces of paper as scrap instead of throwing it away.
Additional ways to reuse involve bread bags, brown paper bags and grocery bags. By using
biodegradable materials, such as paper plates and cups instead of plastic or Styrofoam helps save
the earth. However, it is best to use washable materials, if at all possible, and ones that are
reusable and do not need to be thrown away.

Ways to save the Earth that are related to automobiles include bicycling whenever
possible instead of using a car, making sure tires are filled properly to avoid bad gas mileage,
carpooling, buying more fuel-efficient vehicles and keeping vehicles tuned up.

Garden and outdoor related ways to save the Earth include pulling weeds instead of using
pesticides or using organic fertilizers, which are more environmentally friendly. Mulch helps to
conserve water in gardens.

Why is the ocean so important to life on Earth?

The Ocean is important to life on Earth because of the role it plays in both the hydrologic
cycle and the carbon cycle. The hydrologic cycle, also known as the water cycle or H 2O cycle,
refers to the relationship that exists between the circulation, evaporation and precipitation of
water on the planet. The carbon cycle determines the amount of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. The evaporation of water from the ocean is the primary interphase transport system
of the hydrologic cycle. In addition to moving and exchanging water across the Earth's land
masses through weather systems, the atmospheric transport of evaporated water helps to move
thermal energy from the equatorial regions to the subtropical regions above and below.

The carbon cycle enables the ocean to absorb almost 50 percent of the atmospheric carbon
dioxide produced by human activity. The ocean is capable of storing 50 times as much carbon
dioxide as the atmosphere, and more carbon can be found in the ocean than the amounts
produced by the use of fossil fuels. Cold ocean water dissolves carbon dioxide at high latitudes.
The dissolved gas is then carried by sinking currents to lower depths where it can remain for
hundreds of years.


Environment influence and shaped our life. It is from the environment that we get food to
eat, water to drink, air to breathe and all necessities of day to day life are available from our
environment. Thus it is the life support system.

The basic concepts of environmental studies are interesting and important too not only to
the scientist's engaged in various fields of science and technology but also to the personnel
involved in resource planning and material management.

It is now universally realised that any future developmental activities have to be viewed
in the light of its ultimate environmental impact. The tremendous increase in industrial activity
during the last few decades and the release of obnoxious industrial wastes in to the environment,
have been considerable concern in recent years from the point of view of the environmental

Environmental pollution on one hand and deforestation, soil erosion, population

explosion, global warming inference in ecosystem and biosphere on the other are threatening the
very existence of life on the earth.

It is important to go green because the Earth has limited natural resources, which have
to stretch to support all life on the planet. Going green can also have beneficial health and
economic side effects. One of the biggest reasons to go green is that the Earth contains a fixed
amount of resources. The choices people make have an impact on the entire planet. Polluted air
and water affects every other living thing. For example, carbon emissions in one part of the
world can contribute to global warming around the world. Many important resources are not
renewable, which means that they can run out if they are overused.

Going green can also have positive effects on personal health. Many cosmetic products
are toxic for the environment, and some of those toxins can be absorbed through the skin. Eating
a diet of sustainable, locally produced foods helps cut back on processed food, which involves
more transportation and packaging than fresh food and is less healthful.

Going green can have economic benefits for communities, businesses and households.
Purchasing local foods and products helps contribute to the local economy. Switching to greener
alternatives can also save money because using fewer resources reduces utility costs.

On a business level, going green can help improve an organization's reputation. Green business
practices also reduce the risk of running into regulatory problems that may arise as governments
adapt to environmental challenges.


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