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Creating Electronmagnetic Electricity

Electromagnetic electricity is created by the movement of a conducting wire through a

magnetic field. The movement causes a difference in electric potential across the wire, which
allows the current to flow when there is a circuit attached to it.

Creating electromagnetic electricity is a challenging task. If you want to try making

electromagnetic electricity, you will need to prepare the following materials:
Strip of thin card and aluminum
Double-sided tape
2-inch bar magnets, 2pcs.
1 foot length of insulated copper wire
3x14-inch strip of corrugated cardboard
6-inch iron rod (less than 1/2-inch diameter)

All the materials needed in making electromagnetic electricity are available in the market.

Here are the instructions in creating electromagnetic electricity:

1. Fold the3x14-inch cardboard strip to form a rectangular box with the longest sides about
5 inches long. Attach the 2-inch bar magnets along the longest sides so the opposite
poles are facing each other. Make a very small hole on cardboard through the middle of
the shorter sides of the box so that the rod can freely turn inside.

2. Slither the iron rod into the box. Wrap around the copper wire in the middle third of the
rod, providing sufficient wire free at the start and end to be able to touch one of the
bottom-ends of the rod; the ends of the wire will be the electrical circuit.

3. Wrap a piece of double-sided tape around the end of the rod. Cover the tape with the
thin card, to form a barrier. Strip the insulating wire from the last half-inch of the wires
and fasten them to the card using double-sided tape.

4. To generate DC electricity, cut the aluminum strip in half, and trim each edge to reduce
its size. Affix the trimmed pieces to the rod so each covers one of the wires. If you want
to generate AC electricity, just cover the aluminum strip around the exposed wires.

5. Spin the rod; the way of moving of the coil in the magnetic field shall produce an electric

Take note that:

Since electromagnetic electricity is only produced when the conductive material is
passing through the magnetic field, the rod must be move constantly to create a
continuous flow of electric current.
Creating a large voltage can be harmful and dangerous; so when working on an electric
circuit, make sure that it is disconnected from its power source.

These are the helpful tips and things to remember when making electromagnetic electricity. If
you dont know how to do it, please ask for assistance to ensure your safety.

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