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Content Marketing at a Glance

Franky Cherubim
The content marketing is not new at all in marketing
communication industry. In 1895 john Deere launched customer magazine
called the Furrow. You can imagine how old it is !
As time passes by content occupies more space in communication
management as a marketing tool. In 1904 Jell-O recipe book which was
very famous, that contributed over $1 million. In 1950 the rise of television
and magazine revolution were changing lives of people. In 1970 the colour
TV was born. After that magazine revolution were constantly active in
content communication.
Since 2003, Myspace, Friendster, Facebook, You tube etc are playing
an active role in content marketing. More than 20% of marketing budget is
used in content marketing . They made history of many folds, where today
it is strong tool and technique for brand building.
In 2010 content marketing institute came into existence and lot of
research and content communication building has been revolutionizing
content marketing communication.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing technique of

creating and distributing relevant and valuable
content to attract ,acquire and engage a clearly
defined and understood target audience with the
objective of driving profitable customer action
(CMI 2014)

The engagement model is the key focus on engaging customers with the
content to create two way relationship with customer. Constant
engagement creates value exchange to develop loyal customer.

As per ASAF HOCHMAN FROM OUTBRAIN ,There are three parts to

really know the content marketing discipline:
Content creation
Content distribution
Content evaluation (measurement for effectiveness)
Above two are made possible but the measurement is not easy, though
there are many tools available in the internet marketing but there is a lot
of work to be done, since it is a new discipline and every marketers has
different objective where common evaluation or measurement is yet to

At the core of marketing strategy, content occupies the space, meaning

there by, without content marketing in marketing strategy there is hardly
a desired output.. Out of ten marketers nine marketers are practicing
content marketing.

More interesting finding is that consumers love to have content about the
brand provided it is valuable. So therefore future of content marketing is
brighter because it is all about relationship with customer which is two way
communications. It replaces the interruptive traditional advertising.

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